# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst """Test initialization and other aspects of Angle and subclasses""" import threading import warnings import numpy as np import pytest from numpy.testing import assert_allclose, assert_array_equal import astropy.units as u from astropy.coordinates.angles import Longitude, Latitude, Angle from astropy.coordinates.errors import ( IllegalSecondError, IllegalMinuteError, IllegalHourError, IllegalSecondWarning, IllegalMinuteWarning) from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyDeprecationWarning def test_create_angles(): """ Tests creating and accessing Angle objects """ ''' The "angle" is a fundamental object. The internal representation is stored in radians, but this is transparent to the user. Units *must* be specified rather than a default value be assumed. This is as much for self-documenting code as anything else. Angle objects simply represent a single angular coordinate. More specific angular coordinates (e.g. Longitude, Latitude) are subclasses of Angle.''' a1 = Angle(54.12412, unit=u.degree) a2 = Angle("54.12412", unit=u.degree) a3 = Angle("54:07:26.832", unit=u.degree) a4 = Angle("54.12412 deg") a5 = Angle("54.12412 degrees") a6 = Angle("54.12412°") # because we like Unicode a7 = Angle((54, 7, 26.832), unit=u.degree) a8 = Angle("54°07'26.832\"") # (deg,min,sec) *tuples* are acceptable, but lists/arrays are *not* # because of the need to eventually support arrays of coordinates a9 = Angle([54, 7, 26.832], unit=u.degree) assert_allclose(a9.value, [54, 7, 26.832]) assert a9.unit is u.degree a10 = Angle(3.60827466667, unit=u.hour) a11 = Angle("3:36:29.7888000120", unit=u.hour) a12 = Angle((3, 36, 29.7888000120), unit=u.hour) # *must* be a tuple # Regression test for #5001 a13 = Angle((3, 36, 29.7888000120), unit='hour') Angle(0.944644098745, unit=u.radian) with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError): Angle(54.12412) # raises an exception because this is ambiguous with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError): Angle(54.12412, unit=u.m) with pytest.raises(ValueError): Angle(12.34, unit="not a unit") a14 = Angle("03h36m29.7888000120") # no trailing 's', but unambiguous a15 = Angle("5h4m3s") # single digits, no decimal assert a15.unit == u.hourangle a16 = Angle("1 d") a17 = Angle("1 degree") assert a16.degree == 1 assert a17.degree == 1 a18 = Angle("54 07.4472", unit=u.degree) a19 = Angle("54:07.4472", unit=u.degree) a20 = Angle("54d07.4472m", unit=u.degree) a21 = Angle("3h36m", unit=u.hour) a22 = Angle("3.6h", unit=u.hour) a23 = Angle("- 3h", unit=u.hour) a24 = Angle("+ 3h", unit=u.hour) # ensure the above angles that should match do assert a1 == a2 == a3 == a4 == a5 == a6 == a7 == a8 == a18 == a19 == a20 assert_allclose(a1.radian, a2.radian) assert_allclose(a2.degree, a3.degree) assert_allclose(a3.radian, a4.radian) assert_allclose(a4.radian, a5.radian) assert_allclose(a5.radian, a6.radian) assert_allclose(a6.radian, a7.radian) assert_allclose(a10.degree, a11.degree) assert a11 == a12 == a13 == a14 assert a21 == a22 assert a23 == -a24 # check for illegal ranges / values with pytest.raises(IllegalSecondError): a = Angle("12 32 99", unit=u.degree) with pytest.raises(IllegalMinuteError): a = Angle("12 99 23", unit=u.degree) with pytest.raises(IllegalSecondError): a = Angle("12 32 99", unit=u.hour) with pytest.raises(IllegalMinuteError): a = Angle("12 99 23", unit=u.hour) with pytest.raises(IllegalHourError): a = Angle("99 25 51.0", unit=u.hour) with pytest.raises(ValueError): a = Angle("12 25 51.0xxx", unit=u.hour) with pytest.raises(ValueError): a = Angle("12h34321m32.2s") assert a1 is not None def test_angle_from_view(): q = np.arange(3.) * u.deg a = q.view(Angle) assert type(a) is Angle assert a.unit is q.unit assert np.all(a == q) q2 = np.arange(4) * u.m with pytest.raises(u.UnitTypeError): q2.view(Angle) def test_angle_ops(): """ Tests operations on Angle objects """ # Angles can be