# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst # This file was automatically generated from ply. To re-generate this file, # remove it from this folder, then build astropy and run the tests in-place: # # python setup.py build_ext --inplace # pytest astropy/units # # You can then commit the changes to this file. # cds_lextab.py. This file automatically created by PLY (version 3.11). Don't edit! _tabversion = '3.10' _lextokens = set(('CLOSE_BRACKET', 'CLOSE_PAREN', 'DIMENSIONLESS', 'DIVISION', 'OPEN_BRACKET', 'OPEN_PAREN', 'PRODUCT', 'SIGN', 'UFLOAT', 'UINT', 'UNIT', 'X')) _lexreflags = 32 _lexliterals = '' _lexstateinfo = {'INITIAL': 'inclusive'} _lexstatere = {'INITIAL': [('(?P((\\d+\\.?\\d+)|(\\.\\d+))([eE][+-]?\\d+)?)|(?P\\d+)|(?P[+-](?=\\d))|(?P[x×])|(?P\\%|°|\\\\h|((?!\\d)\\w)+)|(?P---|-)|(?P\\.)|(?P\\()|(?P\\))|(?P\\[)|(?P\\])|(?P/)', [None, ('t_UFLOAT', 'UFLOAT'), None, None, None, None, ('t_UINT', 'UINT'), ('t_SIGN', 'SIGN'), ('t_X', 'X'), ('t_UNIT', 'UNIT'), None, ('t_DIMENSIONLESS', 'DIMENSIONLESS'), (None, 'PRODUCT'), (None, 'OPEN_PAREN'), (None, 'CLOSE_PAREN'), (None, 'OPEN_BRACKET'), (None, 'CLOSE_BRACKET'), (None, 'DIVISION')])]} _lexstateignore = {'INITIAL': ''} _lexstateerrorf = {'INITIAL': 't_error'} _lexstateeoff = {}