# This Python file uses the following encoding: utf-8
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import pytest
import numpy as np
from io import StringIO
from astropy import table
from astropy.io import ascii
from astropy.table import Table, QTable
from astropy.table.table_helpers import simple_table
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.utils import console
BIG_WIDE_ARR = np.arange(2000, dtype=np.float64).reshape(100, 20)
SMALL_ARR = np.arange(18, dtype=np.int64).reshape(6, 3)
class TestMultiD():
def test_multidim(self, table_type):
"""Test printing with multidimensional column"""
arr = [np.array([[1, 2],
[10, 20]], dtype=np.int64),
np.array([[3, 4],
[30, 40]], dtype=np.int64),
np.array([[5, 6],
[50, 60]], dtype=np.int64)]
t = table_type(arr)
lines = t.pformat()
assert lines == ['col0 [2] col1 [2] col2 [2]',
'-------- -------- --------',
' 1 .. 2 3 .. 4 5 .. 6',
'10 .. 20 30 .. 40 50 .. 60']
lines = t.pformat(html=True)
assert lines == [
'col0 [2] | col1 [2] | col2 [2] |
'1 .. 2 | 3 .. 4 | 5 .. 6 |
'10 .. 20 | 30 .. 40 | 50 .. 60 |
nbclass = table.conf.default_notebook_table_class
masked = 'masked=True ' if t.masked else ''
assert t._repr_html_().splitlines() == [
f'{table_type.__name__} {masked}length=2',
'col0 [2] | col1 [2] | col2 [2] |
'int64 | int64 | int64 |
'1 .. 2 | 3 .. 4 | 5 .. 6 |
'10 .. 20 | 30 .. 40 | 50 .. 60 |
t = table_type([arr])
lines = t.pformat()
assert lines == ['col0 [2,2]',
' 1 .. 20',
' 3 .. 40',
' 5 .. 60']
def test_fake_multidim(self, table_type):
"""Test printing with 'fake' multidimensional column"""
arr = [np.array([[(1,)],
[(10,)]], dtype=np.int64),
[(30,)]], dtype=np.int64),
[(50,)]], dtype=np.int64)]
t = table_type(arr)
lines = t.pformat()
assert lines == ['col0 [1,1] col1 [1,1] col2 [1,1]',
'---------- ---------- ----------',
' 1 3 5',
' 10 30 50']
lines = t.pformat(html=True)
assert lines == [
'col0 [1,1] | col1 [1,1] | col2 [1,1] |
'1 | 3 | 5 |
'10 | 30 | 50 |
nbclass = table.conf.default_notebook_table_class
masked = 'masked=True ' if t.masked else ''
assert t._repr_html_().splitlines() == [
f'{table_type.__name__} {masked}length=2',
'col0 [1,1] | col1 [1,1] | col2 [1,1] |
'int64 | int64 | int64 |
'1 | 3 | 5 |
', '10 | 30 | 50 |
t = table_type([arr])
lines = t.pformat()
assert lines == ['col0 [2,1,1]',
' 1 .. 10',
' 3 .. 30',
' 5 .. 50']
def test_html_escaping():
t = table.Table([('', 2, 3)])
nbclass = table.conf.default_notebook_table_class
assert t._repr_html_().splitlines() == [
'Table length=3',
'col0 |
'str33 |
'<script>alert("gotcha");</script> |
'2 |
'3 |
class TestPprint():
def _setup(self, table_type):
self.tb = table_type(BIG_WIDE_ARR)
self.tb['col0'].format = 'e'
self.tb['col1'].format = '.6f'
self.tb['col0'].unit = 'km**2'
self.tb['col19'].unit = 'kg s m**-2'
self.ts = table_type(SMALL_ARR)
def test_empty_table(self, table_type):
t = table_type()
lines = t.pformat()
assert lines == ['']
c = repr(t)
masked = 'masked=True ' if t.masked else ''
assert c.splitlines() == [f'<{table_type.__name__} {masked}length=0>',
def test_format0(self, table_type):
"""Try getting screen size but fail to defaults because testing doesn't
have access to screen (fcntl.ioctl fails).
