import json import textwrap import copy from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np import yaml __all__ = ['get_header_from_yaml', 'get_yaml_from_header', 'get_yaml_from_table'] class ColumnOrderList(list): """ List of tuples that sorts in a specific order that makes sense for astropy table column attributes. """ def sort(self, *args, **kwargs): super().sort() column_keys = ['name', 'unit', 'datatype', 'format', 'description', 'meta'] in_dict = dict(self) out_list = [] for key in column_keys: if key in in_dict: out_list.append((key, in_dict[key])) for key, val in self: if key not in column_keys: out_list.append((key, val)) # Clear list in-place del self[:] self.extend(out_list) class ColumnDict(dict): """ Specialized dict subclass to represent attributes of a Column and return items() in a preferred order. This is only for use in generating a YAML map representation that has a fixed order. """ def items(self): """ Return items as a ColumnOrderList, which sorts in the preferred way for column attributes. """ return ColumnOrderList(super().items()) def _construct_odict(load, node): """ Construct OrderedDict from !!omap in yaml safe load. Source: License: Unspecified This is the same as SafeConstructor.construct_yaml_omap(), except the data type is changed to OrderedDict() and setitem is used instead of append in the loop Examples -------- :: >>> yaml.load(''' # doctest: +SKIP ... !!omap ... - foo: bar ... - mumble: quux ... - baz: gorp ... ''') OrderedDict([('foo', 'bar'), ('mumble', 'quux'), ('baz', 'gorp')]) >>> yaml.load('''!!omap [ foo: bar, mumble: quux, baz : gorp ]''') # doctest: +SKIP OrderedDict([('foo', 'bar'), ('mumble', 'quux'), ('baz', 'gorp')]) """ omap = OrderedDict() yield omap if not isinstance(node, yaml.SequenceNode): raise yaml.constructor.ConstructorError( "while constructing an ordered map", node.start_mark, f"expected a sequence, but found {}", node.start_mark) for subnode in node.value: if not isinstance(subnode, yaml.MappingNode): raise yaml.constructor.ConstructorError( "while constructing an ordered map", node.start_mark, f"expected a mapping of length 1, but found {}", subnode.start_mark) if len(subnode.value) != 1: raise yaml.constructor.ConstructorError( "while constructing an ordered map", node.start_mark, f"expected a single mapping item, but found {len(subnode.value)} items", subnode.start_mark) key_node, value_node = subnode.value[0] key = load.construct_object(key_node) value = load.construct_object(value_node) omap[key] = value def _repr_pairs(dump, tag, sequence, flow_style=None): """ This is the same code as BaseRepresenter.represent_sequence(), but the value passed to dump.represent_data() in the loop is a dictionary instead of a tuple. Source: License: Unspecified """ value = [] node = yaml.SequenceNode(tag, value, flow_style=flow_style) if dump.alias_key is not None: dump.represented_objects[dump.alias_key] = node best_style = True for (key, val) in sequence: item = dump.represent_data({key: val}) if not (isinstance(item, yaml.ScalarNode) and not best_style = False value.append(item) if flow_style is None: if dump.default_flow_style is not None: node.flow_style = dump.default_flow_style else: node.flow_style = best_style return node def _repr_odict(dumper, data): """ Represent OrderedDict in yaml dump. Source: License: Unspecified >>> data = OrderedDict([('foo', 'bar'), ('mumble', 'quux'), ('baz', 'gorp')]) >>> yaml.dump(data, default_flow_style=False) # doctest: +SKIP '!!omap\\n- foo: bar\\n- mumble: quux\\n- baz: gorp\\n' >>> yaml.dump(data, default_flow_style=True) # doctest: +SKIP '!!omap [foo: bar, mumble: quux, baz: gorp]\\n' """ return _repr_pairs(dumper, ',2002:omap', data.items()) def _repr_column_dict(dumper, data): """ Represent ColumnDict in yaml dump. This is the same as an ordinary mapping except that the keys are written in a fixed order that makes sense for astropy table columns. """ return dumper.represent_mapping(',2002:map', data) def _get_variable_length_array_shape(col): """Check if object-type ``col`` is really a variable length list. That is true if the object consists purely of list of nested lists, where the shape of every item can be represented as (m, n, ..., *) where the (m, n, ...) are constant and only the lists in the last axis have variable shape. If so the returned value of shape will be a tuple in the form (m, n, ..., None). If ``col`` is a variable length array then the return ``dtype`` corresponds to the type found by numpy for all the individual values. Otherwise it will be ``np.dtype(object)``. Parameters ========== col : column-like Input table column, assumed to be object-type Returns ======= shape : tuple Inferred variable length shape or None dtype : np.dtype Numpy dtype that applies to col """ class ConvertError(ValueError): """Local conversion error used below""" # Numpy types supported as variable-length arrays np_classes = (np.floating, np.integer, np.bool_, np.unicode_) try: if len(col) == 0 or not all(isinstance(val, np.ndarray) for val in col): raise ConvertError dtype = col[0].dtype shape = col[0].shape[:-1] for val in col: if not issubclass(val.dtype.type, np_classes) or val.shape[:-1] != shape: raise ConvertError dtype = np.promote_types(dtype, val.dtype) shape = shape + (None,) except ConvertError: # `col` is not a variable length array, return shape and dtype to # the original. Note that this function is only called if # col.shape[1:] was () and is object. dtype = shape = () return shape, dtype def _get_datatype_from_dtype(dtype): """Return string version of ``dtype`` for writing to ECSV ``datatype``""" datatype = if datatype.startswith(('bytes', 'str')): datatype = 'string' if datatype.endswith('_'): datatype = datatype[:-1] # string_ and bool_ lose the final _ for ECSV return datatype def _get_col_attributes(col): """ Extract information from a column (apart from the values) that is required to fully serialize the column. Parameters ---------- col : column-like Input Table column Returns ------- attrs : dict Dict of ECSV attributes for ``col`` """ dtype = # Type of column values that get written subtype = None # Type of data for object columns serialized with JSON shape = col.shape[1:] # Shape of multidim / variable length columns if == 'object': if shape == (): # 1-d object type column might be a variable length array dtype = np.dtype(str) shape, subtype = _get_variable_length_array_shape(col) else: # N-d object column is subtype object but serialized as JSON string dtype = np.dtype(str) subtype = np.dtype(object) elif shape: # N-d column which is not object is serialized as JSON string dtype = np.dtype(str) subtype = datatype = _get_datatype_from_dtype(dtype) # Set the output attributes attrs = ColumnDict() attrs['name'] = attrs['datatype'] = datatype for attr, nontrivial, xform in (('unit', lambda x: x is not None, str), ('format', lambda x: x is not None, None), ('description', lambda x: x is not None, None), ('meta', lambda x: x, None)): col_attr = getattr(, attr) if nontrivial(col_attr): attrs[attr] = xform(col_attr) if xform else col_attr if subtype: attrs['subtype'] = _get_datatype_from_dtype(subtype) # Numpy 'object' maps to 'subtype' of 'json' in ECSV if attrs['subtype'] == 'object': attrs['subtype'] = 'json' if shape: attrs['subtype'] += json.dumps(list(shape), separators=(',', ':')) return attrs def get_yaml_from_table(table): """ Return lines with a YAML representation of header content from the ``table``. Parameters ---------- table : `~astropy.table.Table` object Table for which header content is output Returns ------- lines : list List of text lines with YAML header content """ header = {'cols': list(table.columns.values())} if table.meta: header['meta'] = table.meta return get_yaml_from_header(header) def get_yaml_from_header(header): """ Return lines with a YAML representation of header content from a Table. The ``header`` dict must contain these keys: - 'cols' : list of table column objects (required) - 'meta' : table 'meta' attribute (optional) Other keys included in ``header`` will be serialized in the output YAML representation. Parameters ---------- header : dict Table header content Returns ------- lines : list List of text lines with YAML header content """ from import AstropyDumper class TableDumper(AstropyDumper): """ Custom Dumper that represents OrderedDict as an !!omap object. """ def represent_mapping(self, tag, mapping, flow_style=None): """ This is a combination of the Python 2 and 3 versions of this method in the PyYAML library to allow the required key ordering via the ColumnOrderList object. The Python 3 version insists on turning the items() mapping into a list object and sorting, which results in alphabetical order for the column keys. """ value = [] node = yaml.MappingNode(tag, value, flow_style=flow_style) if self.alias_key is not None: self.represented_objects[self.alias_key] = node best_style = True if hasattr(mapping, 'items'): mapping = mapping.items() if hasattr(mapping, 'sort'): mapping.sort() else: mapping = list(mapping) try: mapping = sorted(mapping) except TypeError: pass for item_key, item_value in mapping: node_key = self.represent_data(item_key) node_value = self.represent_data(item_value) if not (isinstance(node_key, yaml.ScalarNode) and not best_style = False if not (isinstance(node_value, yaml.ScalarNode) and not best_style = False value.append((node_key, node_value)) if flow_style is None: if self.default_flow_style is not None: node.flow_style = self.default_flow_style else: node.flow_style = best_style return node TableDumper.add_representer(OrderedDict, _repr_odict) TableDumper.add_representer(ColumnDict, _repr_column_dict) header = copy.copy(header) # Don't overwrite original header['datatype'] = [_get_col_attributes(col) for col in header['cols']] del header['cols'] lines = yaml.dump(header, default_flow_style=None, Dumper=TableDumper, width=130).splitlines() return lines class YamlParseError(Exception): pass def get_header_from_yaml(lines): """ Get a header dict from input ``lines`` which should be valid YAML. This input will typically be created by get_yaml_from_header. The output is a dictionary which describes all the table and column meta. The get_cols() method in the io/ascii/ file should be used as a guide to using the information when constructing a table using this header dict information. Parameters ---------- lines : list List of text lines with YAML header content Returns ------- header : dict Dictionary describing table and column meta """ from import AstropyLoader class TableLoader(AstropyLoader): """ Custom Loader that constructs OrderedDict from an !!omap object. This does nothing but provide a namespace for adding the custom odict constructor. """ TableLoader.add_constructor(',2002:omap', _construct_odict) # Now actually load the YAML data structure into `meta` header_yaml = textwrap.dedent('\n'.join(lines)) try: header = yaml.load(header_yaml, Loader=TableLoader) except Exception as err: raise YamlParseError() from err return header