# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2012 Anaconda, Inc # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals import codecs from collections import namedtuple from getpass import getpass from os.path import abspath, expanduser import re import socket import warnings from .compat import on_win from .path import split_filename, strip_pkg_extension from ..auxlib.decorators import memoize try: # pragma: py2 no cover # Python 3 from urllib.parse import ( quote, quote_plus, unquote, unquote_plus, # NOQA urlparse as _urlparse, urlunparse as _urlunparse, ParseResult, ) except ImportError: # pragma: py3 no cover # Python 2 from urllib import (quote, quote_plus, unquote, unquote_plus, # NOQA urlparse as _urlparse, urlunparse as _urlunparse) def hex_octal_to_int(ho): ho = ord(ho.upper()) o0 = ord('0') o9 = ord('9') oA = ord('A') oF = ord('F') res = ho - o0 if ho >= o0 and ho <= o9 else (ho - oA + 10) if ho >= oA and ho <= oF else None return res @memoize def percent_decode(path): # This is not fast so avoid when we can. if '%' not in path: return path ranges = [] for m in re.finditer(r'(%[0-9A-F]{2})', path, flags=re.IGNORECASE): ranges.append((m.start(), m.end())) if not len(ranges): return path # Sorry! Correctness is more important than speed at the moment. # Should use a map + lambda eventually. result = b'' skips = 0 for i, c in enumerate(path): if skips > 0: skips -= 1 continue c = c.encode('ascii') emit = c if c == b'%': for r in ranges: if i == r[0]: import struct emit = struct.pack( "B", hex_octal_to_int(path[i+1])*16 + hex_octal_to_int(path[i+2])) skips = 2 break if emit: result += emit return codecs.utf_8_decode(result)[0] file_scheme = 'file://' # Keeping this around for now, need to combine with the same function in conda/common/path.py """ def url_to_path(url): assert url.startswith(file_scheme), "{} is not a file-scheme URL".format(url) decoded = percent_decode(url[len(file_scheme):]) if decoded.startswith('/') and decoded[2] == ':': # A Windows path. decoded.replace('/', '\\') return decoded """ @memoize def path_to_url(path): if not path: raise ValueError('Not allowed: %r' % path) if path.startswith(file_scheme): try: path.decode('ascii') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise ValueError('Non-ascii not allowed for things claiming to be URLs: %r' % path) return path path = abspath(expanduser(path)).replace('\\', '/') # We do not use urljoin here because we want to take our own # *very* explicit control of how paths get encoded into URLs. # We should not follow any RFCs on how to encode and decode # them, we just need to make sure we can represent them in a # way that will not cause problems for whatever amount of # urllib processing we *do* need to do on them (which should # be none anyway, but I doubt that is the case). I have gone # for ASCII and % encoding of everything not alphanumeric or # not in `!'()*-._/:`. This should be pretty save. # # To avoid risking breaking the internet, this code only runs # for `file://` URLs. # percent_encode_chars = "!'()*-._/\\:" percent_encode = lambda s: "".join(["%%%02X" % ord(c), c] [c < "{" and c.isalnum() or c in percent_encode_chars] for c in s) if any(ord(char) >= 128 for char in path): path = percent_encode(path.decode('unicode-escape') if hasattr(path, 'decode') else bytes(path, "utf-8").decode('unicode-escape')) # https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/ie/2006/12/06/file-uris-in-windows/ if len(path) > 1 and path[1] == ':': path = file_scheme + '/' + path else: path = file_scheme + path return path url_attrs = ( "scheme", "path", "query", "fragment", "username", "password", "hostname", "port", ) class Url(namedtuple("Url", url_attrs)): """ Object used to represent a Url. The string representation of this object is a url string. This object was inspired by the urllib3 implementation as it gives you a way to construct URLs from various parts. The motivation behind this object was making something that is interoperable with built the `urllib.parse.urlparse` function and has more features than the built-in `ParseResult` object. """ def __new__( cls, scheme=None, path=None, query=None, fragment=None, username=None, password=None, hostname=None, port=None, ): if path and not path.startswith("/"): path = "/" + path if scheme: scheme = scheme.lower() if hostname: hostname = hostname.lower() return super(Url, cls).