arr = np.arange(4000, dtype=np.float64).reshape(100, 40)
lines = table_type(arr).pformat()
nlines, width = console.terminal_size()
assert len(lines) == nlines
for line in lines[:-1]: # skip last "Length = .. rows" line
assert width - 10 < len(line) <= width
def test_format1(self, table_type):
"""Basic test of formatting, unit header row included"""
lines = self.tb.pformat(max_lines=8, max_width=40)
assert lines == [' col0 col1 ... col19 ',
' km2 ... kg s / m2',
'------------ ----------- ... ---------',
'0.000000e+00 1.000000 ... 19.0',
' ... ... ... ...',
'1.960000e+03 1961.000000 ... 1979.0',
'1.980000e+03 1981.000000 ... 1999.0',
'Length = 100 rows']
def test_format2(self, table_type):
"""Basic test of formatting, unit header row excluded"""
lines = self.tb.pformat(max_lines=8, max_width=40, show_unit=False)
assert lines == [' col0 col1 ... col19 ',
'------------ ----------- ... ------',
'0.000000e+00 1.000000 ... 19.0',
'2.000000e+01 21.000000 ... 39.0',
' ... ... ... ...',
'1.960000e+03 1961.000000 ... 1979.0',
'1.980000e+03 1981.000000 ... 1999.0',
'Length = 100 rows']
def test_format3(self, table_type):
"""Include the unit header row"""
lines = self.tb.pformat(max_lines=8, max_width=40, show_unit=True)
assert lines == [' col0 col1 ... col19 ',
' km2 ... kg s / m2',
'------------ ----------- ... ---------',
'0.000000e+00 1.000000 ... 19.0',
' ... ... ... ...',
'1.960000e+03 1961.000000 ... 1979.0',
'1.980000e+03 1981.000000 ... 1999.0',
'Length = 100 rows']
def test_format4(self, table_type):
"""Do not include the name header row"""
lines = self.tb.pformat(max_lines=8, max_width=40, show_name=False)
assert lines == [' km2 ... kg s / m2',
'------------ ----------- ... ---------',
'0.000000e+00 1.000000 ... 19.0',
'2.000000e+01 21.000000 ... 39.0',
' ... ... ... ...',
'1.960000e+03 1961.000000 ... 1979.0',
'1.980000e+03 1981.000000 ... 1999.0',
'Length = 100 rows']
def test_noclip(self, table_type):
"""Basic table print"""
lines = self.ts.pformat(max_lines=-1, max_width=-1)
assert lines == ['col0 col1 col2',
'---- ---- ----',
' 0 1 2',
' 3 4 5',
' 6 7 8',
' 9 10 11',
' 12 13 14',
' 15 16 17']
def test_clip1(self, table_type):
"""max lines below hard limit of 8
lines = self.ts.pformat(max_lines=3, max_width=-1)
assert lines == ['col0 col1 col2',
'---- ---- ----',
' 0 1 2',
' 3 4 5',
' 6 7 8',
' 9 10 11',
' 12 13 14',
' 15 16 17']
def test_clip2(self, table_type):
"""max lines below hard limit of 8 and output longer than 8
lines = self.ts.pformat(max_lines=3, max_width=-1, show_unit=True, show_dtype=True)
assert lines == [' col0 col1 col2',
' ',
'int64 int64 int64',
'----- ----- -----',
' 0 1 2',
' ... ... ...',
' 15 16 17',
'Length = 6 rows']
def test_clip3(self, table_type):
"""Max lines below hard limit of 8 and max width below hard limit
of 10
lines = self.ts.pformat(max_lines=3, max_width=1, show_unit=True)
assert lines == ['col0 ...',
' ...',
'---- ...',
' 0 ...',
' ... ...',
' 12 ...',
' 15 ...',
'Length = 6 rows']
def test_clip4(self, table_type):
"""Test a range of max_lines"""
for max_lines in (0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 130):
lines = self.tb.pformat(max_lines=max_lines, show_unit=False)
assert len(lines) == max(8, min(102, max_lines))
def test_pformat_all(self, table_type):
"""Test that all rows are printed by default"""
lines = self.tb.pformat_all()
# +3 accounts for the three header lines in this table
assert len(lines) == BIG_WIDE_ARR.shape[0] + 3
def test_pprint_all(self, table_type, capsys):
"""Test that all rows are printed by default"""
(out, err) = capsys.readouterr()
# +3 accounts for the three header lines in this table
assert len(out) == BIG_WIDE_ARR.shape[0] + 3
class TestFormat():
def test_column_format(self, table_type):
t = table_type([[1, 2], [3, 4]], names=('a', 'b'))
# default (format=None)
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n---\n 1\n 2'
# just a plain format string
t['a'].format = '5.2f'
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n-----\n 1.00\n 2.00'
# Old-style that is almost new-style
t['a'].format = '{ %4.2f }'
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n--------\n{ 1.00 }\n{ 2.00 }'
# New-style that is almost old-style
t['a'].format = '%{0:}'
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n---\n %1\n %2'
# New-style with extra spaces
t['a'].format = ' {0:05d} '
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n-------\n 00001 \n 00002 '
# New-style has precedence
t['a'].format = '%4.2f {0:}'
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n-------\n%4.2f 1\n%4.2f 2'
