#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2012 - 2021, Anaconda, Inc., and Bokeh Contributors. # All rights reserved. # # The full license is in the file LICENSE.txt, distributed with this software. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # License regarding the Turbo colormap: # # Copyright 2019 Google LLC. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Author: Anton Mikhailov # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # License regarding the Viridis, Magma, Plasma and Inferno colormaps: # # New matplotlib colormaps by Nathaniel J. Smith, Stefan van der Walt, # and (in the case of viridis) Eric Firing. # # The Viridis, Magma, Plasma, and Inferno colormaps are released under the # CC0 license / public domain dedication. We would appreciate credit if you # use or redistribute these colormaps, but do not impose any legal # restrictions. # # To the extent possible under law, the persons who associated CC0 with # mpl-colormaps have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights # to mpl-colormaps. # # You should have received a copy of the CC0 legalcode along with this # work. If not, see . #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # License regarding the brewer palettes: # # This product includes color specifications and designs developed by # Cynthia Brewer (http://colorbrewer2.org/). The Brewer colormaps are # licensed under the Apache v2 license. You may obtain a copy of the # License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # License regarding the cividis palette from https://github.com/pnnl/cmaputil # # Copyright (c) 2017, Battelle Memorial Institute # # 1. Battelle Memorial Institute (hereinafter Battelle) hereby grants # permission to any person or entity lawfully obtaining a copy of this software # and associated documentation files (hereinafter "the Software") to # redistribute and use the Software in source and binary forms, with or without # modification. Such person or entity may use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and may permit # others to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # + Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimers. # # + Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # + Other than as used herein, neither the name Battelle Memorial Institute or # Battelle may be used in any form whatsoever without the express written # consent of Battelle. # # 2. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BATTELLE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON # ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # License regarding the D3 color palettes (Category10, Category20, # Category20b, and Category 20c): # # Copyright 2010-2015 Mike Bostock # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # * Neither the name of the author nor the names of contributors may be used to # endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific # prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Provide a collection of palettes for color mapping. In the context of Bokeh, a *palette* is a simple plain Python list of (hex) RGB color strings. For example the ``Blues8`` palette which looks like :bokeh-palette:`Blues8` is defined as: .. code-block:: python ('#084594', '#2171b5', '#4292c6', '#6baed6', '#9ecae1', '#c6dbef', '#deebf7', '#f7fbff') This module contains the following sets of palettes: * All `ColorBrewer`_ palettes * Categorical `D3`_ palettes * The `Matplotlib`_ palettes Magma, Inferno, Plasma, and Viridis * A Bokeh palette comprised of the Bokeh shutter logo colors * Palettes designed for color-deficient usability Additionally, you can also use any of the 256-color perceptually uniform Bokeh palettes from the external `colorcet`_ package, if it is installed. ---- Every pre-built palette is available as a module attributes, e.g. ``bokeh.palettes.YlGn3`` or ``bokeh.palettes.Viridis256``. The name of each pre-built palette can be found in the ``__palettes__`` module attribute. There are also functions such as :func:`~bokeh.palettes.magma` and :func:`~bokeh.palettes.viridis` that can generate lists of colors of arbitrary size from special larger palettes. The Brewer palettes are also collected and grouped by name in a ``brewer`` dictionary, e.g.: ``brewer['Spectral'][6]``. Similarly there are attributes ``d3``, ``mpl``, and ``colorblind`` that have dictionaries corresponding to the those groups of palettes. Finally, all palettes are collected in the ``all_palettes`` palettes module attribute, and the "small" palettes (i.e. excluding the ones with 256 colors) are collected and in a ``small_palettes`` attribute. Built-in Palettes ----------------- Matplotlib Palettes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bokeh includes the `Matplotlib`_ palettes Magma, Inferno, Plasma, Viridis, and Cividis. This section shows the pre-defined small palettes in this group. There are also large 256-color versions of these palettes, shown below in the `Large Palettes`_ section. .. bokeh-palette-group:: mpl D3 Palettes ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bokeh includes the categorical palettes from `D3`_, which are shown below: .. bokeh-palette-group:: d3 Brewer Palettes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bokeh includes