# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst import sys import pytest import numpy as np from astropy import table from astropy.table import Row from astropy import units as u from .conftest import MaskedTable def test_masked_row_with_object_col(): """ Numpy < 1.8 has a bug in masked array that prevents access a row if there is a column with object type. """ t = table.Table([[1]], dtype=['O'], masked=True) t['col0'].mask = False assert t[0]['col0'] == 1 t['col0'].mask = True assert t[0]['col0'] is np.ma.masked @pytest.mark.usefixtures('table_types') class TestRow(): def _setup(self, table_types): self._table_type = table_types.Table self._column_type = table_types.Column @property def t(self): # pytest wants to run this method once before table_types is run # to set Table and Column. In this case just return None, which would # cause any downstream test to fail if this happened in any other context. if self._column_type is None: return None if not hasattr(self, '_t'): a = self._column_type(name='a', data=[1, 2, 3], dtype='i8') b = self._column_type(name='b', data=[4, 5, 6], dtype='i8') self._t = self._table_type([a, b]) return self._t def test_subclass(self, table_types): """Row is subclass of ndarray and Row""" self._setup(table_types) c = Row(self.t, 2) assert isinstance(c, Row) def test_values(self, table_types): """Row accurately reflects table values and attributes""" self._setup(table_types) table = self.t row = table[1] assert row['a'] == 2 assert row['b'] == 5 assert row[0] == 2 assert row[1] == 5 assert row.meta is table.meta assert row.colnames == table.colnames assert row.columns is table.columns with pytest.raises(IndexError): row[2] if sys.byteorder == 'little': assert str(row.dtype) == "[('a', 'i8'), ('b', '>i8')]" def test_ref(self, table_types): """Row is a reference into original table data""" self._setup(table_types) table = self.t row = table[1] row['a'] = 10 if table_types.Table is not MaskedTable: assert table['a'][1] == 10 def test_left_equal(self, table_types): """Compare a table row to the corresponding structured array row""" self._setup(table_types) np_t = self.t.as_array() if table_types.Table is MaskedTable: with pytest.raises(ValueError): self.t[0] == np_t[0] else: for row, np_row in zip(self.t, np_t): assert np.all(row == np_row) def test_left_not_equal(self, table_types): """Compare a table row to the corresponding structured array row""" self._setup(table_types) np_t = self.t.as_array() np_t['a'] = [0, 0, 0] if table_types.Table is MaskedTable: with pytest.raises(ValueError): self.t[0] == np_t[0] else: for row, np_row in zip(self.t, np_t): assert np.all(row != np_row) def test_right_equal(self, table_types): """Test right equal""" self._setup(table_types) np_t = self.t.as_array() if table_types.Table is MaskedTable: with pytest.raises(ValueError): self.t[0] == np_t[0] else: for row, np_row in zip(self.t, np_t): assert np.all(np_row == row) def test_convert_numpy_array(self, table_types): self._setup(table_types) d = self.t[1] np_data = np.array(d) if table_types.Table is not MaskedTable: assert np.all(np_data == d.as_void()) assert np_data is not d.as_void() assert d.colnames == list(np_data.dtype.names) np_data = np.array(d, copy=False) if table_types.Table is not MaskedTable: assert np.all(np_data == d.as_void()) assert np_data is not d.as_void() assert d.colnames == list(np_data.dtype.names) with pytest.raises(ValueError): np_data = np.array(d, dtype=[('c', 'i8'), ('d', 'i8')]) def test_format_row(self, table_types): """Test formatting row""" self._setup(table_types) table = self.t row = table[0] assert repr(row).splitlines() == ['<{} {}{}>' .format(row.__class__.__name__, 'index=0', ' masked=True' if table.masked else ''), ' a b ', 'int64 int64', '----- -----', ' 1 4'] assert str(row).splitlines() == [' a b ', '--- ---', ' 1 4'] assert row._repr_html_().splitlines() == [ '{} {}{}' .format(row.__class__.__name__, 'index=0', ' masked=True' if table.masked else ''), f'', '', '', '', '
