# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2012 Anaconda, Inc # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause """ Sections in this module are 1. top-level functions 2. plan creators 3. plan runners 4. individual operations 5. helper functions The top-level functions compose and execute full plans. A plan is created by composing various individual operations. The plan data structure is a list of dicts, where each dict represents an individual operation. The dict contains two keys--`function` and `kwargs`--where function is the name of the individual operation function within this module. Each individual operation must a) return a `Result` (i.e. NEEDS_SUDO, MODIFIED, or NO_CHANGE) b) have no side effects if context.dry_run is True c) be verbose and descriptive about the changes being made or proposed is context.verbosity >= 1 The plan runner functions take the plan (list of dicts) as an argument, and then coordinate the execution of each individual operation. The docstring for `run_plan_elevated()` has details on how that strategy is implemented. """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals from difflib import unified_diff from errno import ENOENT from glob import glob from itertools import chain import json from logging import getLogger import os from os.path import abspath, basename, dirname, exists, expanduser, isdir, isfile, join from random import randint import re import sys import struct try: FileNotFoundError except NameError: FileNotFoundError = IOError from .. import CONDA_PACKAGE_ROOT, CondaError, __version__ as CONDA_VERSION from ..auxlib.compat import Utf8NamedTemporaryFile from ..auxlib.ish import dals from ..activate import (CshActivator, FishActivator, PosixActivator, XonshActivator, PowerShellActivator) from ..base.context import context from ..common.compat import (PY2, ensure_binary, ensure_utf8_encoding, ensure_text_type, on_mac, on_win, open) from ..common.path import (expand, get_bin_directory_short_path, get_python_short_path, get_python_site_packages_short_path, win_path_ok) from ..exceptions import CondaValueError from ..gateways.disk.create import copy, mkdir_p from ..gateways.disk.delete import rm_rf from ..gateways.disk.link import lexists from ..gateways.disk.permissions import make_executable from ..gateways.disk.read import compute_md5sum from ..gateways.subprocess import subprocess_call if on_win: if PY2: import _winreg as winreg else: import winreg from menuinst.knownfolders import get_folder_path, FOLDERID from menuinst.winshortcut import create_shortcut log = getLogger(__name__) CONDA_INITIALIZE_RE_BLOCK = ( r"^# >>> conda initialize >>>(?:\n|\r\n)" r"([\s\S]*?)" r"# <<< conda initialize <<<(?:\n|\r\n)?") CONDA_INITIALIZE_PS_RE_BLOCK = ( r"^#region conda initialize(?:\n|\r\n)" r"([\s\S]*?)" r"#endregion(?:\n|\r\n)?") class Result: NEEDS_SUDO = "needs sudo" MODIFIED = "modified" NO_CHANGE = "no change" # ##################################################### # top-level functions # ##################################################### def install(conda_prefix): plan = make_install_plan(conda_prefix) run_plan(plan) if not context.dry_run: assert not any(step['result'] == Result.NEEDS_SUDO for step in plan) print_plan_results(plan) return 0 def initialize(conda_prefix, shells, for_user, for_system, anaconda_prompt, reverse=False): plan1 = [] if os.getenv('CONDA_PIP_UNINITIALIZED') == 'true': plan1 = make_install_plan(conda_prefix) run_plan(plan1) if not context.dry_run: run_plan_elevated(plan1) plan2 = make_initialize_plan(conda_prefix, shells, for_user, for_system, anaconda_prompt, reverse=reverse) run_plan(plan2) if not context.dry_run: run_plan_elevated(plan2) plan = plan1 + plan2 print_plan_results(plan) if any(step['result'] == Result.NEEDS_SUDO for step in plan): print("Operation failed.", file=sys.stderr) return 1 def initialize_dev(shell, dev_env_prefix=None, conda_source_root=None): # > alias conda-dev='eval "$(python -m conda init --dev)"' # > eval "$(python -m conda init --dev)" prefix = expand(dev_env_prefix or sys.prefix) conda_source_root = expand(conda_source_root or os.getcwd()) python_exe, python_version, site_packages_dir = _get_python_info(prefix) if not isfile(join(conda_source_root, 'conda', '__main__.py')): raise CondaValueError("Directory is not a conda source root: %s" % conda_source_root) plan = make_install_plan(prefix) plan.append({ 'function': remove_conda_in_sp_dir.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': site_packages_dir, }, }) plan.append({ 'function': make_conda_egg_link.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(site_packages_dir, 'conda.egg-link'), 'conda_source_root': conda_source_root, }, }) plan.append({ 'function': modify_easy_install_pth.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(site_packages_dir, 'easy-install.pth'), 'conda_source_root': conda_source_root, }, }) plan.append({ 'function': make_dev_egg_info_file.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(conda_source_root, 'conda.egg-info'), }, }) run_plan(plan) if context.dry_run or context.verbosity: print_plan_results(plan, sys.stderr) if any(step['result'] == Result.NEEDS_SUDO for step in plan): # pragma: no cover raise CondaError("Operation failed. Privileged install disallowed for 'conda init --dev'.") env_vars = { 'PYTHONHASHSEED': str(randint(0, 4294967296)), 'PYTHON_MAJOR_VERSION': python_version[0], 'TEST_PLATFORM': 'win' if on_win else 'unix', } unset_env_vars = ( 'CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV', 'CONDA_EXE', '_CE_M', '_CE_CONDA', 'CONDA_PREFIX', 'CONDA_PREFIX_1', 'CONDA_PREFIX_2', 'CONDA_PYTHON_EXE', 'CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER', 'CONDA_SHLVL', ) if shell == "bash": builder = [] builder += ["unset %s" % unset_env_var for unset_env_var in unset_env_vars] builder += ["export %s='%s'" % (key, env_vars[key]) for key in sorted(env_vars)] sys_executable = abspath(sys.executable) if on_win: sys_executable = "$(cygpath '%s')" % sys_executable builder += [f'eval "$("{sys_executable}" -m conda "shell.bash" "hook")"'] if context.auto_activate_base: builder += [f"conda activate '{prefix}'"] print("\n".join(builder)) elif shell == 'cmd.exe': if context.dev: dev_arg = '--dev' else: dev_arg = '' builder = [] builder += ["@IF NOT \"%CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER%\" == \"\" @CALL " "SET \"PROMPT=%%PROMPT:%CONDA_PROMPT_MODIFIER%=%_empty_not_set_%%%\""] builder += ["@SET %s=" % unset_env_var for unset_env_var in unset_env_vars] builder += ['@SET "%s=%s"' % (key, env_vars[key]) for key in sorted(env_vars)] builder += [ f'@CALL "{join(prefix, "condabin", "conda_hook.bat")}" {dev_arg}', '@IF %errorlevel% NEQ 0 @EXIT /B %errorlevel%', ] if context.auto_activate_base: builder += [ f'@CALL "{join(prefix, "condabin", "conda.bat")}" activate {dev_arg} "{prefix}"', "@IF %errorlevel% NEQ 0 @EXIT /B %errorlevel%", ] if not context.dry_run: with open('dev-init.bat', 'w') as fh: fh.write('\n'.join(builder)) if context.verbosity: print('\n'.join(builder)) print("now run > .