# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst """ This package defines the astrophysics-specific units. They are also available in the `astropy.units` namespace. """ from . import si from astropy.constants import si as _si from .core import (UnitBase, def_unit, si_prefixes, binary_prefixes, set_enabled_units) # To ensure si units of the constants can be interpreted. set_enabled_units([si]) import numpy as _numpy _ns = globals() ########################################################################### # LENGTH def_unit((['AU', 'au'], ['astronomical_unit']), _si.au, namespace=_ns, prefixes=True, doc="astronomical unit: approximately the mean Earth--Sun " "distance.") def_unit(['pc', 'parsec'], _si.pc, namespace=_ns, prefixes=True, doc="parsec: approximately 3.26 light-years.") def_unit(['solRad', 'R_sun', 'Rsun'], _si.R_sun, namespace=_ns, doc="Solar radius", prefixes=False, format={'latex': r'R_{\odot}', 'unicode': 'R\N{SUN}'}) def_unit(['jupiterRad', 'R_jup', 'Rjup', 'R_jupiter', 'Rjupiter'], _si.R_jup, namespace=_ns, prefixes=False, doc="Jupiter radius", # LaTeX jupiter symbol requires wasysym format={'latex': r'R_{\rm J}', 'unicode': 'R\N{JUPITER}'}) def_unit(['earthRad', 'R_earth', 'Rearth'], _si.R_earth, namespace=_ns, prefixes=False, doc="Earth radius", # LaTeX earth symbol requires wasysym format={'latex': r'R_{\oplus}', 'unicode': 'R⊕'}) def_unit(['lyr', 'lightyear'], (_si.c * si.yr).to(si.m), namespace=_ns, prefixes=True, doc="Light year") def_unit(['lsec', 'lightsecond'], (_si.c * si.s).to(si.m), namespace=_ns, prefixes=False, doc="Light second") ########################################################################### # MASS def_unit(['solMass', 'M_sun', 'Msun'], _si.M_sun, namespace=_ns, prefixes=False, doc="Solar mass", format={'latex': r'M_{\odot}', 'unicode': 'M\N{SUN}'}) def_unit(['jupiterMass', 'M_jup', 'Mjup', 'M_jupiter', 'Mjupiter'], _si.M_jup, namespace=_ns, prefixes=False, doc="Jupiter mass", # LaTeX jupiter symbol requires wasysym format={'latex': r'M_{\rm J}', 'unicode': 'M\N{JUPITER}'}) def_unit(['earthMass', 'M_earth', 'Mearth'], _si.M_earth, namespace=_ns, prefixes=False, doc="Earth mass", # LaTeX earth symbol requires wasysym format={'latex': r'M_{\oplus}', 'unicode': 'M⊕'}) ########################################################################## # ENERGY # Here, explicitly convert the planck constant to 'eV s' since the constant # can override that to give a more precise value that takes into account # covariances between e and h. Eventually, this may also be replaced with # just `_si.Ryd.to(eV)`. def_unit(['Ry', 'rydberg'], (_si.Ryd * _si.c * _si.h.to(si.eV * si.s)).to(si.eV), namespace=_ns, prefixes=True, doc="Rydberg: Energy of a photon whose wavenumber is the Rydberg " "constant", format={'latex': r'R_{\infty}', 'unicode': 'R∞'}) ########################################################################### # ILLUMINATION def_unit(['solLum', 'L_sun', 'Lsun'], _si.L_sun, namespace=_ns, prefixes=False, doc="Solar luminance", format={'latex': r'L_{\odot}', 'unicode': 'L\N{SUN}'}) ########################################################################### # SPECTRAL DENSITY def_unit((['ph', 'photon'], ['photon']), format={'ogip': 'photon', 'vounit': 'photon'}, namespace=_ns, prefixes=True) def_unit(['Jy', 'Jansky', 'jansky'], 1e-26 * si.W / si.m ** 2 / si.Hz, namespace=_ns, prefixes=True, doc="Jansky: spectral flux density") def_unit(['R', 'Rayleigh', 'rayleigh'], (1e10 / (4 * _numpy.pi)) * ph * si.m ** -2 * si.s ** -1 * si.sr ** -1, namespace=_ns, prefixes=True, doc="Rayleigh: photon flux") ########################################################################### # EVENTS def_unit((['ct', 'count'], ['count']), format={'fits': 'count', 'ogip': 'count', 'vounit': 'count'}, namespace=_ns, prefixes=True, exclude_prefixes=['p']) def_unit(['adu'], namespace=_ns, prefixes=True) def_unit(['DN', 'dn'], namespace=_ns, prefixes=False) ########################################################################### # MISCELLANEOUS # Some of these are very FITS-specific and perhaps considered a mistake. # Maybe they should be moved into the FITS format class? # TODO: This is defined by the FITS standard as "relative to the sun". # Is that mass, volume, what? def_unit(['Sun'], namespace=_ns) def_unit(['chan'], namespace=_ns, prefixes=True) def_unit(['bin'], namespace=_ns, prefixes=True) def_unit(['beam'], namespace=_ns, prefixes=True) def_unit(['electron'], doc="Number of electrons", namespace=_ns, format={'latex': r'e^{-}', 'unicode': 'e⁻'}) ########################################################################### # CLEANUP del UnitBase del def_unit del si ########################################################################### # DOCSTRING # This generates a docstring for this module that describes all of the # standard units defined here. from .utils import generate_unit_summary as _generate_unit_summary if __doc__ is not None: __doc__ += _generate_unit_summary(globals()) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __getattr__(attr): if attr == "littleh": import warnings from astropy.cosmology.units import littleh from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyDeprecationWarning warnings.warn( ("`littleh` is deprecated from module `astropy.units.astrophys` " "since astropy 5.0 and may be removed in a future version. " "Use `astropy.cosmology.units.littleh` instead."), AstropyDeprecationWarning) return littleh raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__!r} has no attribute {attr!r}.")