# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst """ Framework and base classes for coordinate frames/"low-level" coordinate classes. """ # Standard library import copy import inspect from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict import warnings # Dependencies import numpy as np # Project from astropy.utils.compat.misc import override__dir__ from astropy.utils.decorators import lazyproperty, format_doc from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning, AstropyDeprecationWarning from astropy import units as u from astropy.utils import ShapedLikeNDArray, check_broadcast from .transformations import TransformGraph from . import representation as r from .angles import Angle from .attributes import Attribute __all__ = ['BaseCoordinateFrame', 'frame_transform_graph', 'GenericFrame', 'RepresentationMapping'] # the graph used for all transformations between frames frame_transform_graph = TransformGraph() def _get_repr_cls(value): """ Return a valid representation class from ``value`` or raise exception. """ if value in r.REPRESENTATION_CLASSES: value = r.REPRESENTATION_CLASSES[value] elif (not isinstance(value, type) or not issubclass(value, r.BaseRepresentation)): raise ValueError( 'Representation is {!r} but must be a BaseRepresentation class ' 'or one of the string aliases {}'.format( value, list(r.REPRESENTATION_CLASSES))) return value def _get_diff_cls(value): """ Return a valid differential class from ``value`` or raise exception. As originally created, this is only used in the SkyCoord initializer, so if that is refactored, this function my no longer be necessary. """ if value in r.DIFFERENTIAL_CLASSES: value = r.DIFFERENTIAL_CLASSES[value] elif (not isinstance(value, type) or not issubclass(value, r.BaseDifferential)): raise ValueError( 'Differential is {!r} but must be a BaseDifferential class ' 'or one of the string aliases {}'.format( value, list(r.DIFFERENTIAL_CLASSES))) return value def _get_repr_classes(base, **differentials): """Get valid representation and differential classes. Parameters ---------- base : str or `~astropy.coordinates.BaseRepresentation` subclass class for the representation of the base coordinates. If a string, it is looked up among the known representation classes. **differentials : dict of str or `~astropy.coordinates.BaseDifferentials` Keys are like for normal differentials, i.e., 's' for a first derivative in time, etc. If an item is set to `None`, it will be guessed from the base class. Returns ------- repr_classes : dict of subclasses The base class is keyed by 'base'; the others by the keys of ``diffferentials``. """ base = _get_repr_cls(base) repr_classes = {'base': base} for name, differential_type in differentials.items(): if differential_type == 'base': # We don't want to fail for this case. differential_type = r.DIFFERENTIAL_CLASSES.get(base.get_name(), None) elif differential_type in r.DIFFERENTIAL_CLASSES: differential_type = r.DIFFERENTIAL_CLASSES[differential_type] elif (differential_type is not None and (not isinstance(differential_type, type) or not issubclass(differential_type, r.BaseDifferential))): raise ValueError( 'Differential is {!r} but must be a BaseDifferential class ' 'or one of the string aliases {}'.format( differential_type, list(r.DIFFERENTIAL_CLASSES))) repr_classes[name] = differential_type return repr_classes _RepresentationMappingBase = \ namedtuple('RepresentationMapping', ('reprname', 'framename', 'defaultunit')) class RepresentationMapping(_RepresentationMappingBase): """ This `~collections.namedtuple` is used with the ``frame_specific_representation_info`` attribute to tell frames what attribute names (and default units) to use for a particular representation. ``reprname`` and ``framename`` should be strings, while ``defaultunit`` can be either an astropy unit, the string ``'recommended'`` (which is degrees for Angles, nothing otherwise), or None (to indicate that no unit mapping should be done). """ def __new__(cls, reprname, framename, defaultunit='recommended'): # this trick just provides some defaults return super().__new__(cls, reprname, framename, defaultunit) base_doc = """{__doc__} Parameters ---------- data : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseRepresentation` subclass instance A representation object or ``None`` to have no data (or use the coordinate component arguments, see below). {components} representation_type : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseRepresentation` subclass, str, optional A representation class or string name of a representation class. This sets the expected input representation class, thereby changing the expected keyword arguments for the data passed in. For example, passing ``representation_type='cartesian'`` will make the classes expect position data with cartesian names, i.e. ``x, y, z`` in most cases unless overridden via ``frame_specific_representation_info``. To see this frame's names, check out ``().representation_info``. differential_type : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseDifferential` subclass, str, dict, optional A differential class or dictionary of differential classes (currently only a velocity differential with key 's' is supported). This sets the expected input differential class, thereby changing the expected keyword arguments of the data passed in. For example, passing ``differential_type='cartesian'`` will make the classes expect velocity data with the argument names ``v_x, v_y, v_z`` unless overridden via ``frame_specific_representation_info``. To see this frame's names, check out ``().representation_info``. copy : bool, optional If `True` (default), make copies of the input coordinate arrays. Can only be passed in as a keyword argument. {footer} """ _components = """ *args, **kwargs Coordinate components, with names that depend on the subclass. """ @format_doc(base_doc, components=_components, footer="") class BaseCoordinateFrame(ShapedLikeNDArray): """ The base class for coordinate frames. This class is intended to be subclassed to create instances of specific systems. Subclasses can implement the following attributes: * `default_representation` A subclass of `~astropy.coordinates.BaseRepresentation` that will be treated as the default representation of this frame. This is the representation assumed by default when the frame is created. * `default_differential` A subclass of `~astropy.coordinates.BaseDifferential` that will be treated as the default differential class of this frame. This is the differential class assumed by default when the frame is created. * `~astropy.coordinates.Attribute` class attributes Frame attributes such as ``FK4.equinox`` or ``FK4.obstime`` are defined using a descriptor class. See the narrative documentation or built-in classes code for details. * `frame_specific_representation_info` A dictionary mapping the name or class of a representation to a list of `~astropy.coordinates.RepresentationMapping` objects that tell what names and default units should be used on this frame for the components of that representation. Unless overridden via `frame_specific_representation_info`, velocity name defaults are: * ``pm_{lon}_cos{lat}``, ``pm_{lat}`` for `SphericalCosLatDifferential` proper motion components * ``pm_{lon}``, ``pm_{lat}`` for `SphericalDifferential` proper motion components * ``radial_velocity`` for any ``d_distance`` component * ``v_{x,y,z}`` for `CartesianDifferential` velocity components where ``{lon}`` and ``{lat}`` are the frame names of the angular components. """ default_representation = None default_differential = None # Specifies special names and units for representation and differential # attributes. frame_specific_representation_info = {} frame_attributes = {} # Default empty frame_attributes dict def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): # We first check for explicitly set values for these: default_repr = getattr(cls, 