# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2012 Anaconda, Inc # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals from ast import literal_eval import codecs from errno import EACCES, EPERM, EROFS import logging from operator import itemgetter import os from os.path import isdir, isfile, join import re import sys from textwrap import dedent import time import warnings from . import __version__ as CONDA_VERSION from .auxlib.ish import dals from ._vendor.toolz import groupby, take from .base.constants import DEFAULTS_CHANNEL_NAME from .base.context import context from .common.compat import ensure_text_type, iteritems, open, text_type from .common.path import paths_equal from .core.prefix_data import PrefixData from .exceptions import CondaHistoryError, NotWritableError from .gateways.disk.update import touch from .models.dist import dist_str_to_quad from .models.version import VersionOrder, version_relation_re from .models.match_spec import MatchSpec log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CondaHistoryWarning(Warning): pass def write_head(fo): fo.write("==> %s <==\n" % time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) fo.write("# cmd: %s\n" % (' '.join(ensure_text_type(s) for s in sys.argv))) fo.write("# conda version: %s\n" % '.'.join(take(3, CONDA_VERSION.split('.')))) def is_diff(content): return any(s.startswith(('-', '+')) for s in content) def pretty_diff(diff): added = {} removed = {} for s in diff: fn = s[1:] name, version, _, channel = dist_str_to_quad(fn) if channel != DEFAULTS_CHANNEL_NAME: version += ' (%s)' % channel if s.startswith('-'): removed[name.lower()] = version elif s.startswith('+'): added[name.lower()] = version changed = set(added) & set(removed) for name in sorted(changed): yield ' %s {%s -> %s}' % (name, removed[name], added[name]) for name in sorted(set(removed) - changed): yield '-%s-%s' % (name, removed[name]) for name in sorted(set(added) - changed): yield '+%s-%s' % (name, added[name]) def pretty_content(content): if is_diff(content): return pretty_diff(content) else: return iter(sorted(content)) class History(object): com_pat = re.compile(r'#\s*cmd:\s*(.+)') spec_pat = re.compile(r'#\s*(\w+)\s*specs:\s*(.+)?') conda_v_pat = re.compile(r'#\s*conda version:\s*(.+)') def __init__(self, prefix): self.prefix = prefix self.meta_dir = join(prefix, 'conda-meta') self.path = join(self.meta_dir, 'history') def __enter__(self): self.init_log_file() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.update() def init_log_file(self): touch(self.path, True) def file_is_empty(self): return os.stat(self.path).st_size == 0 def update(self): """ update the history file (creating a new one if necessary) """ try: try: last = set(self.get_state()) except CondaHistoryError as e: warnings.warn("Error in %s: %s" % (self.path, e), CondaHistoryWarning) return pd = PrefixData(self.prefix) curr = set(prefix_rec.dist_str() for prefix_rec in pd.iter_records()) self.write_changes(last, curr) except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno in (EACCES, EPERM, EROFS): raise NotWritableError(self.path, e.errno) else: raise def parse(self): """ parse the history file and return a list of tuples(datetime strings, set of distributions/diffs, comments) """ res = [] if not isfile(self.path): return res sep_pat = re.compile(r'==>\s*(.+?)\s*<==') with open(self.path) as f: lines = f.read().splitlines() for line in lines: line = line.strip() if not line: continue m = sep_pat.match(line) if m: res.append((m.group(1), set(), [])) elif line.startswith('#'): res[-1][2].append(line) elif len(res) > 0: res[-1][1].add(line) return res @staticmethod def _parse_old_format_specs_string(specs_string): """ Parse specifications string that use conda<4.5 syntax. Examples -------- - "param >=1.5.1,<2.0'" - "python>=3.5.1,jupyter >=1.0.0,<2.0,matplotlib >=1.5.1,<2.0" """ specs = [] for spec in specs_string.split(','): # If the spec starts with a version qualifier, then it actually belongs to the # previous spec. But don't try to join if there was no previous spec. if version_relation_re.match(spec) and specs: specs[-1] = ','.join([specs[-1], spec]) else: specs.append(spec) return specs @classmethod def _parse_comment_line(cls, line): """ Parse comment lines in the history file. These lines can be of command type or action type. Examples -------- - "# cmd: /scratch/mc3/bin/conda install -c conda-forge param>=1.5.1,<2.0" - "# install specs: python>=3.5.1,jupyter >=1.0.0,<2.0,matplotlib >=1.5.1,<2.0" """ item = {} m = cls.com_pat.match(line) if m: argv = m.group(1).split() if argv[0].endswith('conda'): argv[0] = 'conda' item['cmd'] = argv m = cls.conda_v_pat.match(line) if m: item['conda_version'] = m.group(1) m = cls.spec_pat.match(line) if m: action, specs_string = m.groups() specs_string = specs_string or "" item['action'] = action if specs_string.startswith('['): specs = literal_eval(specs_string) elif '[' not in specs_string: specs = History._parse_old_format_specs_string(specs_string) specs = [spec for spec in specs if spec and not spec.endswith('@')] if specs and action in ('update', 'install', 'create'): item['update_specs'] = item['specs'] = specs elif specs and action in ('remove', 'uninstall'): item['remove_specs'] = item['specs'] = specs elif specs and action in ('neutered', ): item['neutered_specs'] = item['specs'] = specs return item def get_user_requests(self): """ return a list of user requested items. Each item is a dict with the following keys: 'date': the date and time running the command 'cmd': a list of argv of the actual command which was run 'action': install/remove/update 'specs': the specs being used """ res = [] for dt, unused_cont, comments in self.parse(): item = {'date': dt} for line in comments: comment_items = self._parse_comment_line(line) item.update(comment_items) if 'cmd' in item: res.append(item) dists = groupby(itemgetter(0), unused_cont) item['unlink_dists'] = dists.get('-', ()) item['link_dists'] = dists.get('+', ()) conda_versions_from_history = tuple(x['conda_version'] for x in res if 'conda_version' in x) if conda_versions_from_history and not context.allow_conda_downgrades: minimum_conda_version = sorted(conda_versions_from_history, key=VersionOrder)[-1] minimum_major_minor = '.'