\\dev-init.bat") else: raise NotImplementedError() return 0 # ##################################################### # plan creators # ##################################################### def make_install_plan(conda_prefix): try: python_exe, python_version, site_packages_dir = _get_python_info(conda_prefix) except EnvironmentError: python_exe, python_version, site_packages_dir = None, None, None # NOQA plan = [] # ###################################### # executables # ###################################### if on_win: conda_exe_path = join(conda_prefix, 'Scripts', 'conda-script.py') conda_env_exe_path = join(conda_prefix, 'Scripts', 'conda-env-script.py') plan.append({ 'function': make_entry_point_exe.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(conda_prefix, 'Scripts', 'conda.exe'), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, }, }) plan.append({ 'function': make_entry_point_exe.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(conda_prefix, 'Scripts', 'conda-env.exe'), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, }, }) else: # We can't put a conda.exe in condabin on Windows. It'll conflict with conda.bat. plan.append({ 'function': make_entry_point.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(conda_prefix, 'condabin', 'conda'), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, 'module': 'conda.cli', 'func': 'main', }, }) conda_exe_path = join(conda_prefix, 'bin', 'conda') conda_env_exe_path = join(conda_prefix, 'bin', 'conda-env') plan.append({ 'function': make_entry_point.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': conda_exe_path, 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, 'module': 'conda.cli', 'func': 'main', }, }) plan.append({ 'function': make_entry_point.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': conda_env_exe_path, 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, 'module': 'conda_env.cli.main', 'func': 'main', }, }) # ###################################### # shell wrappers # ###################################### if on_win: plan.append({ 'function': install_condabin_conda_bat.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(conda_prefix, 'condabin', 'conda.bat'), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, }, }) plan.append({ 'function': install_library_bin_conda_bat.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(conda_prefix, 'Library', 'bin', 'conda.bat'), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, }, }) plan.append({ 'function': install_condabin_conda_activate_bat.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(conda_prefix, 'condabin', '_conda_activate.bat'), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, }, }) plan.append({ 'function': install_condabin_rename_tmp_bat.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(conda_prefix, 'condabin', 'rename_tmp.bat'), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, }, }) plan.append({ 'function': install_condabin_conda_auto_activate_bat.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(conda_prefix, 'condabin', 'conda_auto_activate.bat'), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, }, }) plan.append({ 'function': install_condabin_hook_bat.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(conda_prefix, 'condabin', 'conda_hook.bat'), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, }, }) plan.append({ 'function': install_Scripts_activate_bat.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(conda_prefix, 'Scripts', 'activate.bat'), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, }, }) plan.append({ 'function': install_activate_bat.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(conda_prefix, 'condabin', 'activate.bat'), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, }, }) plan.append({ 'function': install_deactivate_bat.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(conda_prefix, 'condabin', 'deactivate.bat'), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, }, }) plan.append({ 'function': install_activate.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(conda_prefix, get_bin_directory_short_path(), 'activate'), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, }, }) plan.append({ 'function': install_deactivate.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(conda_prefix, get_bin_directory_short_path(), 'deactivate'), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, }, }) plan.append({ 'function': install_conda_sh.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(conda_prefix, 'etc', 'profile.d', 'conda.sh'), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, }, }) plan.append({ 'function': install_conda_fish.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(conda_prefix, 'etc', 'fish', 'conf.d', 'conda.fish'), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, }, }) plan.append({ 'function': install_conda_psm1.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(conda_prefix, 'shell', 'condabin', 'Conda.psm1'), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, }, }) plan.append({ 'function': install_conda_hook_ps1.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(conda_prefix, 'shell', 'condabin', 'conda-hook.ps1'), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, }, }) if site_packages_dir: plan.append({ 'function': install_conda_xsh.