# Invalid format spec
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
t['a'].format = 'fail'
assert t['a'].format == '%4.2f {0:}' # format did not change
def test_column_format_with_threshold(self, table_type):
from astropy import conf
with conf.set_temp('max_lines', 8):
t = table_type([np.arange(20)], names=['a'])
t['a'].format = '%{0:}'
assert str(t['a']).splitlines() == [' a ',
' %0',
' %1',
'Length = 20 rows']
t['a'].format = '{ %4.2f }'
assert str(t['a']).splitlines() == [' a ',
' { 0.00 }',
' { 1.00 }',
' ...',
'{ 18.00 }',
'{ 19.00 }',
'Length = 20 rows']
def test_column_format_func(self, table_type):
# run most of functions twice
# 1) astropy.table.pprint._format_funcs gets populated
# 2) astropy.table.pprint._format_funcs gets used
t = table_type([[1., 2.], [3, 4]], names=('a', 'b'))
# mathematical function
t['a'].format = lambda x: str(x * 3.)
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n---\n3.0\n6.0'
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n---\n3.0\n6.0'
def test_column_format_callable(self, table_type):
# run most of functions twice
# 1) astropy.table.pprint._format_funcs gets populated
# 2) astropy.table.pprint._format_funcs gets used
t = table_type([[1., 2.], [3, 4]], names=('a', 'b'))
# mathematical function
class format:
def __call__(self, x):
return str(x * 3.)
t['a'].format = format()
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n---\n3.0\n6.0'
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n---\n3.0\n6.0'
def test_column_format_func_wrong_number_args(self, table_type):
t = table_type([[1., 2.], [3, 4]], names=('a', 'b'))
# function that expects wrong number of arguments
def func(a, b):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
t['a'].format = func
def test_column_format_func_multiD(self, table_type):
arr = [np.array([[1, 2],
[10, 20]])]
t = table_type(arr, names=['a'])
# mathematical function
t['a'].format = lambda x: str(x * 3.)
outstr = ' a [2] \n------------\n 3.0 .. 6.0\n30.0 .. 60.0'
assert str(t['a']) == outstr
assert str(t['a']) == outstr
def test_column_format_func_not_str(self, table_type):
t = table_type([[1., 2.], [3, 4]], names=('a', 'b'))
# mathematical function
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
t['a'].format = lambda x: x * 3
def test_column_alignment(self, table_type):
t = table_type([[1], [2], [3], [4]],
names=('long title a', 'long title b',
'long title c', 'long title d'))
t['long title a'].format = '<'
t['long title b'].format = '^'
t['long title c'].format = '>'
t['long title d'].format = '0='
assert str(t['long title a']) == 'long title a\n------------\n1 '
assert str(t['long title b']) == 'long title b\n------------\n 2 '
assert str(t['long title c']) == 'long title c\n------------\n 3'
assert str(t['long title d']) == 'long title d\n------------\n000000000004'
class TestFormatWithMaskedElements():
def test_column_format(self):
t = Table([[1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5]], names=('a', 'b'), masked=True)
t['a'].mask = [True, False, True]
# default (format=None)
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n---\n --\n 2\n --'
# just a plain format string
t['a'].format = '5.2f'
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n-----\n --\n 2.00\n --'
# Old-style that is almost new-style
t['a'].format = '{ %4.2f }'
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n--------\n --\n{ 2.00 }\n --'
# New-style that is almost old-style
t['a'].format = '%{0:}'
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n---\n --\n %2\n --'
# New-style with extra spaces
t['a'].format = ' {0:05d} '
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n-------\n --\n 00002 \n --'
# New-style has precedence
t['a'].format = '%4.2f {0:}'
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n-------\n --\n%4.2f 2\n --'
def test_column_format_with_threshold_masked_table(self):
from astropy import conf
with conf.set_temp('max_lines', 8):
t = Table([np.arange(20)], names=['a'], masked=True)
t['a'].format = '%{0:}'
t['a'].mask[0] = True
t['a'].mask[-1] = True
assert str(t['a']).splitlines() == [' a ',
' --',
' %1',
' --',
'Length = 20 rows']
t['a'].format = '{ %4.2f }'
assert str(t['a']).splitlines() == [' a ',
' --',
' { 1.00 }',
' ...',
'{ 18.00 }',
' --',
'Length = 20 rows']
def test_column_format_func(self):
# run most of functions twice
# 1) astropy.table.pprint._format_funcs gets populated
# 2) astropy.table.pprint._format_funcs gets used
t = Table([[1., 2., 3.], [3, 4, 5]], names=('a', 'b'), masked=True)
t['a'].mask = [True, False, True]
# mathematical function
t['a'].format = lambda x: str(x * 3.)
