Validation report for regression.xml 11: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace ^ 28: W10: Unknown tag 'DESCRIPTION'. Ignoring Really, this link is totally bogus. ^ 34: W26: 'INFO' inside 'TABLE' added in VOTable 1.2 ^ 57: W10: Unknown tag 'IGNORE_ME'. Ignoring ^ 97: W17: GROUP element contains more than one DESCRIPTION element This should warn of a second description. ^ 104: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace Fixed string long test ^ 114: W46: unicodeChar value is too long for specified length of 10 Ceçi n'est pas un pipe ^ 115: W46: char value is too long for specified length of 4 ab cd ^ 134: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of 4, got 1 ^ 134: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields. ^ 142: W46: char value is too long for specified length of 10 0123456789A ^ 145: W46: char value is too long for specified length of 4 0123456789A ^ 146: W51: Value '256' is out of range for a 8-bit unsigned integer field 256 ^ 147: W51: Value '65536' is out of range for a 16-bit integer field 65536 ^ 149: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields. ^ 152: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace 42 32, 12 32 ^ 168: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of 16, got 0 ^ 168: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields. ^ 168: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields. ^ 168: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields. ^ 168: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields. ^ 168: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields. ^ 168: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields. ^ 168: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields. ^ 168: W49: Empty cell illegal for integer fields. (suppressing further warnings of this type...) ^ 174: W46: unicodeChar value is too long for specified length of 10 0123456789A ^ 176: W51: Value '-23' is out of range for a 8-bit unsigned integer field -23 ^ 198: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of 16, got 0 ^ 207: W51: Value '65535' is out of range for a 16-bit integer field 0xffff ^ 212: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace NaN, 23 ^ 214: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of 6, got 0 ^ 222: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of 4, got 1 ^ 228: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of 16, got 0 ^ 236: W51: Value '256' is out of range for a 8-bit unsigned integer field 0x100 ^ 237: W51: Value '65536' is out of range for a 16-bit integer field 0x10000 ^ 242: W01: Array uses commas rather than whitespace 31, -1 ^ 244: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of 6, got 0 ^ 252: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of 4, got 1 ^ 254: E02: Incorrect number of elements in array. Expected multiple of 4, got 1 (suppressing further warnings of this type...) ^ 272: W46: char value is too long for specified length of 10 Fixed string long test ^ 274: W46: unicodeChar value is too long for specified length of 10 Ceçi n'est pas un pipe ^ 275: W46: char value is too long for specified length of 4 ab cd ^