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(site_packages_dir, 'xontrib', 'conda.xsh'), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, }, }) else: print("WARNING: Cannot install xonsh wrapper without a python interpreter in prefix: " "%s" % conda_prefix, file=sys.stderr) plan.append({ 'function': install_conda_csh.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(conda_prefix, 'etc', 'profile.d', 'conda.csh'), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, }, }) return plan def make_initialize_plan(conda_prefix, shells, for_user, for_system, anaconda_prompt, reverse=False): plan = make_install_plan(conda_prefix) shells = set(shells) if shells & {'bash', 'zsh'}: if 'bash' in shells and for_user: bashrc_path = expand(join('~', '.bash_profile' if (on_mac or on_win) else '.bashrc')) plan.append({ 'function': init_sh_user.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': bashrc_path, 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, 'shell': 'bash', 'reverse': reverse, }, }) if 'zsh' in shells and for_user: if 'ZDOTDIR' in os.environ: zshrc_path = expand(join("$ZDOTDIR", ".zshrc")) else: zshrc_path = expand(join('~', '.zshrc')) plan.append({ 'function': init_sh_user.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': zshrc_path, 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, 'shell': 'zsh', 'reverse': reverse, }, }) if for_system: plan.append({ 'function': init_sh_system.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': '/etc/profile.d/conda.sh', 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, 'reverse': reverse, }, }) if 'fish' in shells: if for_user: config_fish_path = expand(join('~', '.config', 'fish', 'config.fish')) plan.append({ 'function': init_fish_user.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': config_fish_path, 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, 'reverse': reverse, }, }) if for_system: config_fish_path = expand(join('~', '.config', 'fish', 'config.fish')) plan.append({ 'function': init_fish_user.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': config_fish_path, 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, 'reverse': reverse, }, }) if 'xonsh' in shells: if for_user: config_xonsh_path = expand(join('~', '.xonshrc')) plan.append({ 'function': init_xonsh_user.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': config_xonsh_path, 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, 'reverse': reverse, }, }) if for_system: if on_win: config_xonsh_path = expand(join('%ALLUSERSPROFILE%', 'xonsh', 'xonshrc')) else: config_xonsh_path = '/etc/xonshrc' plan.append({ 'function': init_xonsh_user.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': config_xonsh_path, 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, 'reverse': reverse, }, }) if 'tcsh' in shells and for_user: tcshrc_path = expand(join('~', '.tcshrc')) plan.append({ 'function': init_sh_user.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': tcshrc_path, 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, 'shell': 'tcsh', 'reverse': reverse, }, }) if 'powershell' in shells: if for_user: profile = '$PROFILE.CurrentUserAllHosts' if for_system: profile = '$PROFILE.AllUsersAllHosts' # There's several places PowerShell can store its path, depending # on if it's Windows PowerShell, PowerShell Core on Windows, or # PowerShell Core on macOS/Linux. The easiest way to resolve it is to # just ask different possible installations of PowerShell where their # profiles are. def find_powershell_paths(*exe_names): for exe_name in exe_names: try: yield subprocess_call( (exe_name, '-NoProfile', '-Command', profile) ).stdout.strip() except Exception: pass config_powershell_paths = set( find_powershell_paths('powershell', 'pwsh', 'pwsh-preview') ) for config_path in config_powershell_paths: if config_path is not None: plan.append({ 'function': init_powershell_user.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': config_path, 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, 'reverse': reverse, } }) if 'cmd.exe' in shells: if for_user: plan.append({ 'function': init_cmd_exe_registry.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\' 'Command Processor\\AutoRun', 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, 'reverse': reverse, }, }) if for_system: plan.append({ 'function': init_cmd_exe_registry.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\' 'Command Processor\\AutoRun', 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, 'reverse': reverse, }, }) # it would be nice to enable this on a user-level basis, but unfortunately, it is # a system-level key only. plan.append({ 'function': init_long_path.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\' 'FileSystem\\LongPathsEnabled' } }) if anaconda_prompt: plan.append({ 'function': install_anaconda_prompt.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(conda_prefix, 'condabin', 'Anaconda Prompt.lnk'), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, 'reverse': reverse, }, }) if on_win: desktop_dir, exception = get_folder_path(FOLDERID.Desktop) assert not exception else: desktop_dir = join(expanduser('~'), "Desktop") plan.append({ 'function': install_anaconda_prompt.__name__, 'kwargs': { 'target_path': join(desktop_dir, "Anaconda Prompt.lnk"), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, 'reverse': reverse, }, }) return plan # ##################################################### # plan runners # ##################################################### def run_plan(plan): for step in plan: previous_result = step.get('result', None) if previous_result in (Result.MODIFIED, Result.NO_CHANGE): continue try: result = globals()[step['function']](*step.get('args', ()), **step.get('kwargs', {})) except EnvironmentError as e: log.info("%s: %r", step['function'], e, exc_info=True) result = Result.NEEDS_SUDO step['result'] = result def run_plan_elevated(plan): """ The strategy of this function differs between unix and Windows. Both strategies use a subprocess call, where the subprocess is run with elevated privileges. The executable invoked with the subprocess is `python -m conda.core.initialize`, so see the `if __name__ == "__main__"` at the bottom of this module. For unix platforms, we convert the plan list to json, and then call this module with `sudo python -m conda.core.initialize` while piping the plan json to stdin. We collect json from stdout for the results of the plan execution with elevated privileges. For Windows, we create a temporary file that holds the json content of the plan. The subprocess reads the content of the file, modifies the content of the file with updated execution status, and then closes the file. This process then reads the content of that file for the individual operation execution results, and then deletes the file. """ if any(step['result'] == Result.NEEDS_SUDO for step in plan): if on_win: from ..common._os.windows import run_as_admin temp_path = None try: with Utf8NamedTemporaryFile('w+', suffix='.json', delete=False) as tf: # the default mode is 'w+b', and universal new lines don't work in that mode tf.write(json.dumps(plan, ensure_ascii=False, default=lambda x: x.