'default_representation', None) default_diff = getattr(cls, 'default_differential', None) repr_info = getattr(cls, 'frame_specific_representation_info', None) # Then, to make sure this works for subclasses-of-subclasses, we also # have to check for cases where the attribute names have already been # replaced by underscore-prefaced equivalents by the logic below: if default_repr is None or isinstance(default_repr, property): default_repr = getattr(cls, '_default_representation', None) if default_diff is None or isinstance(default_diff, property): default_diff = getattr(cls, '_default_differential', None) if repr_info is None or isinstance(repr_info, property): repr_info = getattr(cls, '_frame_specific_representation_info', None) repr_info = cls._infer_repr_info(repr_info) # Make read-only properties for the frame class attributes that should # be read-only to make them immutable after creation. # We copy attributes instead of linking to make sure there's no # accidental cross-talk between classes cls._create_readonly_property('default_representation', default_repr, 'Default representation for position data') cls._create_readonly_property('default_differential', default_diff, 'Default representation for differential data ' '(e.g., velocity)') cls._create_readonly_property('frame_specific_representation_info', copy.deepcopy(repr_info), 'Mapping for frame-specific component names') # Set the frame attributes. We first construct the attributes from # superclasses, going in reverse order to keep insertion order, # and then add any attributes from the frame now being defined # (if any old definitions are overridden, this keeps the order). # Note that we cannot simply start with the inherited frame_attributes # since we could be a mixin between multiple coordinate frames. # TODO: Should this be made to use readonly_prop_factory as well or # would it be inconvenient for getting the frame_attributes from # classes? frame_attrs = {} for basecls in reversed(cls.__bases__): if issubclass(basecls, BaseCoordinateFrame): frame_attrs.update(basecls.frame_attributes) for k, v in cls.__dict__.items(): if isinstance(v, Attribute): frame_attrs[k] = v cls.frame_attributes = frame_attrs # Deal with setting the name of the frame: if not hasattr(cls, 'name'): cls.name = cls.__name__.lower() elif (BaseCoordinateFrame not in cls.__bases__ and cls.name in [getattr(base, 'name', None) for base in cls.__bases__]): # This may be a subclass of a subclass of BaseCoordinateFrame, # like ICRS(BaseRADecFrame). In this case, cls.name will have been # set by init_subclass cls.name = cls.__name__.lower() # A cache that *must be unique to each frame class* - it is # insufficient to share them with superclasses, hence the need to put # them in the meta cls._frame_class_cache = {} super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) def __init__(self, *args, copy=True, representation_type=None, differential_type=None, **kwargs): self._attr_names_with_defaults = [] self._representation = self._infer_representation(representation_type, differential_type) self._data = self._infer_data(args, copy, kwargs) # possibly None. # Set frame attributes, if any values = {} for fnm, fdefault in self.get_frame_attr_names().items(): # Read-only frame attributes are defined as FrameAttribute # descriptors which are not settable, so set 'real' attributes as # the name prefaced with an underscore. if fnm in kwargs: value = kwargs.pop(fnm) setattr(self, '_' + fnm, value) # Validate attribute by getting it. If the instance has data, # this also checks its shape is OK. If not, we do it below. values[fnm] = getattr(self, fnm) else: setattr(self, '_' + fnm, fdefault) self._attr_names_with_defaults.append(fnm) if kwargs: raise TypeError( f'Coordinate frame {self.__class__.__name__} got unexpected ' f'keywords: {list(kwargs)}') # We do ``is None`` because self._data might evaluate to false for # empty arrays or data == 0 if self._data is None: # No data: we still need to check that any non-scalar attributes # have consistent shapes. Collect them for all attributes with # size > 1 (which should be array-like and thus have a shape). shapes = {fnm: value.shape for fnm, value in values.items() if getattr(value, 'shape', ())} if shapes: if len(shapes) > 1: try: self._no_data_shape = check_broadcast(*shapes.values()) except ValueError as err: raise ValueError( f"non-scalar attributes with inconsistent shapes: {shapes}") from err # Above, we checked that it is possible to broadcast all # shapes. By getting and thus validating the attributes, # we verify that the attributes can in fact be broadcast. for fnm in shapes: getattr(self, fnm) else: self._no_data_shape = shapes.popitem()[1] else: self._no_data_shape = () # The logic of this block is not related to the previous one if self._data is not None: # This makes the cache keys backwards-compatible, but also adds # support for having differentials attached to the frame data # representation object. if 's' in self._data.differentials: # TODO: assumes a velocity unit differential key = (self._data.__class__.__name__, self._data.differentials['s'].__class__.__name__, False) else: key = (self._data.__class__.__name__, False) # Set up representation cache. self.cache['representation'][key] = self._data def _infer_representation(self, representation_type, differential_type): if representation_type is None and differential_type is None: return {'base': self.default_representation, 's': self.default_differential} if representation_type is None: representation_type = self.default_representation if (inspect.isclass(differential_type) and issubclass(differential_type, r.BaseDifferential)): # TODO: assumes the differential class is for the velocity # differential differential_type = {'s': differential_type} elif isinstance(differential_type, str): # TODO: assumes the differential class is for the velocity # differential diff_cls = r.DIFFERENTIAL_CLASSES[differential_type] differential_type = {'s': diff_cls} elif differential_type is None: if representation_type == self.default_representation: differential_type = {'s': self.default_differential} else: differential_type = {'s': 'base'} # see set_representation_cls() return _get_repr_classes(representation_type, **differential_type) def _infer_data(self, args, copy, kwargs): # if not set below, this is a frame with no data representation_data = None differential_data = None args = list(args) # need to be able to pop them if (len(args) > 0) and (isinstance(args[0], r.BaseRepresentation) or args[0] is None): representation_data = args.pop(0) # This can still be None if len(args) > 0: raise TypeError( 'Cannot create a frame with both a representation object ' 'and other positional arguments') if representation_data is not None: diffs = representation_data.differentials differential_data = diffs.get('s', None) if ((differential_data is None and len(diffs) > 0) or (differential_data is not None and len(diffs) > 1)): raise ValueError('Multiple differentials are associated ' 'with the representation object passed in ' 'to the frame initializer. Only a single ' 'velocity differential is supported. Got: ' '{}'.format(diffs)) else: representation_cls = self.get_representation_cls() # Get any representation data passed in to the frame initializer # using keyword or positional arguments for the component names repr_kwargs = {} for nmkw, nmrep in self.representation_component_names.items(): if len(args) > 0: # first gather up positional args repr_kwargs[nmrep] = args.pop(0) elif nmkw in kwargs: repr_kwargs[nmrep] = kwargs.pop(nmkw) # special-case the Spherical->UnitSpherical if no `distance` if repr_kwargs: # TODO: determine how to get rid of the part before the "try" - # currently removing it has a performance regression for # unitspherical because of the try-related overhead. # Also frames have no way to indicate what the "distance" is if repr_kwargs.get('distance', True) is None: del repr_kwargs['distance'] if (issubclass(representation_cls, r.SphericalRepresentation) and 'distance' not in repr_kwargs): representation_cls = representation_cls._unit_representation try: representation_data = representation_cls(copy=copy, **repr_kwargs) except TypeError as e: # this except clause is here to make the names of the # attributes more human-readable. Without this the names # come from the representation instead of the frame's # attribute names. try: representation_data = ( representation_cls._unit_representation( copy=copy, **repr_kwargs)) except Exception: msg = str(e) names = self.get_representation_component_names() for frame_name, repr_name in names.items(): msg = msg.replace(repr_name, frame_name) msg = msg.replace('__init__()', f'{self.