all the `ColorBrewer`_ palettes, shown below: .. bokeh-palette-group:: brewer Bokeh Palette ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bokeh's own palette, comprised of the shutter logo colors: .. bokeh-palette-group:: bokeh Usability Palettes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bokeh includes some palettes that are useful for addressing color deficiencies. These are shown below. .. bokeh-palette-group:: colorblind Large Palettes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In addition to all the palettes shown above, which are available in the ``small_palettes`` attribute, the ``bokeh.palettes`` module also has some larger palettes with 256 colors. These are shown below: :Greys256: :bokeh-palette:`grey(256)` (brewer) :Inferno256: :bokeh-palette:`inferno(256)` (mpl) :Magma256: :bokeh-palette:`magma(256)` (mpl) :Plasma256: :bokeh-palette:`plasma(256)` (mpl) :Viridis256: :bokeh-palette:`viridis(256)` (mpl) :Cividis256: :bokeh-palette:`cividis(256)` (mpl) :Turbo256: :bokeh-palette:`turbo(256)` (mpl) Many other 256-color perceptually uniform palettes are available in the external `colorcet`_ package. Other Attributes ---------------- In addition to all the palettes described in the section above, there are the following notable attributes in the ``bokeh.palettes`` module: .. data:: __palettes__ An alphabetical list of the names of all individual palettes in this module. For example, the first eight palette names are: .. code-block:: python >>> bp.__palettes__[:8] ('Accent3', 'Accent4', 'Accent5', 'Accent6', 'Accent7', 'Accent8', 'Blues3', 'Blues4') .. note:: The full list of all palettes is also available as an enumeration from ``bokeh.core.enums``: .. bokeh-enum:: Palette :module: bokeh.core.enums :noindex: .. data:: all_palettes All built-in palette groups. This dictionary is indexed with a palette name to obtain a complete group of palettes, e.g. ``Viridis``, and then further indexed with an integer to select a palette of a specific size from the group: .. code-block:: python >> all_palettes['Viridis'][4] ('#440154', '#30678D', '#35B778', '#FDE724') The resulting palette looks like: :bokeh-palette:`all_palettes['Viridis'][4]` .. data:: brewer Palette groups included from `ColorBrewer`_. This dictionary is indexed with a palette name to obtain a complete group of palettes, e.g. ``YlGnBu``, and then further indexed with an integer to select a palette of a specific size from the group: .. code-block:: python >> brewer['YlGnBu'][4] ('#225ea8', '#41b6c4', '#a1dab4', '#ffffcc') The resulting palette looks like: :bokeh-palette:`brewer['YlGnBu'][4]` .. data:: d3 Categorical palette groups included from `D3`_. This dictionary is indexed with a palette name to obtain a complete group of palettes, e.g. ``Category20b``, and then further indexed with an integer to select a palette of a specific size from the group: .. code-block:: python >> d3['Category20b'][4] ('#393b79', '#5254a3', '#6b6ecf', '#9c9ede') The resulting palette looks like: :bokeh-palette:`d3['Category20b'][4]` The names of the D3 palette groups are: ``Category10``, ``Category20``, ``Category20b``, ``Category20c`` .. data:: mpl Palette groups included from `Matplotlib`_. This dictionary is indexed with a palette name to obtain a complete group of palettes, e.g. ``Plasma``, and then further indexed with an integer to select a palette of a specific size from the group: .. code-block:: python >> mpl['Plasma'][4] ('#440154', '#30678D', '#35B778', '#FDE724') The resulting palette looks like: :bokeh-palette:`mpl['Plasma'][4]` The names of the MPL palette groups are: ``Inferno``, ``Magma`` ``Plasma``, ``Viridis`` .. data:: small_palettes All palette groups, excluding 256-length palettes. This dictionary is indexed with a palette name to obtain a complete group of palettes, e.g. ``Viridis``, and then further indexed with an integer to select a palette of a specific size from the group: .. code-block:: python >> small_palettes['Viridis'][4] ('#440154', '#30678D', '#35B778', '#FDE724') The resulting palette looks like: :bokeh-palette:`small_palettes['Viridis'][4]` Functions --------- The ``bokeh.palettes`` module also has several functions that can be used to generate palettes of arbitrary size. .. autofunction:: bokeh.palettes.cividis(n) .. autofunction:: bokeh.palettes.diverging_palette(palette1, palette2, n, midpoint) .. autofunction:: bokeh.palettes.gray(n) .. autofunction:: bokeh.palettes.grey(n) .. autofunction:: bokeh.palettes.inferno(n) .. autofunction:: bokeh.palettes.linear_palette(palette, n) .. autofunction:: bokeh.palettes.magma(n) .. autofunction:: bokeh.palettes.viridis(n) Licenses -------- The respective licenses for all the palettes included in Bokeh are viewable as a comment at the top of the :bokeh-tree:`bokeh/palettes.py` source file. .. _ColorBrewer: http://colorbrewer2.org/#type=sequential&scheme=BuGn&n=3 .. _colorcet: https://colorcet.holoviz.org .. _D3: https://github.com/d3/d3-3.x-api-reference/blob/master/Ordinal-Scales.md#categorical-colors .. _Matplotlib: http://matplotlib.org/examples/color/colormaps_reference.html """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Boilerplate #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import annotations import logging # isort:skip log = logging.getLogger(__name__) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Imports #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Standard library imports import math from copy import deepcopy from typing import Dict, List, Tuple # External imports import numpy as np #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Globals and constants #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # __all__ just using everything as-is #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # General API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Palette = Tuple[str, ...] PaletteCollection = Dict[int, Palette] PaletteMap = Dict[str, PaletteCollection] YlGn3 = ("#31a354", "#addd8e", "#f7fcb9") YlGn4 = ("#238443", "#78c679", "#c2e699", "#ffffcc") YlGn5 = ("#006837", "#31a354", "#78c679", "#c2e699", "#ffffcc") YlGn6 = ("#006837", "#31a354", "#78c679", "#addd8e", "#d9f0a3", "#ffffcc") YlGn7 = ("#005a32", "#238443", "#41ab5d", "#78c679", "#addd8e", "#d9f0a3", "#ffffcc") YlGn8 = ("#005a32", "#238443", "#41ab5d", "#78c679", "#addd8e", "#d9f0a3", "#f7fcb9", "#ffffe5") YlGn9 = ("#004529", "#006837", "#238443", "#41ab5d", "#78c679", "#addd8e", "#d9f0a3", "#f7fcb9", "#ffffe5") YlGnBu3 = ("#2c7fb8", "#7fcdbb", "#edf8b1") YlGnBu4 = ("#225ea8", "#41b6c4", "#a1dab4", "#ffffcc") YlGnBu5 = ("#253494", "#2c7fb8", "#41b6c4", "#a1dab4", "#ffffcc") YlGnBu6 = ("#253494", "#2c7fb8", "#41b6c4", "#7fcdbb", "#c7e9b4", "#ffffcc") YlGnBu7 = ("#0c2c84", "#225ea8", "#1d91c0", "#41b6c4", "#7fcdbb", "#c7e9b4", "#ffffcc") YlGnBu8 = ("#0c2c84", "#225ea8", "#1d91c0", "#41b6c4", "#7fcdbb", "#c7e9b4", "#edf8b1", "#ffffd9") YlGnBu9 = ("#081d58", "#253494", "#225ea8", "#1d91c0", "#41b6c4", "#7fcdbb", "#c7e9b4", "#edf8b1", "#ffffd9") GnBu3 = ("#43a2ca", "#a8ddb5", "#e0f3db") GnBu4 = ("#2b8cbe", "#7bccc4", "#bae4bc", "#f0f9e8") GnBu5 = ("#0868ac", "#43a2ca", "#7bccc4", "#bae4bc", "#f0f9e8") GnBu6 = ("#0868ac", "#43a2ca", "#7bccc4", "#a8ddb5", "#ccebc5", "#f0f9e8") GnBu7 = ("#08589e", "#2b8cbe", "#4eb3d3", "#7bccc4", "#a8ddb5", "#ccebc5", "#f0f9e8") GnBu8 = ("#08589e", "#2b8cbe", "#4eb3d3", "#7bccc4", "#a8ddb5", "#ccebc5", "#e0f3db", "#f7fcf0") GnBu9 = ("#084081", "#0868ac", "#2b8cbe", "#4eb3d3", "#7bccc4", "#a8ddb5", "#ccebc5", "#e0f3db", "#f7fcf0") BuGn3 = ("#2ca25f", "#99d8c9", "#e5f5f9") BuGn4 = ("#238b45", "#66c2a4", "#b2e2e2", "#edf8fb") BuGn5 = ("#006d2c", "#2ca25f", "#66c2a4", "#b2e2e2", "#edf8fb") BuGn6 = ("#006d2c", "#2ca25f", "#66c2a4", "#99d8c9", "#ccece6", "#edf8fb") BuGn7 = ("#005824", "#238b45", "#41ae76", "#66c2a4", "#99d8c9", "#ccece6", "#edf8fb") BuGn8 = ("#005824", "#238b45", "#41ae76", "#66c2a4", "#99d8c9", "#ccece6", "#e5f5f9", "#f7fcfd") BuGn9 = ("#00441b", "#006d2c", "#238b45", "#41ae76", "#66c2a4", "#99d8c9", "#ccece6", "#e5f5f9", "#f7fcfd") PuBuGn3 = ("#1c9099", "#a6bddb", "#ece2f0") PuBuGn4 = ("#02818a", "#67a9cf", "#bdc9e1", "#f6eff7") PuBuGn5 = ("#016c59", "#1c9099", "#67a9cf", "#bdc9e1", "#f6eff7") PuBuGn6 = ("#016c59", "#1c9099", "#67a9cf", "#a6bddb", "#d0d1e6", "#f6eff7") PuBuGn7 = ("#016450", "#02818a", "#3690c0", "#67a9cf", "#a6bddb", "#d0d1e6", "#f6eff7") PuBuGn8 = ("#016450", "#02818a", "#3690c0", "#67a9cf", "#a6bddb", "#d0d1e6", "#ece2f0", "#fff7fb") PuBuGn9 = ("#014636", "#016c59", "#02818a", "#3690c0", "#67a9cf", "#a6bddb", "#d0d1e6", "#ece2f0", "#fff7fb") PuBu3 = ("#2b8cbe", "#a6bddb", "#ece7f2") PuBu4 = ("#0570b0", "#74a9cf", "#bdc9e1", "#f1eef6") PuBu5 = ("#045a8d", "#2b8cbe", "#74a9cf", "#bdc9e1", "#f1eef6") PuBu6 = ("#045a8d", "#2b8cbe", "#74a9cf", "#a6bddb", "#d0d1e6", "#f1eef6") PuBu7 = ("#034e7b", "#0570b0", "#3690c0", "#74a9cf", "#a6bddb", "#d0d1e6", "#f1eef6") PuBu8 = ("#034e7b", "#0570b0", "#3690c0", "#74a9cf", "#a6bddb", "#d0d1e6", "#ece7f2", "#fff7fb") PuBu9 = ("#023858", "#045a8d", "#0570b0", "#3690c0", "#74a9cf", "#a6bddb", "#d0d1e6", "#ece7f2", "#fff7fb") BuPu3 = ("#8856a7", "#9ebcda", "#e0ecf4") BuPu4 = ("#88419d", "#8c96c6", "#b3cde3", "#edf8fb") BuPu5 = ("#810f7c", "#8856a7", "#8c96c6", "#b3cde3", "#edf8fb") BuPu6 = ("#810f7c", "#8856a7", "#8c96c6", "#9ebcda", "#bfd3e6", "#edf8fb") BuPu7 = ("#6e016b", "#88419d", "#8c6bb1", "#8c96c6", "#9ebcda", "#bfd3e6", "#edf8fb") BuPu8 = ("#6e016b", "#88419d", "#8c6bb1", "#8c96c6", "#9ebcda", "#bfd3e6", "#e0ecf4", "#f7fcfd") BuPu9 = ("#4d004b", "#810f7c", "#88419d", "#8c6bb1", "#8c96c6", "#9ebcda", "#bfd3e6", "#e0ecf4", "#f7fcfd") RdPu3 = ("#c51b8a", "#fa9fb5", "#fde0dd") RdPu4 = ("#ae017e", "#f768a1", "#fbb4b9", "#feebe2") RdPu5 = ("#7a0177", "#c51b8a", "#f768a1", "#fbb4b9", "#feebe2") RdPu6 = ("#7a0177", "#c51b8a", "#f768a1", "#fa9fb5", "#fcc5c0", "#feebe2") RdPu7 = ("#7a0177", "#ae017e", "#dd3497", "#f768a1", "#fa9fb5", "#fcc5c0", "#feebe2") RdPu8 = ("#7a0177", "#ae017e", "#dd3497", "#f768a1", "#fa9fb5", "#fcc5c0", "#fde0dd", "#fff7f3") RdPu9 = ("#49006a", "#7a0177", "#ae017e", "#dd3497", "#f768a1", "#fa9fb5", "#fcc5c0", "#fde0dd", "#fff7f3") PuRd3 = ("#dd1c77", "#c994c7", "#e7e1ef") PuRd4 = ("#ce1256", "#df65b0", "#d7b5d8", "#f1eef6") PuRd5 = ("#980043", "#dd1c77", "#df65b0", "#d7b5d8", "#f1eef6") PuRd6 = ("#980043", "#dd1c77", "#df65b0", "#c994c7", "#d4b9da", "#f1eef6") PuRd7 = ("#91003f", "#ce1256", "#e7298a", "#df65b0", "#c994c7", "#d4b9da", "#f1eef6") PuRd8 = ("#91003f", "#ce1256", "#e7298a", "#df65b0", "#c994c7", "#d4b9da", "#e7e1ef", "#f7f4f9") PuRd9 = ("#67001f", "#980043", "#ce1256", "#e7298a", "#df65b0", "#c994c7", "#d4b9da", "#e7e1ef", "#f7f4f9") OrRd3 = ("#e34a33", "#fdbb84", "#fee8c8") OrRd4 = ("#d7301f", "#fc8d59", "#fdcc8a", "#fef0d9") OrRd5 = ("#b30000", "#e34a33", "#fc8d59", "#fdcc8a", "#fef0d9") OrRd6 = ("#b30000", "#e34a33", "#fc8d59", "#fdbb84", "#fdd49e", "#fef0d9") OrRd7 = ("#990000", "#d7301f", "#ef6548", "#fc8d59", "#fdbb84", "#fdd49e", "#fef0d9") OrRd8 = ("#990000", "#d7301f", "#ef6548", "#fc8d59", "#fdbb84", "#fdd49e", "#fee8c8", "#fff7ec") OrRd9 = ("#7f0000", "#b30000", "#d7301f", "#ef6548", "#fc8d59", "#fdbb84", "#fdd49e", "#fee8c8", "#fff7ec") YlOrRd3 = ("#f03b20", "#feb24c", "#ffeda0") YlOrRd4 = ("#e31a1c", "#fd8d3c", "#fecc5c", "#ffffb2") YlOrRd5 = ("#bd0026", "#f03b20", "#fd8d3c", "#fecc5c", "#ffffb2") YlOrRd6 = ("#bd0026", "#f03b20", "#fd8d3c", "#feb24c", "#fed976", "#ffffb2") YlOrRd7 = ("#b10026", "#e31a1c", "#fc4e2a", "#fd8d3c", "#feb24c", "#fed976", "#ffffb2") YlOrRd8 = ("#b10026", "#e31a1c", "#fc4e2a", "#fd8d3c", "#feb24c", "#fed976", "#ffeda0", "#ffffcc") YlOrRd9 = ("#800026", "#bd0026", "#e31a1c", "#fc4e2a", "#fd8d3c", "#feb24c", "#fed976", "#ffeda0", "#ffffcc") YlOrBr3 = ("#d95f0e", "#fec44f", "#fff7bc") YlOrBr4 = ("#cc4c02", "#fe9929", "#fed98e", "#ffffd4") YlOrBr5 = ("#993404", "#d95f0e", "#fe9929", "#fed98e", "#ffffd4") YlOrBr6 = ("#993404", "#d95f0e", "#fe9929", "#fec44f", "#fee391", "#ffffd4") YlOrBr7 = ("#8c2d04", "#cc4c02", "#ec7014", "#fe9929", "#fec44f", "#fee391", "#ffffd4") YlOrBr8 = ("#8c2d04", "#cc4c02", "#ec7014", "#fe9929", "#fec44f", "#fee391", "#fff7bc", "#ffffe5") YlOrBr9 = ("#662506", "#993404", "#cc4c02", "#ec7014", "#fe9929", "#fec44f", "#fee391", "#fff7bc", "#ffffe5") Purples3 = ("#756bb1", "#bcbddc", "#efedf5") Purples4 = ("#6a51a3", "#9e9ac8", "#cbc9e2", "#f2f0f7") Purples5 = 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'#3B496B', '#3C4A6B', '#3D4B6B', '#3E4B6B', '#404C6B', '#414D6B', '#424E6B', '#434E6B', '#444F6B', '#45506B', '#46506B', '#47516B', '#48526B', '#49536B', '#4A536B', '#4B546B', '#4C556B', '#4D556B', '#4E566B', '#4F576C', '#50586C', '#51586C', '#52596C', '#535A6C', '#545A6C', '#555B6C', '#565C6C', '#575D6D', '#585D6D', '#595E6D', '#5A5F6D', '#5B5F6D', '#5C606D', '#5D616E', '#5E626E', '#5F626E', '#5F636E', '#60646E', '#61656F', '#62656F', '#63666F', '#64676F', '#65676F', '#666870', '#676970', '#686A70', '#686A70', '#696B71', '#6A6C71', '#6B6D71', '#6C6D72', '#6D6E72', '#6E6F72', '#6F6F72', '#6F7073', '#707173', '#717273', '#727274', '#737374', '#747475', '#757575', '#757575', '#767676', '#777776', '#787876', '#797877', '#7A7977', '#7B7A77', '#7B7B78', '#7C7B78', '#7D7C78', '#7E7D78', '#7F7E78', '#807E78', '#817F78', '#828078', '#838178', '#848178', '#858278', '#868378', '#878478', '#888578', '#898578', '#8A8678', '#8B8778', '#8C8878', '#8D8878', '#8E8978', '#8F8A78', '#908B78', '#918C78', '#928C78', '#938D78', '#948E78', '#958F78', '#968F77', '#979077', '#989177', '#999277', '#9A9377', '#9B9377', '#9C9477', '#9D9577', '#9E9676', '#9F9776', '#A09876', '#A19876', '#A29976', '#A39A75', '#A49B75', '#A59C75', '#A69C75', '#A79D75', '#A89E74', '#A99F74', '#AAA074', '#ABA174', '#ACA173', '#ADA273', '#AEA373', '#AFA473', '#B0A572', '#B1A672', '#B2A672', '#B4A771', '#B5A871', '#B6A971', '#B7AA70', '#B8AB70', '#B9AB70', '#BAAC6F', '#BBAD6F', '#BCAE6E', '#BDAF6E', '#BEB06E', '#BFB16D', '#C0B16D', '#C1B26C', '#C2B36C', '#C3B46C', '#C5B56B', '#C6B66B', '#C7B76A', '#C8B86A', '#C9B869', '#CAB969', '#CBBA68', '#CCBB68', '#CDBC67', '#CEBD67', '#D0BE66', '#D1BF66', '#D2C065', '#D3C065', '#D4C164', '#D5C263', '#D6C363', '#D7C462', '#D8C561', '#D9C661', '#DBC760', '#DCC860', '#DDC95F', '#DECA5E', '#DFCB5D', '#E0CB5D', '#E1CC5C', '#E3CD5B', '#E4CE5B', '#E5CF5A', '#E6D059', '#E7D158', '#E8D257', '#E9D356', '#EBD456', '#ECD555', '#EDD654', '#EED753', '#EFD852', '#F0D951', '#F1DA50', '#F3DB4F', '#F4DC4E', '#F5DD4D', '#F6DE4C', '#F7DF4B', '#F9E049', '#FAE048', '#FBE147', '#FCE246', '#FDE345', '#FFE443', '#FFE542', '#FFE642', '#FFE743', '#FFE844', '#FFE945') Turbo3 = ('#30123b', '#a1fc3d', '#7a0402') Turbo4 = ('#30123b', '#1ae4b6', '#f9ba38', '#7a0402') Turbo5 = ('#30123b', '#2ab9ed', '#a1fc3d', '#fb8022', '#7a0402') Turbo6 = ('#30123b', '#3e9bfe', '#46f783', '#e1dc37', '#ef5a11', '#7a0402') Turbo7 = ('#30123b', '#4584f9', '#1ae4b6', '#a1fc3d', '#f9ba38', '#e5460a', '#7a0402') Turbo8 = ('#30123b', '#4675ed', '#1ccdd7', '#61fc6c', '#cfea34', '#fe9b2d', '#db3a07', '#7a0402') Turbo9 = ('#30123b', '#4668e0', '#2ab9ed', '#2ff09a', '#a1fc3d', '#ecd139', '#fb8022', '#d23005', '#7a0402') Turbo10 = ('#30123b', '#4560d6', '#36a8f9', '#1ae4b6', '#71fd5f', '#c5ef33', '#f9ba38', '#f66b18', '#cb2b03', '#7a0402') Turbo11 = ('#30123b', '#4458cb', '#3e9bfe', '#18d5cc', '#46f783', '#a1fc3d', '#e1dc37', '#fda631', '#ef5a11', '#c52602', '#7a0402') Turbo256 = ( '#30123b', '#311542', '#32184a', '#341b51', '#351e58', '#36215f', '#372365', '#38266c', '#392972', '#3a2c79', '#3b2f7f', '#3c3285', '#3c358b', '#3d3791', '#3e3a96', '#3f3d9c', '#4040a1', '#4043a6', '#4145ab', '#4148b0', '#424bb5', '#434eba', '#4350be', '#4353c2', '#4456c7', '#4458cb', '#455bce', '#455ed2', '#4560d6', '#4563d9', '#4666dd', '#4668e0', '#466be3', '#466de6', '#4670e8', '#4673eb', '#4675ed', '#4678f0', '#467af2', '#467df4', '#467ff6', '#4682f8', '#4584f9', '#4587fb', '#4589fc', '#448cfd', '#438efd', '#4291fe', '#4193fe', '#4096fe', '#3f98fe', '#3e9bfe', '#3c9dfd', '#3ba0fc', '#39a2fc', '#38a5fb', '#36a8f9', '#34aaf8', '#33acf6', '#31aff5', '#2fb1f3', '#2db4f1', '#2bb6ef', '#2ab9ed', '#28bbeb', '#26bde9', '#25c0e6', '#23c2e4', '#21c4e1', '#20c6df', '#1ec9dc', '#1dcbda', '#1ccdd7', '#1bcfd4', '#1ad1d2', '#19d3cf', '#18d5cc', '#18d7ca', '#17d9c7', '#17dac4', '#17dcc2', '#17debf', '#18e0bd', '#18e1ba', '#19e3b8', '#1ae4b6', '#1be5b4', '#1de7b1', '#1ee8af', '#20e9ac', '#22eba9', '#24eca6', '#27eda3', '#29eea0', '#2cef9d', '#2ff09a', '#32f197', '#35f394', '#38f491', '#3bf48d', '#3ff58a', '#42f687', '#46f783', '#4af880', '#4df97c', '#51f979', '#55fa76', '#59fb72', '#5dfb6f', '#61fc6c', '#65fc68', '#69fd65', '#6dfd62', '#71fd5f', '#74fe5c', '#78fe59', '#7cfe56', '#80fe53', '#84fe50', '#87fe4d', '#8bfe4b', '#8efe48', '#92fe46', '#95fe44', '#98fe42', '#9bfd40', '#9efd3e', '#a1fc3d', '#a4fc3b', '#a6fb3a', '#a9fb39', '#acfa37', '#aef937', '#b1f836', '#b3f835', '#b6f735', '#b9f534', '#bbf434', '#bef334', '#c0f233', '#c3f133', '#c5ef33', '#c8ee33', '#caed33', '#cdeb34', '#cfea34', '#d1e834', '#d4e735', '#d6e535', '#d8e335', '#dae236', '#dde036', '#dfde36', '#e1dc37', '#e3da37', '#e5d838', '#e7d738', '#e8d538', '#ead339', '#ecd139', '#edcf39', '#efcd39', '#f0cb3a', '#f2c83a', '#f3c63a', '#f4c43a', '#f6c23a', '#f7c039', '#f8be39', '#f9bc39', '#f9ba38', '#fab737', '#fbb537', '#fbb336', '#fcb035', '#fcae34', '#fdab33', '#fda932', '#fda631', '#fda330', '#fea12f', '#fe9e2e', '#fe9b2d', '#fe982c', '#fd952b', '#fd9229', '#fd8f28', '#fd8c27', '#fc8926', '#fc8624', '#fb8323', '#fb8022', '#fa7d20', '#fa7a1f', '#f9771e', '#f8741c', '#f7711b', '#f76e1a', '#f66b18', '#f56817', '#f46516', '#f36315', '#f26014', '#f15d13', '#ef5a11', '#ee5810', '#ed550f', '#ec520e', '#ea500d', '#e94d0d', '#e84b0c', '#e6490b', '#e5460a', '#e3440a', '#e24209', '#e04008', '#de3e08', '#dd3c07', '#db3a07', '#d93806', '#d73606', '#d63405', '#d43205', '#d23005', '#d02f04', '#ce2d04', '#cb2b03', '#c92903', '#c72803', '#c52602', '#c32402', '#c02302', '#be2102', '#bb1f01', '#b91e01', '#b61c01', '#b41b01', '#b11901', '#ae1801', '#ac1601', '#a91501', '#a61401', '#a31201', '#a01101', '#9d1001', '#9a0e01', '#970d01', '#940c01', '#910b01', '#8e0a01', '#8b0901', '#870801', '#840701', '#810602', '#7d0502', '#7a0402') Category10_10 = ('#1f77b4', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c', '#d62728', '#9467bd', '#8c564b', '#e377c2', '#7f7f7f', '#bcbd22', '#17becf') Category10_9 = Category10_10[:9] Category10_8 = Category10_10[:8] Category10_7 = Category10_10[:7] Category10_6 = Category10_10[:6] Category10_5 = Category10_10[:5] Category10_4 = Category10_10[:4] Category10_3 = Category10_10[:3] Category20_20 = ( '#1f77b4', '#aec7e8', '#ff7f0e', '#ffbb78', '#2ca02c', '#98df8a', '#d62728', '#ff9896', '#9467bd', '#c5b0d5', '#8c564b', '#c49c94', '#e377c2', '#f7b6d2', '#7f7f7f', '#c7c7c7', '#bcbd22', '#dbdb8d', '#17becf', '#9edae5') Category20_19 = Category20_20[:19] Category20_18 = Category20_20[:18] Category20_17 = Category20_20[:17] Category20_16 = Category20_20[:16] Category20_15 = Category20_20[:15] Category20_14 = Category20_20[:14] Category20_13 = Category20_20[:13] Category20_12 = Category20_20[:12] Category20_11 = Category20_20[:11] Category20_10 = Category20_20[:10] Category20_9 = Category20_20[:9] Category20_8 = Category20_20[:8] Category20_7 = Category20_20[:7] Category20_6 = Category20_20[:6] Category20_5 = Category20_20[:5] Category20_4 = Category20_20[:4] Category20_3 = Category20_20[:3] Category20b_20 = ( '#393b79', '#5254a3', '#6b6ecf', '#9c9ede', '#637939', '#8ca252', '#b5cf6b', '#cedb9c', '#8c6d31', '#bd9e39', '#e7ba52', '#e7cb94', '#843c39', '#ad494a', '#d6616b', '#e7969c', '#7b4173', '#a55194', '#ce6dbd', '#de9ed6') Category20b_19 = Category20b_20[:19] Category20b_18 = Category20b_20[:18] Category20b_17 = Category20b_20[:17] Category20b_16 = Category20b_20[:16] Category20b_15 = Category20b_20[:15] Category20b_14 = Category20b_20[:14] Category20b_13 = Category20b_20[:13] Category20b_12 = Category20b_20[:12] Category20b_11 = Category20b_20[:11] Category20b_10 = Category20b_20[:10] Category20b_9 = Category20b_20[:9] Category20b_8 = Category20b_20[:8] Category20b_7 = Category20b_20[:7] Category20b_6 = Category20b_20[:6] Category20b_5 = Category20b_20[:5] Category20b_4 = Category20b_20[:4] Category20b_3 = Category20b_20[:3] Category20c_20 = ( '#3182bd', '#6baed6', '#9ecae1', '#c6dbef', '#e6550d', '#fd8d3c', '#fdae6b', '#fdd0a2', '#31a354', '#74c476', '#a1d99b', '#c7e9c0', '#756bb1', '#9e9ac8', '#bcbddc', '#dadaeb', '#636363', '#969696', '#bdbdbd', '#d9d9d9') Category20c_19 = Category20c_20[:19] Category20c_18 = Category20c_20[:18] Category20c_17 = Category20c_20[:17] Category20c_16 = Category20c_20[:16] Category20c_15 = Category20c_20[:15] Category20c_14 = Category20c_20[:14] Category20c_13 = Category20c_20[:13] Category20c_12 = Category20c_20[:12] Category20c_11 = Category20c_20[:11] Category20c_10 = Category20c_20[:10] Category20c_9 = Category20c_20[:9] Category20c_8 = Category20c_20[:8] Category20c_7 = Category20c_20[:7] Category20c_6 = Category20c_20[:6] Category20c_5 = Category20c_20[:5] Category20c_4 = Category20c_20[:4] Category20c_3 = Category20c_20[:3] # colorblind friendly palette from http://jfly.iam.u-tokyo.ac.jp/color/ # ('blue ', 'orange ', 'yellow ', 'blugren', 'skyblue', 'vermill', 'redprpl', 'black ') # key Colorblind8 = ('#0072B2', '#E69F00', '#F0E442', '#009E73', '#56B4E9', '#D55E00', '#CC79A7', '#000000') # reordered Colorblind7 = Colorblind8[:7] Colorblind6 = Colorblind8[:6] Colorblind5 = Colorblind8[:5] Colorblind4 = Colorblind8[:4] Colorblind3 = Colorblind8[:3] # Bokeh palette created from colors of shutter logo Bokeh8 = ('#EC1557', '#F05223', '#F6A91B', '#A5CD39', '#20B254', '#00AAAE', '#4998D3', '#892889') Bokeh7 = ('#EC1557', '#F05223', '#F6A91B', '#A5CD39', '#20B254', '#00AAAE', '#892889') Bokeh6 = Bokeh7[:6] Bokeh5 = Bokeh7[:5] Bokeh4 = Bokeh7[:4] Bokeh3 = Bokeh7[:3] YlGn = { 3: YlGn3, 4: YlGn4, 5: YlGn5, 6: YlGn6, 7: YlGn7, 8: YlGn8, 9: YlGn9 } YlGnBu = { 3: YlGnBu3, 4: YlGnBu4, 5: YlGnBu5, 6: YlGnBu6, 7: YlGnBu7, 8: YlGnBu8, 9: YlGnBu9 } GnBu = { 3: GnBu3, 4: GnBu4, 5: GnBu5, 6: GnBu6, 7: GnBu7, 8: GnBu8, 9: GnBu9 } BuGn = { 3: BuGn3, 4: BuGn4, 5: BuGn5, 6: BuGn6, 7: BuGn7, 8: BuGn8, 9: BuGn9 } PuBuGn = { 3: PuBuGn3, 4: PuBuGn4, 5: PuBuGn5, 6: PuBuGn6, 7: PuBuGn7, 8: PuBuGn8, 9: PuBuGn9 } PuBu = { 3: PuBu3, 4: PuBu4, 5: PuBu5, 6: PuBu6, 7: PuBu7, 8: PuBu8, 9: PuBu9 } BuPu = { 3: BuPu3, 4: BuPu4, 5: BuPu5, 6: BuPu6, 7: BuPu7, 8: BuPu8, 9: BuPu9 } RdPu = { 3: RdPu3, 4: RdPu4, 5: RdPu5, 6: RdPu6, 7: RdPu7, 8: RdPu8, 9: RdPu9 } PuRd = { 3: PuRd3, 4: PuRd4, 5: PuRd5, 6: PuRd6, 7: PuRd7, 8: PuRd8, 9: PuRd9 } OrRd = { 3: OrRd3, 4: OrRd4, 5: OrRd5, 6: OrRd6, 7: OrRd7, 8: OrRd8, 9: OrRd9 } YlOrRd = { 3: YlOrRd3, 4: YlOrRd4, 5: YlOrRd5, 6: YlOrRd6, 7: YlOrRd7, 8: YlOrRd8, 9: YlOrRd9 } YlOrBr = { 3: YlOrBr3, 4: YlOrBr4, 5: YlOrBr5, 6: YlOrBr6, 7: YlOrBr7, 8: YlOrBr8, 9: YlOrBr9 } Purples = { 3: Purples3, 4: Purples4, 5: Purples5, 6: Purples6, 7: Purples7, 8: Purples8, 9: Purples9, 256: Purples256 } Blues = { 3: Blues3, 4: Blues4, 5: Blues5, 6: Blues6, 7: Blues7, 8: Blues8, 9: Blues9, 256: Blues256 } Greens = { 3: Greens3, 4: Greens4, 5: Greens5, 6: Greens6, 7: Greens7, 8: Greens8, 9: Greens9, 256: Greens256 } Oranges = { 3: Oranges3, 4: Oranges4, 5: Oranges5, 6: Oranges6, 7: Oranges7, 8: Oranges8, 9: Oranges9, 256: Oranges256 } Reds = { 3: Reds3, 4: Reds4, 5: Reds5, 6: Reds6, 7: Reds7, 8: Reds8, 9: Reds9, 256: Reds256 } Greys = { 3: Greys3, 4: Greys4, 5: Greys5, 6: Greys6, 7: Greys7, 8: Greys8, 9: Greys9, 256: Greys256 } PuOr = { 3: PuOr3, 4: PuOr4, 5: PuOr5, 6: PuOr6, 7: PuOr7, 8: PuOr8, 9: PuOr9, 10: PuOr10, 11: PuOr11 } BrBG = { 3: BrBG3, 4: BrBG4, 5: BrBG5, 6: BrBG6, 7: BrBG7, 8: BrBG8, 9: BrBG9, 10: BrBG10, 11: BrBG11 } PRGn = { 3: PRGn3, 4: PRGn4, 5: PRGn5, 6: PRGn6, 7: PRGn7, 8: PRGn8, 9: PRGn9, 10: PRGn10, 11: PRGn11 } PiYG = { 3: PiYG3, 4: PiYG4, 5: PiYG5, 6: PiYG6, 7: PiYG7, 8: PiYG8, 9: PiYG9, 10: PiYG10, 11: PiYG11 } RdBu = { 3: RdBu3, 4: RdBu4, 5: RdBu5, 6: RdBu6, 7: RdBu7, 8: RdBu8, 9: RdBu9, 10: RdBu10, 11: RdBu11 } RdGy = { 3: RdGy3, 4: RdGy4, 5: RdGy5, 6: RdGy6, 7: RdGy7, 8: RdGy8, 9: RdGy9, 10: RdGy10, 11: RdGy11 } RdYlBu = { 3: RdYlBu3, 4: RdYlBu4, 5: RdYlBu5, 6: RdYlBu6, 7: RdYlBu7, 8: RdYlBu8, 9: RdYlBu9, 10: RdYlBu10, 11: RdYlBu11 } Spectral = { 3: Spectral3, 4: Spectral4, 5: Spectral5, 6: Spectral6, 7: Spectral7, 8: Spectral8, 9: Spectral9, 10: Spectral10, 11: Spectral11 } RdYlGn = { 3: RdYlGn3, 4: RdYlGn4, 5: RdYlGn5, 6: RdYlGn6, 7: RdYlGn7, 8: RdYlGn8, 9: RdYlGn9, 10: RdYlGn10, 11: RdYlGn11 } Accent = { 3: Accent3, 4: Accent4, 5: Accent5, 6: Accent6, 7: Accent7, 8: Accent8 } Dark2 = { 3: Dark2_3, 4: Dark2_4, 5: Dark2_5, 6: Dark2_6, 7: Dark2_7, 8: Dark2_8 } Paired = { 3: Paired3, 4: Paired4, 5: Paired5, 6: Paired6, 7: Paired7, 8: Paired8, 9: Paired9, 10: Paired10, 11: Paired11, 12: Paired12 } Pastel1 = { 3: Pastel1_3, 4: Pastel1_4, 5: Pastel1_5, 6: Pastel1_6, 7: Pastel1_7, 8: Pastel1_8, 9: Pastel1_9 } Pastel2 = { 3: Pastel2_3, 4: Pastel2_4, 5: Pastel2_5, 6: Pastel2_6, 7: Pastel2_7, 8: Pastel2_8 } Set1 = { 3: Set1_3, 4: Set1_4, 5: Set1_5, 6: Set1_6, 7: Set1_7, 8: Set1_8, 9: Set1_9 } Set2 = { 3: Set2_3, 4: Set2_4, 5: Set2_5, 6: Set2_6, 7: Set2_7, 8: Set2_8 } Set3 = { 3: Set3_3, 4: Set3_4, 5: Set3_5, 6: Set3_6, 7: Set3_7, 8: Set3_8, 9: Set3_9, 10: Set3_10, 11: Set3_11, 12: Set3_12 } Magma = { 3: Magma3, 4: Magma4, 5: Magma5, 6: Magma6, 7: Magma7, 8: Magma8, 9: Magma9, 10: Magma10, 11: Magma11, 256: Magma256 } Inferno = { 3: Inferno3, 4: Inferno4, 5: Inferno5, 6: Inferno6, 7: Inferno7, 8: Inferno8, 9: Inferno9, 10: Inferno10, 11: Inferno11, 256: Inferno256 } Plasma = { 3: Plasma3, 4: Plasma4, 5: Plasma5, 6: Plasma6, 7: Plasma7, 8: Plasma8, 9: Plasma9, 10: Plasma10, 11: Plasma11, 256: Plasma256 } Viridis = { 3: Viridis3, 4: Viridis4, 5: Viridis5, 6: Viridis6, 7: Viridis7, 8: Viridis8, 9: Viridis9, 10: Viridis10, 11: Viridis11, 256: Viridis256 } Cividis = { 3: Cividis3, 4: Cividis4, 5: Cividis5, 6: Cividis6, 7: Cividis7, 8: Cividis8, 9: Cividis9, 10: Cividis10, 11: Cividis11, 256: Cividis256 } Turbo = { 3: Turbo3, 4: Turbo4, 5: Turbo5, 6: Turbo6, 7: Turbo7, 8: Turbo8, 9: Turbo9, 10: Turbo10, 11: Turbo11, 256: Turbo256 } Category10 = { 3: Category10_3, 4: Category10_4, 5: Category10_5, 6: Category10_6, 7: Category10_7, 8: Category10_8, 9: Category10_9, 10: Category10_10 } Category20 = { 3: Category20_3, 4: Category20_4, 5: Category20_5, 6: Category20_6, 7: Category20_7, 8: Category20_8, 9: Category20_9, 10: Category20_10, 11: Category20_11, 12: Category20_12, 13: Category20_13, 14: Category20_14, 15: Category20_15, 16: Category20_16, 17: Category20_17, 18: Category20_18, 19: Category20_19, 20: Category20_20 } Category20b = { 3: Category20b_3, 4: Category20b_4, 5: Category20b_5, 6: Category20b_6, 7: Category20b_7, 8: Category20b_8, 9: Category20b_9, 10: Category20b_10, 11: Category20b_11, 12: Category20b_12, 13: Category20b_13, 14: Category20b_14, 15: Category20b_15, 16: Category20b_16, 17: Category20b_17, 18: Category20b_18, 19: Category20b_19, 20: Category20b_20 } Category20c = { 3: Category20c_3, 4: Category20c_4, 5: Category20c_5, 6: Category20c_6, 7: Category20c_7, 8: Category20c_8, 9: Category20c_9, 10: Category20c_10, 11: Category20c_11, 12: Category20c_12, 13: Category20c_13, 14: Category20c_14, 15: Category20c_15, 16: Category20c_16, 17: Category20c_17, 18: Category20c_18, 19: Category20c_19, 20: Category20c_20 } Colorblind = { 3: Colorblind3, 4: Colorblind4, 5: Colorblind5, 6: Colorblind6, 7: Colorblind7, 8: Colorblind8 } Bokeh = { 3: Bokeh3, 4: Bokeh4, 5: Bokeh5, 6: Bokeh6, 7: Bokeh7, 8: Bokeh8 } brewer = { "YlGn" : YlGn, "YlGnBu" : YlGnBu, "GnBu" : GnBu, "BuGn" : BuGn, "PuBuGn" : PuBuGn, "PuBu" : PuBu, "BuPu" : BuPu, "RdPu" : RdPu, "PuRd" : PuRd, "OrRd" : OrRd, "YlOrRd" : YlOrRd, "YlOrBr" : YlOrBr, "Purples" : Purples, "Blues" : Blues, "Greens" : Greens, "Oranges" : Oranges, "Reds" : Reds, "Greys" : Greys, "PuOr" : PuOr, "BrBG" : BrBG, "PRGn" : PRGn, "PiYG" : PiYG, "RdBu" : RdBu, "RdGy" : RdGy, "RdYlBu" : RdYlBu, "Spectral" : Spectral, "RdYlGn" : RdYlGn, "Accent" : Accent, "Dark2" : Dark2, "Paired" : Paired, "Pastel1" : Pastel1, "Pastel2" : Pastel2, "Set1" : Set1, "Set2" : Set2, "Set3" : Set3, } bokeh = { "Bokeh" : Bokeh } d3 = { "Category10" : Category10, "Category20" : Category20, "Category20b" : Category20b, "Category20c" : Category20c, } mpl = { "Magma" : Magma, "Inferno" : Inferno, "Plasma" : Plasma, "Viridis" : Viridis, "Cividis" : Cividis, } colorblind = { "Colorblind" : Colorblind } all_palettes = deepcopy(brewer) all_palettes.update(d3) all_palettes["Colorblind"] = Colorblind all_palettes["Magma"] = Magma all_palettes["Inferno"] = Inferno all_palettes["Plasma"] = Plasma all_palettes["Viridis"] = Viridis all_palettes["Cividis"] = Cividis all_palettes["Turbo"] = Turbo all_palettes["Bokeh"] = Bokeh small_palettes = deepcopy(all_palettes) del small_palettes["Greys"][256] del small_palettes["Magma"][256] del small_palettes["Inferno"][256] del small_palettes["Plasma"][256] del small_palettes["Viridis"][256] del small_palettes["Cividis"][256] del small_palettes["Turbo"][256] def linear_palette(palette: Palette, n: int) -> Palette: """ Generate a new palette as a subset of a given palette. Given an input ``palette``, take ``n`` colors from it by dividing its length into ``n`` (approximately) evenly spaced indices. Args: palette (seq[str]) : a sequence of hex RGB color strings n (int) : the size of the output palette to generate Returns: seq[str] : a sequence of hex RGB color strings Raises: ValueError if n > len(palette) """ if n > len(palette): raise ValueError(f"Requested {n} colors, function can only return colors up to the base palette's length ({len(palette)})") return tuple( palette[int(math.floor(i))] for i in np.linspace(0, len(palette)-1, num=n) ) def diverging_palette(palette1: Palette, palette2: Palette, n: int, midpoint: float = 0.5) -> Palette: """ Generate a new palette by combining exactly two input palettes. Given an input ``palette1`` and ``palette2``, take a combined ``n`` colors, and combine input palettes at the relative ``midpoint``. ``palette1`` and ``palette2`` are meant to be sequential palettes that proceed left to right from perceptually dark to light colors. In that case the returned palette is comprised of the input palettes connected at perceptually light ends. Palettes are combined by piecewise linear interpolation. Args: palette1 (seq[str]) : A sequence of hex RGB color strings for the first palette palette2 (seq[str]) : A sequence of hex RGB color strings for the second palette n (int) : The size of the output palette to generate midpoint (float, optional) : Relative position in the returned palette where input palettes are connected (default: 0.5) Returns: seq[str] : a sequence of hex RGB color strings Raises: ValueError if n is greater than the possible combined length the input palettes """ # flip palette2 so that perceptually light colors are joined palette2 = palette2[::-1] # determine number of colors from each palette n1 = int(round(midpoint * n)) n2 = int(round((1 - midpoint) * n)) # return piecewise linear interpolation of colors return linear_palette(palette1, n1) + linear_palette(palette2, n2) def magma(n: int) -> Palette: """ Generate a palette of colors or from the Magma palette. The full Magma palette that serves as input for deriving new palettes has 256 colors, and looks like: :bokeh-palette:`magma(256)` Args: n (int) : size of the palette to generate Returns: seq[str] : a sequence of hex RGB color strings Raises: ValueError if n is greater than the base palette length of 256 Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> magma(6) ('#000003', '#3B0F6F', '#8C2980', '#DD4968', '#FD9F6C', '#FBFCBF') The resulting palette looks like: :bokeh-palette:`magma(6)` """ return linear_palette(Magma256, n) def inferno(n: int) -> Palette: """ Generate a palette of colors or from the Inferno palette. The full Inferno palette that serves as input for deriving new palettes has 256 colors, and looks like: :bokeh-palette:`inferno(256)` Args: n (int) : size of the palette to generate Returns: seq[str] : a sequence of hex RGB color strings Raises: ValueError if n is greater than the base palette length of 256 Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> inferno(6) ('#000003', '#410967', '#932567', '#DC5039', '#FBA40A', '#FCFEA4') The resulting palette looks like: :bokeh-palette:`inferno(6)` """ return linear_palette(Inferno256, n) def plasma(n: int) -> Palette: """ Generate a palette of colors or from the Plasma palette. The full Plasma palette that serves as input for deriving new palettes has 256 colors, and looks like: :bokeh-palette:`plasma(256)` Args: n (int) : size of the palette to generate Returns: seq[str] : a sequence of hex RGB color strings Raises: ValueError if n is greater than the base palette length of 256 Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> plasma(6) ('#0C0786', '#6A00A7', '#B02A8F', '#E06461', '#FCA635', '#EFF821') The resulting palette looks like: :bokeh-palette:`plasma(6)` """ return linear_palette(Plasma256, n) def viridis(n: int) -> Palette: """ Generate a palette of colors or from the Viridis palette. The full Viridis palette that serves as input for deriving new palettes has 256 colors, and looks like: :bokeh-palette:`viridis(256)` Args: n (int) : size of the palette to generate Returns: seq[str] : a sequence of hex RGB color strings Raises: ValueError if n is greater than the base palette length of 256 Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> viridis(6) ('#440154', '#404387', '#29788E', '#22A784', '#79D151', '#FDE724') The resulting palette looks like: :bokeh-palette:`viridis(6)` """ return linear_palette(Viridis256, n) def cividis(n: int) -> Palette: """ Generate a palette of colors or from the Cividis palette. The full Cividis palette that serves as input for deriving new palettes has 256 colors, and looks like: :bokeh-palette:`cividis(256)` Args: n (int) : size of the palette to generate Returns: seq[str] : a sequence of hex RGB color strings Raises: ValueError if n is greater than the base palette length of 256 Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> cividis(6) ('#00204C', '#31446B', '#666870', '#958F78', '#CAB969', '#FFE945') The resulting palette looks like: :bokeh-palette:`cividis(6)` """ return linear_palette(Cividis256, n) def turbo(n: int) -> Palette: """ Generate a palette of colors or from the Turbo palette. Turbo is described here: https://ai.googleblog.com/2019/08/turbo-improved-rainbow-colormap-for.html The full Turbo palette that serves as input for deriving new palettes has 256 colors, and looks like: :bokeh-palette:`turbo(256)` Args: n (int) : size of the palette to generate Returns: seq[str] : a sequence of hex RGB color strings Raises: ValueError if n is greater than the base palette length of 256 Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> turbo(6) ('#00204C', '#31446B', '#666870', '#958F78', '#CAB969', '#FFE945') The resulting palette looks like: :bokeh-palette:`turbo(6)` """ return linear_palette(Turbo256, n) def grey(n: int) -> Palette: """ Generate a palette of colors or from the Greys palette. The full Greys palette that serves as input for deriving new palettes has 256 colors, and looks like: :bokeh-palette:`grey(256)` Args: n (int) : size of the palette to generate Returns: seq[str] : a sequence of hex RGB color strings Raises: ValueError if n is greater than the base palette length of 256 Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> grey(6) ('#000000', '#333333', '#666666', '#999999', '#cccccc', '#ffffff') The resulting palette looks like: :bokeh-palette:`gray(6)` .. note:: This function also has the alternate spelling ``gray`` """ return linear_palette(Greys256, n) def gray(n: int) -> Palette: """ Generate a palette of colors or from the Greys palette. The full Greys palette that serves as input for deriving new palettes has 256 colors, and looks like: :bokeh-palette:`grey(256)` Args: n (int) : size of the palette to generate Returns: seq[str] : a sequence of hex RGB color strings Raises: ValueError if n is greater than the base palette length of 256 Examples: .. code-block:: python >>> gray(6) ('#000000', '#333333', '#666666', '#999999', '#cccccc', '#ffffff') The resulting palette looks like: :bokeh-palette:`grey(6)` .. note:: This function also has the alternate spelling ``grey`` """ return linear_palette(Greys256, n) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dev API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Private API #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Code #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- __palettes__: List[str] = [] for name, palettes in sorted(all_palettes.items(), key=lambda arg: arg[0]): name = name + "_" if name[-1].isdigit() else name __palettes__ += [ name + str(index) for index in sorted(palettes.keys()) ]