import os import pytest import numpy as np from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError from astropy.time import Time from astropy import units as u from astropy.constants import c from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import GCRS, TETE from import EarthLocation from astropy.coordinates.sky_coordinate import SkyCoord from astropy.coordinates.representation import CartesianRepresentation, UnitSphericalRepresentation from astropy.coordinates.solar_system import (get_body, get_moon, BODY_NAME_TO_KERNEL_SPEC, _get_apparent_body_position, solar_system_ephemeris, get_body_barycentric, get_body_barycentric_posvel) from astropy.coordinates.funcs import get_sun from astropy.tests.helper import assert_quantity_allclose from astropy.units import allclose as quantity_allclose from import download_file, get_pkg_data_filename from astropy.utils.compat.optional_deps import (HAS_JPLEPHEM, # noqa HAS_SKYFIELD) if HAS_SKYFIELD: from skyfield.api import Loader, Topos de432s_separation_tolerance_planets = 5*u.arcsec de432s_separation_tolerance_moon = 5*u.arcsec de432s_distance_tolerance = 20* skyfield_angular_separation_tolerance = 1*u.arcsec skyfield_separation_tolerance = 10* @pytest.mark.remote_data @pytest.mark.skipif('not HAS_SKYFIELD') def test_positions_skyfield(tmpdir): """ Test positions against those generated by skyfield. """ load = Loader(tmpdir) t = Time('1980-03-25 00:00') location = None # skyfield ephemeris try: planets = load('de421.bsp') ts = load.timescale() except OSError as e: if os.environ.get('CI', False) and 'timed out' in str(e): pytest.xfail('Timed out in CI') else: raise mercury, jupiter, moon = planets['mercury'], planets['jupiter barycenter'], planets['moon'] earth = planets['earth'] skyfield_t = ts.from_astropy(t) if location is not None: earth = earth+Topos(, longitude_degrees=location.lon.to_value(u.deg), elevation_m=location.height.to_value(u.m)) skyfield_mercury = skyfield_jupiter = skyfield_moon = if location is not None: frame = TETE(obstime=t, location=location) else: frame = TETE(obstime=t) ra, dec, dist = skyfield_mercury.radec(epoch='date') skyfield_mercury = SkyCoord(,,, frame=frame) ra, dec, dist = skyfield_jupiter.radec(epoch='date') skyfield_jupiter = SkyCoord(,,, frame=frame) ra, dec, dist = skyfield_moon.radec(epoch='date') skyfield_moon = SkyCoord(,,, frame=frame) # planet positions w.r.t true equator and equinox moon_astropy = get_moon(t, location, ephemeris='de430').transform_to(frame) mercury_astropy = get_body('mercury', t, location, ephemeris='de430').transform_to(frame) jupiter_astropy = get_body('jupiter', t, location, ephemeris='de430').transform_to(frame) assert (moon_astropy.separation(skyfield_moon) < skyfield_angular_separation_tolerance) assert (moon_astropy.separation_3d(skyfield_moon) < skyfield_separation_tolerance) assert (jupiter_astropy.separation(skyfield_jupiter) < skyfield_angular_separation_tolerance) assert (jupiter_astropy.separation_3d(skyfield_jupiter) < skyfield_separation_tolerance) assert (mercury_astropy.separation(skyfield_mercury) < skyfield_angular_separation_tolerance) assert (mercury_astropy.separation_3d(skyfield_mercury) < skyfield_separation_tolerance) planets.close() class TestPositionsGeocentric: """ Test positions against those generated by JPL Horizons accessed on 2016-03-28, with refraction turned on. """ def setup(self): self.t = Time('1980-03-25 00:00') self.apparent_frame = TETE(obstime=self.t) # Results returned by JPL Horizons web interface self.horizons = { 'mercury': SkyCoord(ra='22h41m47.78s', dec='-08d29m32.0s', distance=c*6.323037*u.min, frame=self.apparent_frame), 'moon': SkyCoord(ra='07h32m02.62s', dec='+18d34m05.0s', distance=c*0.021921*u.min, frame=self.apparent_frame), 'jupiter': SkyCoord(ra='10h17m12.82s', dec='+12d02m57.0s', distance=c*37.694557*u.min, frame=self.apparent_frame), 'sun': SkyCoord(ra='00h16m31.00s', dec='+01d47m16.9s', distance=c*8.294858*u.min, frame=self.apparent_frame)} @pytest.mark.parametrize(('body', 'sep_tol', 'dist_tol'), (('mercury', 7.*u.arcsec, 1000*, ('jupiter', 78.