__class__.__name__}()') e.args = (msg,) raise e # Now we handle the Differential data: # Get any differential data passed in to the frame initializer # using keyword or positional arguments for the component names differential_cls = self.get_representation_cls('s') diff_component_names = self.get_representation_component_names('s') diff_kwargs = {} for nmkw, nmrep in diff_component_names.items(): if len(args) > 0: # first gather up positional args diff_kwargs[nmrep] = args.pop(0) elif nmkw in kwargs: diff_kwargs[nmrep] = kwargs.pop(nmkw) if diff_kwargs: if (hasattr(differential_cls, '_unit_differential') and 'd_distance' not in diff_kwargs): differential_cls = differential_cls._unit_differential elif len(diff_kwargs) == 1 and 'd_distance' in diff_kwargs: differential_cls = r.RadialDifferential try: differential_data = differential_cls(copy=copy, **diff_kwargs) except TypeError as e: # this except clause is here to make the names of the # attributes more human-readable. Without this the names # come from the representation instead of the frame's # attribute names. msg = str(e) names = self.get_representation_component_names('s') for frame_name, repr_name in names.items(): msg = msg.replace(repr_name, frame_name) msg = msg.replace('__init__()', f'{self.__class__.__name__}()') e.args = (msg,) raise if len(args) > 0: raise TypeError( '{}.__init__ had {} remaining unhandled arguments'.format( self.__class__.__name__, len(args))) if representation_data is None and differential_data is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot pass in differential component data " "without positional (representation) data.") if differential_data: # Check that differential data provided has units compatible # with time-derivative of representation data. # NOTE: there is no dimensionless time while lengths can be # dimensionless (u.dimensionless_unscaled). for comp in representation_data.components: if (diff_comp := f'd_{comp}') in differential_data.components: current_repr_unit = representation_data._units[comp] current_diff_unit = differential_data._units[diff_comp] expected_unit = current_repr_unit / u.s if not current_diff_unit.is_equivalent(expected_unit): for key, val in self.get_representation_component_names().items(): if val == comp: current_repr_name = key break for key, val in self.get_representation_component_names('s').items(): if val == diff_comp: current_diff_name = key break raise ValueError( f'{current_repr_name} has unit "{current_repr_unit}" with physical ' f'type "{current_repr_unit.physical_type}", but {current_diff_name} ' f'has incompatible unit "{current_diff_unit}" with physical type ' f'"{current_diff_unit.physical_type}" instead of the expected ' f'"{(expected_unit).physical_type}".') representation_data = representation_data.with_differentials({'s': differential_data}) return representation_data @classmethod def _infer_repr_info(cls, repr_info): # Unless overridden via `frame_specific_representation_info`, velocity # name defaults are (see also docstring for BaseCoordinateFrame): # * ``pm_{lon}_cos{lat}``, ``pm_{lat}`` for # `SphericalCosLatDifferential` proper motion components # * ``pm_{lon}``, ``pm_{lat}`` for `SphericalDifferential` proper # motion components # * ``radial_velocity`` for any `d_distance` component # * ``v_{x,y,z}`` for `CartesianDifferential` velocity components # where `{lon}` and `{lat}` are the frame names of the angular # components. if repr_info is None: repr_info = {} # the tuple() call below is necessary because if it is not there, # the iteration proceeds in a difficult-to-predict manner in the # case that one of the class objects hash is such that it gets # revisited by the iteration. The tuple() call prevents this by # making the items iterated over fixed regardless of how the dict # changes for cls_or_name in tuple(repr_info.keys()): if isinstance(cls_or_name, str): # TODO: this provides a layer of backwards compatibility in # case the key is a string, but now we want explicit classes. _cls = _get_repr_cls(cls_or_name) repr_info[_cls] = repr_info.pop(cls_or_name) # The default spherical names are 'lon' and 'lat' repr_info.setdefault(r.SphericalRepresentation, [RepresentationMapping('lon', 'lon'), RepresentationMapping('lat', 'lat')]) sph_component_map = {m.reprname: m.framename for m in repr_info[r.SphericalRepresentation]} repr_info.setdefault(r.SphericalCosLatDifferential, [ RepresentationMapping( 'd_lon_coslat', 'pm_{lon}_cos{lat}'.format(**sph_component_map), u.mas/u.yr), RepresentationMapping('d_lat', 'pm_{lat}'.format(**sph_component_map), u.mas/u.yr), RepresentationMapping('d_distance', 'radial_velocity', u.km/u.s) ]) repr_info.setdefault(r.SphericalDifferential, [ RepresentationMapping('d_lon', 'pm_{lon}'.format(**sph_component_map), u.mas/u.yr), RepresentationMapping('d_lat', 'pm_{lat}'.format(**sph_component_map), u.mas/u.yr), RepresentationMapping('d_distance', 'radial_velocity', u.km/u.s) ]) repr_info.setdefault(r.CartesianDifferential, [ RepresentationMapping('d_x', 'v_x', u.km/u.s), RepresentationMapping('d_y', 'v_y', u.km/u.s), RepresentationMapping('d_z', 'v_z', u.km/u.s)]) # Unit* classes should follow the same naming conventions # TODO: this adds some unnecessary mappings for the Unit classes, so # this could be cleaned up, but in practice doesn't seem to have any # negative side effects repr_info.setdefault(r.UnitSphericalRepresentation, repr_info[r.SphericalRepresentation]) repr_info.setdefault(r.UnitSphericalCosLatDifferential, repr_info[r.SphericalCosLatDifferential]) repr_info.setdefault(r.UnitSphericalDifferential, repr_info[r.SphericalDifferential]) return repr_info @classmethod def _create_readonly_property(cls, attr_name, value, doc=None): private_attr = '_' + attr_name def getter(self): return getattr(self, private_attr) setattr(cls, private_attr, value) setattr(cls, attr_name, property(getter, doc=doc)) @lazyproperty def cache(self): """ Cache for this frame, a dict. It stores anything that should be computed from the coordinate data (*not* from the frame attributes). This can be used in functions to store anything that might be expensive to compute but might be re-used by some other function. E.g.:: if 'user_data' in myframe.cache: data = myframe.cache['user_data'] else: myframe.cache['user_data'] = data = expensive_func(myframe.lat) If in-place modifications are made to the frame data, the cache should be cleared:: myframe.cache.clear() """ return defaultdict(dict) @property def data(self): """ The coordinate data for this object. If this frame has no data, an `ValueError` will be raised. Use `has_data` to check if data is present on this frame object. """ if self._data is None: raise ValueError('The frame object "{!r}" does not have ' 'associated data'.format(self)) return self._data @property def has_data(self): """ True if this frame has `data`, False otherwise. """ return self._data is not None @property def shape(self): return self.data.shape if self.has_data else self._no_data_shape # We have to override the ShapedLikeNDArray definitions, since our shape # does not have to be that of the data. def __len__(self): return len(self.data) def __bool__(self): return self.has_data and self.size > 0 @property def size(self): return self.data.size @property def isscalar(self): return self.has_data and self.data.isscalar @classmethod def get_frame_attr_names(cls): return {name: getattr(cls, name) for name in cls.frame_attributes} def get_representation_cls(self, which='base'): """The class used for part of this frame's data. Parameters ---------- which : ('base', 's', `None`) The class of which part to return. 