# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2012 Anaconda, Inc # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty from collections.abc import Mapping from functools import reduce from logging import getLogger from operator import attrgetter from os.path import basename import re from .channel import Channel from .version import BuildNumberMatch, VersionSpec from ..auxlib.collection import frozendict from ..auxlib.decorators import memoizedproperty from .._vendor.toolz import concat, concatv, groupby from ..base.constants import CONDA_PACKAGE_EXTENSION_V1, CONDA_PACKAGE_EXTENSION_V2 from ..common.compat import isiterable from ..common.io import dashlist from ..common.path import expand, url_to_path, strip_pkg_extension, is_package_file from ..common.url import is_url, path_to_url, unquote from ..exceptions import CondaValueError, InvalidMatchSpec from ..base.context import context log = getLogger(__name__) class MatchSpecType(type): def __call__(cls, spec_arg=None, **kwargs): if spec_arg: if isinstance(spec_arg, MatchSpec) and not kwargs: return spec_arg elif isinstance(spec_arg, MatchSpec): new_kwargs = dict(spec_arg._match_components) new_kwargs.setdefault('optional', spec_arg.optional) new_kwargs.setdefault('target', spec_arg.target) new_kwargs['_original_spec_str'] = spec_arg.original_spec_str new_kwargs.update(**kwargs) return super(MatchSpecType, cls).__call__(**new_kwargs) elif isinstance(spec_arg, str): parsed = _parse_spec_str(spec_arg) if kwargs: parsed = dict(parsed, **kwargs) if set(kwargs) - {'optional', 'target'}: # if kwargs has anything but optional and target, # strip out _original_spec_str from parsed parsed.pop('_original_spec_str', None) return super(MatchSpecType, cls).__call__(**parsed) elif isinstance(spec_arg, Mapping): parsed = dict(spec_arg, **kwargs) return super(MatchSpecType, cls).__call__(**parsed) elif hasattr(spec_arg, 'to_match_spec'): spec = spec_arg.to_match_spec() if kwargs: return MatchSpec(spec, **kwargs) else: return spec else: raise CondaValueError("Invalid MatchSpec:\n spec_arg=%s\n kwargs=%s" % (spec_arg, kwargs)) else: return super(MatchSpecType, cls).__call__(**kwargs) class MatchSpec(metaclass=MatchSpecType): """ :class:`MatchSpec` is, fundamentally, a query language for conda packages. Any of the fields that comprise a :class:`PackageRecord` can be used to compose a :class:`MatchSpec`. :class:`MatchSpec` can be composed with keyword arguments, where keys are any of the attributes of :class:`PackageRecord`. Values for keyword arguments are the exact values the attribute should match against. Many fields can also be matched against non-exact values--by including wildcard `*` and `>`/`<` ranges--where supported. Any non-specified field is the equivalent of a full wildcard match. :class:`MatchSpec` can also be composed using a single positional argument, with optional keyword arguments. Keyword arguments also override any conflicting information provided in the positional argument. The positional argument can be either an existing :class:`MatchSpec` instance or a string. Conda has historically had several string representations for equivalent :class:`MatchSpec`s. This :class:`MatchSpec` should accept any existing valid spec string, and correctly compose a :class:`MatchSpec` instance. A series of rules are now followed for creating the canonical string representation of a :class:`MatchSpec` instance. The canonical string representation can generically be represented by (channel(/subdir):(namespace):)name(version(build))[key1=value1,key2=value2] where `()` indicate optional fields. The rules for constructing a canonical string representation are: 1. `name` (i.e. "package name") is required, but its value can be '*'. Its position is always outside the key-value brackets. 2. If `version` is an exact version, it goes outside the key-value brackets and is prepended by `==`. If `version` is a "fuzzy" value (e.g. `1.11.*`), it goes outside the key-value brackets with the `.