__dict__)) temp_path = tf.name python_exe = '"%s"' % abspath(sys.executable) hinstance, error_code = run_as_admin((python_exe, '-m', 'conda.core.initialize', '"%s"' % temp_path)) if error_code is not None: print("ERROR during elevated execution.\n rc: %s" % error_code, file=sys.stderr) with open(temp_path) as fh: _plan = json.loads(ensure_text_type(fh.read())) finally: if temp_path and lexists(temp_path): rm_rf(temp_path) else: stdin = json.dumps(plan, ensure_ascii=False, default=lambda x: x.__dict__) result = subprocess_call( 'sudo %s -m conda.core.initialize' % sys.executable, env={}, path=os.getcwd(), stdin=stdin ) stderr = result.stderr.strip() if stderr: print(stderr, file=sys.stderr) _plan = json.loads(result.stdout.strip()) del plan[:] plan.extend(_plan) def run_plan_from_stdin(): stdin = sys.stdin.read().strip() plan = json.loads(stdin) run_plan(plan) sys.stdout.write(json.dumps(plan)) def run_plan_from_temp_file(temp_path): with open(temp_path) as fh: plan = json.loads(ensure_text_type(fh.read())) run_plan(plan) with open(temp_path, 'w+b') as fh: fh.write(ensure_binary(json.dumps(plan, ensure_ascii=False))) def print_plan_results(plan, stream=None): if not stream: stream = sys.stdout for step in plan: print("%-14s%s" % (step.get('result'), step['kwargs']['target_path']), file=stream) changed = any(step.get('result') == Result.MODIFIED for step in plan) if changed: print("\n==> For changes to take effect, close and re-open your current shell. <==\n", file=stream) else: print("No action taken.", file=stream) # ##################################################### # individual operations # ##################################################### def make_entry_point(target_path, conda_prefix, module, func): # target_path: join(conda_prefix, 'bin', 'conda') conda_ep_path = target_path if isfile(conda_ep_path): with open(conda_ep_path) as fh: original_ep_content = fh.read() else: original_ep_content = "" if on_win: # no shebang needed on windows new_ep_content = "" else: new_ep_content = "#!%s\n" % join(conda_prefix, get_python_short_path()) conda_extra = dals(""" # Before any more imports, leave cwd out of sys.path for internal 'conda shell.*' commands. # see https://github.com/conda/conda/issues/6549 if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1].startswith('shell.') and sys.path and sys.path[0] == '': # The standard first entry in sys.path is an empty string, # and os.path.abspath('') expands to os.getcwd(). del sys.path[0] """) new_ep_content += dals(""" # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys %(extra)s if __name__ == '__main__': from %(module)s import %(func)s sys.exit(%(func)s()) """) % { 'extra': conda_extra if module == 'conda.cli' else '', 'module': module, 'func': func, } if new_ep_content != original_ep_content: if context.verbosity: print('\n') print(target_path) print(make_diff(original_ep_content, new_ep_content)) if not context.dry_run: mkdir_p(dirname(conda_ep_path)) with open(conda_ep_path, 'w') as fdst: fdst.write(new_ep_content) if not on_win: make_executable(conda_ep_path) return Result.MODIFIED else: return Result.NO_CHANGE def make_entry_point_exe(target_path, conda_prefix): # target_path: join(conda_prefix, 'Scripts', 'conda.exe') exe_path = target_path bits = 8 * struct.calcsize("P") source_exe_path = join(CONDA_PACKAGE_ROOT, 'shell', 'cli-%d.exe' % bits) if isfile(exe_path): if compute_md5sum(exe_path) == compute_md5sum(source_exe_path): return Result.NO_CHANGE if not context.dry_run: if not isdir(dirname(exe_path)): mkdir_p(dirname(exe_path)) # prefer copy() over create_hard_link_or_copy() because of windows file deletion issues # with open processes copy(source_exe_path, exe_path) return Result.MODIFIED def install_anaconda_prompt(target_path, conda_prefix, reverse): # target_path: join(conda_prefix, 'condabin', 'Anaconda Prompt.lnk') # target: join(os.environ["HOMEPATH"], "Desktop", "Anaconda Prompt.lnk") icon_path = join(CONDA_PACKAGE_ROOT, 'shell', 'conda_icon.ico') target = join(os.environ["HOMEPATH"], "Desktop", "Anaconda Prompt.lnk") args = ( '/K', '""%s" && "%s""' % (join(conda_prefix, 'condabin', 'conda_hook.bat'), join(conda_prefix, 'condabin', 'conda_auto_activate.bat')), ) # The API for the call to 'create_shortcut' has 3 # required arguments (path, description, filename) # and 4 optional ones (args, working_dir, icon_path, icon_index). result = Result.NO_CHANGE if not context.dry_run: create_shortcut( "%windir%\\System32\\cmd.exe", "Anconda Prompt", '' + target_path, ' '.join(args), '' + expanduser('~'), '' + icon_path, ) result = Result.MODIFIED if reverse: if os.path.isfile(target): os.remove(target) result = Result.MODIFIED return result def _install_file(target_path, file_content): if isfile(target_path): with open(target_path) as fh: original_content = fh.read() else: original_content = "" new_content = file_content if new_content != original_content: if context.verbosity: print('\n') print(target_path) print(make_diff(original_content, new_content)) if not context.dry_run: mkdir_p(dirname(target_path)) with open(target_path, 'w') as fdst: fdst.write(new_content) return Result.MODIFIED else: return Result.NO_CHANGE def install_conda_sh(target_path, conda_prefix): # target_path: join(conda_prefix, 'etc', 'profile.d', 'conda.sh') file_content = PosixActivator().hook(auto_activate_base=False) return _install_file(target_path, file_content) def install_Scripts_activate_bat(target_path, conda_prefix): # target_path: join(conda_prefix, 'Scripts', 'activate.bat') src_path = join(CONDA_PACKAGE_ROOT, 'shell', 'Scripts', 'activate.bat') with open(src_path) as fsrc: file_content = fsrc.read() return _install_file(target_path, file_content) def install_activate_bat(target_path, conda_prefix): # target_path: join(conda_prefix, 'condabin', 'activate.bat') src_path = join(CONDA_PACKAGE_ROOT, 'shell', 'condabin', 'activate.bat') with open(src_path) as fsrc: file_content = fsrc.read() return _install_file(target_path, file_content) def install_deactivate_bat(target_path, conda_prefix): # target_path: join(conda_prefix, 'condabin', 'deactivate.bat') src_path = join(CONDA_PACKAGE_ROOT, 'shell', 'condabin', 'deactivate.bat') with open(src_path) as fsrc: file_content = fsrc.read() return _install_file(target_path, file_content) def install_activate(target_path, conda_prefix): # target_path: join(conda_prefix, get_bin_directory_short_path(), 'activate') src_path = join(CONDA_PACKAGE_ROOT, 'shell', 'bin', 'activate') file_content = ( "#!/bin/sh\n" "_CONDA_ROOT=\"%s\"\n" ) % conda_prefix with open(src_path) as fsrc: file_content += fsrc.read() return _install_file(target_path, file_content) def install_deactivate(target_path, conda_prefix): # target_path: join(conda_prefix, get_bin_directory_short_path(), 'deactivate') src_path = join(CONDA_PACKAGE_ROOT, 'shell', 'bin', 'deactivate') file_content = ( "#!/bin/sh\n" "_CONDA_ROOT=\"%s\"\n" ) % conda_prefix with open(src_path) as fsrc: file_content += fsrc.read() return _install_file(target_path, file_content) def install_condabin_conda_bat(target_path, conda_prefix): # target_path: join(conda_prefix, 'condabin', 'conda.bat') conda_bat_src_path = join(CONDA_PACKAGE_ROOT, 'shell', 'condabin', 'conda.bat') with open(conda_bat_src_path) as fsrc: file_content = fsrc.read() return _install_file(target_path, file_content) def install_library_bin_conda_bat(target_path, conda_prefix): # target_path: join(conda_prefix, 'Library', 'bin', 'conda.bat') conda_bat_src_path = join(CONDA_PACKAGE_ROOT, 'shell', 'Library', 'bin', 'conda.bat') with open(conda_bat_src_path) as fsrc: file_content = fsrc.read() return _install_file(target_path, file_content) def install_condabin_conda_activate_bat(target_path, conda_prefix): # target_path: join(conda_prefix, 'condabin', '_conda_activate.bat') conda_bat_src_path = join(CONDA_PACKAGE_ROOT, 'shell', 'condabin', '_conda_activate.bat') with open(conda_bat_src_path) as fsrc: file_content = fsrc.read() return _install_file(target_path, file_content) def install_condabin_rename_tmp_bat(target_path, conda_prefix): # target_path: join(conda_prefix, 'condabin', 'rename_tmp.bat') conda_bat_src_path = join(CONDA_PACKAGE_ROOT, 'shell', 'condabin', 'rename_tmp.bat') with open(conda_bat_src_path) as fsrc: file_content = fsrc.read() return _install_file(target_path, file_content) def install_condabin_conda_auto_activate_bat(target_path, conda_prefix): # target_path: join(conda_prefix, 'condabin', 'conda_auto_activate.bat') conda_bat_src_path = join(CONDA_PACKAGE_ROOT, 'shell', 'condabin', 'conda_auto_activate.bat') with open(conda_bat_src_path) as fsrc: file_content = fsrc.read() return _install_file(target_path, file_content) def install_condabin_hook_bat(target_path, conda_prefix): # target_path: join(conda_prefix, 'condabin', 'conda_hook.bat') conda_bat_src_path = join(CONDA_PACKAGE_ROOT, 'shell', 'condabin', 'conda_hook.bat') with open(conda_bat_src_path) as fsrc: file_content = fsrc.read() return _install_file(target_path, file_content) def install_conda_fish(target_path, conda_prefix): # target_path: join(conda_prefix, 'etc', 'fish', 'conf.d', 'conda.fish') file_content = FishActivator().hook(auto_activate_base=False) return _install_file(target_path, file_content) def install_conda_psm1(target_path, conda_prefix): # target_path: join(conda_prefix, 'shell', 'condabin', 'Conda.psm1') conda_psm1_path = join(CONDA_PACKAGE_ROOT, 'shell', 'condabin', 'Conda.psm1') with open(conda_psm1_path) as fsrc: file_content = fsrc.read() return _install_file(target_path, file_content) def install_conda_hook_ps1(target_path, conda_prefix): # target_path: join(conda_prefix, 'shell', 'condabin', 'conda-hook.ps1') file_content = PowerShellActivator().hook(auto_activate_base=False) return _install_file(target_path, file_content) def install_conda_xsh(target_path, conda_prefix): # target_path: join(site_packages_dir, 'xonsh', 'conda.xsh') file_content = XonshActivator().hook(auto_activate_base=False) return _install_file(target_path, file_content) def install_conda_csh(target_path, conda_prefix): # target_path: join(conda_prefix, 'etc', 'profile.d', 'conda.csh') file_content = CshActivator().hook(auto_activate_base=False) return _install_file(target_path, file_content) def _config_fish_content(conda_prefix): if on_win: from ..activate import native_path_to_unix conda_exe = native_path_to_unix(join(conda_prefix, 'Scripts', 'conda.exe')) else: conda_exe = join(conda_prefix, 'bin', 'conda') conda_initialize_content = dals(""" # >>> conda initialize >>> # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !! eval %(conda_exe)s "shell.fish" "hook" $argv | source # <<< conda initialize <<< """) % { 'conda_exe': conda_exe, } return conda_initialize_content def init_fish_user(target_path, conda_prefix, reverse): # target_path: ~/.config/config.fish user_rc_path = target_path try: with open(user_rc_path) as fh: rc_content = fh.read() except FileNotFoundError: rc_content = '' except: raise rc_original_content = rc_content conda_init_comment = "# commented out by conda initialize" conda_initialize_content = _config_fish_content(conda_prefix) if reverse: # uncomment any lines that were commented by prior conda init run rc_content = re.sub( r"#\s(.*?)\s*{}".format(conda_init_comment), r"\1", rc_content, flags=re.MULTILINE, ) # remove any conda init sections added rc_content = re.sub( r"^\s*" + CONDA_INITIALIZE_RE_BLOCK, "", rc_content, flags=re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE ) else: if not on_win: rc_content = re.sub( r"^[ \t]*?