'base' means the class used to represent the coordinates; 's' the first derivative to time, i.e., the class representing the proper motion and/or radial velocity. If `None`, return a dict with both. Returns ------- representation : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseRepresentation` or `~astropy.coordinates.BaseDifferential`. """ if which is not None: return self._representation[which] else: return self._representation def set_representation_cls(self, base=None, s='base'): """Set representation and/or differential class for this frame's data. Parameters ---------- base : str, `~astropy.coordinates.BaseRepresentation` subclass, optional The name or subclass to use to represent the coordinate data. s : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseDifferential` subclass, optional The differential subclass to use to represent any velocities, such as proper motion and radial velocity. If equal to 'base', which is the default, it will be inferred from the representation. If `None`, the representation will drop any differentials. """ if base is None: base = self._representation['base'] self._representation = _get_repr_classes(base=base, s=s) representation_type = property( fget=get_representation_cls, fset=set_representation_cls, doc="""The representation class used for this frame's data. This will be a subclass from `~astropy.coordinates.BaseRepresentation`. Can also be *set* using the string name of the representation. If you wish to set an explicit differential class (rather than have it be inferred), use the ``set_representation_cls`` method. """) @property def differential_type(self): """ The differential used for this frame's data. This will be a subclass from `~astropy.coordinates.BaseDifferential`. For simultaneous setting of representation and differentials, see the ``set_representation_cls`` method. """ return self.get_representation_cls('s') @differential_type.setter def differential_type(self, value): self.set_representation_cls(s=value) @classmethod def _get_representation_info(cls): # This exists as a class method only to support handling frame inputs # without units, which are deprecated and will be removed. This can be # moved into the representation_info property at that time. # note that if so moved, the cache should be acceessed as # self.__class__._frame_class_cache if cls._frame_class_cache.get('last_reprdiff_hash', None) != r.get_reprdiff_cls_hash(): repr_attrs = {} for repr_diff_cls in (list(r.REPRESENTATION_CLASSES.values()) + list(r.DIFFERENTIAL_CLASSES.values())): repr_attrs[repr_diff_cls] = {'names': [], 'units': []} for c, c_cls in repr_diff_cls.attr_classes.items(): repr_attrs[repr_diff_cls]['names'].append(c) rec_unit = u.deg if issubclass(c_cls, Angle) else None repr_attrs[repr_diff_cls]['units'].append(rec_unit) for repr_diff_cls, mappings in cls._frame_specific_representation_info.items(): # take the 'names' and 'units' tuples from repr_attrs, # and then use the RepresentationMapping objects # to update as needed for this frame. nms = repr_attrs[repr_diff_cls]['names'] uns = repr_attrs[repr_diff_cls]['units'] comptomap = dict([(m.reprname, m) for m in mappings]) for i, c in enumerate(repr_diff_cls.attr_classes.keys()): if c in comptomap: mapp = comptomap[c] nms[i] = mapp.framename # need the isinstance because otherwise if it's a unit it # will try to compare to the unit string representation if not (isinstance(mapp.defaultunit, str) and mapp.defaultunit == 'recommended'): uns[i] = mapp.defaultunit # else we just leave it as recommended_units says above # Convert to tuples so that this can't mess with frame internals repr_attrs[repr_diff_cls]['names'] = tuple(nms) repr_attrs[repr_diff_cls]['units'] = tuple(uns) cls._frame_class_cache['representation_info'] = repr_attrs cls._frame_class_cache['last_reprdiff_hash'] = r.get_reprdiff_cls_hash() return cls._frame_class_cache['representation_info'] @lazyproperty def representation_info(self): """ A dictionary with the information of what attribute names for this frame apply to particular representations. """ return self._get_representation_info() def get_representation_component_names(self, which='base'): out = {} repr_or_diff_cls = self.get_representation_cls(which) if repr_or_diff_cls is None: return out data_names = repr_or_diff_cls.attr_classes.keys() repr_names = self.representation_info[repr_or_diff_cls]['names'] for repr_name, data_name in zip(repr_names, data_names): out[repr_name] = data_name return out def get_representation_component_units(self, which='base'): out = {} repr_or_diff_cls = self.get_representation_cls(which) if repr_or_diff_cls is None: return out repr_attrs = self.representation_info[repr_or_diff_cls] repr_names = repr_attrs['names'] repr_units = repr_attrs['units'] for repr_name, repr_unit in zip(repr_names, repr_units): if repr_unit: out[repr_name] = repr_unit return out representation_component_names = property(get_representation_component_names) representation_component_units = property(get_representation_component_units) def _replicate(self, data, copy=False, **kwargs): """Base for replicating a frame, with possibly different attributes. Produces a new instance of the frame using the attributes of the old frame (unless overridden) and with the data given. Parameters ---------- data : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseRepresentation` or None Data to use in the new frame instance. If `None`, it will be a data-less frame. copy : bool, optional Whether data and the attributes on the old frame should be copied (default), or passed on by reference. **kwargs Any attributes that should be overridden. """ # This is to provide a slightly nicer error message if the user tries # to use frame_obj.representation instead of frame_obj.data to get the # underlying representation object [e.g., #2890] if inspect.isclass(data): raise TypeError('Class passed as data instead of a representation ' 'instance. If you called frame.representation, this' ' returns the representation class. frame.data ' 'returns the instantiated object - you may want to ' ' use this instead.') if copy and data is not None: data = data.copy() for attr in self.get_frame_attr_names(): if (attr not in self._attr_names_with_defaults and attr not in kwargs): value = getattr(self, attr) if copy: value = value.copy() kwargs[attr] = value return self.