*` left off and is prepended by `=`. Otherwise `version` is included inside key-value brackets. 3. If `version` is an exact version, and `build` is an exact value, `build` goes outside key-value brackets prepended by a `=`. Otherwise, `build` goes inside key-value brackets. `build_string` is an alias for `build`. 4. The `namespace` position is being held for a future conda feature. 5. If `channel` is included and is an exact value, a `::` separator is ued between `channel` and `name`. `channel` can either be a canonical channel name or a channel url. In the canonical string representation, the canonical channel name will always be used. 6. If `channel` is an exact value and `subdir` is an exact value, `subdir` is appended to `channel` with a `/` separator. Otherwise, `subdir` is included in the key-value brackets. 7. Key-value brackets can be delimited by comma, space, or comma+space. Value can optionally be wrapped in single or double quotes, but must be wrapped if `value` contains a comma, space, or equal sign. The canonical format uses comma delimiters and single quotes. 8. When constructing a :class:`MatchSpec` instance from a string, any key-value pair given inside the key-value brackets overrides any matching parameter given outside the brackets. When :class:`MatchSpec` attribute values are simple strings, the are interpreted using the following conventions: - If the string begins with `^` and ends with `$`, it is converted to a regex. - If the string contains an asterisk (`*`), it is transformed from a glob to a regex. - Otherwise, an exact match to the string is sought. Examples: >>> str(MatchSpec(name='foo', build='py2*', channel='conda-forge')) 'conda-forge::foo[build=py2*]' >>> str(MatchSpec('foo 1.0 py27_0')) 'foo==1.0=py27_0' >>> str(MatchSpec('foo=1.0=py27_0')) 'foo==1.0=py27_0' >>> str(MatchSpec('conda-forge::foo[version=1.0.*]')) 'conda-forge::foo=1.0' >>> str(MatchSpec('conda-forge/linux-64::foo>=1.0')) "conda-forge/linux-64::foo[version='>=1.0']" >>> str(MatchSpec('*/linux-64::foo>=1.0')) "foo[subdir=linux-64,version='>=1.0']" To fully-specify a package with a full, exact spec, the fields - channel - subdir - name - version - build must be given as exact values. In the future, the namespace field will be added to this list. Alternatively, an exact spec is given by '*[md5=12345678901234567890123456789012]'. """ FIELD_NAMES = ( 'channel', 'subdir', 'name', 'version', 'build', 'build_number', 'track_features', 'features', 'url', 'md5', 'license', 'license_family', 'fn', ) FIELD_NAMES_SET = frozenset(FIELD_NAMES) _MATCHER_CACHE = {} def __init__(self, optional=False, target=None, **kwargs): self._optional = optional self._target = target self._original_spec_str = kwargs.pop('_original_spec_str', None) self._match_components = self._build_components(**kwargs) @classmethod def from_dist_str(cls, dist_str): parts = {} if dist_str[-len(CONDA_PACKAGE_EXTENSION_V2):] == CONDA_PACKAGE_EXTENSION_V2: dist_str = dist_str[:-len(CONDA_PACKAGE_EXTENSION_V2)] elif dist_str[-len(CONDA_PACKAGE_EXTENSION_V1):] == CONDA_PACKAGE_EXTENSION_V1: dist_str = dist_str[:-len(CONDA_PACKAGE_EXTENSION_V1)] if '::' in dist_str: channel_subdir_str, dist_str = dist_str.split("::", 1) if '/' in channel_subdir_str: channel_str, subdir = channel_subdir_str.rsplit('/', 1) if subdir not in context.known_subdirs: channel_str = channel_subdir_str subdir = None parts['channel'] = channel_str if subdir: parts['subdir'] = subdir else: parts['channel'] = channel_subdir_str name, version, build = dist_str.rsplit('-', 2) parts.update({ 'name': name, 'version': version, 'build': build, }) return cls(**parts) def get_exact_value(self, field_name): v = self._match_components.get(field_name) return v and v.exact_value def get_raw_value(self, field_name): v = self._match_components.get(field_name) return v and v.raw_value def get(self, field_name, default=None): v = self.get_raw_value(field_name) return default if v is None else v @property def is_name_only_spec(self): return (len(self._match_components) == 1 and 'name' in self._match_components and self.name != '*') def dist_str(self): return self.