(set -gx PATH ([\'\"]?).*?%s\/bin\2 [^\n]*?\$PATH)" r"" % basename(conda_prefix), r"# \1 {}".format(conda_init_comment), rc_content, flags=re.MULTILINE, ) rc_content = re.sub( r"^[ \t]*[^#\n]?[ \t]*((?:source|\.) .*etc\/fish\/conf\.d\/conda\.fish.*?)\n" r"(conda activate.*?)$", r"# \1 {0}\n# \2 {0}".format(conda_init_comment), rc_content, flags=re.MULTILINE, ) rc_content = re.sub( r"^[ \t]*[^#\n]?[ \t]*((?:source|\.) .*etc\/fish\/conda\.d\/conda\.fish.*?)$", r"# \1 {}".format(conda_init_comment), rc_content, flags=re.MULTILINE, ) replace_str = "__CONDA_REPLACE_ME_123__" rc_content = re.sub( CONDA_INITIALIZE_RE_BLOCK, replace_str, rc_content, flags=re.MULTILINE, ) # TODO: maybe remove all but last of replace_str, if there's more than one occurrence rc_content = rc_content.replace(replace_str, conda_initialize_content) if "# >>> conda initialize >>>" not in rc_content: rc_content += '\n%s\n' % conda_initialize_content if rc_content != rc_original_content: if context.verbosity: print('\n') print(target_path) print(make_diff(rc_original_content, rc_content)) if not context.dry_run: # Make the directory if needed. if not exists(dirname(user_rc_path)): mkdir_p(dirname(user_rc_path)) with open(user_rc_path, 'w') as fh: fh.write(rc_content) return Result.MODIFIED else: return Result.NO_CHANGE def _config_xonsh_content(conda_prefix): if on_win: from ..activate import native_path_to_unix conda_exe = native_path_to_unix(join(conda_prefix, 'Scripts', 'conda.exe')) else: conda_exe = join(conda_prefix, 'bin', 'conda') conda_initialize_content = dals(""" # >>> conda initialize >>> # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !! import sys as _sys from types import ModuleType as _ModuleType _mod = _ModuleType("xontrib.conda", "Autogenerated from $({conda_exe} shell.xonsh hook)") __xonsh__.execer.exec($("{conda_exe}" "shell.xonsh" "hook"), glbs=_mod.__dict__, filename="$({conda_exe} shell.xonsh hook)") _sys.modules["xontrib.conda"] = _mod del _sys, _mod, _ModuleType # <<< conda initialize <<< """).format(conda_exe=conda_exe) return conda_initialize_content def init_xonsh_user(target_path, conda_prefix, reverse): # target_path: ~/.xonshrc user_rc_path = target_path try: with open(user_rc_path) as fh: rc_content = fh.read() except FileNotFoundError: rc_content = '' except: raise rc_original_content = rc_content conda_init_comment = "# commented out by conda initialize" conda_initialize_content = _config_xonsh_content(conda_prefix) if reverse: # uncomment any lines that were commented by prior conda init run rc_content = re.sub( r"#\s(.*?)\s*{}".format(conda_init_comment), r"\1", rc_content, flags=re.MULTILINE, ) # remove any conda init sections added rc_content = re.sub( r"^\s*" + CONDA_INITIALIZE_RE_BLOCK, "", rc_content, flags=re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE ) else: replace_str = "__CONDA_REPLACE_ME_123__" rc_content = re.sub( CONDA_INITIALIZE_RE_BLOCK, replace_str, rc_content, flags=re.MULTILINE, ) # TODO: maybe remove all but last of replace_str, if there's more than one occurrence rc_content = rc_content.replace(replace_str, conda_initialize_content) if "# >>> conda initialize >>>" not in rc_content: rc_content += '\n{0}\n'.format(conda_initialize_content) if rc_content != rc_original_content: if context.verbosity: print('\n') print(target_path) print(make_diff(rc_original_content, rc_content)) if not context.dry_run: # Make the directory if needed. if not exists(dirname(user_rc_path)): mkdir_p(dirname(user_rc_path)) with open(user_rc_path, 'w') as fh: fh.write(rc_content) return Result.MODIFIED else: return Result.NO_CHANGE def _bashrc_content(conda_prefix, shell): if on_win: from ..activate import native_path_to_unix conda_exe = native_path_to_unix(join(conda_prefix, 'Scripts', 'conda.exe')) conda_initialize_content = dals(""" # >>> conda initialize >>> # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !! eval "$('%(conda_exe)s' 'shell.%(shell)s' 'hook')" # <<< conda initialize <<< """) % { 'conda_exe': conda_exe, 'shell': shell, } else: conda_exe = join(conda_prefix, 'bin', 'conda') if shell in ("csh", "tcsh"): conda_initialize_content = dals(""" # >>> conda initialize >>> # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !! if ( -f "%(conda_prefix)s/etc/profile.d/conda.csh" ) then source "%(conda_prefix)s/etc/profile.d/conda.csh" else setenv PATH "%(conda_bin)s:$PATH" endif # <<< conda initialize <<< """) % { 'conda_exe': conda_exe, 'shell': shell, 'conda_bin': dirname(conda_exe), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, } else: conda_initialize_content = dals(""" # >>> conda initialize >>> # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !! __conda_setup="$('%(conda_exe)s' 'shell.%(shell)s' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then eval "$__conda_setup" else if [ -f "%(conda_prefix)s/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" ]; then . "%(conda_prefix)s/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" else export PATH="%(conda_bin)s:$PATH" fi fi unset __conda_setup # <<< conda initialize <<< """) % { 'conda_exe': conda_exe, 'shell': shell, 'conda_bin': dirname(conda_exe), 'conda_prefix': conda_prefix, } return conda_initialize_content def init_sh_user(target_path, conda_prefix, shell, reverse=False): # target_path: ~/.bash_profile user_rc_path = target_path try: with open(user_rc_path) as fh: rc_content = fh.read() except FileNotFoundError: rc_content = '' except: raise rc_original_content = rc_content conda_initialize_content = _bashrc_content(conda_prefix, shell) conda_init_comment = "# commented out by conda initialize" if reverse: # uncomment any lines that were commented by prior conda init run rc_content = re.sub( r"#\s(.*?)\s*{}".format(conda_init_comment), r"\1", rc_content, flags=re.MULTILINE, ) # remove any conda init sections added rc_content = re.sub( r"^\s*" + CONDA_INITIALIZE_RE_BLOCK, "", rc_content, flags=re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE ) else: if not on_win: rc_content = re.sub( r"^[ \t]*?(export PATH=[\'\"].*?%s\/bin:\$PATH[\'\"])" r"" % basename(conda_prefix), r"# \1 {}".format(conda_init_comment), rc_content, flags=re.MULTILINE, ) rc_content = re.sub( r"^[ \t]*[^#\n]?