__new__( cls, scheme, path, query, fragment, username, password, hostname, port ) @property def auth(self): if self.username and self.password: return f"{self.username}:{self.password}" elif self.username: return self.username @property def netloc(self): if self.port: return f"{self.hostname}:{self.port}" return self.hostname def __str__(self): scheme, path, query, fragment, username, password, hostname, port = self url = "" if scheme: url += f"{scheme}://" if password and username: url += f"{username}:{password}@" if hostname: url += hostname if port: url += f":{port}" if path: url += path if query: url += f"?{query}" if fragment: url += f"#{fragment}" return url def as_dict(self) -> dict: """Provide a public interface for namedtuple's _asdict""" return self._asdict() def replace(self, **kwargs) -> "Url": """Provide a public interface for namedtuple's _replace""" return self._replace(**kwargs) @classmethod def from_parse_result(cls, parse_result: ParseResult) -> "Url": values = {fld: getattr(parse_result, fld, "") for fld in url_attrs} return cls(**values) @memoize def urlparse(url: str) -> Url: if on_win and url.startswith('file:'): url.replace('\\', '/') # Allows us to pass in strings like 'example.com:8080/path/1'. if not has_scheme(url): url = "//" + url return Url.from_parse_result(_urlparse(url)) def url_to_s3_info(url): """Convert an s3 url to a tuple of bucket and key. Examples: >>> url_to_s3_info("s3://bucket-name.bucket/here/is/the/key") ('bucket-name.bucket', '/here/is/the/key') """ parsed_url = urlparse(url) assert parsed_url.scheme == 's3', "You can only use s3: urls (not %r)" % url bucket, key = parsed_url.hostname, parsed_url.path return bucket, key def is_url(url): """ Examples: >>> is_url(None) False >>> is_url("s3://some/bucket") True """ if not url: return False try: return urlparse(url).scheme != "" except ValueError: return False def is_ipv4_address(string_ip): """ Examples: >>> [is_ipv4_address(ip) for ip in ('', '', '')] [True, True, True] >>> [is_ipv4_address(ip) for ip in ('8.8.8', '', '', '::1')] [False, False, False, False] """ try: socket.inet_aton(string_ip) except socket.error: return False return string_ip.count('.') == 3 def is_ipv6_address(string_ip): """ Examples: >> [is_ipv6_address(ip) for ip in ('::1', '2001:db8:85a3::370:7334', '1234:'*7+'1234')] [True, True, True] >> [is_ipv6_address(ip) for ip in ('', '1234:'*8+'1234')] [False, False] """ try: inet_pton = socket.inet_pton except AttributeError: return is_ipv6_address_win_py27(string_ip) try: inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, string_ip) except socket.error: return False return True def is_ipv6_address_win_py27(string_ip): """ Examples: >>> [is_ipv6_address_win_py27(ip) for ip in ('::1', '1234:'*7+'1234')] [True, True] >>> [is_ipv6_address_win_py27(ip) for ip in ('', '1234:'*8+'1234')] [False, False] """ # python 2.7 on windows does not have socket.inet_pton return bool(re.match(r"" # lgtm [py/regex/unmatchable-dollar] r"^(((?=.*(::))(?!.*\3.+\3))\3?|[\dA-F]{1,4}:)" r"([\dA-F]{1,4}(\3|:\b)|\2){5}" r"(([\dA-F]{1,4}(\3|:\b|$)|\2){2}|" r"(((2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9])?\d|25[0-5])\.?\b){4})\Z", string_ip, flags=re.DOTALL | re.IGNORECASE)) def is_ip_address(string_ip): """ Examples: >> is_ip_address('') True >> is_ip_address('::1') True >> is_ip_address('www.google.com') False """ return is_ipv4_address(string_ip) or is_ipv6_address(string_ip) def join(*args): start = '/' if not args[0] or args[0].startswith('/') else '' return start + '/'.join(y for y in (x.strip('/') for x in args if x) if y) join_url = join def has_scheme(value): return re.match(r'[a-z][a-z0-9]{0,11}://', value) def strip_scheme(url): """ Examples: >>> strip_scheme("https://www.conda.io") 'www.conda.io' >>> strip_scheme("s3://some.bucket/plus/a/path.ext") 'some.bucket/plus/a/path.ext' """ return url.split('://', 1)[-1] def mask_anaconda_token(url): _, token = split_anaconda_token(url) return url.replace(token, "", 1) if token else url def split_anaconda_token(url): """ Examples: >>> split_anaconda_token("") (u'', u'tk-123-456') >>> split_anaconda_token("") (u'', u'') >>> split_anaconda_token("https://some.domain/api/t/tk-123-456/path") (u'https://some.domain/api/path', u'tk-123-456') >>> split_anaconda_token("") (u'', u'tk-123-456') >>> split_anaconda_token("") (u'', None) >>> split_anaconda_token("") (u'', u'tk-123-45') """ _token_match = re.search(r'/t/([a-zA-Z0-9-]*)', url) token = _token_match.groups()[0] if _token_match else None cleaned_url = url.replace('/t/' + token, '', 1) if token is not None else url