*u.arcsec, 76000*, ('moon', 20.*u.arcsec, 80*, ('sun', 5.*u.arcsec, 11.* def test_erfa_planet(self, body, sep_tol, dist_tol): """Test predictions using erfa/plan94. Accuracies are maximum deviations listed in erfa/plan94.c, for Jupiter and Mercury, and that quoted in Meeus "Astronomical Algorithms" (1998) for the Moon. """ astropy = get_body(body, self.t, ephemeris='builtin') horizons = self.horizons[body] # convert to true equator and equinox astropy = astropy.transform_to(self.apparent_frame) # Assert sky coordinates are close. assert astropy.separation(horizons) < sep_tol # Assert distances are close. assert_quantity_allclose(astropy.distance, horizons.distance, atol=dist_tol) @pytest.mark.remote_data @pytest.mark.skipif('not HAS_JPLEPHEM') @pytest.mark.parametrize('body', ('mercury', 'jupiter', 'sun')) def test_de432s_planet(self, body): astropy = get_body(body, self.t, ephemeris='de432s') horizons = self.horizons[body] # convert to true equator and equinox astropy = astropy.transform_to(self.apparent_frame) # Assert sky coordinates are close. assert (astropy.separation(horizons) < de432s_separation_tolerance_planets) # Assert distances are close. assert_quantity_allclose(astropy.distance, horizons.distance, atol=de432s_distance_tolerance) @pytest.mark.remote_data @pytest.mark.skipif('not HAS_JPLEPHEM') def test_de432s_moon(self): astropy = get_moon(self.t, ephemeris='de432s') horizons = self.horizons['moon'] # convert to true equator and equinox astropy = astropy.transform_to(self.apparent_frame) # Assert sky coordinates are close. assert (astropy.separation(horizons) < de432s_separation_tolerance_moon) # Assert distances are close. assert_quantity_allclose(astropy.distance, horizons.distance, atol=de432s_distance_tolerance) class TestPositionKittPeak: """ Test positions against those generated by JPL Horizons accessed on 2016-03-28, with refraction turned on. """ def setup(self): kitt_peak = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(lon=-111.6*u.deg, lat=31.963333333333342*u.deg, height=2120*u.m) self.t = Time('2014-09-25T00:00', location=kitt_peak) self.apparent_frame = TETE(obstime=self.t, location=kitt_peak) # Results returned by JPL Horizons web interface self.horizons = { 'mercury': SkyCoord(ra='13h38m58.50s', dec='-13d34m42.6s', distance=c*7.699020*u.min, frame=self.apparent_frame), 'moon': SkyCoord(ra='12h33m12.85s', dec='-05d17m54.4s', distance=c*0.022054*u.min, frame=self.apparent_frame), 'jupiter': SkyCoord(ra='09h09m55.55s', dec='+16d51m57.8s', distance=c*49.244937*u.min, frame=self.apparent_frame)} @pytest.mark.parametrize(('body', 'sep_tol', 'dist_tol'), (('mercury', 7.*u.arcsec, 500*, ('jupiter', 78.*u.arcsec, 82000* def test_erfa_planet(self, body, sep_tol, dist_tol): """Test predictions using erfa/plan94. Accuracies are maximum deviations listed in erfa/plan94.c. """ # Add uncertainty in position of Earth dist_tol = dist_tol + 1300 * astropy = get_body(body, self.t, ephemeris='builtin') horizons = self.horizons[body] # convert to true equator and equinox astropy = astropy.transform_to(self.apparent_frame) # Assert sky coordinates are close. assert astropy.separation(horizons) < sep_tol # Assert distances are close. assert_quantity_allclose(astropy.distance, horizons.distance, atol=dist_tol) @pytest.mark.remote_data @pytest.mark.skipif('not HAS_JPLEPHEM') @pytest.mark.parametrize('body', ('mercury', 'jupiter')) def test_de432s_planet(self, body): astropy = get_body(body, self.t, ephemeris='de432s') horizons = self.horizons[body] # convert to true equator and equinox astropy = astropy.transform_to(self.apparent_frame) # Assert sky coordinates are close. assert (astropy.separation(horizons) < de432s_separation_tolerance_planets) # Assert distances are close. assert_quantity_allclose(astropy.distance, horizons.distance, atol=de432s_distance_tolerance) @pytest.mark.remote_data @pytest.mark.skipif('not HAS_JPLEPHEM') def test_de432s_moon(self): astropy = get_moon(self.t, ephemeris='de432s') horizons = self.horizons['moon'] # convert to true equator and equinox astropy = astropy.transform_to(self.apparent_frame) # Assert sky coordinates are close. assert (astropy.separation(horizons) < de432s_separation_tolerance_moon) # Assert distances are close. assert_quantity_allclose(astropy.distance, horizons.distance, atol=de432s_distance_tolerance) @pytest.mark.remote_data @pytest.mark.skipif('not HAS_JPLEPHEM') @pytest.mark.parametrize('bodyname', ('mercury', 'jupiter')) def test_custom_kernel_spec_body(self, bodyname): """ Checks that giving a kernel specifier instead of a body name works """ coord_by_name = get_body(bodyname, self.t, ephemeris='de432s') kspec = BODY_NAME_TO_KERNEL_SPEC[bodyname] coord_by_kspec = get_body(kspec, self.t, ephemeris='de432s') assert_quantity_allclose(coord_by_name.ra, coord_by_kspec.ra) assert_quantity_allclose(coord_by_name.dec, coord_by_kspec.dec) assert_quantity_allclose(coord_by_name.distance, coord_by_kspec.distance) @pytest.mark.remote_data @pytest.mark.skipif('not HAS_JPLEPHEM') def test_horizons_consistency_with_precision(): """ A test to compare at high precision against output of JPL horizons. Tests ephemerides, and conversions from ICRS to GCRS to TETE. We are aiming for better than 2 milli-arcsecond precision. We use the Moon since it is nearby, and moves fast in the sky so we are testing for parallax, proper handling of light deflection and aberration. """ # JPL Horizon values for 2020_04_06 00:00 to 23:00 in 1 hour steps # JPL Horizons has a known offset (frame bias) of 51.02 mas in RA. We correct that here ra_apparent_horizons = [ 170.167332531, 170.560688674, 170.923834838, 171.271663481, 171.620188972, 171.985340827, 172.381766539, 172.821772139, 173.314502650, 173.865422398, 174.476108551, 175.144332386, 175.864375310, 176.627519827, 177.422655853, 178.236955730, 179.056584831, 179.867427392, 180.655815385, 181.409252074, 182.117113814, 182.771311578, 183.366872837, 183.902395443 ] * u.deg + 51.02376467 * u.mas dec_apparent_horizons = [ 10.269112037, 10.058820647, 9.837152044, 9.603724551, 9.358956528, 9.104012390, 8.840674927, 8.571162442, 8.297917326, 8.023394488, 7.749873882, 7.479312991, 7.213246666, 6.952732614, 6.698336823, 6.450150213, 6.207828142, 5.970645962, 5.737565957, 5.507313851, 5.278462034, 5.049521497, 4.819038911, 4.585696512 ] * u.deg with solar_system_ephemeris.set('de430'): loc = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(-67.787260*u.deg, -22.959748*u.deg, 5186*u.m) times = Time('2020-04-06 00:00') + np.arange(0, 24, 1)*u.hour astropy = get_body('moon', times, loc) apparent_frame = TETE(obstime=times, location=loc) astropy = astropy.transform_to(apparent_frame) usrepr = UnitSphericalRepresentation(ra_apparent_horizons, dec_apparent_horizons) horizons = apparent_frame.realize_frame(usrepr) assert_quantity_allclose(astropy.separation(horizons), 0*u.mas, atol=1.5*u.mas) @pytest.mark.remote_data @pytest.mark.skipif('not HAS_JPLEPHEM') @pytest.mark.parametrize('time', (Time('1960-01-12 00:00'), Time('1980-03-25 00:00'), Time('2010-10-13 00:00'))) def test_get_sun_consistency(time): """ Test that the sun from JPL and the builtin get_sun match """ sun_jpl_gcrs = get_body('sun', time, ephemeris='de432s') builtin_get_sun = get_sun(time) sep = builtin_get_sun.separation(sun_jpl_gcrs) assert sep < 0.1*u.arcsec def test_get_moon_nonscalar_regression(): """ Test that the builtin ephemeris works with non-scalar times. See Issue #5069. """ times = Time(["2015-08-28 03:30", "2015-09-05 10:30"]) # the following line will raise an Exception if the bug recurs. get_moon(times, ephemeris='builtin') def test_barycentric_pos_posvel_same(): # Check that the two routines give identical results. ep1 = get_body_barycentric('earth', Time('2016-03-20T12:30:00')) ep2, _ = get_body_barycentric_posvel('earth', Time('2016-03-20T12:30:00')) assert np.all( == def test_earth_barycentric_velocity_rough(): # Check that a time near the equinox gives roughly the right result. ep, ev = get_body_barycentric_posvel('earth', Time('2016-03-20T12:30:00')) assert_quantity_allclose(, [-1., 0., 0.]*u.AU, atol=0.01*u.AU) expected = u.Quantity([0.