# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
This module tests some methods related to ``CDS`` format
Requires `pyyaml `_ to be installed.
import numpy as np
import pytest
from io import StringIO
from astropy.io import ascii
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.table import Column, MaskedColumn
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.utils.data import get_pkg_data_filename
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning
from .common import assert_almost_equal
test_dat = ['names e d s i',
'HD81809 1E-7 22.25608 +2 67',
'HD103095 -31.6e5 +27.2500 -9E34 -30']
def test_roundtrip_mrt_table():
Tests whether or not the CDS writer can roundtrip a table,
i.e. read a table to ``Table`` object and write it exactly
as it is back to a file. Since, presently CDS uses a
MRT format template while writing, only the Byte-By-Byte
and the data section of the table can be compared between
original and the newly written table.
Further, the CDS Reader does not have capability to recognize
column format from the header of a CDS/MRT table, so this test
can work for a limited set of simple tables, which don't have
whitespaces in the column values or mix-in columns. Because of
this the written table output cannot be directly matched with
the original file and have to be checked against a list of lines.
Masked columns are read properly though, and thus are being tested
during round-tripping.
The difference between ``cdsFunctional2.dat`` file and ``exp_output``
is the following:
* Metadata is different because MRT template is used for writing.
* Spacing between ``Label`` and ``Explanations`` column in the
* Units are written as ``[cm.s-2]`` and not ``[cm/s2]``, since both
are valid according to CDS/MRT standard.
exp_output = [
'Byte-by-byte Description of file: table.dat',
' Bytes Format Units Label Explanations',
' 1- 7 A7 --- ID Star ID ',
' 9-12 I4 K Teff [4337/4654] Effective temperature ',
'14-17 F4.2 [cm.s-2] logg [0.77/1.28] Surface gravity ',
'19-22 F4.2 km.s-1 vturb [1.23/1.82] Micro-turbulence velocity',
'24-28 F5.2 [-] [Fe/H] [-2.11/-1.5] Metallicity ',
'30-33 F4.2 [-] e_[Fe/H] ? rms uncertainty on [Fe/H] ',
'S05-5 4337 0.77 1.80 -2.07 ',
'S08-229 4625 1.23 1.23 -1.50 ',
'S05-10 4342 0.91 1.82 -2.11 0.14',
'S05-47 4654 1.28 1.74 -1.64 0.16']
dat = get_pkg_data_filename('data/cdsFunctional2.dat',
t = Table.read(dat, format='ascii.mrt')
out = StringIO()
t.write(out, format='ascii.mrt')
lines = out.getvalue().splitlines()
i_bbb = lines.index('=' * 80)
lines = lines[i_bbb:] # Select Byte-By-Byte section and later lines.
assert lines == exp_output
def test_write_byte_by_byte_units():
t = ascii.read(test_dat)
col_units = [None, u.C, u.kg, u.m / u.s, u.year]
t._set_column_attribute('unit', col_units)
# Add a column with magnitude units.
# Note that magnitude has to be assigned for each value explicitly.
t['magnitude'] = [u.Magnitude(25), u.Magnitude(-9)]
out = StringIO()
t.write(out, format='ascii.mrt')
# Read written table.
tRead = ascii.read(out.getvalue(), format='cds')
assert [tRead[col].unit for col in tRead.columns] == col_units
def test_write_readme_with_default_options():
exp_output = [
'Byte-by-byte Description of file: table.dat',
' Bytes Format Units Label Explanations',
' 1- 8 A8 --- names Description of names ',
'10-14 E5.1 --- e [-3160000.0/0.01] Description of e',
'16-23 F8.5 --- d [22.25/27.25] Description of d ',
'25-31 E7.1 --- s [-9e+34/2.0] Description of s ',
'33-35 I3 --- i [-30/67] Description of i ',
'HD81809 1e-07 22.25608 2e+00 67',
'HD103095 -3e+06 27.25000 -9e+34 -30']
t = ascii.read(test_dat)
out = StringIO()
t.write(out, format='ascii.mrt')
assert out.getvalue().splitlines() == exp_output
def test_write_empty_table():
out = StringIO()
import pytest
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
Table().write(out, format='ascii.mrt')
def test_write_null_data_values():
exp_output = ['HD81809 1e-07 22.25608 2.0e+00 67',
'HD103095 -3e+06 27.25000 -9.0e+34 -30',
'Sun 5.3e+27 ']
t = ascii.read(test_dat)
t.add_row(['Sun', '3.25', '0', '5.3e27', '2'],
mask=[False, True, True, False, True])
out = StringIO()
t.write(out, format='ascii.mrt')
lines = out.getvalue().splitlines()
i_secs = [i for i, s in enumerate(lines)
if s.startswith(('------', '======='))]
lines = lines[i_secs[-1] + 1:] # Last section is the data.
