import numpy as np NORMALIZATIONS = ['standard', 'psd', 'model', 'log'] def compute_chi2_ref(y, dy=None, center_data=True, fit_mean=True): """Compute the reference chi-square for a particular dataset. Note: this is not valid center_data=False and fit_mean=False. Parameters ---------- y : array-like data values dy : float, array, or None, optional data uncertainties center_data : bool specify whether data should be pre-centered fit_mean : bool specify whether model should fit the mean of the data Returns ------- chi2_ref : float The reference chi-square for the periodogram of this data """ if dy is None: dy = 1 y, dy = np.broadcast_arrays(y, dy) w = dy ** -2.0 if center_data or fit_mean: mu =, y) / w.sum() else: mu = 0 yw = (y - mu) / dy return, yw) def convert_normalization(Z, N, from_normalization, to_normalization, chi2_ref=None): """Convert power from one normalization to another. This currently only works for standard & floating-mean models. Parameters ---------- Z : array-like the periodogram output N : int the number of data points from_normalization, to_normalization : str the normalization to convert from and to. Options are ['standard', 'model', 'log', 'psd'] chi2_ref : float The reference chi-square, required for converting to or from the psd normalization. Returns ------- Z_out : ndarray The periodogram in the new normalization """ Z = np.asarray(Z) from_to = (from_normalization, to_normalization) for norm in from_to: if norm not in NORMALIZATIONS: raise ValueError(f"{from_normalization} is not a valid normalization") if from_normalization == to_normalization: return Z if "psd" in from_to and chi2_ref is None: raise ValueError("must supply reference chi^2 when converting " "to or from psd normalization") if from_to == ('log', 'standard'): return 1 - np.exp(-Z) elif from_to == ('standard', 'log'): return -np.log(1 - Z) elif from_to == ('log', 'model'): return np.exp(Z) - 1 elif from_to == ('model', 'log'): return np.log(Z + 1) elif from_to == ('model', 'standard'): return Z / (1 + Z) elif from_to == ('standard', 'model'): return Z / (1 - Z) elif from_normalization == "psd": return convert_normalization(2 / chi2_ref * Z, N, from_normalization='standard', to_normalization=to_normalization) elif to_normalization == "psd": Z_standard = convert_normalization(Z, N, from_normalization=from_normalization, to_normalization='standard') return 0.5 * chi2_ref * Z_standard else: raise NotImplementedError("conversion from '{}' to '{}'" "".format(from_normalization, to_normalization))