# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Optimization algorithms used in `~astropy.modeling.fitting`. """ import warnings import abc import numpy as np from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning __all__ = ["Optimization", "SLSQP", "Simplex"] # Maximum number of iterations DEFAULT_MAXITER = 100 # Step for the forward difference approximation of the Jacobian DEFAULT_EPS = np.sqrt(np.finfo(float).eps) # Default requested accuracy DEFAULT_ACC = 1e-07 DEFAULT_BOUNDS = (-10 ** 12, 10 ** 12) class Optimization(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Base class for optimizers. Parameters ---------- opt_method : callable Implements optimization method Notes ----- The base Optimizer does not support any constraints by default; individual optimizers should explicitly set this list to the specific constraints it supports. """ supported_constraints = [] def __init__(self, opt_method): self._opt_method = opt_method self._maxiter = DEFAULT_MAXITER self._eps = DEFAULT_EPS self._acc = DEFAULT_ACC @property def maxiter(self): """Maximum number of iterations""" return self._maxiter @maxiter.setter def maxiter(self, val): """Set maxiter""" self._maxiter = val @property def eps(self): """Step for the forward difference approximation of the Jacobian""" return self._eps @eps.setter def eps(self, val): """Set eps value""" self._eps = val @property def acc(self): """Requested accuracy""" return self._acc @acc.setter def acc(self, val): """Set accuracy""" self._acc = val def __repr__(self): fmt = f"{self.__class__.__name__}()" return fmt @property def opt_method(self): """ Return the optimization method.""" return self._opt_method @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self): raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses should implement this method") class SLSQP(Optimization): """ Sequential Least Squares Programming optimization algorithm. The algorithm is described in [1]_. It supports tied and fixed parameters, as well as bounded constraints. Uses `scipy.optimize.fmin_slsqp`. References ---------- .. [1] http://www.netlib.org/toms/733 """ supported_constraints = ['bounds', 'eqcons', 'ineqcons', 'fixed', 'tied'] def __init__(self): from scipy.optimize import fmin_slsqp super().__init__(fmin_slsqp) self.fit_info = { 'final_func_val': None, 'numiter': None, 'exit_mode': None, 'message': None } def __call__(self, objfunc, initval, fargs, **kwargs): """ Run the solver. Parameters ---------- objfunc : callable objection function initval : iterable initial guess for the parameter values fargs : tuple other arguments to be passed to the statistic function kwargs : dict other keyword arguments to be passed to the solver """ kwargs['iter'] = kwargs.pop('maxiter', self._maxiter) if 'epsilon' not in kwargs: kwargs['epsilon'] = self._eps if 'acc' not in kwargs: kwargs['acc'] = self._acc # Get the verbosity level disp = kwargs.pop('verblevel', None) # set the values of constraints to match the requirements of fmin_slsqp model = fargs[0] pars = [getattr(model, name) for name in model.param_names] bounds = [par.bounds for par in pars if not (par.fixed or par.tied)] bounds = np.asarray(bounds) for i in bounds: if i[0] is None: i[0] = DEFAULT_BOUNDS[0] if i[1] is None: i[1] = DEFAULT_BOUNDS[1] # older versions of scipy require this array to be float bounds = np.asarray(bounds, dtype=float) eqcons = np.array(model.eqcons) ineqcons = np.array(model.ineqcons) fitparams, final_func_val, numiter, exit_mode, mess = self.opt_method( objfunc, initval, args=fargs, full_output=True, disp=disp, bounds=bounds, eqcons=eqcons, ieqcons=ineqcons, **kwargs) self.fit_info['final_func_val'] = final_func_val self.fit_info['numiter'] = numiter self.fit_info['exit_mode'] = exit_mode self.fit_info['message'] = mess if exit_mode != 0: warnings.warn("The fit may be unsuccessful; check " "fit_info['message'] for more information.", AstropyUserWarning) return fitparams, self.fit_info class Simplex(Optimization): """ Neald-Mead (downhill simplex) algorithm. This algorithm [1]_ only uses function values, not derivatives. Uses `scipy.optimize.fmin`. References ---------- .. [1] Nelder, J.A. and Mead, R. (1965), "A simplex method for function minimization", The Computer Journal, 7, pp. 308-313 """ supported_constraints = ['bounds', 'fixed', 'tied'] def __init__(self): from scipy.optimize import fmin as simplex super().__init__(simplex) self.fit_info = { 'final_func_val': None, 'numiter': None, 'exit_mode': None, 'num_function_calls': None } def __call__(self, objfunc, initval, fargs, **kwargs): """ Run the solver. Parameters ---------- objfunc : callable objection function initval : iterable initial guess for the parameter values fargs : tuple other arguments to be passed to the statistic function kwargs : dict other keyword arguments to be passed to the solver """ if 'maxiter' not in kwargs: kwargs['maxiter'] = self._maxiter if 'acc' in kwargs: self._acc = kwargs['acc'] kwargs.pop('acc') if 'xtol' in kwargs: self._acc = kwargs['xtol'] kwargs.pop('xtol') # Get the verbosity level disp = kwargs.pop('verblevel', None) fitparams, final_func_val, numiter, funcalls, exit_mode = self.opt_method( objfunc, initval, args=fargs, xtol=self._acc, disp=disp, full_output=True, **kwargs) self.fit_info['final_func_val'] = final_func_val self.fit_info['numiter'] = numiter self.fit_info['exit_mode'] = exit_mode self.fit_info['num_function_calls'] = funcalls if self.fit_info['exit_mode'] == 1: warnings.warn("The fit may be unsuccessful; " "Maximum number of function evaluations reached.", AstropyUserWarning) if self.fit_info['exit_mode'] == 2: warnings.warn("The fit may be unsuccessful; " "Maximum number of iterations reached.", AstropyUserWarning) return fitparams, self.fit_info