# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst import urllib.request import os import locale import platform import pytest import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal import erfa from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta from astropy.utils.iers import iers from astropy.utils.data import get_pkg_data_filename from astropy.tests.tests.test_imports import test_imports # Import every top-level astropy module as a test that the ERFA leap second # table is not updated for normal imports. test_imports() # Now test that the erfa leap_seconds table has not been updated. This must be # done at the module level, which unfortunately will abort the entire test run # if if fails. Running within a normal pytest test will not work because the # other tests will end up updating this attribute by virtue of doing Time UTC # transformations. assert erfa.leap_seconds._expires is None # Tests in this module assume that the erfa.leap_seconds attribute has been # updated from the `erfa` package built-in table to the astropy built-in # leap-second table. That has the effect of ensuring that the # `erfa.leap_seconds.expires` property is sufficiently in the future. iers_table = iers.LeapSeconds.auto_open() erfa.leap_seconds.update(iers_table) assert erfa.leap_seconds._expires is not None SYSTEM_FILE = '/usr/share/zoneinfo/leap-seconds.list' # Test leap_seconds.list in test/data. LEAP_SECOND_LIST = get_pkg_data_filename('data/leap-seconds.list') def test_configuration(): # This test just ensures things stay consistent. # Adjust if changes are made. assert iers.conf.iers_leap_second_auto_url == iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_URL assert iers.conf.ietf_leap_second_auto_url == iers.IETF_LEAP_SECOND_URL class TestReading: """Basic tests that leap seconds can be read.""" def verify_day_month_year(self, ls): assert np.all(ls['day'] == 1) assert np.all((ls['month'] == 1) | (ls['month'] == 7) | (ls['year'] < 1970)) assert np.all(ls['year'] >= 1960) t = Time({'year': ls['year'], 'month': ls['month'], 'day': ls['day']}, format='ymdhms') assert np.all(t == Time(ls['mjd'], format='mjd')) def test_read_leap_second_dat(self): ls = iers.LeapSeconds.from_iers_leap_seconds( iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE) # Below, >= to take into account we might ship and updated file. assert ls.expires >= Time('2020-06-28', scale='tai') assert ls['mjd'][0] == 41317 assert ls['tai_utc'][0] == 10 assert ls['mjd'][-1] >= 57754 assert ls['tai_utc'][-1] >= 37 self.verify_day_month_year(ls) def test_read_leap_second_dat_locale(self): current = locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL) try: if platform.system() == 'Darwin': locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'fr_FR') else: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'fr_FR.utf8') ls = iers.LeapSeconds.from_iers_leap_seconds( iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE) except locale.Error as e: pytest.skip(f'Locale error: {e}') finally: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, current) # Below, >= to take into account we might ship and updated file. assert ls.expires >= Time('2020-06-28', scale='tai') def test_open_leap_second_dat(self): ls = iers.LeapSeconds.from_iers_leap_seconds( iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE) ls2 = iers.LeapSeconds.open(iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE) assert np.all(ls == ls2) @pytest.mark.parametrize('file', ( LEAP_SECOND_LIST, "file:" + urllib.request.pathname2url(LEAP_SECOND_LIST))) def test_read_leap_seconds_list(self, file): ls = iers.LeapSeconds.from_leap_seconds_list(file) assert ls.expires == Time('2020-06-28', scale='tai') assert ls['mjd'][0] == 