'] def test_as_void(self, table_types): """Test the as_void() method""" self._setup(table_types) table = self.t row = table[0] # If masked then with no masks, issue numpy/numpy#483 should come # into play. Make sure as_void() code is working. row_void = row.as_void() if table.masked: assert isinstance(row_void, np.ma.mvoid) else: assert isinstance(row_void, np.void) assert row_void['a'] == 1 assert row_void['b'] == 4 # Confirm row is a view of table but row_void is not. table['a'][0] = -100 assert row['a'] == -100 assert row_void['a'] == 1 # Make sure it works for a table that has masked elements if table.masked: table['a'].mask = True # row_void is not a view, need to re-make assert row_void['a'] == 1 row_void = row.as_void() # but row is a view assert row['a'] is np.ma.masked def test_row_and_as_void_with_objects(self, table_types): """Test the deprecated data property and as_void() method""" t = table_types.Table([[{'a': 1}, {'b': 2}]], names=('a',)) assert t[0][0] == {'a': 1} assert t[0]['a'] == {'a': 1} assert t[0].as_void()[0] == {'a': 1} assert t[0].as_void()['a'] == {'a': 1} def test_bounds_checking(self, table_types): """Row gives index error upon creation for out-of-bounds index""" self._setup(table_types) for ibad in (-5, -4, 3, 4): with pytest.raises(IndexError): self.t[ibad] def test_create_rows_from_list(self, table_types): """https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/8976""" orig_tab = table_types.Table([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], names=('a', 'b')) new_tab = type(orig_tab)(rows=[row for row in orig_tab], names=orig_tab.dtype.names) assert np.all(orig_tab == new_tab) def test_row_keys_values(self, table_types): self._setup(table_types) row = self.t[0] for row_key, col_key in zip(row.keys(), self.t.columns.keys()): assert row_key == col_key for row_value, col in zip(row.values(), self.t.columns.values()): assert row_value == col[0] def test_row_as_mapping(self, table_types): self._setup(table_types) row = self.t[0] row_dict = dict(row) for key, value in row_dict.items(): assert row[key] == value def f(**kwargs): return kwargs row_splatted = f(**row) for key, value in row_splatted.items(): assert row[key] == value def test_row_as_sequence(self, table_types): self._setup(table_types) row = self.t[0] row_tuple = tuple(row) keys = tuple(row.keys()) for key, value in zip(keys, row_tuple): assert row[key] == value def f(*args): return args row_splatted = f(*row) for key, value in zip(keys, row_splatted): assert row[key] == value def test_row_tuple_column_slice(): """ Test getting and setting a row using a tuple or list of column names """ t = table.QTable([[1, 2, 3] * u.m, [10., 20., 30.], [100., 200., 300.], ['x', 'y', 'z']], names=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) # Get a row for index=1 r1 = t[1] # Column slice with tuple of col names r1_abc = r1['a', 'b', 'c'] # Row object for these cols r1_abc_repr = ['', ' a b c ', ' m ', 'float64 float64 float64', '------- ------- -------', ' 2.0 20.0 200.0'] assert repr(r1_abc).splitlines() == r1_abc_repr # Column slice with list of col names r1_abc = r1[['a', 'b', 'c']] assert repr(r1_abc).splitlines() == r1_abc_repr # Make sure setting on a tuple or slice updates parent table and row r1['c'] = 1000 r1['a', 'b'] = 1000 * u.cm, 100. assert r1['a'] == 10 * u.m assert r1['b'] == 100 assert t['a'][1] == 10 * u.m assert t['b'][1] == 100. assert t['c'][1] == 1000 # Same but using a list of column names instead of tuple r1[['a', 'b']] = 2000 * u.cm, 200. assert r1['a'] == 20 * u.m assert r1['b'] == 200 assert t['a'][1] == 20 * u.m assert t['b'][1] == 200. # Set column slice of column slice r1_abc['a', 'c'] = -1 * u.m, -10 assert t['a'][1] == -1 * u.m assert t['b'][1] == 200. assert t['c'][1] == -10. # Bad column name with pytest.raises(KeyError) as err: t[1]['a', 'not_there'] assert "'not_there'" in str(err.value) # Too many values with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err: t[1]['a', 'b'] = 1 * u.m, 2, 3 assert 'right hand side must be a sequence' in str(err.value) # Something without a length with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err: t[1]['a', 'b'] = 1 assert 'right hand side must be a sequence' in str(err.value) def test_row_tuple_column_slice_transaction(): """ Test that setting a row that fails part way through does not change the table at all. """ t = table.QTable([[10., 20., 30.], [1, 2, 3] * u.m], names=['a', 'b']) tc = t.copy() # First one succeeds but second fails. with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err: t[1]['a', 'b'] = (-1, -1 * u.s) # Bad unit assert "'s' (time) and 'm' (length) are not convertible" in str(err.value) assert t[1] == tc[1] def test_uint_indexing(): """ Test that accessing a row with an unsigned integer works as with a signed integer. Similarly tests that printing such a row works. This is non-trivial: adding a signed and unsigned integer in numpy results in a float, which is an invalid slice index. Regression test for gh-7464. """ t = table.Table([[1., 2., 3.]], names='a') assert t['a'][1] == 2. assert t['a'][np.int_(1)] == 2. assert t['a'][np.uint(1)] == 2. assert t[np.uint(1)]['a'] == 2. trepr = ['', ' a ', 'float64', '-------', ' 2.0'] assert repr(t[1]).splitlines() == trepr assert repr(t[np.int_(1)]).splitlines() == trepr assert repr(t[np.uint(1)]).splitlines() == trepr