assert lines == exp_output
def test_write_byte_by_byte_for_masked_column():
This test differs from the ``test_write_null_data_values``
above in that it tests the column value limits in the Byte-By-Byte
description section for columns whose values are masked.
It also checks the description for columns with same values.
exp_output = [
'Byte-by-byte Description of file: table.dat',
' Bytes Format Units Label Explanations',
' 1- 8 A8 --- names Description of names ',
'10-14 E5.1 --- e [0.0/0.01]? Description of e ',
'16-17 F2.0 --- d ? Description of d ',
'19-25 E7.1 --- s [-9e+34/2.0] Description of s ',
'27-29 I3 --- i [-30/67] Description of i ',
'31-33 F3.1 --- sameF [5.0/5.0] Description of sameF',
'35-36 I2 --- sameI [20] Description of sameI ',
'HD81809 1e-07 2e+00 67 5.0 20',
'HD103095 -9e+34 -30 5.0 20']
t = ascii.read(test_dat)
t.add_column([5.0, 5.0], name='sameF')
t.add_column([20, 20], name='sameI')
t['e'] = MaskedColumn(t['e'], mask=[False, True])
t['d'] = MaskedColumn(t['d'], mask=[True, True])
out = StringIO()
t.write(out, format='ascii.mrt')
lines = out.getvalue().splitlines()
i_bbb = lines.index('=' * 80)
lines = lines[i_bbb:] # Select Byte-By-Byte section and later lines.
assert lines == exp_output
exp_coord_cols_output = dict(generic=[
'Byte-by-byte Description of file: table.dat',
' Bytes Format Units Label Explanations',
' 1- 8 A8 --- names Description of names ',
'10-14 E5.1 --- e [-3160000.0/0.01] Description of e',
'16-23 F8.5 --- d [22.25/27.25] Description of d ',
'25-31 E7.1 --- s [-9e+34/2.0] Description of s ',
'33-35 I3 --- i [-30/67] Description of i ',
'37-39 F3.1 --- sameF [5.0/5.0] Description of sameF ',
'41-42 I2 --- sameI [20] Description of sameI ',
'44-45 I2 h RAh Right Ascension (hour) ',
'47-48 I2 min RAm Right Ascension (minute) ',
'50-62 F13.10 s RAs Right Ascension (second) ',
' 64 A1 --- DE- Sign of Declination ',
'65-66 I2 deg DEd Declination (degree) ',
'68-69 I2 arcmin DEm Declination (arcmin) ',
'71-82 F12.9 arcsec DEs Declination (arcsec) ',
'HD81809 1e-07 22.25608 2e+00 67 5.0 20 22 02 15.4500000000 -61 39 34.599996000',
'HD103095 -3e+06 27.25000 -9e+34 -30 5.0 20 12 48 15.2244072000 +17 46 26.496624000'],
'Byte-by-byte Description of file: table.dat',
' Bytes Format Units Label Explanations',
' 1- 8 A8 --- names Description of names ',
'10-14 E5.1 --- e [-3160000.0/0.01] Description of e',
'16-23 F8.5 --- d [22.25/27.25] Description of d ',
'25-31 E7.1 --- s [-9e+34/2.0] Description of s ',
'33-35 I3 --- i [-30/67] Description of i ',
'37-39 F3.1 --- sameF [5.0/5.0] Description of sameF ',
'41-42 I2 --- sameI [20] Description of sameI ',
'44-45 I2 h RAh Right Ascension (hour) ',
'47-48 I2 min RAm Right Ascension (minute) ',
'50-62 F13.10 s RAs Right Ascension (second) ',
' 64 A1 --- DE- Sign of Declination ',