41317 assert ls['tai_utc'][0] == 10 assert ls['mjd'][-1] == 57754 assert ls['tai_utc'][-1] == 37 self.verify_day_month_year(ls) @pytest.mark.parametrize('file', ( LEAP_SECOND_LIST, "file:" + urllib.request.pathname2url(LEAP_SECOND_LIST))) def test_open_leap_seconds_list(self, file): ls = iers.LeapSeconds.from_leap_seconds_list(file) ls2 = iers.LeapSeconds.open(file) assert np.all(ls == ls2) @pytest.mark.skipif(not os.path.isfile(SYSTEM_FILE), reason=f'system does not have {SYSTEM_FILE}') def test_open_system_file(self): ls = iers.LeapSeconds.open(SYSTEM_FILE) expired = ls.expires < Time.now() if expired: pytest.skip("System leap second file is expired.") assert not expired def make_fake_file(expiration, tmpdir): """copy the built-in IERS file but set a different expiration date.""" ls = iers.LeapSeconds.from_iers_leap_seconds() fake_file = str(tmpdir.join('fake_leap_seconds.dat')) with open(fake_file, 'w') as fh: fh.write('\n'.join([f'# File expires on {expiration}'] + str(ls).split('\n')[2:-1])) return fake_file def test_fake_file(tmpdir): fake_file = make_fake_file('28 June 2345', tmpdir) fake = iers.LeapSeconds.from_iers_leap_seconds(fake_file) assert fake.expires == Time('2345-06-28', scale='tai') class TestAutoOpenExplicitLists: # For this set of tests, leap-seconds are allowed to be expired # except as explicitly tested. @pytest.mark.filterwarnings(iers.IERSStaleWarning) def test_auto_open_simple(self): ls = iers.LeapSeconds.auto_open([iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE]) assert ls.meta['data_url'] == iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE @pytest.mark.filterwarnings(iers.IERSStaleWarning) def test_auto_open_erfa(self): ls = iers.LeapSeconds.auto_open(['erfa', iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE]) assert ls.meta['data_url'] in ['erfa', iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE] @pytest.mark.filterwarnings(iers.IERSStaleWarning) def test_fake_future_file(self, tmpdir): fake_file = make_fake_file('28 June 2345', tmpdir) # Try as system file for auto_open, setting auto_max_age such # that any ERFA or system files are guaranteed to be expired, # while the fake file is guaranteed to be OK. with iers.conf.set_temp('auto_max_age', -100000): ls = iers.LeapSeconds.auto_open([ 'erfa', iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE, fake_file]) assert ls.expires == Time('2345-06-28', scale='tai') assert ls.meta['data_url'] == str(fake_file) # And as URL fake_url = "file:" + urllib.request.pathname2url(fake_file) ls2 = iers.LeapSeconds.auto_open([ 'erfa', iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE, fake_url]) assert ls2.expires == Time('2345-06-28', scale='tai') assert ls2.meta['data_url'] == str(fake_url) def test_fake_expired_file(self, tmpdir): fake_file1 = make_fake_file('28 June 2010', tmpdir) fake_file2 = make_fake_file('27 June 2012', tmpdir) # Between these and the built-in one, the built-in file is best. ls = iers.LeapSeconds.auto_open([fake_file1, fake_file2, iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE]) assert ls.meta['data_url'] == iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE # But if we remove the built-in one, the least expired one will be # used and we get a warning that it is stale. with pytest.warns(iers.IERSStaleWarning): ls2 = iers.LeapSeconds.auto_open([fake_file1, fake_file2]) assert ls2.meta['data_url'] == fake_file2 assert ls2.expires == Time('2012-06-27', scale='tai') # Use the fake files to make sure auto_max_age is safe. # Should have no warning in either example. with iers.conf.set_temp('auto_max_age', None): ls3 = iers.LeapSeconds.auto_open([fake_file1, iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE]) assert