added and subtracted. Multiplication and division by a # scalar is also permitted. A negative operator is also valid. All of # these operate in a single dimension. Attempting to multiply or divide two # Angle objects will return a quantity. An exception will be raised if it # is attempted to store output with a non-angular unit in an Angle [#2718]. a1 = Angle(3.60827466667, unit=u.hour) a2 = Angle("54:07:26.832", unit=u.degree) a1 + a2 # creates new Angle object a1 - a2 -a1 assert_allclose((a1 * 2).hour, 2 * 3.6082746666700003) assert abs((a1 / 3.123456).hour - 3.60827466667 / 3.123456) < 1e-10 # commutativity assert (2 * a1).hour == (a1 * 2).hour a3 = Angle(a1) # makes a *copy* of the object, but identical content as a1 assert_allclose(a1.radian, a3.radian) assert a1 is not a3 a4 = abs(-a1) assert a4.radian == a1.radian a5 = Angle(5.0, unit=u.hour) assert a5 > a1 assert a5 >= a1 assert a1 < a5 assert a1 <= a5 # check operations with non-angular result give Quantity. a6 = Angle(45., u.degree) a7 = a6 * a5 assert type(a7) is u.Quantity # but those with angular result yield Angle. # (a9 is regression test for #5327) a8 = a1 + 1.*u.deg assert type(a8) is Angle a9 = 1.*u.deg + a1 assert type(a9) is Angle with pytest.raises(TypeError): a6 *= a5 with pytest.raises(TypeError): a6 *= u.m with pytest.raises(TypeError): np.sin(a6, out=a6) def test_angle_methods(): # Most methods tested as part of the Quantity tests. # A few tests here which caused problems before: #8368 a = Angle([0., 2.], 'deg') a_mean = a.mean() assert type(a_mean) is Angle assert a_mean == 1. * u.degree a_std = a.std() assert type(a_std) is Angle assert a_std == 1. * u.degree a_var = a.var() assert type(a_var) is u.Quantity assert a_var == 1. * u.degree ** 2 a_ptp = a.ptp() assert type(a_ptp) is Angle assert a_ptp == 2. * u.degree a_max = a.max() assert type(a_max) is Angle assert a_max == 2. * u.degree a_min = a.min() assert type(a_min) is Angle assert a_min == 0. * u.degree def test_angle_convert(): """ Test unit conversion of Angle objects """ angle = Angle("54.12412", unit=u.degree) assert_allclose(angle.hour, 3.60827466667) assert_allclose(angle.radian, 0.944644098745) assert_allclose(angle.degree, 54.12412) assert len(angle.hms) == 3 assert isinstance(angle.hms, tuple) assert angle.hms[0] == 3 assert angle.hms[1] == 36 assert_allclose(angle.hms[2], 29.78879999999947) # also check that the namedtuple attribute-style access works: assert angle.hms.h == 3 assert angle.hms.m == 36 assert_allclose(angle.hms.s, 29.78879999999947) assert len(angle.dms) == 3 assert isinstance(angle.dms, tuple) assert angle.dms[0] == 54 assert angle.dms[1] == 7 assert_allclose(angle.dms[2], 26.831999999992036) # also check that the namedtuple attribute-style access works: assert angle.dms.d == 54 assert angle.dms.m == 7 assert_allclose(angle.dms.s, 26.831999999992036) assert isinstance(angle.dms[0], float) assert isinstance(angle.hms[0], float) # now make sure dms and signed_dms work right for negative angles negangle = Angle("-54.12412", unit=u.degree) assert negangle.dms.d == -54 assert negangle.dms.m == -7 assert_allclose(negangle.dms.s, -26.831999999992036) assert negangle.signed_dms.sign == -1 assert negangle.signed_dms.d == 54 assert negangle.signed_dms.m == 7 assert_allclose(negangle.signed_dms.s, 26.831999999992036) def test_angle_formatting(): """ Tests string formatting for Angle objects """ ''' The string method of Angle has this signature: def string(self, unit=DEGREE, decimal=False, sep=" ", precision=5, pad=False): The "decimal" parameter defaults to False since if you need to print the Angle as a decimal, there's no need to use the "format" method (see above). ''' angle = Angle("54.12412", unit=u.degree) # __str__ is the default `format` assert str(angle) == angle.to_string() res = 'Angle as HMS: 3h36m29.7888s' assert f"Angle as HMS: {angle.to_string(unit=u.hour)}" == res res = 'Angle as HMS: 3:36:29.7888' assert f"Angle as HMS: {angle.to_string(unit=u.hour, sep=':')}" == res res = 'Angle as HMS: 3:36:29.79' assert f"Angle as HMS: {angle.to_string(unit=u.hour, sep=':', precision=2)}" == res # Note that you can provide one, two, or three separators passed as a # tuple or list res = 'Angle as HMS: 3h36m29.7888s' assert "Angle as HMS: {}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.hour, sep=("h", "m", "s"), precision=4)) == res res = 'Angle as HMS: 3-36|29.7888' assert "Angle as HMS: {}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.hour, sep=["-", "|"], precision=4)) == res res = 'Angle as HMS: 3-36-29.7888' assert f"Angle as HMS: {angle.to_string(unit=u.hour, sep='-', precision=4)}" == res res = 'Angle as HMS: 03h36m29.7888s' assert f"Angle as HMS: {angle.to_string(unit=u.hour, precision=4, pad=True)}" == res # Same as above, in degrees angle = Angle("3 36 29.78880", unit=u.degree) res = 'Angle as DMS: 3d36m29.7888s' assert f"Angle as DMS: {angle.to_string(unit=u.degree)}" == res res = 'Angle as DMS: 3:36:29.7888' assert f"Angle as DMS: {angle.to_string(unit=u.degree, sep=':')}" == res res = 'Angle as DMS: 3:36:29.79' assert "Angle as DMS: {}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.degree, sep=":", precision=2)) == res # Note that you can provide one, two, or three separators passed as a # tuple or list res = 'Angle as DMS: 3d36m29.7888s' assert "Angle as DMS: {}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.degree, sep=("d", "m", "s"), precision=4)) == res res = 'Angle as DMS: 3-36|29.7888' assert "Angle as DMS: {}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.degree, sep=["-", "|"], precision=4)) == res res = 'Angle as DMS: 3-36-29.7888' assert "Angle as DMS: {}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.degree, sep="-", precision=4)) == res res = 'Angle as DMS: 03d36m29.7888s' assert "Angle as DMS: {}".format(angle.to_string(unit=u.degree, precision=4, pad=True)) == res res = 'Angle as rad: 0.0629763rad' assert f"Angle as rad: {angle.to_string(unit=u.radian)}" == res res = 'Angle as rad decimal: 0.0629763' assert f"Angle as rad decimal: {angle.to_string(unit=u.radian, decimal=True)}" == res # check negative angles angle = Angle(-1.23456789, unit=u.degree) angle2 = Angle(-1.23456789, unit=u.hour) assert angle.to_string() == '-1d14m04.444404s' assert angle.to_string(pad=True) == '-01d14m04.444404s' assert angle.to_string(unit=u.hour) == '-0h04m56.2962936s' assert angle2.to_string(unit=u.hour, pad=True) == '-01h14m04.444404s' assert angle.to_string(unit=u.radian, decimal=True) == '-0.0215473' def test_to_string_vector(): # Regression test for the fact that vectorize doesn't work with Numpy 1.6 assert Angle([1./7., 1./7.], unit='deg').to_string()[0] == "0d08m34.28571429s" assert Angle([1./7.], unit='deg').to_string()[0] == "0d08m34.28571429s" assert Angle(1./7., unit='deg').to_string() == "0d08m34.28571429s" def test_angle_format_roundtripping(): """ Ensures that the string representation of an angle can be used to create a new valid Angle. """ a1 = Angle(0, unit=u.radian) a2 = Angle(10, unit=u.degree) a3 = Angle(0.543, unit=u.degree) a4 = Angle('1d2m3.4s') assert Angle(str(a1)).degree == a1.degree assert Angle(str(a2)).degree == a2.degree assert Angle(str(a3)).degree == a3.degree assert Angle(str(a4)).degree == a4.degree # also check Longitude/Latitude ra = Longitude('1h2m3.4s') dec = Latitude('1d2m3.4s') assert_allclose(Angle(str(ra)).degree, ra.degree) assert_allclose(Angle(str(dec)).degree, dec.degree) def test_radec(): """ Tests creation/operations of Longitude and Latitude objects """ ''' Longitude and Latitude are objects that are subclassed from Angle. As with Angle, Longitude and Latitude can parse any unambiguous format (tuples, formatted strings, etc.). The intention is not to create an Angle subclass for every possible coordinate object (e.g. galactic l, galactic b). However, equatorial Longitude/Latitude are so prevalent in astronomy that it's worth creating