__class__(data, copy=False, **kwargs) def replicate(self, copy=False, **kwargs): """ Return a replica of the frame, optionally with new frame attributes. The replica is a new frame object that has the same data as this frame object and with frame attributes overridden if they are provided as extra keyword arguments to this method. If ``copy`` is set to `True` then a copy of the internal arrays will be made. Otherwise the replica will use a reference to the original arrays when possible to save memory. The internal arrays are normally not changeable by the user so in most cases it should not be necessary to set ``copy`` to `True`. Parameters ---------- copy : bool, optional If True, the resulting object is a copy of the data. When False, references are used where possible. This rule also applies to the frame attributes. **kwargs Any additional keywords are treated as frame attributes to be set on the new frame object. Returns ------- frameobj : `BaseCoordinateFrame` subclass instance Replica of this object, but possibly with new frame attributes. """ return self._replicate(self.data, copy=copy, **kwargs) def replicate_without_data(self, copy=False, **kwargs): """ Return a replica without data, optionally with new frame attributes. The replica is a new frame object without data but with the same frame attributes as this object, except where overridden by extra keyword arguments to this method. The ``copy`` keyword determines if the frame attributes are truly copied vs being references (which saves memory for cases where frame attributes are large). This method is essentially the converse of `realize_frame`. Parameters ---------- copy : bool, optional If True, the resulting object has copies of the frame attributes. When False, references are used where possible. **kwargs Any additional keywords are treated as frame attributes to be set on the new frame object. Returns ------- frameobj : `BaseCoordinateFrame` subclass instance Replica of this object, but without data and possibly with new frame attributes. """ return self._replicate(None, copy=copy, **kwargs) def realize_frame(self, data, **kwargs): """ Generates a new frame with new data from another frame (which may or may not have data). Roughly speaking, the converse of `replicate_without_data`. Parameters ---------- data : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseRepresentation` The representation to use as the data for the new frame. **kwargs Any additional keywords are treated as frame attributes to be set on the new frame object. In particular, `representation_type` can be specified. Returns ------- frameobj : `BaseCoordinateFrame` subclass instance A new object in *this* frame, with the same frame attributes as this one, but with the ``data`` as the coordinate data. """ return self._replicate(data, **kwargs) def represent_as(self, base, s='base', in_frame_units=False): """ Generate and return a new representation of this frame's `data` as a Representation object. Note: In order to make an in-place change of the representation of a Frame or SkyCoord object, set the ``representation`` attribute of that object to the desired new representation, or use the ``set_representation_cls`` method to also set the differential. Parameters ---------- base : subclass of BaseRepresentation or string The type of representation to generate. Must be a *class* (not an instance), or the string name of the representation class. s : subclass of `~astropy.coordinates.BaseDifferential`, str, optional Class in which any velocities should be represented. Must be a *class* (not an instance), or the string name of the differential class. If equal to 'base' (default), inferred from the base class. If `None`, all velocity information is dropped. in_frame_units : bool, keyword-only Force the representation units to match the specified units particular to this frame Returns ------- newrep : BaseRepresentation-derived object A new representation object of this frame's `data`. Raises ------ AttributeError If this object had no `data` Examples -------- >>> from astropy import units as u >>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, CartesianRepresentation >>> coord = SkyCoord(0*u.deg, 0*u.deg) >>> coord.represent_as(CartesianRepresentation) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP >>> coord.representation_type = CartesianRepresentation >>> coord # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP """ # For backwards compatibility (because in_frame_units used to be the # 2nd argument), we check to see if `new_differential` is a boolean. If # it is, we ignore the value of `new_differential` and warn about the # position change if isinstance(s, bool): warnings.warn("The argument position for `in_frame_units` in " "`represent_as` has changed. Use as a keyword " "argument if needed.", AstropyWarning) in_frame_units = s s = 'base' # In the future, we may want to support more differentials, in which # case one probably needs to define **kwargs above and use it here. # But for now, we only care about the velocity. repr_classes = _get_repr_classes(base=base, s=s) representation_cls = repr_classes['base'] # We only keep velocity information if 's' in self.data.differentials: # For the default 'base' option in which _get_repr_classes has # given us a best guess based on the representation class, we only # use it if the class we had already is incompatible. if (s == 'base' and (self.data.differentials['s'].__class__ in representation_cls._compatible_differentials)): differential_cls = self.data.differentials['s'].__class__ else: differential_cls = repr_classes['s'] elif s is None or s == 'base': differential_cls = None else: raise TypeError('Frame data has no associated differentials ' '(i.e. the frame has no velocity data) - ' 'represent_as() only accepts a new ' 'representation.') if differential_cls: cache_key = (representation_cls.__name__, differential_cls.__name__, in_frame_units) else: cache_key = (representation_cls.__name__, in_frame_units) cached_repr = self.cache['representation'].get(cache_key) if not cached_repr: if differential_cls: # Sanity check to ensure we do not just drop radial # velocity. TODO: should Representation.represent_as # allow this transformation in the first place? if (isinstance(self.data, r.UnitSphericalRepresentation) and issubclass(representation_cls, r.CartesianRepresentation) and not isinstance(self.data.differentials['s'], (r.UnitSphericalDifferential, r.UnitSphericalCosLatDifferential, r.RadialDifferential))): raise u.UnitConversionError( 'need a distance to retrieve a cartesian representation ' 'when both radial velocity and proper motion are present, ' 'since otherwise the units cannot match.') # TODO NOTE: only supports a single differential data = self.data.represent_as(representation_cls, differential_cls) diff = data.differentials['s'] # TODO: assumes velocity else: data = self.data.represent_as(representation_cls) # If the new representation is known to this frame and has a defined # set of names and units, then use that. new_attrs = self.representation_info.get(representation_cls) if new_attrs and in_frame_units: datakwargs = dict((comp, getattr(data, comp)) for comp in data.components) for comp, new_attr_unit in zip(data.components, new_attrs['units']): if new_attr_unit: datakwargs[comp] = datakwargs[comp].to(new_attr_unit) data = data.__class__(copy=False, **datakwargs) if differential_cls: # the original differential data_diff = self.data.differentials['s'] # If the new differential is known to this frame and has a # defined set of names and units, then use that. new_attrs = self.representation_info.get(differential_cls) if new_attrs and in_frame_units: diffkwargs = dict((comp, getattr(diff, comp)) for comp in diff.components) for comp, new_attr_unit in zip(diff.components, new_attrs['units']): # Some special-casing to treat a situation where the # input data has a UnitSphericalDifferential or a # RadialDifferential. It is re-represented to the # frame's differential class (which might be, e.g., a # dimensional Differential), so we don't want to try to # convert the empty component units if (isinstance(data_diff, (r.UnitSphericalDifferential, r.UnitSphericalCosLatDifferential)) and comp not in data_diff.__class__.attr_classes): continue elif (isinstance(data_diff, r.RadialDifferential) and comp not in data_diff.__class__.attr_classes): continue # Try to convert to requested units. Since that might # not be possible (e.g., for a coordinate with proper # motion but without distance, one cannot convert to a # cartesian differential in km/s), we allow the unit # conversion to fail. See gh-7028 for discussion. if new_attr_unit and hasattr(diff, comp): try: diffkwargs[comp] = diffkwargs[comp].to(new_attr_unit) except Exception: pass diff = diff.