__str__() @property def optional(self): return self._optional @property def target(self): return self._target @property def original_spec_str(self): return self._original_spec_str def match(self, rec): """ Accepts an `IndexRecord` or a dict, and matches can pull from any field in that record. Returns True for a match, and False for no match. """ if isinstance(rec, dict): # TODO: consider AttrDict instead of PackageRecord from .records import PackageRecord rec = PackageRecord.from_objects(rec) for field_name, v in self._match_components.items(): if not self._match_individual(rec, field_name, v): return False return True def _match_individual(self, record, field_name, match_component): val = getattr(record, field_name) try: return match_component.match(val) except AttributeError: return match_component == val def _is_simple(self): return len(self._match_components) == 1 and self.get_exact_value('name') is not None def _is_single(self): return len(self._match_components) == 1 def _to_filename_do_not_use(self): # WARNING: this is potentially unreliable and use should probably be limited # returns None if a filename can't be constructed fn_field = self.get_exact_value('fn') if fn_field: return fn_field vals = tuple(self.get_exact_value(x) for x in ('name', 'version', 'build')) if not any(x is None for x in vals): return ('%s-%s-%s' % vals) + CONDA_PACKAGE_EXTENSION_V1 else: return None def __repr__(self): builder = ["%s(\"%s\"" % (self.__class__.__name__, self)] if self.target: builder.append(", target=\"%s\"" % self.target) if self.optional: builder.append(", optional=True") builder.append(")") return "".join(builder) def __str__(self): builder = [] brackets = [] channel_matcher = self._match_components.get('channel') if channel_matcher and channel_matcher.exact_value: builder.append(str(channel_matcher)) elif channel_matcher and not channel_matcher.matches_all: brackets.append("channel=%s" % str(channel_matcher)) subdir_matcher = self._match_components.get('subdir') if subdir_matcher: if channel_matcher and channel_matcher.exact_value: builder.append('/%s' % subdir_matcher) else: brackets.append("subdir=%s" % subdir_matcher) name_matcher = self._match_components.get('name', '*') builder.append(('::%s' if builder else '%s') % name_matcher) version = self._match_components.get('version') build = self._match_components.get('build') version_exact = False if version: version = str(version) if any(s in version for s in "><$^|,"): brackets.append("version='%s'" % version) elif version[:2] in ("!=", "~="): if build: brackets.append("version='%s'" % version) else: builder.append(version) elif version[-2:] == ".*": builder.append("=" + version[:-2]) elif version[-1] == "*": builder.append("=" + version[:-1]) elif version.startswith("=="): builder.append(version) version_exact = True else: builder.append("==" + version) version_exact = True if build: build = str(build) if any(s in build for s in '><$^|,'): brackets.append("build='%s'" % build) elif '*' in build: brackets.append("build=%s" % build) elif version_exact: builder.append('=' + build) else: brackets.append("build=%s" % build) _skip = {'channel', 'subdir', 'name', 'version', 'build'} if 'url' in self._match_components and 'fn' in self._match_components: _skip.add('fn') for key in self.FIELD_NAMES: if key not in _skip and key in self._match_components: if key == 'url' and channel_matcher: # skip url in canonical str if channel already included continue value = str(self._match_components[key]) if any(s in value for s in ', ='): brackets.append("%s='%s'" % (key, value)) else: brackets.append("%s=%s" % (key, value)) if brackets: builder.append('[%s]' % ','.join(brackets)) return ''.join(builder) def __json__(self): return self.