.join(take(2, minimum_conda_version.split('.'))) current_major_minor = '.'.join(take(2, CONDA_VERSION.split('.'))) if VersionOrder(current_major_minor) < VersionOrder(minimum_major_minor): message = dals(""" This environment has previously been operated on by a conda version that's newer than the conda currently being used. A newer version of conda is required. target environment location: %(target_prefix)s current conda version: %(conda_version)s minimum conda version: %(minimum_version)s """) % { "target_prefix": self.prefix, "conda_version": CONDA_VERSION, "minimum_version": minimum_major_minor, } if not paths_equal(self.prefix, context.root_prefix): message += dedent(""" Update conda and try again. $ conda install -p "%(base_prefix)s" "conda>=%(minimum_version)s" """) % { "base_prefix": context.root_prefix, "minimum_version": minimum_major_minor, } message += dedent(""" To work around this restriction, one can also set the config parameter 'allow_conda_downgrades' to False at their own risk. """) # TODO: we need to rethink this. It's fine as a warning to try to get users # to avoid breaking their system. However, right now it is preventing # normal conda operation after downgrading conda. # raise CondaUpgradeError(message) return res def get_requested_specs_map(self): # keys are package names and values are specs spec_map = {} for request in self.get_user_requests(): remove_specs = (MatchSpec(spec) for spec in request.get('remove_specs', ())) for spec in remove_specs: spec_map.pop(spec.name, None) update_specs = (MatchSpec(spec) for spec in request.get('update_specs', ())) spec_map.update(((s.name, s) for s in update_specs)) # here is where the neutering takes effect, overriding past values neutered_specs = (MatchSpec(spec) for spec in request.get('neutered_specs', ())) spec_map.update(((s.name, s) for s in neutered_specs)) # Conda hasn't always been good about recording when specs have been removed from # environments. If the package isn't installed in the current environment, then we # shouldn't try to force it here. prefix_recs = set(_.name for _ in PrefixData(self.prefix).iter_records()) return dict((name, spec) for name, spec in iteritems(spec_map) if name in prefix_recs) def construct_states(self): """ return a list of tuples(datetime strings, set of distributions) """ res = [] cur = set([]) for dt, cont, unused_com in self.parse(): if not is_diff(cont): cur = cont else: for s in cont: if s.startswith('-'): cur.discard(s[1:]) elif s.startswith('+'): cur.add(s[1:]) else: raise CondaHistoryError('Did not expect: %s' % s) res.append((dt, cur.copy())) return res def get_state(self, rev=-1): """ return the state, i.e. the set of distributions, for a given revision, defaults to latest (which is the same as the current state when the log file is up-to-date) Returns a list of dist_strs """ states = self.construct_states() if not states: return set([]) times, pkgs = zip(*states) return pkgs[rev] def print_log(self): for i, (date, content, unused_com) in enumerate(self.parse()): print('%s (rev %d)' % (date, i)) for line in pretty_content(content): print(' %s' % line) print('') def object_log(self): result = [] for i, (date, content, unused_com) in enumerate(self.parse()): # Based on Mateusz's code; provides more details about the # history event event = { 'date': date, 'rev': i, 'install': [], 'remove': [], 'upgrade': [], 'downgrade': [] } added = {} removed = {} if is_diff(content): for pkg in content: name, version, build, channel = dist_str_to_quad(pkg[1:]) if pkg.startswith('+'): added[name.lower()] = (version, build, channel) elif pkg.startswith('-'): removed[name.lower()] = (version, build, channel) changed = set(added) & set(removed) for name in sorted(changed): old = removed[name] new = added[name] details = { 'old': '-'.join((name,) + old), 'new': '-'.join((name,) + new) } if new > old: event['upgrade'].append(details) else: event['downgrade'].append(details) for name in sorted(set(removed) - changed): event['remove'].append('-'.join((name,) + removed[name])) for name in sorted(set(added) - changed): event['install'].append('-'.join((name,) + added[name])) else: for pkg in sorted(content): event['install'].append(pkg) result.append(event) return result def write_changes(self, last_state, current_state): if not isdir(self.meta_dir): os.makedirs(self.meta_dir) with codecs.open(self.path, mode='ab', encoding='utf-8') as fo: write_head(fo) for fn in sorted(last_state - current_state): fo.write('-%s\n' % fn) for fn in sorted(current_state - last_state): fo.write('+%s\n' % fn) def write_specs(self, remove_specs=(), update_specs=(), neutered_specs=()): remove_specs = [text_type(MatchSpec(s)) for s in remove_specs] update_specs = [text_type(MatchSpec(s)) for s in update_specs] neutered_specs = [text_type(MatchSpec(s)) for s in neutered_specs] if any((update_specs, remove_specs, neutered_specs)): with codecs.open(self.path, mode='ab', encoding='utf-8') as fh: if remove_specs: fh.write("# remove specs: %s\n" % remove_specs) if update_specs: fh.write("# update specs: %s\n" % update_specs) if neutered_specs: fh.write("# neutered specs: %s\n" % neutered_specs) if __name__ == '__main__': from pprint import pprint # Don't use in context manager mode---it augments the history every time h = History(sys.prefix) pprint(h.get_user_requests()) print(h.get_requested_specs_map())