# coding: utf-8 # Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst """ Tests for the photometric module. Note that this is shorter than might be expected because a lot of the relevant tests that deal with magnidues are in `test_logarithmic.py` """ from astropy.tests.helper import assert_quantity_allclose from astropy.units import Magnitude, mgy, nmgy, ABflux, STflux, zero_point_flux, Jy from astropy.units import erg, cm, s, AA def test_maggies(): assert_quantity_allclose(1e-9*mgy, 1*nmgy) assert_quantity_allclose(Magnitude((1*nmgy).to(mgy)).value, 22.5) def test_maggies_zpts(): assert_quantity_allclose((1*nmgy).to(ABflux, zero_point_flux(1*ABflux)), 3631e-9*Jy, rtol=1e-3) ST_base_unit = erg * cm**-2 / s / AA stmgy = (10*mgy).to(STflux, zero_point_flux(1*ST_base_unit)) assert_quantity_allclose(stmgy, 10*ST_base_unit) mgyst = (2*ST_base_unit).to(mgy, zero_point_flux(0.5*ST_base_unit)) assert_quantity_allclose(mgyst, 4*mgy) nmgyst = (5.e-10*ST_base_unit).to(mgy, zero_point_flux(0.5*ST_base_unit)) assert_quantity_allclose(nmgyst, 1*nmgy)