__str__() def conda_build_form(self): builder = [] name = self.get_exact_value('name') assert name builder.append(name) build = self.get_raw_value('build') version = self.get_raw_value('version') if build: assert version builder += [version, build] elif version: builder.append(version) return ' '.join(builder) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, MatchSpec): return self._hash_key == other._hash_key else: return False def __hash__(self): return hash(self._hash_key) @memoizedproperty def _hash_key(self): return self._match_components, self.optional, self.target def __contains__(self, field): return field in self._match_components def _build_components(self, **kwargs): not_fields = set(kwargs) - MatchSpec.FIELD_NAMES_SET if not_fields: raise InvalidMatchSpec(self._original_spec_str, 'Cannot match on field(s): %s' % not_fields) _make_component = MatchSpec._make_component return frozendict(_make_component(key, value) for key, value in kwargs.items()) @staticmethod def _make_component(field_name, value): if hasattr(value, 'match'): matcher = value return field_name, matcher _MATCHER_CACHE = MatchSpec._MATCHER_CACHE cache_key = (field_name, value) cached_matcher = _MATCHER_CACHE.get(cache_key) if cached_matcher: return field_name, cached_matcher if field_name in _implementors: matcher = _implementors[field_name](value) else: matcher = ExactStrMatch(str(value)) _MATCHER_CACHE[(field_name, value)] = matcher return field_name, matcher @property def name(self): return self.get_exact_value('name') or '*' # # Remaining methods are for back compatibility with conda-build. Do not remove # without coordination with the conda-build team. # @property def strictness(self): # With the old MatchSpec, strictness==3 if name, version, and # build were all specified. s = sum(f in self._match_components for f in ('name', 'version', 'build')) if s < len(self._match_components): return 3 elif not self.get_exact_value('name') or 'build' in self._match_components: return 3 elif 'version' in self._match_components: return 2 else: return 1 @property def spec(self): return self.conda_build_form() @property def version(self): # in the old MatchSpec object, version was a VersionSpec, not a str # so we'll keep that API here return self._match_components.get('version') @property def fn(self): val = self.get_raw_value('fn') or self.get_raw_value('url') if val: val = basename(val) assert val return val @classmethod def merge(cls, match_specs, union=False): match_specs = sorted(tuple(cls(s) for s in match_specs if s), key=str) name_groups = groupby(attrgetter('name'), match_specs) unmergeable = name_groups.pop('*', []) + name_groups.pop(None, []) merged_specs = [] mergeable_groups = tuple(concat( groupby(lambda s: s.optional, group).values() for group in name_groups.values() )) for group in mergeable_groups: target_groups = groupby(attrgetter('target'), group) target_groups.pop(None, None) if len(target_groups) > 1: raise ValueError("Incompatible MatchSpec merge:%s" % dashlist(group)) merged_specs.append( reduce(lambda x, y: x._merge(y, union), group) if len(group) > 1 else group[0] ) return tuple(concatv(merged_specs, unmergeable)) @classmethod def union(cls, match_specs): return cls.merge(match_specs, union=True) def _merge(self, other, union=False): if self.optional != other.optional or self.target != other.target: raise ValueError("Incompatible MatchSpec merge: - %s\n - %s" % (self, other)) final_components = {} component_names = set(self._match_components) | set(other._match_components) for component_name in component_names: this_component = self._match_components.get(component_name) that_component = other._match_components.get(component_name) if this_component is None and that_component is None: continue elif this_component is None: final_components[component_name] = that_component elif that_component is None: final_components[component_name] = this_component else: if union: try: final = this_component.union(that_component) except (AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError): final = '%s|%s' % (this_component, that_component) else: final = this_component.merge(that_component) final_components[component_name] = final return self.