__class__(copy=False, **diffkwargs) # Here we have to bypass using with_differentials() because # it has a validation check. But because # .representation_type and .differential_type don't point to # the original classes, if the input differential is a # RadialDifferential, it usually gets turned into a # SphericalCosLatDifferential (or whatever the default is) # with strange units for the d_lon and d_lat attributes. # This then causes the dictionary key check to fail (i.e. # comparison against `diff._get_deriv_key()`) data._differentials.update({'s': diff}) self.cache['representation'][cache_key] = data return self.cache['representation'][cache_key] def transform_to(self, new_frame): """ Transform this object's coordinate data to a new frame. Parameters ---------- new_frame : coordinate-like or `BaseCoordinateFrame` subclass instance The frame to transform this coordinate frame into. The frame class option is deprecated. Returns ------- transframe : coordinate-like A new object with the coordinate data represented in the ``newframe`` system. Raises ------ ValueError If there is no possible transformation route. """ from .errors import ConvertError if self._data is None: raise ValueError('Cannot transform a frame with no data') if (getattr(self.data, 'differentials', None) and hasattr(self, 'obstime') and hasattr(new_frame, 'obstime') and np.any(self.obstime != new_frame.obstime)): raise NotImplementedError('You cannot transform a frame that has ' 'velocities to another frame at a ' 'different obstime. If you think this ' 'should (or should not) be possible, ' 'please comment at https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/6280') if inspect.isclass(new_frame): warnings.warn("Transforming a frame instance to a frame class (as opposed to another " "frame instance) will not be supported in the future. Either " "explicitly instantiate the target frame, or first convert the source " "frame instance to a `astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` and use its " "`transform_to()` method.", AstropyDeprecationWarning) # Use the default frame attributes for this class new_frame = new_frame() if hasattr(new_frame, '_sky_coord_frame'): # Input new_frame is not a frame instance or class and is most # likely a SkyCoord object. new_frame = new_frame._sky_coord_frame trans = frame_transform_graph.get_transform(self.__class__, new_frame.__class__) if trans is None: if new_frame is self.__class__: # no special transform needed, but should update frame info return new_frame.realize_frame(self.data) msg = 'Cannot transform from {0} to {1}' raise ConvertError(msg.format(self.__class__, new_frame.__class__)) return trans(self, new_frame) def is_transformable_to(self, new_frame): """ Determines if this coordinate frame can be transformed to another given frame. Parameters ---------- new_frame : `BaseCoordinateFrame` subclass or instance The proposed frame to transform into. Returns ------- transformable : bool or str `True` if this can be transformed to ``new_frame``, `False` if not, or the string 'same' if ``new_frame`` is the same system as this object but no transformation is defined. Notes ----- A return value of 'same' means the transformation will work, but it will just give back a copy of this object. The intended usage is:: if coord.is_transformable_to(some_unknown_frame): coord2 = coord.transform_to(some_unknown_frame) This will work even if ``some_unknown_frame`` turns out to be the same frame class as ``coord``. This is intended for cases where the frame is the same regardless of the frame attributes (e.g. ICRS), but be aware that it *might* also indicate that someone forgot to define the transformation between two objects of the same frame class but with different attributes. """ new_frame_cls = new_frame if inspect.isclass(new_frame) else new_frame.__class__ trans = frame_transform_graph.get_transform(self.__class__, new_frame_cls) if trans is None: if new_frame_cls is self.__class__: return 'same' else: return False else: return True def is_frame_attr_default(self, attrnm): """ Determine whether or not a frame attribute has its value because it's the default value, or because this frame was created with that value explicitly requested. Parameters ---------- attrnm : str The name of the attribute to check. Returns ------- isdefault : bool True if the attribute ``attrnm`` has its value by default, False if it was specified at creation of this frame. """ return attrnm in self._attr_names_with_defaults @staticmethod def _frameattr_equiv(left_fattr, right_fattr): """ Determine if two frame attributes are equivalent. Implemented as a staticmethod mainly as a convenient location, although conceivable it might be desirable for subclasses to override this behavior. Primary purpose is to check for equality of representations. This aspect can actually be simplified/removed now that representations have equality defined. Secondary purpose is to check for equality of coordinate attributes, which first checks whether they themselves are in equivalent frames before checking for equality in the normal fashion. This is because checking for equality with non-equivalent frames raises an error. """ if left_fattr is right_fattr: # shortcut if it's exactly the same object return True elif left_fattr is None or right_fattr is None: # shortcut if one attribute is unspecified and the other isn't return False left_is_repr = isinstance(left_fattr, r.BaseRepresentationOrDifferential) right_is_repr = isinstance(right_fattr, r.BaseRepresentationOrDifferential) if left_is_repr and right_is_repr: # both are representations. if (getattr(left_fattr, 'differentials', False) or getattr(right_fattr, 'differentials', False)): warnings.warn('Two representation frame attributes were ' 'checked for equivalence when at least one of' ' them has differentials. This yields False ' 'even if the underlying representations are ' 'equivalent (although this may change in ' 'future versions of Astropy)', AstropyWarning) return False if isinstance(right_fattr, left_fattr.__class__): # if same representation type, compare components. return np.all([(getattr(left_fattr, comp) == getattr(right_fattr, comp)) for comp in left_fattr.components]) else: # convert to cartesian and see if they match return np.all(left_fattr.to_cartesian().xyz == right_fattr.to_cartesian().xyz) elif left_is_repr or right_is_repr: return False left_is_coord = isinstance(left_fattr, BaseCoordinateFrame) right_is_coord = isinstance(right_fattr, BaseCoordinateFrame) if left_is_coord and right_is_coord: # both are coordinates if left_fattr.is_equivalent_frame(right_fattr): return np.all(left_fattr == right_fattr) else: return False elif left_is_coord or right_is_coord: return False return np.all(left_fattr == right_fattr) def is_equivalent_frame(self, other): """ Checks if this object is the same frame as the ``other`` object. To be the same frame, two objects must be the same frame class and have the same frame attributes. Note that it does *not* matter what, if any, data either object has. Parameters ---------- other : :class:`~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` the other frame to check Returns ------- isequiv : bool True if the frames are the same, False if not. Raises ------ TypeError If ``other`` isn't a `BaseCoordinateFrame` or subclass. """ if self.__class__ == other.__class__: for frame_attr_name in self.get_frame_attr_names(): if not self._frameattr_equiv(getattr(self, frame_attr_name), getattr(other, frame_attr_name)): return False return True elif not isinstance(other, BaseCoordinateFrame): raise TypeError("Tried to do is_equivalent_frame on something that " "isn't a frame") else: return False def __repr__(self): frameattrs = self._frame_attrs_repr() data_repr = self._data_repr() if frameattrs: frameattrs = f' ({frameattrs})' if data_repr: return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} Coordinate{frameattrs}: {data_repr}>' else: return f'<{self.__class__.__name__} Frame{frameattrs}>' def _data_repr(self): """Returns a string representation of the coordinate data.""" if not self.has_data: return '' if self.representation_type: if (hasattr(self.representation_type, '_unit_representation') and isinstance(self.data, self.representation_type._unit_representation)): rep_cls = self.data.