'65-66 I2 deg DEd Declination (degree) ',
'68-69 I2 arcmin DEm Declination (arcmin) ',
'71-82 F12.9 arcsec DEs Declination (arcsec) ',
'HD81809 1e-07 22.25608 2e+00 67 5.0 20 12 48 15.2244072000 +17 46 26.496624000',
'HD103095 -3e+06 27.25000 -9e+34 -30 5.0 20 12 48 15.2244072000 +17 46 26.496624000'],
'Byte-by-byte Description of file: table.dat',
' Bytes Format Units Label Explanations',
' 1- 8 A8 --- names Description of names ',
'10-14 E5.1 --- e [-3160000.0/0.01] Description of e',
'16-23 F8.5 --- d [22.25/27.25] Description of d ',
'25-31 E7.1 --- s [-9e+34/2.0] Description of s ',
'33-35 I3 --- i [-30/67] Description of i ',
'37-39 F3.1 --- sameF [5.0/5.0] Description of sameF ',
'41-42 I2 --- sameI [20] Description of sameI ',
'44-59 F16.12 deg GLON Galactic Longitude ',
'61-76 F16.12 deg GLAT Galactic Latitude ',
'HD81809 1e-07 22.25608 2e+00 67 5.0 20 330.071639591690 -45.548080484609',
'HD103095 -3e+06 27.25000 -9e+34 -30 5.0 20 330.071639591690 -45.548080484609'],
'Byte-by-byte Description of file: table.dat',
' Bytes Format Units Label Explanations',
' 1- 8 A8 --- names Description of names ',
'10-14 E5.1 --- e [-3160000.0/0.01] Description of e ',
'16-23 F8.5 --- d [22.25/27.25] Description of d ',
'25-31 E7.1 --- s [-9e+34/2.0] Description of s ',
'33-35 I3 --- i [-30/67] Description of i ',
'37-39 F3.1 --- sameF [5.0/5.0] Description of sameF ',
'41-42 I2 --- sameI [20] Description of sameI ',
'44-59 F16.12 deg ELON Ecliptic Longitude (geocentrictrueecliptic)',
'61-76 F16.12 deg ELAT Ecliptic Latitude (geocentrictrueecliptic) ',
'HD81809 1e-07 22.25608 2e+00 67 5.0 20 306.224208650096 -45.621789850825',
'HD103095 -3e+06 27.25000 -9e+34 -30 5.0 20 306.224208650096 -45.621789850825'],
def test_write_coord_cols():
There can only be one such coordinate column in a single table,
because division of columns into individual component columns requires
iterating over the table columns, which will have to be done again
if additional such coordinate columns are present.
t = ascii.read(test_dat)
t.add_column([5.0, 5.0], name='sameF')
t.add_column([20, 20], name='sameI')
# Coordinates of ASASSN-15lh
coord = SkyCoord(330.564375, -61.65961111, unit=u.deg)
# Coordinates of ASASSN-14li
coordp = SkyCoord(192.06343503, 17.77402684, unit=u.deg)
cols = [Column([coord, coordp]), # Generic coordinate column
coordp, # Coordinate column with positive DEC
coord.galactic, # Galactic coordinates
coord.geocentrictrueecliptic # Ecliptic coordinates
# Loop through different types of coordinate columns.
for col, coord_type in zip(cols, exp_coord_cols_output):
exp_output = exp_coord_cols_output[coord_type]
t['coord'] = col
out = StringIO()
t.write(out, format='ascii.mrt')
lines = out.getvalue().splitlines()
i_bbb = lines.index('=' * 80)
lines = lines[i_bbb:] # Select Byte-By-Byte section and later lines.