__class__(optional=self.optional, target=self.target, **final_components) def _parse_version_plus_build(v_plus_b): """This should reliably pull the build string out of a version + build string combo. Examples: >>> _parse_version_plus_build("=1.2.3 0") ('=1.2.3', '0') >>> _parse_version_plus_build("1.2.3=0") ('1.2.3', '0') >>> _parse_version_plus_build(">=1.0 , < 2.0 py34_0") ('>=1.0,<2.0', 'py34_0') >>> _parse_version_plus_build(">=1.0 , < 2.0 =py34_0") ('>=1.0,<2.0', 'py34_0') >>> _parse_version_plus_build("=1.2.3 ") ('=1.2.3', None) >>> _parse_version_plus_build(">1.8,<2|==1.7") ('>1.8,<2|==1.7', None) >>> _parse_version_plus_build("* openblas_0") ('*', 'openblas_0') >>> _parse_version_plus_build("* *") ('*', '*') """ parts = re.search(r'((?:.+?)[^>~])(?:[ =])([^-=,|<>~]+?))?$', v_plus_b) if parts: version, build = parts.groups() build = build and build.strip() else: version, build = v_plus_b, None return version and version.replace(' ', ''), build def _parse_legacy_dist(dist_str): """ Examples: >>> _parse_legacy_dist("_license-1.1-py27_1.tar.bz2") ('_license', '1.1', 'py27_1') >>> _parse_legacy_dist("_license-1.1-py27_1") ('_license', '1.1', 'py27_1') """ dist_str, _ = strip_pkg_extension(dist_str) name, version, build = dist_str.rsplit('-', 2) return name, version, build def _parse_channel(channel_val): if not channel_val: return None, None chn = Channel(channel_val) channel_name = chn.name or chn.base_url return channel_name, chn.subdir _PARSE_CACHE = {} def _parse_spec_str(spec_str): cached_result = _PARSE_CACHE.get(spec_str) if cached_result: return cached_result original_spec_str = spec_str # pre-step for ugly backward compat if spec_str.endswith('@'): feature_name = spec_str[:-1] return { 'name': '*', 'track_features': (feature_name,), } # Step 1. strip '#' comment if '#' in spec_str: ndx = spec_str.index('#') spec_str, _ = spec_str[:ndx], spec_str[ndx:] spec_str.strip() # Step 1.b strip ' if ' anticipating future compatibility issues spec_split = spec_str.split(' if ', 1) if len(spec_split) > 1: log.debug("Ignoring conditional in spec %s", spec_str) spec_str = spec_split[0] # Step 2. done if spec_str is a tarball if is_package_file(spec_str): # treat as a normal url if not is_url(spec_str): spec_str = unquote(path_to_url(expand(spec_str))) channel = Channel(spec_str) if channel.subdir: name, version, build = _parse_legacy_dist(channel.package_filename) result = { 'channel': channel.canonical_name, 'subdir': channel.subdir, 'name': name, 'version': version, 'build': build, 'fn': channel.package_filename, 'url': spec_str, } else: # url is not a channel if spec_str.startswith('file://'): # We must undo percent-encoding when generating fn. path_or_url = url_to_path(spec_str) else: path_or_url = spec_str return { 'name': '*', 'fn': basename(path_or_url), 'url': spec_str, } return result # Step 3. strip off brackets portion brackets = {} m3 = re.match(r'.*(?:(\[.*\]))', spec_str) if m3: brackets_str = m3.groups()[0] spec_str = spec_str.replace(brackets_str, '') brackets_str = brackets_str[1:-1] m3b = re.finditer(r'([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+?)=(["\']?)([^\'"]*?)(\2)(?:[, ]|$)', brackets_str) for match in m3b: key, _, value, _ = match.groups() if not key or not value: raise InvalidMatchSpec(original_spec_str, "key-value mismatch in brackets") brackets[key] = value # Step 4. strip off parens portion m4 = re.match(r'.*(?:(\(.*\)))', spec_str) parens = {} if m4: parens_str = m4.groups()[0] spec_str = spec_str.replace(parens_str, '') parens_str = parens_str[1:-1] m4b = re.finditer(r'([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+?)=(["\']?)([^\'"]*?)