__class__ else: rep_cls = self.representation_type if 's' in self.data.differentials: dif_cls = self.get_representation_cls('s') dif_data = self.data.differentials['s'] if isinstance(dif_data, (r.UnitSphericalDifferential, r.UnitSphericalCosLatDifferential, r.RadialDifferential)): dif_cls = dif_data.__class__ else: dif_cls = None data = self.represent_as(rep_cls, dif_cls, in_frame_units=True) data_repr = repr(data) # Generate the list of component names out of the repr string part1, _, remainder = data_repr.partition('(') if remainder != '': comp_str, _, part2 = remainder.partition(')') comp_names = comp_str.split(', ') # Swap in frame-specific component names invnames = dict([(nmrepr, nmpref) for nmpref, nmrepr in self.representation_component_names.items()]) for i, name in enumerate(comp_names): comp_names[i] = invnames.get(name, name) # Reassemble the repr string data_repr = part1 + '(' + ', '.join(comp_names) + ')' + part2 else: data = self.data data_repr = repr(self.data) if data_repr.startswith('<' + data.__class__.__name__): # remove both the leading "<" and the space after the name, as well # as the trailing ">" data_repr = data_repr[(len(data.__class__.__name__) + 2):-1] else: data_repr = 'Data:\n' + data_repr if 's' in self.data.differentials: data_repr_spl = data_repr.split('\n') if 'has differentials' in data_repr_spl[-1]: diffrepr = repr(data.differentials['s']).split('\n') if diffrepr[0].startswith('<'): diffrepr[0] = ' ' + ' '.join(diffrepr[0].split(' ')[1:]) for frm_nm, rep_nm in self.get_representation_component_names('s').items(): diffrepr[0] = diffrepr[0].replace(rep_nm, frm_nm) if diffrepr[-1].endswith('>'): diffrepr[-1] = diffrepr[-1][:-1] data_repr_spl[-1] = '\n'.join(diffrepr) data_repr = '\n'.join(data_repr_spl) return data_repr def _frame_attrs_repr(self): """ Returns a string representation of the frame's attributes, if any. """ attr_strs = [] for attribute_name in self.get_frame_attr_names(): attr = getattr(self, attribute_name) # Check to see if this object has a way of representing itself # specific to being an attribute of a frame. (Note, this is not the # Attribute class, it's the actual object). if hasattr(attr, "_astropy_repr_in_frame"): attrstr = attr._astropy_repr_in_frame() else: attrstr = str(attr) attr_strs.append(f"{attribute_name}={attrstr}") return ', '.join(attr_strs) def _apply(self, method, *args, **kwargs): """Create a new instance, applying a method to the underlying data. In typical usage, the method is any of the shape-changing methods for `~numpy.ndarray` (``reshape``, ``swapaxes``, etc.), as well as those picking particular elements (``__getitem__``, ``take``, etc.), which are all defined in `~astropy.utils.shapes.ShapedLikeNDArray`. It will be applied to the underlying arrays in the representation (e.g., ``x``, ``y``, and ``z`` for `~astropy.coordinates.CartesianRepresentation`), as well as to any frame attributes that have a shape, with the results used to create a new instance. Internally, it is also used to apply functions to the above parts (in particular, `~numpy.broadcast_to`). Parameters ---------- method : str or callable If str, it is the name of a method that is applied to the internal ``components``. If callable, the function is applied. *args : tuple Any positional arguments for ``method``. **kwargs : dict Any keyword arguments for ``method``. """ def apply_method(value): if isinstance(value, ShapedLikeNDArray): return value._apply(method, *args, **kwargs) else: if callable(method): return method(value, *args, **kwargs) else: return getattr(value, method)(*args, **kwargs) new = super().__new__(self.__class__) if hasattr(self, '_representation'): new._representation = self._representation.copy() new._attr_names_with_defaults = self._attr_names_with_defaults.copy() for attr in self.frame_attributes: _attr = '_' + attr if attr in self._attr_names_with_defaults: setattr(new, _attr, getattr(self, _attr)) else: value = getattr(self, _attr) if getattr(value, 'shape', ()): value = apply_method(value) elif method == 'copy' or method == 'flatten': # flatten should copy also for a single element array, but # we cannot use it directly for array scalars, since it # always returns a one-dimensional array. So, just copy. value = copy.copy(value) setattr(new, _attr, value) if self.has_data: new._data = apply_method(self.data) else: new._data = None shapes = [getattr(new, '_' + attr).shape for attr in new.frame_attributes if (attr not in new._attr_names_with_defaults and getattr(getattr(new, '_' + attr), 'shape', ()))] if shapes: new._no_data_shape = (check_broadcast(*shapes) if len(shapes) > 1 else shapes[0]) else: new._no_data_shape = () return new def __setitem__(self, item, value): if self.__class__ is not value.__class__: raise TypeError(f'can only set from object of same class: ' f'{self.__class__.__name__} vs. ' f'{value.__class__.__name__}') if not self.is_equivalent_frame(value): raise ValueError('can only set frame item from an equivalent frame') if value._data is None: raise ValueError('can only set frame with value that has data') if self._data is None: raise ValueError('cannot set frame which has no data') if self.shape == (): raise TypeError(f"scalar '{self.__class__.__name__}' frame object " f"does not support item assignment") if self._data is None: raise ValueError('can only set frame if it has data') if self._data.__class__ is not value._data.__class__: raise TypeError(f'can only set from object of same class: ' f'{self._data.__class__.__name__} vs. ' f'{value._data.__class__.__name__}') if self._data._differentials: # Can this ever occur? (Same class but different differential keys). # This exception is not tested since it is not clear how to generate it. if self._data._differentials.keys() != value._data._differentials.keys(): raise ValueError(f'setitem value must have same differentials') for key, self_diff in self._data._differentials.items(): if self_diff.__class__ is not value._data._differentials[key].__class__: raise TypeError(f'can only set from object of same class: ' f'{self_diff.__class__.__name__} vs. ' f'{value._data._differentials[key].__class__.__name__}') # Set representation data self._data[item] = value._data # Frame attributes required to be identical by is_equivalent_frame, # no need to set them here. self.cache.clear() @override__dir__ def __dir__(self): """ Override the builtin `dir` behavior to include representation names. TODO: dynamic representation transforms (i.e. include cylindrical et al.). """ dir_values = set(self.representation_component_names) dir_values |= set(self.get_representation_component_names('s')) return dir_values def __getattr__(self, attr): """ Allow access to attributes on the representation and differential as found via ``self.get_representation_component_names``. TODO: We should handle dynamic representation transforms here (e.g., `.cylindrical`) instead of defining properties as below. """ # attr == '_representation' is likely from the hasattr() test in the # representation property which is used for # self.representation_component_names. # # Prevent infinite recursion here. if attr.startswith('_'): return self.__getattribute__(attr) # Raise AttributeError. repr_names = self.representation_component_names if attr in repr_names: if self._data is None: self.data # this raises the "no data" error by design - doing it # this way means we don't have to replicate the error message here rep = self.represent_as(self.representation_type, in_frame_units=True) val = getattr(rep, repr_names[attr]) return val diff_names = self.get_representation_component_names('s') if attr in diff_names: if self._data is None: self.data # see above. # TODO: this doesn't work for the case when there is only # unitspherical information. The differential_type gets set to the # default_differential, which expects full information, so the # units don't work out rep = self.represent_as(in_frame_units=True, **self.get_representation_cls(None)) val = getattr(rep.differentials['s'], diff_names[attr]) return val return self.