return cleaned_url.rstrip('/'), token def split_platform(known_subdirs, url): """ Examples: >>> from conda.base.constants import KNOWN_SUBDIRS >>> split_platform(KNOWN_SUBDIRS, "") (u'', u'linux-ppc64le') """ _platform_match = _split_platform_re(known_subdirs).search(url) platform = _platform_match.groups()[0] if _platform_match else None cleaned_url = url.replace('/' + platform, '', 1) if platform is not None else url return cleaned_url.rstrip('/'), platform @memoize def _split_platform_re(known_subdirs): _platform_match_regex = r'/(%s)(?:/|$)' % r'|'.join(r'%s' % d for d in known_subdirs) return re.compile(_platform_match_regex, re.IGNORECASE) def has_platform(url, known_subdirs): url_no_package_name, _ = split_filename(url) if not url_no_package_name: return None maybe_a_platform = url_no_package_name.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] return maybe_a_platform in known_subdirs and maybe_a_platform or None def split_scheme_auth_token(url): """ Examples: >>> split_scheme_auth_token("https://u:p@conda.io/t/x1029384756/more/path") ('conda.io/more/path', 'https', 'u:p', 'x1029384756') >>> split_scheme_auth_token(None) (None, None, None, None) """ if not url: return None, None, None, None cleaned_url, token = split_anaconda_token(url) url_parts = urlparse(cleaned_url) remainder_url = Url( hostname=url_parts.hostname, port=url_parts.port, path=url_parts.path, query=url_parts.query, ) return str(remainder_url), url_parts.scheme, url_parts.auth, token def split_conda_url_easy_parts(known_subdirs, url): # scheme, auth, token, platform, package_filename, host, port, path, query cleaned_url, token = split_anaconda_token(url) cleaned_url, platform = split_platform(known_subdirs, cleaned_url) _, ext = strip_pkg_extension(cleaned_url) cleaned_url, package_filename = cleaned_url.rsplit('/', 1) if ext else (cleaned_url, None) # TODO: split out namespace using regex url_parts = urlparse(cleaned_url) return ( url_parts.scheme, url_parts.auth, token, platform, package_filename, url_parts.hostname, url_parts.port, url_parts.path, url_parts.query, ) @memoize def get_proxy_username_and_pass(scheme): username = input("\n%s proxy username: " % scheme) passwd = getpass("Password: ") return username, passwd def add_username_and_password(url: str, username: str, password: str) -> str: """ Inserts `username` and `password` into provided `url` >>> add_username_and_password('https://anaconda.org', 'TestUser', 'Password') 'https://TestUser:Password@anaconda.org' """ url = urlparse(url) url_with_auth = url.replace(username=username, password=quote(password, safe="")) return str(url_with_auth) def maybe_add_auth(url: str, auth: str, force=False) -> str: """Add auth if the url doesn't currently have it. By default, does not replace auth if it already exists. Setting ``force`` to ``True`` overrides this behavior. Examples: >>> maybe_add_auth("https://www.conda.io", "user:passwd") 'https://user:passwd@www.conda.io' >>> maybe_add_auth("https://www.conda.io", "") 'https://www.conda.io' """ if not auth: return url url_parts = urlparse(url) if url_parts.username and url_parts.password and not force: return url auth_parts = auth.split(":") if len(auth_parts) > 1: url_parts = url_parts.replace(username=auth_parts[0], password=auth_parts[1]) return str(url_parts) def maybe_unquote(url): return unquote_plus(remove_auth(url)) if url else url def remove_auth(url: str) -> str: """ >>> remove_auth('https://user:password@anaconda.com') 'https://anaconda.com' """ url = urlparse(url) url_no_auth = url.replace(username="", password="") return str(url_no_auth) def escape_channel_url(channel): warnings.warn( "This function lives now under conda-libmamba-solver " "and will be deprecated in a future release", PendingDeprecationWarning ) if channel.startswith("file:"): if "%" in channel: # it's escaped already return channel if on_win: channel = channel.replace("\\", "/") parts = urlparse(channel) if parts.scheme: components = parts.path.split("/") if on_win: if parts.netloc and len(parts.netloc) == 2 and parts.netloc[1] == ":": # with absolute paths (e.g. C:/something), C:, D:, etc might get parsed as netloc path = "/".join([parts.netloc] + [quote(p) for p in components]) parts = parts.replace(netloc="") else: path = "/".join(components[:2] + [quote(p) for p in components[2:]]) else: path = "/".join([quote(p) for p in components]) parts = parts.replace(path=path) return str(parts) return channel if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()