*, np.cos(23.5*u.deg), np.sin(23.5*u.deg)]) * -30. * / u.s assert_quantity_allclose(, expected, atol=1.* def test_earth_barycentric_velocity_multi_d(): # Might as well test it with a multidimensional array too. t = Time('2016-03-20T12:30:00') + np.arange(8.).reshape(2, 2, 2) * u.yr / 2. ep, ev = get_body_barycentric_posvel('earth', t) # note: assert_quantity_allclose doesn't like the shape mismatch. # this is a problem with np.testing.assert_allclose. assert quantity_allclose(ep.get_xyz(xyz_axis=-1), [[-1., 0., 0.], [+1., 0., 0.]]*u.AU, atol=0.06*u.AU) expected = u.Quantity([0.*, np.cos(23.5*u.deg), np.sin(23.5*u.deg)]) * ([[-30.], [30.]] * / u.s) assert quantity_allclose(ev.get_xyz(xyz_axis=-1), expected, atol=2.* @pytest.mark.remote_data @pytest.mark.skipif('not HAS_JPLEPHEM') @pytest.mark.parametrize(('body', 'pos_tol', 'vel_tol'), (('mercury', 1000.*, 1.*, ('jupiter', 100000.*, 2.*, ('earth', 10*, 10*, ('moon', 18*, 50* def test_barycentric_velocity_consistency(body, pos_tol, vel_tol): # Tolerances are about 1.5 times the rms listed for plan94 and epv00, # except for Mercury (which nominally is 334 km rms), and the Moon # (which nominally is 6 km rms). t = Time('2016-03-20T12:30:00') ep, ev = get_body_barycentric_posvel(body, t, ephemeris='builtin') dp, dv = get_body_barycentric_posvel(body, t, ephemeris='de432s') assert_quantity_allclose(,, atol=pos_tol) assert_quantity_allclose(,, atol=vel_tol) # Might as well test it with a multidimensional array too. t = Time('2016-03-20T12:30:00') + np.arange(8.).reshape(2, 2, 2) * u.yr / 2. ep, ev = get_body_barycentric_posvel(body, t, ephemeris='builtin') dp, dv = get_body_barycentric_posvel(body, t, ephemeris='de432s') assert_quantity_allclose(,, atol=pos_tol) assert_quantity_allclose(,, atol=vel_tol) @pytest.mark.remote_data @pytest.mark.skipif('not HAS_JPLEPHEM') @pytest.mark.parametrize('time', (Time('1960-01-12 00:00'), Time('1980-03-25 00:00'), Time('2010-10-13 00:00'))) def test_url_or_file_ephemeris(time): # URL for ephemeris de432s used for testing: url = '' # Pass the ephemeris directly as a URL. coord_by_url = get_body('earth', time, ephemeris=url) # Translate the URL to the cached location on the filesystem. # Since we just used the url above, it should already have been downloaded. filepath = download_file(url, cache=True) # Get the coordinates using the file path directly: coord_by_filepath = get_body('earth', time, ephemeris=filepath) # Using the URL or filepath should give exactly the same results: assert_quantity_allclose(coord_by_url.ra, coord_by_filepath.ra) assert_quantity_allclose(coord_by_url.dec, coord_by_filepath.dec) assert_quantity_allclose(coord_by_url.distance, coord_by_filepath.distance) @pytest.mark.remote_data @pytest.mark.skipif('not HAS_JPLEPHEM') def test_url_ephemeris_wrong_input(): # Try loading a non-existing URL: time = Time('1960-01-12 00:00') with pytest.raises((HTTPError, URLError)): get_body('earth', time, ephemeris=get_pkg_data_filename('path/to/nonexisting/file.bsp')) @pytest.mark.skipif('not HAS_JPLEPHEM') def test_file_ephemeris_wrong_input(): time = Time('1960-01-12 00:00') # Try loading a non-existing file: with pytest.raises(ValueError): get_body('earth', time, ephemeris='/path/to/nonexisting/file.bsp') # NOTE: This test currently leaves the file open (ResourceWarning). # To fix this issue, an upstream fix is required in jplephem # package. # Try loading a file that does exist, but is not an ephemeris file: with pytest.warns(ResourceWarning), pytest.raises(ValueError): get_body('earth', time, ephemeris=__file__) def test_regression_10271(): t = Time(58973.534052125986, format='mjd') # GCRS position of ALMA at this time obs_p = CartesianRepresentation(5724535.74068625, -1311071.58985697, -2492738.93017009, u.m) geocentre = CartesianRepresentation(0, 0, 0, u.m) icrs_sun_from_alma = _get_apparent_body_position('sun', t, 'builtin', obs_p) icrs_sun_from_geocentre = _get_apparent_body_position('sun', t, 'builtin', geocentre) difference = (icrs_sun_from_alma - icrs_sun_from_geocentre).norm() assert_quantity_allclose(difference, 0.13046941*u.m, atol=1*