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n---\n --\n6.0\n --'
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n---\n --\n6.0\n --'
def test_column_format_func_with_special_masked(self):
# run most of functions twice
# 1) astropy.table.pprint._format_funcs gets populated
# 2) astropy.table.pprint._format_funcs gets used
t = Table([[1., 2., 3.], [3, 4, 5]], names=('a', 'b'), masked=True)
t['a'].mask = [True, False, True]
# mathematical function
def format_func(x):
if x is np.ma.masked:
return '!!'
return str(x * 3.)
t['a'].format = format_func
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n---\n !!\n6.0\n !!'
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n---\n !!\n6.0\n !!'
def test_column_format_callable(self):
# run most of functions twice
# 1) astropy.table.pprint._format_funcs gets populated
# 2) astropy.table.pprint._format_funcs gets used
t = Table([[1., 2., 3.], [3, 4, 5]], names=('a', 'b'), masked=True)
t['a'].mask = [True, False, True]
# mathematical function
class format:
def __call__(self, x):
return str(x * 3.)
t['a'].format = format()
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n---\n --\n6.0\n --'
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n---\n --\n6.0\n --'
def test_column_format_func_wrong_number_args(self):
t = Table([[1., 2.], [3, 4]], names=('a', 'b'), masked=True)
t['a'].mask = [True, False]
# function that expects wrong number of arguments
def func(a, b):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
t['a'].format = func
# but if all are masked, it never gets called
t['a'].mask = [True, True]
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n---\n --\n --'
def test_column_format_func_multiD(self):
arr = [np.array([[1, 2],
[10, 20]])]
t = Table(arr, names=['a'], masked=True)
t['a'].mask[0, 1] = True
t['a'].mask[1, 1] = True
# mathematical function
t['a'].format = lambda x: str(x * 3.)
outstr = ' a [2] \n----------\n 3.0 .. --\n30.0 .. --'
assert str(t['a']) == outstr
assert str(t['a']) == outstr
def test_pprint_npfloat32():
Test for #148, that np.float32 cannot by itself be formatted as float,
but has to be converted to a python float.
dat = np.array([1., 2.], dtype=np.float32)
t = Table([dat], names=['a'])
t['a'].format = '5.2f'
assert str(t['a']) == ' a \n-----\n 1.00\n 2.00'
def test_pprint_py3_bytes():
Test for #1346 and #4944. Make sure a bytestring (dtype=S) in Python 3
is printed correctly (without the "b" prefix like b'string').
val = bytes('val', encoding='utf-8')
blah = 'bläh'.encode('utf-8')
dat = np.array([val, blah], dtype=[('col', 'S10')])
t = table.Table(dat)
assert t['col'].pformat() == ['col ', '----', ' val', 'bläh']
def test_pprint_nameless_col():
"""Regression test for #2213, making sure a nameless column can be printed
using None as the name.
col = table.Column([1., 2.])