ones for these units. They will be noted as "special" in the docs and use of the just the Angle class is to be used for other coordinate systems. ''' with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError): ra = Longitude("4:08:15.162342") # error - hours or degrees? with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError): ra = Longitude("-4:08:15.162342") # the "smart" initializer allows >24 to automatically do degrees, but the # Angle-based one does not # TODO: adjust in 0.3 for whatever behavior is decided on # ra = Longitude("26:34:15.345634") # unambiguous b/c hours don't go past 24 # assert_allclose(ra.degree, 26.570929342) with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError): ra = Longitude("26:34:15.345634") # ra = Longitude(68) with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError): ra = Longitude(68) with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError): ra = Longitude(12) with pytest.raises(ValueError): ra = Longitude("garbage containing a d and no units") ra = Longitude("12h43m23s") assert_allclose(ra.hour, 12.7230555556) ra = Longitude((56, 14, 52.52), unit=u.degree) # can accept tuples # TODO: again, fix based on >24 behavior # ra = Longitude((56,14,52.52)) with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError): ra = Longitude((56, 14, 52.52)) with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError): ra = Longitude((12, 14, 52)) # ambiguous w/o units ra = Longitude((12, 14, 52), unit=u.hour) ra = Longitude([56, 64, 52.2], unit=u.degree) # ...but not arrays (yet) # Units can be specified ra = Longitude("4:08:15.162342", unit=u.hour) # TODO: this was the "smart" initializer behavior - adjust in 0.3 appropriately # Where Longitude values are commonly found in hours or degrees, declination is # nearly always specified in degrees, so this is the default. # dec = Latitude("-41:08:15.162342") with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError): dec = Latitude("-41:08:15.162342") dec = Latitude("-41:08:15.162342", unit=u.degree) # same as above def test_negative_zero_dms(): # Test for DMS parser a = Angle('-00:00:10', u.deg) assert_allclose(a.degree, -10. / 3600.) # Unicode minus a = Angle('−00:00:10', u.deg) assert_allclose(a.degree, -10. / 3600.) def test_negative_zero_dm(): # Test for DM parser a = Angle('-00:10', u.deg) assert_allclose(a.degree, -10. / 60.) def test_negative_zero_hms(): # Test for HMS parser a = Angle('-00:00:10', u.hour) assert_allclose(a.hour, -10. / 3600.) def test_negative_zero_hm(): # Test for HM parser a = Angle('-00:10', u.hour) assert_allclose(a.hour, -10. / 60.) def test_negative_sixty_hm(): # Test for HM parser with pytest.warns(IllegalMinuteWarning): a = Angle('-00:60', u.hour) assert_allclose(a.hour, -1.) def test_plus_sixty_hm(): # Test for HM parser with pytest.warns(IllegalMinuteWarning): a = Angle('00:60', u.hour) assert_allclose(a.hour, 1.) def test_negative_fifty_nine_sixty_dms(): # Test for DMS parser with pytest.warns(IllegalSecondWarning): a = Angle('-00:59:60', u.deg) assert_allclose(a.degree, -1.) def test_plus_fifty_nine_sixty_dms(): # Test for DMS parser with pytest.warns(IllegalSecondWarning): a = Angle('+00:59:60', u.deg) assert_allclose(a.degree, 1.) def test_negative_sixty_dms(): # Test for DMS parser with pytest.warns(IllegalSecondWarning): a = Angle('-00:00:60', u.deg) assert_allclose(a.degree, -1. / 60.) def test_plus_sixty_dms(): # Test for DMS parser with pytest.warns(IllegalSecondWarning): a = Angle('+00:00:60', u.deg) assert_allclose(a.degree, 1. / 60.) def test_angle_to_is_angle(): with pytest.warns(IllegalSecondWarning): a = Angle('00:00:60', u.deg) assert isinstance(a, Angle) assert isinstance(a.to(u.rad), Angle) def test_angle_to_quantity(): with pytest.warns(IllegalSecondWarning): a = Angle('00:00:60', u.deg) q = u.Quantity(a) assert isinstance(q, u.Quantity) assert q.unit is u.deg def test_quantity_to_angle(): a = Angle(1.0*u.deg) assert