ls3.meta['data_url'] == iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE with iers.conf.set_temp('auto_max_age', None): ls4 = iers.LeapSeconds.auto_open([fake_file1, fake_file2]) assert ls4.meta['data_url'] == fake_file2 @pytest.mark.remote_data class TestRemoteURLs: def setup_class(cls): # Need auto_download so that IERS_B won't be loaded and cause tests to # fail. iers.conf.auto_download = True def teardown_class(cls): # This setting is to be consistent with astropy/conftest.py iers.conf.auto_download = False # In these tests, the results may be cached. # This is fine - no need to download again. def test_iers_url(self): ls = iers.LeapSeconds.auto_open([iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_URL]) assert ls.expires > Time.now() def test_ietf_url(self): ls = iers.LeapSeconds.auto_open([iers.IETF_LEAP_SECOND_URL]) assert ls.expires > Time.now() class TestDefaultAutoOpen: """Test auto_open with different _auto_open_files.""" def setup(self): # Identical to what is used in LeapSeconds.auto_open(). self.good_enough = (iers.LeapSeconds._today() + TimeDelta(180 - iers._none_to_float(iers.conf.auto_max_age), format='jd')) self._auto_open_files = iers.LeapSeconds._auto_open_files.copy() def teardown(self): iers.LeapSeconds._auto_open_files = self._auto_open_files def remove_auto_open_files(self, *files): """Remove some files from the auto-opener. The default set is restored in teardown. """ for f in files: iers.LeapSeconds._auto_open_files.remove(f) def test_erfa_found(self): # Set huge maximum age such that whatever ERFA has is OK. # Since it is checked first, it should thus be found. with iers.conf.set_temp('auto_max_age', 100000): ls = iers.LeapSeconds.open() assert ls.meta['data_url'] == 'erfa' def test_builtin_found(self): # Set huge maximum age such that built-in file is always OK. # If we remove 'erfa', it should thus be found. self.remove_auto_open_files('erfa') with iers.conf.set_temp('auto_max_age', 100000): ls = iers.LeapSeconds.open() assert ls.meta['data_url'] == iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE # The test below is marked remote_data only to ensure it runs # as an allowed-fail job on CI: i.e., we will notice it (eventually) # but will not be misled in thinking that a PR is bad. @pytest.mark.remote_data def test_builtin_not_expired(self): # TODO: would be nice to have automatic PRs for this! ls = iers.LeapSeconds.open(iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE) assert ls.expires > self.good_enough, ( "The leap second file built in to astropy is expired. Fix with:\n" "cd astropy/utils/iers/data/; . update_builtin_iers.sh\n" "and commit as a PR (for details, see release procedure).") def test_fake_future_file(self, tmpdir): fake_file = make_fake_file('28 June 2345', tmpdir) # Try as system file for auto_open, setting auto_max_age such # that any ERFA or system files are guaranteed to be expired. with iers.conf.set_temp('auto_max_age', -100000), \ iers.conf.set_temp('system_leap_second_file', fake_file): ls = iers.LeapSeconds.open() assert ls.expires == Time('2345-06-28', scale='tai') assert ls.meta['data_url'] == str(fake_file) # And as URL fake_url = "file:" + urllib.request.pathname2url(fake_file) with iers.conf.set_temp('auto_max_age', -100000), \ iers.conf.set_temp('iers_leap_second_auto_url', fake_url): ls2 = iers.LeapSeconds.open() assert ls2.expires == Time('2345-06-28', scale='tai') assert ls2.meta['data_url'] == str(fake_url) def test_fake_expired_file(self, tmpdir): self.remove_auto_open_files('erfa', 'iers_leap_second_auto_url', 'ietf_leap_second_auto_url') fake_file = make_fake_file('28 June 2010', tmpdir) with iers.conf.set_temp('system_leap_second_file', fake_file): # If we try this directly, the built-in file will be