import numpy as np import pytest import astropy.units as u from astropy.time import Time from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation, AltAz, GCRS, SkyCoord, CIRS from astropy.coordinates.erfa_astrom import ( erfa_astrom, ErfaAstrom, ErfaAstromInterpolator ) def test_science_state(): assert erfa_astrom.get().__class__ is ErfaAstrom res = 300 * u.s with erfa_astrom.set(ErfaAstromInterpolator(res)): assert isinstance(erfa_astrom.get(), ErfaAstromInterpolator) erfa_astrom.get().mjd_resolution == res.to_value( # context manager should have switched it back assert erfa_astrom.get().__class__ is ErfaAstrom # must be a subclass of BaseErfaAstrom with pytest.raises(TypeError): erfa_astrom.set('foo') def test_warnings(): with pytest.warns(AstropyWarning): with erfa_astrom.set(ErfaAstromInterpolator(9 * pass def test_erfa_astrom(): # I was having a pretty hard time in coming # up with a unit test only testing the astrom provider # that would not just test its implementation with its implementation # so we test a coordinate conversion using it location = EarthLocation( lon=-17.891105 * u.deg, lat=28.761584 * u.deg, height=2200 * u.m, ) obstime = Time('2020-01-01T18:00') + np.linspace(0, 1, 100) * u.hour altaz = AltAz(location=location, obstime=obstime) coord = SkyCoord(ra=83.63308333, dec=22.0145, unit=u.deg) # do the reference transformation, no interpolation ref = coord.transform_to(altaz) with erfa_astrom.set(ErfaAstromInterpolator(300 * u.s)): interp_300s = coord.transform_to(altaz) # make sure they are actually different assert np.any(ref.separation(interp_300s) > 0.005 * u.microarcsecond) # make sure the resolution is as good as we expect assert np.all(ref.separation(interp_300s) < 1 * u.microarcsecond) def test_interpolation_nd(): ''' Test that the interpolation also works for nd-arrays ''' fact = EarthLocation( lon=-17.891105 * u.deg, lat=28.761584 * u.deg, height=2200 * u.m, ) interp_provider = ErfaAstromInterpolator(300 * u.s) provider = ErfaAstrom() for shape in [tuple(), (1, ), (10, ), (3, 2), (2, 10, 5), (4, 5, 3, 2)]: # create obstimes of the desired shapes delta_t = np.linspace(0, 12,, dtype=int)) * u.hour obstime = (Time('2020-01-01T18:00') + delta_t).reshape(shape) altaz = AltAz(location=fact, obstime=obstime) gcrs = GCRS(obstime=obstime) cirs = CIRS(obstime=obstime) for frame, tcode in zip([altaz, cirs, gcrs], ['apio', 'apco', 'apcs']): without_interp = getattr(provider, tcode)(frame) assert without_interp.shape == shape with_interp = getattr(interp_provider, tcode)(frame) assert with_interp.shape == shape def test_interpolation_broadcasting(): from astropy.coordinates.angle_utilities import golden_spiral_grid from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, EarthLocation, AltAz from astropy.time import Time import astropy.units as u from astropy.coordinates.erfa_astrom import (erfa_astrom, ErfaAstromInterpolator) # 1000 gridded locations on the sky rep = golden_spiral_grid(100) coord = SkyCoord(rep) # 30 times over the space of 1 hours times = Time('2020-01-01T20:00') + np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, 30) * u.hour lst1 = EarthLocation( lon=-17.891498 * u.deg, lat=28.761443 * u.deg, height=2200 * u.m, ) # note the use of broadcasting so that 300 times are broadcast against 1000 positions aa_frame = AltAz(obstime=times[:, np.newaxis], location=lst1) aa_coord = coord.transform_to(aa_frame) with erfa_astrom.set(ErfaAstromInterpolator(300 * u.s)): aa_coord_interp = coord.transform_to(aa_frame) assert aa_coord.shape == aa_coord_interp.shape assert np.all(aa_coord.separation(aa_coord_interp) < 1 * u.microarcsecond)