isinstance(a, Angle) with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError): Angle(1.0*u.meter) a = Angle(1.0*u.hour) assert isinstance(a, Angle) assert a.unit is u.hourangle with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError): Angle(1.0*u.min) def test_angle_string(): with pytest.warns(IllegalSecondWarning): a = Angle('00:00:60', u.deg) assert str(a) == '0d01m00s' a = Angle('00:00:59S', u.deg) assert str(a) == '-0d00m59s' a = Angle('00:00:59N', u.deg) assert str(a) == '0d00m59s' a = Angle('00:00:59E', u.deg) assert str(a) == '0d00m59s' a = Angle('00:00:59W', u.deg) assert str(a) == '-0d00m59s' a = Angle('-00:00:10', u.hour) assert str(a) == '-0h00m10s' a = Angle('00:00:59E', u.hour) assert str(a) == '0h00m59s' a = Angle('00:00:59W', u.hour) assert str(a) == '-0h00m59s' a = Angle(3.2, u.radian) assert str(a) == '3.2rad' a = Angle(4.2, u.microarcsecond) assert str(a) == '4.2uarcsec' a = Angle('1.0uarcsec') assert a.value == 1.0 assert a.unit == u.microarcsecond a = Angle('1.0uarcsecN') assert a.value == 1.0 assert a.unit == u.microarcsecond a = Angle('1.0uarcsecS') assert a.value == -1.0 assert a.unit == u.microarcsecond a = Angle('1.0uarcsecE') assert a.value == 1.0 assert a.unit == u.microarcsecond a = Angle('1.0uarcsecW') assert a.value == -1.0 assert a.unit == u.microarcsecond a = Angle("3d") assert_allclose(a.value, 3.0) assert a.unit == u.degree a = Angle("3dN") assert str(a) == "3d00m00s" assert a.unit == u.degree a = Angle("3dS") assert str(a) == "-3d00m00s" assert a.unit == u.degree a = Angle("3dE") assert str(a) == "3d00m00s" assert a.unit == u.degree a = Angle("3dW") assert str(a) == "-3d00m00s" assert a.unit == u.degree a = Angle('10"') assert_allclose(a.value, 10.0) assert a.unit == u.arcsecond a = Angle("10'N") assert_allclose(a.value, 10.0) assert a.unit == u.arcminute a = Angle("10'S") assert_allclose(a.value, -10.0) assert a.unit == u.arcminute a = Angle("10'E") assert_allclose(a.value, 10.0) assert a.unit == u.arcminute a = Angle("10'W") assert_allclose(a.value, -10.0) assert a.unit == u.arcminute a = Angle('45°55′12″N') assert str(a) == '45d55m12s' assert_allclose(a.value, 45.92) assert a.unit == u.deg a = Angle('45°55′12″S') assert str(a) == '-45d55m12s' assert_allclose(a.value, -45.92) assert a.unit == u.deg a = Angle('45°55′12″E') assert str(a) == '45d55m12s' assert_allclose(a.value, 45.92) assert a.unit == u.deg a = Angle('45°55′12″W') assert str(a) == '-45d55m12s' assert_allclose(a.value, -45.92) assert a.unit == u.deg with pytest.raises(ValueError): Angle('00h00m10sN') with pytest.raises(ValueError): Angle('45°55′12″NS') def test_angle_repr(): assert 'Angle' in repr(Angle(0, u.deg)) assert 'Longitude' in repr(Longitude(0, u.deg)) assert 'Latitude' in repr(Latitude(0, u.deg)) a = Angle(0, u.deg) repr(a) def test_large_angle_representation(): """Test that angles above 360 degrees can be output as strings, in repr, str, and to_string. (regression test for #1413)""" a = Angle(350, u.deg) + Angle(350, u.deg) a.to_string() a.to_string(u.hourangle) repr(a) repr(a.to(u.hourangle)) str(a) str(a.to(u.hourangle)) def test_wrap_at_inplace(): a = Angle([-20, 150, 350, 360] * u.deg) out = a.wrap_at('180d', inplace=True) assert out is None assert np.all(a.degree == np.array([-20., 150., -10., 0.])) def test_latitude(): with pytest.raises(ValueError): lat = Latitude(['91d', '89d']) with pytest.raises(ValueError): lat = Latitude('-91d') lat = Latitude(['90d', '89d']) # check that one can get items assert lat[0] == 90 * u.deg assert lat[1] == 89 * u.deg # and that comparison with angles works assert np.all(lat == Angle(['90d', '89d'])) # check setitem works lat[1] = 45. * u.deg assert np.all(lat == Angle(['90d', '45d'])) # but not with values out of range with pytest.raises(ValueError): lat[0] = 90.001 * u.deg with pytest.raises(ValueError): lat[0] = -90.001 * u.deg # these should also not destroy input (#1851) assert np.all(lat == Angle(['90d', '45d'])) # conserve type on