assert str(col).startswith('None')
def test_html():
"""Test HTML printing"""
dat = np.array([1., 2.], dtype=np.float32)
t = Table([dat], names=['a'])
lines = t.pformat(html=True)
assert lines == [f'']
lines = t.pformat(html=True, tableclass='table-striped')
assert lines == [
lines = t.pformat(html=True, tableclass=['table', 'table-striped'])
assert lines == [
def test_align():
t = simple_table(2, kinds='iS')
assert t.pformat() == [' a b ',
'--- ---',
' 1 b',
' 2 c']
# Use column format attribute
t['a'].format = '<'
assert t.pformat() == [' a b ',
'--- ---',
'1 b',
'2 c']
# Now override column format attribute with various combinations of align
tpf = [' a b ',
'--- ---',
' 1 b ',
' 2 c ']
for align in ('^', ['^', '^'], ('^', '^')):
assert tpf == t.pformat(align=align)
assert t.pformat(align='<') == [' a b ',
'--- ---',
'1 b ',
'2 c ']
assert t.pformat(align='0=') == [' a b ',
'--- ---',
'001 00b',
'002 00c']
assert t.pformat(align=['<', '^']) == [' a b ',
'--- ---',
'1 b ',
'2 c ']
# Now use fill characters. Stress the system using a fill
# character that is the same as an align character.
t = simple_table(2, kinds='iS')
assert t.pformat(align='^^') == [' a b ',
'--- ---',
'^1^ ^b^',
'^2^ ^c^']
assert t.pformat(align='^>') == [' a b ',
'--- ---',
'^^1 ^^b',
'^^2 ^^c']
assert t.pformat(align='^<') == [' a b ',
'--- ---',
'1^^ b^^',
'2^^ c^^']
# Complicated interaction (same as narrative docs example)
t1 = Table([[1.0, 2.0], [1, 2]], names=['column1', 'column2'])
t1['column1'].format = '#^.2f'
assert t1.pformat() == ['column1 column2',
'------- -------',
'##1.00# 1',
'##2.00# 2']
assert t1.pformat(align='!<') == ['column1 column2',
'------- -------',
'1.00!!! 1!!!!!!',
'2.00!!! 2!!!!!!']
assert t1.pformat(align=[None, '!<']) == ['column1 column2',
'------- -------',
'##1.00# 1!!!!!!',
'##2.00# 2!!!!!!']
# Zero fill
t['a'].format = '+d'
assert t.pformat(align='0=') == [' a b ',
'--- ---',
'+01 00b',
'+02 00c']
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
# Make sure pprint() does not raise an exception
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
t.pprint(align=['<', '<', '<'])
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_auto_format_func():
"""Test for #5802 (fix for #5800 where format_func key is not unique)"""
t = Table([[1, 2] * u.m])
t['col0'].format = '%f'
t.pformat() # Force caching of format function
qt = QTable(t)
qt.pformat() # Generates exception prior to #5802
def test_decode_replace():
Test printing a bytestring column with a value that fails
decoding to utf-8 and gets replaced by U+FFFD. See
t = Table([[b'Z\xf0']])
assert t.pformat() == ['col0', '----', ' Z\ufffd']
class TestColumnsShowHide:
"""Tests of show and hide table columns"""
def setup_method(self):
self.t = simple_table(size=1, cols=4, kinds='i')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('attr', ('pprint_exclude_names', 'pprint_include_names'))
def test_basic(self, attr):
t = self.t
assert repr(getattr(Table, attr)) == f''
t_show_hide = getattr(t, attr)
assert repr(t_show_hide) == f''
# Default value is None
assert t_show_hide() is None
def test_slice(self):
t = self.t
t.pprint_include_names = 'a'
t.pprint_exclude_names = 'b'
t2 = t[0:1]
assert t2.pprint_include_names() == ('a',)
assert t2.pprint_exclude_names() == ('b',)
def test_copy(self):
t = self.t
t.pprint_include_names = 'a'
t.pprint_exclude_names = 'b'
t2 = t.copy()
assert t2.pprint_include_names() == ('a',)
assert t2.pprint_exclude_names() == ('b',)
t2.pprint_include_names = 'c'
t2.pprint_exclude_names = 'd'
assert t.pprint_include_names() == ('a',)
assert t.pprint_exclude_names() == ('b',)
assert t2.pprint_include_names() == ('c',)
assert t2.pprint_exclude_names() == ('d',)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('attr', ('pprint_exclude_names', 'pprint_include_names'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('value', ('z', ['a', 'z']))