# Check the written table.
assert lines == exp_output
# Check if the original table columns remains unmodified.
assert t.colnames == ['names', 'e', 'd', 's', 'i', 'sameF', 'sameI', 'coord']
def test_write_byte_by_byte_bytes_col_format():
Tests the alignment of Byte counts with respect to hyphen
in the Bytes column of Byte-By-Byte. The whitespace around the
hyphen is govered by the number of digits in the total Byte
count. Single Byte columns should have a single Byte count
without the hyphen.
exp_output = [
'Byte-by-byte Description of file: table.dat',
' Bytes Format Units Label Explanations',
' 1- 8 A8 --- names Description of names ',
'10-21 E12.6 --- e [-3160000.0/0.01] Description of e',
'23-30 F8.5 --- d [22.25/27.25] Description of d ',
'32-38 E7.1 --- s [-9e+34/2.0] Description of s ',
'40-42 I3 --- i [-30/67] Description of i ',
'44-46 F3.1 --- sameF [5.0/5.0] Description of sameF ',
'48-49 I2 --- sameI [20] Description of sameI ',
' 51 I1 --- singleByteCol [2] Description of singleByteCol ',
'53-54 I2 h RAh Right Ascension (hour) ',
'56-57 I2 min RAm Right Ascension (minute) ',
'59-71 F13.10 s RAs Right Ascension (second) ',
' 73 A1 --- DE- Sign of Declination ',
'74-75 I2 deg DEd Declination (degree) ',
'77-78 I2 arcmin DEm Declination (arcmin) ',
'80-91 F12.9 arcsec DEs Declination (arcsec) ',
t = ascii.read(test_dat)
t.add_column([5.0, 5.0], name='sameF')
t.add_column([20, 20], name='sameI')
t['coord'] = SkyCoord(330.564375, -61.65961111, unit=u.deg)
t['singleByteCol'] = [2, 2]
t['e'].format = '.5E'
out = StringIO()
t.write(out, format='ascii.mrt')
lines = out.getvalue().splitlines()
i_secs = [i for i, s in enumerate(lines)
if s.startswith(('------', '======='))]
# Select only the Byte-By-Byte section.
lines = lines[i_secs[0]:i_secs[-2]]
lines.append('-' * 80) # Append a separator line.
assert lines == exp_output
def test_write_byte_by_byte_wrapping():
Test line wrapping in the description column of the
Byte-By-Byte section of the ReadMe.
exp_output = '''\
Byte-by-byte Description of file: table.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 8 A8 --- thisIsALongColumnLabel This is a tediously long
description. But they do sometimes
have them. Better to put extra
details in the notes. This is a
tediously long description. But they
do sometimes have them. Better to put
extra details in the notes.
10-14 E5.1 --- e [-3160000.0/0.01] Description of e
16-23 F8.5 --- d [22.25/27.25] Description of d
''' # noqa: W291
t = ascii.read(test_dat)
t.remove_columns(['s', 'i'])
description = 'This is a tediously long description.' \
+ ' But they do sometimes have them.' \
+ ' Better to put extra details in the notes. '
t['names'].description = description * 2
t['names'].name = 'thisIsALongColumnLabel'
out = StringIO()
t.write(out, format='ascii.mrt')
lines = out.getvalue().splitlines()
i_secs = [i for i, s in enumerate(lines)
if s.startswith(('------', '======='))]
# Select only the Byte-By-Byte section.
lines = lines[i_secs[0]:i_secs[-2]]
lines.append('-' * 80) # Append a separator line.
assert lines == exp_output.splitlines()
def test_write_mixin_and_broken_cols():
Tests convertion to string values for ``mix-in`` columns other than
``SkyCoord`` and for columns with only partial ``SkyCoord`` values.
