# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib from logging import getLogger from os import chdir, getcwd from os.path import abspath, dirname, exists, expanduser, expandvars, isdir, isfile, join, sep try: import pkg_resources except Exception: pkg_resources = None import sys log = getLogger(__name__) ROOT_PATH = abspath(sep) def site_packages_paths(): if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'): # in a virtualenv log.debug('searching virtualenv') return tuple(p for p in sys.path if p.endswith('site-packages')) else: # not in a virtualenv log.debug('searching outside virtualenv') # pragma: no cover return tuple(get_python_lib(), ) # pragma: no cover class PackageFile(object): def __init__(self, file_path, package_name): self.file_path = file_path self.package_name = package_name def __enter__(self): self.file_handle = open_package_file(self.file_path, self.package_name) return self.file_handle def __exit__(self, *args): self.file_handle.close() class ChangePath(object): def __init__(self, path): self.dirpath = dirname(path) if isfile(path) else path if not isdir(self.dirpath): raise IOError('File or directory not found: {0}'.format(path)) def __enter__(self): self.cwd = getcwd() chdir(self.dirpath) return self def __exit__(self, *args): chdir(self.cwd) def open_package_file(file_path, package_name): file_path = expand(file_path) # look for file at relative path if exists(file_path): log.info("found real file {0}".format(file_path)) return open(file_path) # look for file in package resources if (package_name and pkg_resources is not None and pkg_resources.resource_exists(package_name, file_path)): log.info("found package resource file {0} for package {1}".format(file_path, package_name)) return pkg_resources.resource_stream(package_name, file_path) # look for file in site-packages package_path = find_file_in_site_packages(file_path, package_name) if package_path: return open(package_path) # pragma: no cover msg = "file for module [{0}] cannot be found at path {1}".format(package_name, file_path) log.error(msg) raise IOError(msg) def find_file_in_site_packages(file_path, package_name): package_path = package_name.replace('.', '/') for site_packages_path in site_packages_paths(): test_path = join(site_packages_path, package_path, file_path) if exists(test_path): log.info("found site-package file {0} for package {1}".format(file_path, package_name)) return test_path else: log.error("No file found at {0}.".format(test_path)) return None def expand(path): return abspath(expanduser(expandvars(path))) def absdirname(path): return abspath(expanduser(dirname(path)))