def test_setting(self, attr, value):
t = self.t
t_show_hide = getattr(t, attr)
# Expected attribute value ('z',) or ('a', 'z')
exp = (value,) if isinstance(value, str) else tuple(value)
# Context manager, can include column names that do not exist
with t_show_hide.set(value):
assert t_show_hide() == exp
assert t.meta['__attributes__'] == {attr: exp}
assert t_show_hide() is None
# Setting back to None clears out meta
assert t.meta == {}
# Do `t.pprint_include_names/hide = value`
setattr(t, attr, value)
assert t_show_hide() == exp
# Clear attribute
assert t_show_hide() is None
# Now use set() method
assert t_show_hide() == exp
with t_show_hide.set(None):
assert t_show_hide() is None
assert t.meta == {}
assert t_show_hide() == exp
@pytest.mark.parametrize('attr', ('pprint_exclude_names', 'pprint_include_names'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('value', ('z', ['a', 'z'], ('a', 'z')))
def test_add_remove(self, attr, value):
t = self.t
t_show_hide = getattr(t, attr)
# Expected attribute value ('z') or ('a', 'z')
exp = (value,) if isinstance(value, str) else tuple(value)
# add() method for str or list of str
assert t_show_hide() == exp
# Adding twice has no effect
assert t_show_hide() == exp
# Remove values (str or list of str). Reverts to None if all names are
# removed.
assert t_show_hide() is None
# Remove just one name, possibly leaving a name.
assert t_show_hide() == (None if value == 'z' else ('a',))
# Cannot remove name not in the list
t_show_hide.set(['a', 'z'])
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=f'x not in {attr}'):
t_show_hide.remove(('x', 'z'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('attr', ('pprint_exclude_names', 'pprint_include_names'))
def test_rename(self, attr):
t = self.t
t_hide_show = getattr(t, attr)
t_hide_show.set(['a', 'b'])
t.rename_column('a', 'aa')
assert t_hide_show() == ('aa', 'b')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('attr', ('pprint_exclude_names', 'pprint_include_names'))
def test_remove(self, attr):
t = self.t
t_hide_show = getattr(t, attr)
t_hide_show.set(['a', 'b'])
del t['a']
assert t_hide_show() == ('b',)
def test_serialization(self):
# Serialization works for ECSV. Currently fails for FITS, works with
# HDF5.
t = self.t
t.pprint_exclude_names = ['a', 'y']
t.pprint_include_names = ['b', 'z']
out = StringIO()
ascii.write(t, out, format='ecsv')
t2 = ascii.read(out.getvalue(), format='ecsv')
assert t2.pprint_exclude_names() == ('a', 'y')
assert t2.pprint_include_names() == ('b', 'z')
def test_output(self):
"""Test that pprint_include/exclude_names actually changes the print output"""
t = self.t
exp = [' b d ',
'--- ---',
' 2 4']
with t.pprint_exclude_names.set(['a', 'c']):
out = t.pformat_all()
assert out == exp
with t.pprint_include_names.set(['b', 'd']):
out = t.pformat_all()
assert out == exp
with t.pprint_exclude_names.set(['a', 'c']):
out = t.pformat_all()
assert out == exp
with t.pprint_include_names.set(['b', 'd']):
out = t.pformat_all()
assert out == exp
# Mixture (not common in practice but possible). Note, the trailing
# backslash instead of parens is needed for Python < 3.9. See:
# https://bugs.python.org/issue12782.
with t.pprint_include_names.set(['b', 'c', 'd']), \
out = t.pformat_all()
assert out == exp
def test_output_globs(self):
"""Test that pprint_include/exclude_names works with globs (fnmatch)"""
t = self.t
t['a2'] = 1
t['a23'] = 2
# Show only the a* columns
exp = [' a a2 a23',
'--- --- ---',
' 1 1 2']
with t.pprint_include_names.set('a*'):
out = t.pformat_all()
assert out == exp
# Show a* but exclude a??
exp = [' a a2',
'--- ---',
' 1 1']
with t.pprint_include_names.set('a*'), t.pprint_exclude_names.set('a??'):
out = t.pformat_all()
assert out == exp
# Exclude a??
exp = [' a b c d a2',
'--- --- --- --- ---',
' 1 2 3 4 1']
with t.pprint_exclude_names.set('a??'):
out = t.pformat_all()
assert out == exp