[ \t]*((?:source|\.) .*etc\/profile\.d\/conda\.sh.*?)\n" r"(conda activate.*?)$", r"# \1 {0}\n# \2 {0}".format(conda_init_comment), rc_content, flags=re.MULTILINE, ) rc_content = re.sub( r"^[ \t]*[^#\n]?[ \t]*((?:source|\.) .*etc\/profile\.d\/conda\.sh.*?)$", r"# \1 {}".format(conda_init_comment), rc_content, flags=re.MULTILINE, ) if on_win: rc_content = re.sub( r"^[ \t]*^[ \t]*[^#\n]?[ \t]*((?:source|\.) .*Scripts[/\\]activate.*?)$", r"# \1 # commented out by conda initialize", rc_content, flags=re.MULTILINE, ) else: rc_content = re.sub( r"^[ \t]*^[ \t]*[^#\n]?[ \t]*((?:source|\.) .*bin/activate.*?)$", r"# \1 # commented out by conda initialize", rc_content, flags=re.MULTILINE, ) replace_str = "__CONDA_REPLACE_ME_123__" rc_content = re.sub( CONDA_INITIALIZE_RE_BLOCK, replace_str, rc_content, flags=re.MULTILINE, ) # TODO: maybe remove all but last of replace_str, if there's more than one occurrence rc_content = rc_content.replace(replace_str, conda_initialize_content) if "# >>> conda initialize >>>" not in rc_content: rc_content += '\n%s\n' % conda_initialize_content if rc_content != rc_original_content: if context.verbosity: print('\n') print(target_path) print(make_diff(rc_original_content, rc_content)) if not context.dry_run: with open(user_rc_path, 'w') as fh: fh.write(rc_content) return Result.MODIFIED else: return Result.NO_CHANGE def init_sh_system(target_path, conda_prefix, reverse=False): # target_path: '/etc/profile.d/conda.sh' conda_sh_system_path = target_path if exists(conda_sh_system_path): with open(conda_sh_system_path) as fh: conda_sh_system_contents = fh.read() else: conda_sh_system_contents = "" if reverse: if exists(conda_sh_system_path): os.remove(conda_sh_system_path) return Result.MODIFIED else: conda_sh_contents = _bashrc_content(conda_prefix, 'posix') if conda_sh_system_contents != conda_sh_contents: if context.verbosity: print('\n') print(target_path) print(make_diff(conda_sh_contents, conda_sh_system_contents)) if not context.dry_run: if lexists(conda_sh_system_path): rm_rf(conda_sh_system_path) mkdir_p(dirname(conda_sh_system_path)) with open(conda_sh_system_path, 'w') as fh: fh.write(conda_sh_contents) return Result.MODIFIED return Result.NO_CHANGE def _read_windows_registry(target_path): # pragma: no cover # HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun # HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun # returns value_value, value_type -or- None, None if target does not exist main_key, the_rest = target_path.split('\\', 1) subkey_str, value_name = the_rest.rsplit('\\', 1) main_key = getattr(winreg, main_key) try: key = winreg.OpenKey(main_key, subkey_str, 0, winreg.KEY_READ) except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno != ENOENT: raise return None, None try: value_tuple = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, value_name) value_value = value_tuple[0] if isinstance(value_value, str): value_value = value_value.strip() value_type = value_tuple[1] return value_value, value_type except Exception: # [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified winreg.CloseKey(key) return None, None finally: winreg.CloseKey(key) def _write_windows_registry(target_path, value_value, value_type): # pragma: no cover main_key, the_rest = target_path.split('\\', 1) subkey_str, value_name = the_rest.rsplit('\\', 1) main_key = getattr(winreg, main_key) try: key = winreg.OpenKey(main_key, subkey_str, 0, winreg.KEY_WRITE) except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno != ENOENT: raise key = winreg.CreateKey(main_key, subkey_str) try: winreg.SetValueEx(key, value_name, 0, value_type, value_value) finally: winreg.CloseKey(key) def init_cmd_exe_registry(target_path, conda_prefix, reverse=False): # HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun # HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun prev_value, value_type = _read_windows_registry(target_path) if prev_value is None: prev_value = "" value_type = winreg.REG_EXPAND_SZ old_hook_path = '"{}"'.format(join(conda_prefix, 'condabin', 'conda_hook.bat')) new_hook = 'if exist {hp} {hp}'.format(hp=old_hook_path) if reverse: # we can't just reset it to None and remove it, because there may be other contents here. # We need to strip out our part, and if there's nothing left, remove the key. # Break up string by parts joined with "&" autorun_parts = prev_value.split('&') autorun_parts = [part.strip() for part in autorun_parts if new_hook not in part] # We must remove the old hook path too if it is there autorun_parts = [part.strip() for part in autorun_parts if old_hook_path not in part] new_value = " & ".join(autorun_parts) else: replace_str = "__CONDA_REPLACE_ME_123__" # Replace new (if exist checked) hook new_value = re.sub( r'(if exist \"[^\"]*?conda[-_]hook\.bat\" \"[^\"]*?conda[-_]hook\.bat\")', replace_str, prev_value, count=1, flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE, ) # Replace old hook new_value = re.sub( r'(\"[^\"]*?conda[-_]hook\.bat\")', replace_str, new_value, flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE, ) # Fold repeats of 'HOOK & HOOK' new_value_2 = new_value.replace(replace_str + ' & ' + replace_str, replace_str) while new_value_2 != new_value: new_value = new_value_2 new_value_2 = new_value.replace(replace_str + ' & ' + replace_str, replace_str) new_value = new_value_2.replace(replace_str, new_hook) if new_hook not in new_value: if new_value: new_value += ' & ' + new_hook else: new_value = new_hook if prev_value != new_value: if context.verbosity: print('\n') print(target_path) print(make_diff(prev_value, new_value)) if not context.dry_run: _write_windows_registry(target_path, new_value, value_type) return Result.MODIFIED else: return Result.NO_CHANGE def init_long_path(target_path): win_ver, _, win_rev = context.os_distribution_name_version[1].split('.') # win10, build 14352 was the first preview release that supported this if int(win_ver) >= 10 and int(win_rev) >= 14352: prev_value, value_type = _read_windows_registry(target_path) if str(prev_value) != "1": if context.verbosity: print('\n') print(target_path) print(make_diff(str(prev_value), '1')) if not context.dry_run: _write_windows_registry(target_path, 1, winreg.REG_DWORD) return