found. ls = iers.LeapSeconds.open() assert ls.meta['data_url'] == iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE # But if we remove the built-in one, the expired one will be # used and we get a warning that it is stale. self.remove_auto_open_files(iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE) with pytest.warns(iers.IERSStaleWarning): ls2 = iers.LeapSeconds.open() assert ls2.meta['data_url'] == fake_file assert ls2.expires == Time('2010-06-28', scale='tai') @pytest.mark.skipif(not os.path.isfile(SYSTEM_FILE), reason=f'system does not have {SYSTEM_FILE}') def test_system_file_used_if_not_expired(self, tmpdir): # We skip the test if the system file is on a CI and is expired - # we should not depend on CI keeping it up to date, but if it is, # we should check that it is used if possible. if (iers.LeapSeconds.open(SYSTEM_FILE).expires <= self.good_enough): pytest.skip("System leap second file is expired.") self.remove_auto_open_files('erfa') with iers.conf.set_temp('system_leap_second_file', SYSTEM_FILE): ls = iers.LeapSeconds.open() assert ls.expires > self.good_enough assert ls.meta['data_url'] in (iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE, SYSTEM_FILE) # Also check with a "built-in" file that is expired fake_file = make_fake_file('28 June 2017', tmpdir) iers.LeapSeconds._auto_open_files[0] = fake_file ls2 = iers.LeapSeconds.open() assert ls2.expires > Time.now() assert ls2.meta['data_url'] == SYSTEM_FILE @pytest.mark.remote_data def test_auto_open_urls_always_good_enough(self): # Avoid using the erfa, built-in and system files, as they might # be good enough already. try: # Need auto_download so that IERS_B won't be loaded and # cause tests to fail. iers.conf.auto_download = True self.remove_auto_open_files('erfa', iers.IERS_LEAP_SECOND_FILE, 'system_leap_second_file') ls = iers.LeapSeconds.open() assert ls.expires > self.good_enough assert ls.meta['data_url'].startswith('http') finally: # This setting is to be consistent with astropy/conftest.py iers.conf.auto_download = False class ERFALeapSecondsSafe: """Base class for tests that change the ERFA leap-second tables. It ensures the original state is restored. """ def setup(self): # Keep current leap-second table and expiration. self.erfa_ls = self._erfa_ls = erfa.leap_seconds.get() self.erfa_expires = self._expires = erfa.leap_seconds._expires def teardown(self): # Restore leap-second table and expiration. erfa.leap_seconds.set(self.erfa_ls) erfa.leap_seconds._expires = self._expires class TestFromERFA(ERFALeapSecondsSafe): def test_get_erfa_ls(self): ls = iers.LeapSeconds.from_erfa() assert ls.colnames == ['year', 'month', 'tai_utc'] assert isinstance(ls.expires, Time) assert ls.expires == self.erfa_expires ls_array = np.array(ls['year', 'month', 'tai_utc']) assert np.all(ls_array == self.erfa_ls) def test_get_built_in_erfa_ls(self): ls = iers.LeapSeconds.from_erfa(built_in=True) assert ls.colnames == ['year', 'month', 'tai_utc'] assert isinstance(ls.expires, Time) ls_array = np.array(ls['year', 'month', 'tai_utc']) assert np.all(ls_array == self.erfa_ls[:len(ls_array)]) def test_get_modified_erfa_ls(self): erfa.leap_seconds.set(self.erfa_ls[:-10]) ls = iers.LeapSeconds.from_erfa() assert len(ls) == len(self.erfa_ls)-10 ls_array = np.array(ls['year', 'month', 'tai_utc']) assert np.all(ls_array == self.erfa_ls[:-10]) ls2 = iers.LeapSeconds.from_erfa(built_in=True) assert len(ls2) > len(ls) erfa.leap_seconds.set(None) erfa_built_in = erfa.leap_seconds.get() assert len(ls2) == len(erfa_built_in) ls2_array = np.array(ls2['year', 'month', 'tai_utc']) assert np.all(ls2_array == erfa_built_in) def test_open(self): ls = iers.LeapSeconds.open('erfa') assert isinstance(ls.expires, Time) assert