unit change (closes #1423) angle = lat.to('radian') assert type(angle) is Latitude # but not on calculations angle = lat - 190 * u.deg assert type(angle) is Angle assert angle[0] == -100 * u.deg lat = Latitude('80d') angle = lat / 2. assert type(angle) is Angle assert angle == 40 * u.deg angle = lat * 2. assert type(angle) is Angle assert angle == 160 * u.deg angle = -lat assert type(angle) is Angle assert angle == -80 * u.deg # Test errors when trying to interoperate with longitudes. with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo: lon = Longitude(10, 'deg') lat = Latitude(lon) assert "A Latitude angle cannot be created from a Longitude angle" in str(excinfo.value) with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo: lon = Longitude(10, 'deg') lat = Latitude([20], 'deg') lat[0] = lon assert "A Longitude angle cannot be assigned to a Latitude angle" in str(excinfo.value) # Check we can work around the Lat vs Long checks by casting explicitly to Angle. lon = Longitude(10, 'deg') lat = Latitude(Angle(lon)) assert lat.value == 10.0 # Check setitem. lon = Longitude(10, 'deg') lat = Latitude([20], 'deg') lat[0] = Angle(lon) assert lat.value[0] == 10.0 def test_longitude(): # Default wrapping at 360d with an array input lon = Longitude(['370d', '88d']) assert np.all(lon == Longitude(['10d', '88d'])) assert np.all(lon == Angle(['10d', '88d'])) # conserve type on unit change and keep wrap_angle (closes #1423) angle = lon.to('hourangle') assert type(angle) is Longitude assert angle.wrap_angle == lon.wrap_angle angle = lon[0] assert type(angle) is Longitude assert angle.wrap_angle == lon.wrap_angle angle = lon[1:] assert type(angle) is Longitude assert angle.wrap_angle == lon.wrap_angle # but not on calculations angle = lon / 2. assert np.all(angle == Angle(['5d', '44d'])) assert type(angle) is Angle assert not hasattr(angle, 'wrap_angle') angle = lon * 2. + 400 * u.deg assert np.all(angle == Angle(['420d', '576d'])) assert type(angle) is Angle # Test setting a mutable value and having it wrap lon[1] = -10 * u.deg assert np.all(lon == Angle(['10d', '350d'])) # Test wrapping and try hitting some edge cases lon = Longitude(np.array([0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0]) * np.pi, unit=u.radian) assert np.all(lon.degree == np.array([0., 90, 180, 270, 0])) lon = Longitude(np.array([0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0]) * np.pi, unit=u.radian, wrap_angle='180d') assert np.all(lon.degree == np.array([0., 90, -180, -90, 0])) # Wrap on setting wrap_angle property (also test auto-conversion of wrap_angle to an Angle) lon = Longitude(np.array([0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0]) * np.pi, unit=u.radian) lon.wrap_angle = '180d' assert np.all(lon.degree == np.array([0., 90, -180, -90, 0])) lon = Longitude('460d') assert lon == Angle('100d') lon.wrap_angle = '90d' assert lon == Angle('-260d') # check that if we initialize a longitude with another longitude, # wrap_angle is kept by default lon2 = Longitude(lon) assert lon2.wrap_angle == lon.wrap_angle # but not if we explicitly set it lon3 = Longitude(lon, wrap_angle='180d') assert lon3.wrap_angle == 180 * u.deg # check that wrap_angle is always an Angle lon = Longitude(lon, wrap_angle=Longitude(180 * u.deg)) assert lon.wrap_angle == 180 * u.deg assert lon.wrap_angle.__class__ is Angle # check that wrap_angle is not copied wrap_angle=180 * u.deg lon = Longitude(lon, wrap_angle=wrap_angle) assert lon.wrap_angle == 180 * u.deg assert np.may_share_memory(lon.wrap_angle, wrap_angle) # check for problem reported in #2037 about Longitude initializing to -0 lon = Longitude(0, u.deg) lonstr = lon.to_string() assert not lonstr.startswith('-') # also make sure dtype is correctly conserved assert Longitude(0, u.deg, dtype=float).dtype == np.dtype(float) assert Longitude(0, u.deg, dtype=int).dtype == np.dtype(int) # Test errors when trying to interoperate with latitudes. with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo: lat = Latitude(10, 'deg') lon = Longitude(lat) assert "A Longitude angle cannot be created from a Latitude angle" in str(excinfo.value) with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo: lat = Latitude(10, 'deg') lon = Longitude([20], 'deg') lon[0] = lat assert "A Latitude angle cannot be assigned to a Longitude angle" in str(excinfo.value) # Check we can work around the Lat vs Long checks by casting explicitly to Angle. lat = Latitude(10, 'deg') lon = Longitude(Angle(lat)) assert lon.value == 10.0 # Check setitem. lat = Latitude(10, 'deg') lon = Longitude([20], 'deg') lon[0] = Angle(lat) assert lon.value[0] == 10.0 def test_wrap_at(): a = Angle([-20, 150, 350, 360] * u.deg) assert np.all(a.wrap_at(360 * u.deg).degree == np.array([340., 150., 350., 0.])) assert np.all(a.wrap_at(Angle(360, unit=u.deg)).degree == np.array([340., 150., 350., 0.])) assert np.all(a.wrap_at('360d').degree == np.array([340., 150., 350., 0.])) assert np.all(a.wrap_at('180d').degree == np.array([-20., 150., -10., 0.])) assert np.all(a.wrap_at(np.pi * u.rad).degree == np.array([-20., 150., -10., 0.])) # Test wrapping a scalar Angle a = Angle('190d') assert a.wrap_at('180d') == Angle('-170d') a = Angle(np.arange(-1000.0, 1000.0, 0.125), unit=u.deg) for wrap_angle in (270, 0.2, 0.0, 360.0, 500, -2000.125): aw = a.wrap_at(wrap_angle * u.deg) assert np.all(aw.degree >= wrap_angle - 360.0) assert np.all(aw.degree < wrap_angle) aw = a.to(u.rad).wrap_at(wrap_angle * u.deg) assert np.all(aw.degree >= wrap_angle - 360.0) assert np.all(aw.degree < wrap_angle) def test_is_within_bounds(): a = Angle([-20, 150, 350] * u.deg) assert a.is_within_bounds('0d', '360d') is False assert a.is_within_bounds(None, '360d') is True assert a.is_within_bounds(-30 * u.deg, None) is True a = Angle('-20d') assert a.is_within_bounds('0d', '360d') is False assert a.is_within_bounds(None, '360d') is True assert a.is_within_bounds(-30 * u.deg, None) is True def test_angle_mismatched_unit(): a = Angle('+6h7m8s', unit=u.degree) assert_allclose(a.value, 91.78333333333332) def test_regression_formatting_negative(): # Regression test for a bug that caused: # # >>> Angle(-1., unit='deg').to_string() # '-1d00m-0s' assert Angle(-0., unit='deg').to_string() == '-0d00m00s' assert Angle(-1., unit='deg').to_string() == '-1d00m00s' assert Angle(-0., unit='hour').to_string() == '-0h00m00s' assert Angle(-1., unit='hour').to_string() == '-1h00m00s' def test_regression_formatting_default_precision(): # Regression test for issue #11140 assert Angle('10:20:30.12345678d').to_string() == '10d20m30.12345678s' assert Angle('10d20m30.123456784564s').to_string() == '10d20m30.12345678s' assert Angle('10d20m30.123s').to_string() == '10d20m30.123s' def test_empty_sep(): a = Angle('05h04m31.93830s') assert a.to_string(sep='', precision=2, pad=True) == '050431.94' def test_create_tuple(): """ Tests creation of an angle with a (d,m,s) or (h,m,s) tuple """ a1 = Angle((1, 30, 0), unit=u.degree) assert a1.value == 1.5 a1 = Angle((1, 30, 0), unit=u.hourangle) assert a1.value == 1.5 def test_list_of_quantities(): a1 = Angle([1*u.deg, 1*u.hourangle]) assert a1.unit == u.deg assert_allclose(a1.value, [1, 15]) a2 = Angle([1*u.hourangle, 1*u.deg], u.deg) assert a2.unit == u.deg assert_allclose(a2.value, [15, 1]) def test_multiply_divide(): # Issue #2273 a1 = Angle([1, 2, 3], u.deg) a2 = Angle([4, 5, 6], u.deg) a3 = a1 * a2 assert_allclose(a3.value, [4, 10, 18]) assert a3.unit == (u.deg * u.deg) a3 = a1 / a2 assert_allclose(a3.value, [.25, .4, .5]) assert a3.