import numpy as np import pickle from astropy.table import Table, Column, MaskedColumn, QTable from astropy.table.table_helpers import simple_table from astropy.units import Quantity, deg from astropy.time import Time from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord def test_pickle_column(protocol): c = Column(data=[1, 2], name='a', format='%05d', description='col a', unit='cm', meta={'a': 1}) cs = pickle.dumps(c) cp = pickle.loads(cs) assert np.all(cp == c) assert cp.attrs_equal(c) assert cp._parent_table is None assert repr(c) == repr(cp) def test_pickle_masked_column(protocol): c = MaskedColumn(data=[1, 2], name='a', format='%05d', description='col a', unit='cm', meta={'a': 1}) c.mask[1] = True c.fill_value = -99 cs = pickle.dumps(c) cp = pickle.loads(cs) assert np.all(cp._data == c._data) assert np.all(cp.mask == c.mask) assert cp.attrs_equal(c) assert cp.fill_value == -99 assert cp._parent_table is None assert repr(c) == repr(cp) def test_pickle_multidimensional_column(protocol): """Regression test for""" a = np.zeros((3, 2)) c = Column(a, name='a') cs = pickle.dumps(c) cp = pickle.loads(cs) assert np.all(c == cp) assert c.shape == cp.shape assert cp.attrs_equal(c) assert repr(c) == repr(cp) def test_pickle_table(protocol): a = Column(data=[1, 2], name='a', format='%05d', description='col a', unit='cm', meta={'a': 1}) b = Column(data=[3.0, 4.0], name='b', format='%05d', description='col b', unit='cm', meta={'b': 1}) for table_class in Table, QTable: t = table_class([a, b], meta={'a': 1, 'b': Quantity(10, unit='s')}) t['c'] = Quantity([1, 2], unit='m') t['d'] = Time(['2001-01-02T12:34:56', '2001-02-03T00:01:02']) t['e'] = SkyCoord([125.0, 180.0] * deg, [-45.0, 36.5] * deg) ts = pickle.dumps(t) tp = pickle.loads(ts) assert tp.__class__ is table_class assert np.all(tp['a'] == t['a']) assert np.all(tp['b'] == t['b']) # test mixin columns assert np.all(tp['c'] == t['c']) assert np.all(tp['d'] == t['d']) assert np.all(tp['e'].ra == t['e'].ra) assert np.all(tp['e'].dec == t['e'].dec) assert type(tp['c']) is type(t['c']) # nopep8 assert type(tp['d']) is type(t['d']) # nopep8 assert type(tp['e']) is type(t['e']) # nopep8 assert tp.meta == t.meta assert type(tp) is type(t) assert isinstance(tp['c'], Quantity if (table_class is QTable) else Column) def test_pickle_masked_table(protocol): a = Column(data=[1, 2], name='a', format='%05d', description='col a', unit='cm', meta={'a': 1}) b = Column(data=[3.0, 4.0], name='b', format='%05d', description='col b', unit='cm', meta={'b': 1}) t = Table([a, b], meta={'a': 1}, masked=True) t['a'].mask[1] = True t['a'].fill_value = -99 ts = pickle.dumps(t) tp = pickle.loads(ts) for colname in ('a', 'b'): for attr in ('_data', 'mask', 'fill_value'): assert np.all(getattr(tp[colname], attr) == getattr(tp[colname], attr)) assert tp['a'].attrs_equal(t['a']) assert tp['b'].attrs_equal(t['b']) assert tp.meta == t.meta def test_pickle_indexed_table(protocol): """ Ensure that any indices that have been added will survive pickling. """ t = simple_table() t.add_index('a') t.add_index(['a', 'b']) ts = pickle.dumps(t) tp = pickle.loads(ts) assert len(t.indices) == len(tp.indices) for index, indexp in zip(t.indices, tp.indices): assert np.all( == assert ==