exp_output = [
'Byte-by-byte Description of file: table.dat', # noqa
'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------', # noqa
' Bytes Format Units Label Explanations', # noqa
'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------', # noqa
' 1- 7 A7 --- name Description of name ', # noqa
' 9- 74 A66 --- Unknown Description of Unknown', # noqa
' 76-114 A39 --- Unknown Description of Unknown', # noqa
'116-138 A23 --- Unknown Description of Unknown', # noqa
'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------', # noqa
'Notes:', # noqa
'--------------------------------------------------------------------------------', # noqa
'HD81809 (0.41342785, -0.23329341, -0.88014294) 2019-01-01 00:00:00.000', # noqa
'random 12 (0.41342785, -0.23329341, -0.88014294) 2019-01-01 00:00:00.000'] # noqa
t = Table()
t['name'] = ['HD81809']
coord = SkyCoord(330.564375, -61.65961111, unit=u.deg)
t['coord'] = Column(coord)
t.add_row(['random', 12])
t['cart'] = coord.cartesian
t['time'] = Time('2019-1-1')
out = StringIO()
t.write(out, format='ascii.mrt')
lines = out.getvalue().splitlines()
i_bbb = lines.index('=' * 80)
lines = lines[i_bbb:] # Select Byte-By-Byte section and later lines.
# Check the written table.
assert lines == exp_output
def test_write_extra_skycoord_cols():
Tests output for cases when table contains multiple ``SkyCoord`` columns.
exp_output = '''\
Byte-by-byte Description of file: table.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 7 A7 --- name Description of name
9-10 I2 h RAh Right Ascension (hour)
12-13 I2 min RAm Right Ascension (minute)
15-27 F13.10 s RAs Right Ascension (second)
29 A1 --- DE- Sign of Declination
30-31 I2 deg DEd Declination (degree)
33-34 I2 arcmin DEm Declination (arcmin)
36-47 F12.9 arcsec DEs Declination (arcsec)
49-62 A14 --- coord2 Description of coord2
HD4760 0 49 39.9000000000 +06 24 07.999200000 12.4163 6.407
HD81809 22 02 15.4500000000 -61 39 34.599996000 330.564 -61.66
''' # noqa: W291
t = Table()
t['name'] = ['HD4760', 'HD81809']
t['coord1'] = SkyCoord([12.41625, 330.564375], [6.402222, -61.65961111], unit=u.deg)
t['coord2'] = SkyCoord([12.41630, 330.564400], [6.407, -61.66], unit=u.deg)
out = StringIO()
with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=r'column 2 is being skipped with designation of a '
r'string valued column `coord2`'):
t.write(out, format='ascii.mrt')
lines = out.getvalue().splitlines()
i_bbb = lines.index('=' * 80)
lines = lines[i_bbb:] # Select Byte-By-Byte section and following lines.
# Check the written table.
assert lines[:-2] == exp_output.splitlines()[:-2]
for a, b in zip(lines[-2:], exp_output.splitlines()[-2:]):
assert a[:18] == b[:18]
assert a[30:42] == b[30:42]
assert_almost_equal(np.fromstring(a[2:], sep=' '), np.fromstring(b[2:], sep=' '))
def test_write_skycoord_with_format():
Tests output with custom setting for ``SkyCoord`` (second) columns.
exp_output = '''\
Byte-by-byte Description of file: table.dat
Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
1- 7 A7 --- name Description of name
9-10 I2 h RAh Right Ascension (hour)
12-13 I2 min RAm Right Ascension (minute)
15-19 F5.2 s RAs Right Ascension (second)
21 A1 --- DE- Sign of Declination
22-23 I2 deg DEd Declination (degree)
25-26 I2 arcmin DEm Declination (arcmin)
28-31 F4.1 arcsec DEs Declination (arcsec)
HD4760 0 49 39.90 +06 24 08.0
HD81809 22 02 15.45 -61 39 34.6
''' # noqa: W291
t = Table()
t['name'] = ['HD4760', 'HD81809']
t['coord'] = SkyCoord([12.41625, 330.564375], [6.402222, -61.65961111], unit=u.deg)
out = StringIO()
# This will raise a warning because `formats` is checked before the writer creating the
# final list of columns is called.
with pytest.warns(AstropyWarning, match=r"The key.s. {'[RD][AE]s', '[RD][AE]s'} specified in "
r"the formats argument do not match a column name."):
t.write(out, format='ascii.mrt', formats={'RAs': '05.2f', 'DEs': '04.1f'})
lines = out.getvalue().splitlines()
i_bbb = lines.index('=' * 80)
lines = lines[i_bbb:] # Select Byte-By-Byte section and following lines.
# Check the written table.
assert lines == exp_output.splitlines()