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled def test_mixed_string_and_quantity(): a1 = Angle(['1d', 1. * u.deg]) assert_array_equal(a1.value, [1., 1.]) assert a1.unit == u.deg a2 = Angle(['1d', 1 * u.rad * np.pi, '3d']) assert_array_equal(a2.value, [1., 180., 3.]) assert a2.unit == u.deg def test_array_angle_tostring(): aobj = Angle([1, 2], u.deg) assert aobj.to_string().dtype.kind == 'U' assert np.all(aobj.to_string() == ['1d00m00s', '2d00m00s']) def test_wrap_at_without_new(): """ Regression test for subtle bugs from situations where an Angle is created via numpy channels that don't do the standard __new__ but instead depend on array_finalize to set state. Longitude is used because the bug was in its _wrap_angle not getting initialized correctly """ l1 = Longitude([1]*u.deg) l2 = Longitude([2]*u.deg) l = np.concatenate([l1, l2]) assert l._wrap_angle is not None def test__str__(): """ Check the __str__ method used in printing the Angle """ # scalar angle scangle = Angle('10.2345d') strscangle = scangle.__str__() assert strscangle == '10d14m04.2s' # non-scalar array angles arrangle = Angle(['10.2345d', '-20d']) strarrangle = arrangle.__str__() assert strarrangle == '[10d14m04.2s -20d00m00s]' # summarizing for large arrays, ... should appear bigarrangle = Angle(np.ones(10000), u.deg) assert '...' in bigarrangle.__str__() def test_repr_latex(): """ Check the _repr_latex_ method, used primarily by IPython notebooks """ # try with both scalar scangle = Angle(2.1, u.deg) rlscangle = scangle._repr_latex_() # and array angles arrangle = Angle([1, 2.1], u.deg) rlarrangle = arrangle._repr_latex_() assert rlscangle == r'$2^\circ06{}^\prime00{}^{\prime\prime}$' assert rlscangle.split('$')[1] in rlarrangle # make sure the ... appears for large arrays bigarrangle = Angle(np.ones(50000)/50000., u.deg) assert '...' in bigarrangle._repr_latex_() def test_angle_with_cds_units_enabled(): """Regression test for #5350 Especially the example in https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/5350#issuecomment-248770151 """ from astropy.units import cds # the problem is with the parser, so remove it temporarily from astropy.coordinates.angle_formats import _AngleParser del _AngleParser._thread_local._parser with cds.enable(): Angle('5d') del _AngleParser._thread_local._parser Angle('5d') def test_longitude_nan(): # Check that passing a NaN to Longitude doesn't raise a warning Longitude([0, np.nan, 1] * u.deg) def test_latitude_nan(): # Check that passing a NaN to Latitude doesn't raise a warning Latitude([0, np.nan, 1] * u.deg) def test_angle_wrap_at_nan(): # Check that no attempt is made to wrap a NaN angle angle = Angle([0, np.nan, 1] * u.deg) angle.flags.writeable = False # to force an error if a write is attempted angle.wrap_at(180*u.deg, inplace=True) def test_angle_multithreading(): """ Regression test for issue #7168 """ angles = ['00:00:00']*10000 def parse_test(i=0): Angle(angles, unit='hour') for i in range(10): threading.Thread(target=parse_test, args=(i,)).start() @pytest.mark.parametrize("cls", [Angle, Longitude, Latitude]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("input, expstr, exprepr", [(np.nan*u.deg, "nan", "nan deg"), ([np.nan, 5, 0]*u.deg, "[nan 5d00m00s 0d00m00s]", "[nan, 5., 0.] deg"), ([6, np.nan, 0]*u.deg, "[6d00m00s nan 0d00m00s]", "[6., nan, 0.] deg"), ([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]*u.deg, "[nan nan nan]", "[nan, nan, nan] deg"), (np.nan*u.hour, "nan", "nan hourangle"), ([np.nan, 5, 0]*u.hour, "[nan 5h00m00s 0h00m00s]", "[nan, 5., 0.] hourangle"), ([6, np.nan, 0]*u.hour, "[6h00m00s nan 0h00m00s]", "[6., nan, 0.] hourangle"), ([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]*u.hour, "[nan nan nan]", "[nan, nan, nan] hourangle"), (np.nan*u.rad, "nan", "nan rad"), ([np.nan, 1, 0]*u.rad, "[nan 1rad 0rad]", "[nan, 1., 0.] rad"), ([1.50, np.nan, 0]*u.rad, "[1.5rad nan 0rad]", "[1.5, nan, 0.] rad"), ([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]*u.rad, "[nan nan nan]", "[nan, nan, nan] rad")]) def test_str_repr_angles_nan(cls, input, expstr, exprepr): """ Regression test for issue #11473 """ q = cls(input) assert str(q) == expstr # Deleting whitespaces since repr appears to be adding them for some values # making the test fail. assert repr(q).replace(" ", "") == f'<{cls.__name__}{exprepr}>'.replace(" ","")