# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ ===== Usage ===== Method #1: auxlib.packaging as a run time dependency --------------------------------------------------- Place the following lines in your package's main __init__.py from auxlib import get_version __version__ = get_version(__file__) Method #2: auxlib.packaging as a build time-only dependency ---------------------------------------------------------- import auxlib # When executing the setup.py, we need to be able to import ourselves, this # means that we need to add the src directory to the sys.path. here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) src_dir = os.path.join(here, "auxlib") sys.path.insert(0, src_dir) setup( version=auxlib.__version__, cmdclass={ 'build_py': auxlib.BuildPyCommand, 'sdist': auxlib.SDistCommand, 'test': auxlib.Tox, }, ) Place the following lines in your package's main __init__.py from auxlib import get_version __version__ = get_version(__file__) Method #3: write .version file ------------------------------ Configuring `python setup.py test` for Tox ------------------------------------------ must use setuptools (distutils doesn't have a test cmd) setup( version=auxlib.__version__, cmdclass={ 'build_py': auxlib.BuildPyCommand, 'sdist': auxlib.SDistCommand, 'test': auxlib.Tox, }, ) """ from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from collections import namedtuple from distutils.command.build_py import build_py from distutils.command.sdist import sdist from distutils.util import convert_path from fnmatch import fnmatchcase from logging import getLogger from os import getenv, listdir, remove from os.path import abspath, dirname, expanduser, isdir, isfile, join from re import compile from conda.auxlib.compat import shlex_split_unicode from subprocess import CalledProcessError, PIPE, Popen import sys log = getLogger(__name__) Response = namedtuple('Response', ['stdout', 'stderr', 'rc']) GIT_DESCRIBE_REGEX = compile(r"(?:[_-a-zA-Z]*)" r"(?P[a-zA-Z0-9.]+)" r"(?:-(?P\d+)-g(?P[0-9a-f]{7,}))$") def call(command, path=None, raise_on_error=True): path = sys.prefix if path is None else abspath(path) p = Popen(shlex_split_unicode(command), cwd=path, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() rc = p.returncode log.debug("{0} $ {1}\n" " stdout: {2}\n" " stderr: {3}\n" " rc: {4}" .format(path, command, stdout, stderr, rc)) if raise_on_error and rc != 0: raise CalledProcessError(rc, command, "stdout: {0}\nstderr: {1}".format(stdout, stderr)) return Response(stdout.decode('utf-8'), stderr.decode('utf-8'), int(rc)) def _get_version_from_version_file(path): file_path = join(path, '.version') if isfile(file_path): with open(file_path, 'r') as fh: return fh.read().strip() def _git_describe_tags(path): try: call("git update-index --refresh", path, raise_on_error=False) except CalledProcessError as e: # git is probably not installed log.warn(repr(e)) return None response = call("git describe --tags --long", path, raise_on_error=False) if response.rc == 0: return response.stdout.strip() elif response.rc == 128 and "no names found" in response.stderr.lower(): # directory is a git repo, but no tags found return None elif response.rc == 128 and "not a git repository" in response.stderr.lower(): return None elif response.rc == 127: log.error("git not found on path: PATH={0}".format(getenv('PATH', None))) raise CalledProcessError(response.rc, response.stderr) else: raise CalledProcessError(response.rc, response.stderr) def _get_version_from_git_tag(tag): """Return a PEP440-compliant version derived from the git status. If that fails for any reason, return the changeset hash. """ m = GIT_DESCRIBE_REGEX.match(tag) if m is None: return None version, post_commit, hash = m.groups() return version if post_commit == '0' else "{0}.post{1}+{2}".format(version, post_commit, hash) def _get_version_from_git_clone(path): tag = _git_describe_tags(path) or '' return _get_version_from_git_tag(tag) def get_version(dunder_file): """Returns a version string for the current package, derived either from git or from a .version file. This function is expected to run in two contexts. In a development context, where .git/ exists, the version is pulled from git tags. Using the BuildPyCommand and SDistCommand classes for cmdclass in setup.py will write a .version file into any dist. In an installed context, the .version file written at dist build time is the source of version information. """ path = abspath(expanduser(dirname(dunder_file))) try: return _get_version_from_version_file(path) or _get_version_from_git_clone(path) except CalledProcessError as e: log.warn(repr(e)) return None except Exception as e: log.exception(e) return None def write_version_into_init(target_dir, version): target_init_file = join(target_dir, "__init__.py") assert isfile(target_init_file), "File not found: {0}".format(target_init_file) with open(target_init_file, 'r') as f: init_lines = f.readlines() for q in range(len(init_lines)): if init_lines[q].startswith('__version__'): init_lines[q] = '__version__ = "{0}"\n'.format(version) elif (init_lines[q].startswith(('from auxlib', 'import auxlib')) or 'auxlib.packaging' in init_lines[q]): init_lines[q] = None print("UPDATING {0}".format(target_init_file)) remove(target_init_file) with open(target_init_file, "w") as f: f.write("".join(filter(None, init_lines))) def write_version_file(target_dir, version): assert isdir(target_dir), "Directory not found: {0}".format(target_dir) target_file = join(target_dir, ".version") print("WRITING {0} with version {1}".format(target_file, version)) with open(target_file, 'w') as f: f.write(version) class BuildPyCommand(build_py): def run(self): build_py.run(self) target_dir = join(self.build_lib, self.distribution.metadata.name) write_version_into_init(target_dir, self.distribution.metadata.version) write_version_file(target_dir, self.distribution.metadata.version) # TODO: separate out .version file implementation class SDistCommand(sdist): def make_release_tree(self, base_dir, files): sdist.make_release_tree(self, base_dir, files) target_dir = join(base_dir, self.distribution.metadata.name) write_version_into_init(target_dir, self.distribution.metadata.version) write_version_file(target_dir, self.distribution.metadata.version) # swiped from setuptools def find_packages(where='.', exclude=()): out = [] stack = [(convert_path(where), '')] while stack: where, prefix = stack.pop(0) for name in listdir(where): fn = join(where, name) if "." not in name and isdir(fn) and isfile(join(fn, "__init__.py")): out.append(prefix + name) stack.append((fn, prefix + name + '.')) for pat in list(exclude) + ['ez_setup', 'distribute_setup']: out = [item for item in out if not fnmatchcase(item, pat)] return out if __name__ == "__main__": # rewrite __init__.py in target_dir target_dir = abspath(sys.argv[1]) version = get_version(join(target_dir, "__init__.py")) write_version_into_init(target_dir, version)