ls.expires == self.erfa_expires ls_array = np.array(ls['year', 'month', 'tai_utc']) assert np.all(ls_array == self.erfa_ls) class TestUpdateLeapSeconds(ERFALeapSecondsSafe): def setup(self): super().setup() # Read default leap second table. self.ls = iers.LeapSeconds.from_iers_leap_seconds() # For tests, reset ERFA table to built-in default. erfa.leap_seconds.set() self.erfa_ls = erfa.leap_seconds.get() def test_built_in_up_to_date(self): """Leap second should match between built-in and ERFA.""" erfa_since_1970 = self.erfa_ls[self.erfa_ls['year'] > 1970] assert len(self.ls) >= len(erfa_since_1970), \ "built-in leap seconds out of date" assert len(self.ls) <= len(erfa_since_1970), \ "ERFA leap seconds out of date" overlap = np.array(self.ls['year', 'month', 'tai_utc']) assert np.all(overlap == erfa_since_1970.astype(overlap.dtype)) def test_update_with_built_in(self): """An update with built-in should not do anything.""" n_update = self.ls.update_erfa_leap_seconds() assert n_update == 0 new_erfa_ls = erfa.leap_seconds.get() assert np.all(new_erfa_ls == self.erfa_ls) @pytest.mark.parametrize('n_short', (1, 3)) def test_update(self, n_short): """Check whether we can recover removed leap seconds.""" erfa.leap_seconds.set(self.erfa_ls[:-n_short]) n_update = self.ls.update_erfa_leap_seconds() assert n_update == n_short new_erfa_ls = erfa.leap_seconds.get() assert_array_equal(new_erfa_ls, self.erfa_ls) # Check that a second update does not do anything. n_update2 = self.ls.update_erfa_leap_seconds() assert n_update2 == 0 new_erfa_ls2 = erfa.leap_seconds.get() assert_array_equal(new_erfa_ls2, self.erfa_ls) def test_update_initialize_erfa(self): # With pre-initialization, update does nothing. erfa.leap_seconds.set(self.erfa_ls[:-2]) n_update = self.ls.update_erfa_leap_seconds(initialize_erfa=True) assert n_update == 0 new_erfa_ls = erfa.leap_seconds.get() assert_array_equal(new_erfa_ls, self.erfa_ls) def test_update_overwrite(self): n_update = self.ls.update_erfa_leap_seconds(initialize_erfa='empty') assert n_update == len(self.ls) new_erfa_ls = erfa.leap_seconds.get() assert new_erfa_ls['year'].min() > 1970 n_update2 = self.ls.update_erfa_leap_seconds() assert n_update2 == 0 new_erfa_ls2 = erfa.leap_seconds.get() assert_array_equal(new_erfa_ls2, new_erfa_ls) n_update3 = self.ls.update_erfa_leap_seconds(initialize_erfa=True) assert n_update3 == 0 new_erfa_ls3 = erfa.leap_seconds.get() assert_array_equal(new_erfa_ls3, self.erfa_ls) def test_bad_jump(self): erfa.leap_seconds.set(self.erfa_ls[:-2]) bad = self.ls.copy() bad['tai_utc'][-1] = 5 with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='jump'): bad.update_erfa_leap_seconds() # With an error the ERFA table should not change. assert_array_equal(erfa.leap_seconds.get(), self.erfa_ls[:-2]) # Unless we initialized it beforehand. with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='jump'): bad.update_erfa_leap_seconds(initialize_erfa=True) assert_array_equal(erfa.leap_seconds.get(), self.erfa_ls) # Of course, we get no errors if we initialize only. erfa.leap_seconds.set(self.erfa_ls[:-2]) n_update = bad.update_erfa_leap_seconds(initialize_erfa='only') assert n_update == 0 new_erfa_ls = erfa.leap_seconds.get() assert_array_equal(new_erfa_ls, self.erfa_ls) def test_bad_day(self): erfa.leap_seconds.set(self.erfa_ls[:-2]) bad = self.ls.copy() bad['day'][-1] = 5 with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='not on 1st'): bad.update_erfa_leap_seconds() def test_bad_month(self): erfa.leap_seconds.set(self.erfa_ls[:-2]) bad = self.ls.copy() bad['month'][-1] = 5 with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='January'): bad.update_erfa_leap_seconds() assert_array_equal(erfa.leap_seconds.get(), self.erfa_ls[:-2])