__getattribute__(attr) # Raise AttributeError. def __setattr__(self, attr, value): # Don't slow down access of private attributes! if not attr.startswith('_'): if hasattr(self, 'representation_info'): repr_attr_names = set() for representation_attr in self.representation_info.values(): repr_attr_names.update(representation_attr['names']) if attr in repr_attr_names: raise AttributeError( f'Cannot set any frame attribute {attr}') super().__setattr__(attr, value) def __eq__(self, value): """Equality operator for frame. This implements strict equality and requires that the frames are equivalent and that the representation data are exactly equal. """ is_equiv = self.is_equivalent_frame(value) if self._data is None and value._data is None: # For Frame with no data, == compare is same as is_equivalent_frame() return is_equiv if not is_equiv: raise TypeError(f'cannot compare: objects must have equivalent frames: ' f'{self.replicate_without_data()} vs. ' f'{value.replicate_without_data()}') if ((value._data is None and self._data is not None) or (self._data is None and value._data is not None)): raise ValueError('cannot compare: one frame has data and the other ' 'does not') return self._data == value._data def __ne__(self, value): return np.logical_not(self == value) def separation(self, other): """ Computes on-sky separation between this coordinate and another. .. note:: If the ``other`` coordinate object is in a different frame, it is first transformed to the frame of this object. This can lead to unintuitive behavior if not accounted for. Particularly of note is that ``self.separation(other)`` and ``other.separation(self)`` may not give the same answer in this case. Parameters ---------- other : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` The coordinate to get the separation to. Returns ------- sep : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` The on-sky separation between this and the ``other`` coordinate. Notes ----- The separation is calculated using the Vincenty formula, which is stable at all locations, including poles and antipodes [1]_. .. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great-circle_distance """ from .angle_utilities import angular_separation from .angles import Angle self_unit_sph = self.represent_as(r.UnitSphericalRepresentation) other_transformed = other.transform_to(self) other_unit_sph = other_transformed.represent_as(r.UnitSphericalRepresentation) # Get the separation as a Quantity, convert to Angle in degrees sep = angular_separation(self_unit_sph.lon, self_unit_sph.lat, other_unit_sph.lon, other_unit_sph.lat) return Angle(sep, unit=u.degree) def separation_3d(self, other): """ Computes three dimensional separation between this coordinate and another. Parameters ---------- other : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame` The coordinate system to get the distance to. Returns ------- sep : `~astropy.coordinates.Distance` The real-space distance between these two coordinates. Raises ------ ValueError If this or the other coordinate do not have distances. """ from .distances import Distance if issubclass(self.data.__class__, r.UnitSphericalRepresentation): raise ValueError('This object does not have a distance; cannot ' 'compute 3d separation.') # do this first just in case the conversion somehow creates a distance other_in_self_system = other.transform_to(self) if issubclass(other_in_self_system.__class__, r.UnitSphericalRepresentation): raise ValueError('The other object does not have a distance; ' 'cannot compute 3d separation.') # drop the differentials to ensure they don't do anything odd in the # subtraction self_car = self.data.without_differentials().represent_as(r.CartesianRepresentation) other_car = other_in_self_system.data.without_differentials().represent_as(r.CartesianRepresentation) dist = (self_car - other_car).norm() if dist.unit == u.one: return dist else: return Distance(dist) @property def cartesian(self): """ Shorthand for a cartesian representation of the coordinates in this object. """ # TODO: if representations are updated to use a full transform graph, # the representation aliases should not be hard-coded like this return self.represent_as('cartesian', in_frame_units=True) @property def cylindrical(self): """ Shorthand for a cylindrical representation of the coordinates in this object. """ # TODO: if representations are updated to use a full transform graph, # the representation aliases should not be hard-coded like this return self.represent_as('cylindrical', in_frame_units=True) @property def spherical(self): """ Shorthand for a spherical representation of the coordinates in this object. """ # TODO: if representations are updated to use a full transform graph, # the representation aliases should not be hard-coded like this return self.represent_as('spherical', in_frame_units=True) @property def sphericalcoslat(self): """ Shorthand for a spherical representation of the positional data and a `SphericalCosLatDifferential` for the velocity data in this object. """ # TODO: if representations are updated to use a full transform graph, # the representation aliases should not be hard-coded like this return self.represent_as('spherical', 'sphericalcoslat', in_frame_units=True) @property def velocity(self): """ Shorthand for retrieving the Cartesian space-motion as a `CartesianDifferential` object. This is equivalent to calling ``self.cartesian.differentials['s']``. """ if 's' not in self.data.differentials: raise ValueError('Frame has no associated velocity (Differential) ' 'data information.') return self.cartesian.differentials['s'] @property def proper_motion(self): """ Shorthand for the two-dimensional proper motion as a `~astropy.units.Quantity` object with angular velocity units. In the returned `~astropy.units.Quantity`, ``axis=0`` is the longitude/latitude dimension so that ``.proper_motion[0]`` is the longitudinal proper motion and ``.proper_motion[1]`` is latitudinal. The longitudinal proper motion already includes the cos(latitude) term. """ if 's' not in self.data.differentials: raise ValueError('Frame has no associated velocity (Differential) ' 'data information.') sph = self.represent_as('spherical', 'sphericalcoslat', in_frame_units=True) pm_lon = sph.differentials['s'].d_lon_coslat pm_lat = sph.differentials['s'].d_lat return np.stack((pm_lon.value, pm_lat.to(pm_lon.unit).value), axis=0) * pm_lon.unit @property def radial_velocity(self): """ Shorthand for the radial or line-of-sight velocity as a `~astropy.units.Quantity` object. """ if 's' not in self.data.differentials: raise ValueError('Frame has no associated velocity (Differential) ' 'data information.') sph = self.represent_as('spherical', in_frame_units=True) return sph.differentials['s'].d_distance class GenericFrame(BaseCoordinateFrame): """ A frame object that can't store data but can hold any arbitrary frame attributes. Mostly useful as a utility for the high-level class to store intermediate frame attributes. Parameters ---------- frame_attrs : dict A dictionary of attributes to be used as the frame attributes for this frame. """ name = None # it's not a "real" frame so it doesn't have a name def __init__(self, frame_attrs): self.frame_attributes = {} for name, default in frame_attrs.items(): self.frame_attributes[name] = Attribute(default) setattr(self, '_' + name, default) super().__init__(None) def __getattr__(self, name): if '_' + name in self.__dict__: return getattr(self, '_' + name) else: raise AttributeError(f'no {name}') def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name in self.get_frame_attr_names(): raise AttributeError(f"can't set frame attribute '{name}'") else: super().__setattr__(name, value)