Result.MODIFIED else: return Result.NO_CHANGE else: if context.verbosity: print('\n') print('Not setting long path registry key; Windows version must be at least 10 with ' 'the fall 2016 "Anniversary update" or newer.') return Result.NO_CHANGE def _powershell_profile_content(conda_prefix): if on_win: conda_exe = join(conda_prefix, 'Scripts', 'conda.exe') else: conda_exe = join(conda_prefix, 'bin', 'conda') conda_powershell_module = dals(""" #region conda initialize # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !! (& "{conda_exe}" "shell.powershell" "hook") | Out-String | Invoke-Expression #endregion """.format(conda_exe=conda_exe)) return conda_powershell_module def init_powershell_user(target_path, conda_prefix, reverse): # target_path: $PROFILE profile_path = target_path # NB: the user may not have created a profile. We need to check # if the file exists first. if os.path.exists(profile_path): with open(profile_path) as fp: profile_content = fp.read() else: profile_content = "" profile_original_content = profile_content # TODO: comment out old ipmos and Import-Modules. if reverse: profile_content = re.sub(CONDA_INITIALIZE_PS_RE_BLOCK, "", profile_content, count=1, flags=re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE ) else: # Find what content we need to add. conda_initialize_content = _powershell_profile_content(conda_prefix) if "#region conda initialize" not in profile_content: profile_content += "\n{}\n".format(conda_initialize_content) else: profile_content = re.sub(CONDA_INITIALIZE_PS_RE_BLOCK, "__CONDA_REPLACE_ME_123__", profile_content, count=1, flags=re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE ).replace("__CONDA_REPLACE_ME_123__", conda_initialize_content) if profile_content != profile_original_content: if context.verbosity: print('\n') print(target_path) print(make_diff(profile_original_content, profile_content)) if not context.dry_run: # Make the directory if needed. if not exists(dirname(profile_path)): mkdir_p(dirname(profile_path)) with open(profile_path, 'w') as fp: fp.write(profile_content) return Result.MODIFIED else: return Result.NO_CHANGE def remove_conda_in_sp_dir(target_path): # target_path: site_packages_dir modified = False site_packages_dir = target_path rm_rf_these = chain.from_iterable(( glob(join(site_packages_dir, "conda-*info")), glob(join(site_packages_dir, "conda.*")), glob(join(site_packages_dir, "conda-*.egg")), )) rm_rf_these = (p for p in rm_rf_these if not p.endswith('conda.egg-link')) for fn in rm_rf_these: print("rm -rf %s" % join(site_packages_dir, fn), file=sys.stderr) if not context.dry_run: rm_rf(join(site_packages_dir, fn)) modified = True others = ( "conda", "conda_env", ) for other in others: path = join(site_packages_dir, other) if lexists(path): print("rm -rf %s" % path, file=sys.stderr) if not context.dry_run: rm_rf(path) modified = True if modified: return Result.MODIFIED else: return Result.NO_CHANGE def make_conda_egg_link(target_path, conda_source_root): # target_path: join(site_packages_dir, 'conda.egg-link') conda_egg_link_contents = conda_source_root + os.linesep if isfile(target_path): with open(target_path, 'rb') as fh: conda_egg_link_contents_old = fh.read() else: conda_egg_link_contents_old = "" if conda_egg_link_contents_old != conda_egg_link_contents: if context.verbosity: print('\n', file=sys.stderr) print(target_path, file=sys.stderr) print(make_diff(conda_egg_link_contents_old, conda_egg_link_contents), file=sys.stderr) if not context.dry_run: with open(target_path, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(ensure_utf8_encoding(conda_egg_link_contents)) return Result.MODIFIED else: return Result.NO_CHANGE def modify_easy_install_pth(target_path, conda_source_root): # target_path: join(site_packages_dir, 'easy-install.pth') easy_install_new_line = conda_source_root if isfile(target_path): with open(target_path) as fh: old_contents = fh.read() else: old_contents = "" old_contents_lines = old_contents.splitlines() if easy_install_new_line in old_contents_lines: return Result.NO_CHANGE ln_end = os.sep + "conda" old_contents_lines = tuple(ln for ln in old_contents_lines if not ln.endswith(ln_end)) new_contents = (easy_install_new_line + os.linesep + os.linesep.join(old_contents_lines) + os.linesep) if context.verbosity: print('\n', file=sys.stderr) print(target_path, file=sys.stderr) print(make_diff(old_contents, new_contents), file=sys.stderr) if not context.dry_run: with open(target_path, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(ensure_utf8_encoding(new_contents)) return Result.MODIFIED def make_dev_egg_info_file(target_path): # target_path: join(conda_source_root, 'conda.egg-info') if isfile(target_path): with open(target_path) as fh: old_contents = fh.read() else: old_contents = "" new_contents = dals(""" Metadata-Version: 1.1 Name: conda Version: %s Platform: UNKNOWN Summary: OS-agnostic, system-level binary package manager. """) % CONDA_VERSION if old_contents == new_contents: return Result.NO_CHANGE if context.verbosity: print('\n', file=sys.stderr) print(target_path, file=sys.stderr) print(make_diff(old_contents, new_contents), file=sys.stderr) if not context.dry_run: if lexists(target_path): rm_rf(target_path) with open(target_path, 'w') as fh: fh.write(new_contents) return Result.MODIFIED # ##################################################### # helper functions # ##################################################### def make_diff(old, new): return '\n'.join(unified_diff(old.splitlines(), new.splitlines())) def _get_python_info(prefix): python_exe = join(prefix, get_python_short_path()) result = subprocess_call("%s --version" % python_exe) stdout, stderr = result.stdout.strip(), result.stderr.strip() if stderr: python_version = stderr.split()[1] elif stdout: # pragma: no cover python_version = stdout.split()[1] else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("No python version information available.") site_packages_dir = join(prefix, win_path_ok(get_python_site_packages_short_path(python_version))) return python_exe, python_version, site_packages_dir if __name__ == "__main__": if on_win: temp_path = sys.argv[1] run_plan_from_temp_file(temp_path) else: run_plan_from_stdin()