(\2)(?:[, ]|$)', parens_str) for match in m4b: key, _, value, _ = match.groups() parens[key] = value if 'optional' in parens_str: parens['optional'] = True # Step 5. strip off '::' channel and namespace m5 = spec_str.rsplit(':', 2) m5_len = len(m5) if m5_len == 3: channel_str, namespace, spec_str = m5 elif m5_len == 2: namespace, spec_str = m5 channel_str = None elif m5_len: spec_str = m5[0] channel_str, namespace = None, None else: raise NotImplementedError() channel, subdir = _parse_channel(channel_str) if 'channel' in brackets: b_channel, b_subdir = _parse_channel(brackets.pop('channel')) if b_channel: channel = b_channel if b_subdir: subdir = b_subdir if 'subdir' in brackets: subdir = brackets.pop('subdir') # Step 6. strip off package name from remaining version + build m3 = re.match(r'([^ =<>!~]+)?([>= 2: # name, version, build = _parse_legacy_dist(name) if spec_str: if '[' in spec_str: raise InvalidMatchSpec(original_spec_str, "multiple brackets sections not allowed") version, build = _parse_version_plus_build(spec_str) # translate version '=1.2.3' to '1.2.3*' # is it a simple version starting with '='? i.e. '=1.2.3' if version[0] == '=': test_str = version[1:] if version[:2] == '==' and build is None: version = version[2:] elif not any(c in test_str for c in "=,|"): if build is None and test_str[-1] != '*': version = test_str + '*' else: version = test_str else: version, build = None, None # Step 8. now compile components together components = {} components['name'] = name if name else '*' if channel is not None: components['channel'] = channel if subdir is not None: components['subdir'] = subdir if namespace is not None: # components['namespace'] = namespace pass if version is not None: components['version'] = version if build is not None: components['build'] = build # anything in brackets will now strictly override key as set in other area of spec str components.update(brackets) components['_original_spec_str'] = original_spec_str _PARSE_CACHE[original_spec_str] = components return components class MatchInterface(metaclass=ABCMeta): def __init__(self, value): self._raw_value = value @abstractmethod def match(self, other): raise NotImplementedError() def matches(self, value): return self.match(value) @property def raw_value(self): return self._raw_value @abstractproperty def exact_value(self): """If the match value is an exact specification, returns the value. Otherwise returns None. """ raise NotImplementedError() def merge(self, other): if self.raw_value != other.raw_value: raise ValueError("Incompatible component merge:\n - %r\n - %r" % (self.raw_value, other.raw_value)) return self.raw_value def union(self, other): options = set((self.raw_value, other.raw_value)) return '|'.join(options) class _StrMatchMixin(object): def __str__(self): return self._raw_value def __repr__(self): return "%s('%s')" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._raw_value) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self._raw_value == other._raw_value def __hash__(self): return hash(self._raw_value) @property def exact_value(self): return self._raw_value class ExactStrMatch(_StrMatchMixin, MatchInterface): __slots__ = '_raw_value', def __init__(self, value): super(ExactStrMatch, self).__init__(value) def match(self, other): try: _other_val = other._raw_value except AttributeError: _other_val = str(other) return self._raw_value == _other_val class ExactLowerStrMatch(ExactStrMatch): def __init__(self, value): super(ExactLowerStrMatch, self).__init__(value.lower()) def match(self, other): try: _other_val = other._raw_value except AttributeError: _other_val = str(other) return self._raw_value == _other_val.lower() class GlobStrMatch(_StrMatchMixin, MatchInterface): # lgtm [py/missing-equals] __slots__ = '_raw_value', '_re_match' def __init__(self, value): super(GlobStrMatch, self).__init__(value) self._re_match = None if value.startswith('^') and value.endswith('$'): self._re_match = re.compile(value).match elif '*' in value: value = re.escape(value).replace('\\*', r'.*') self._re_match = re.compile(r'^(?:%s)$' % value).match def match(self, other): try: _other_val = other._raw_value except AttributeError: _other_val = str(other) if self._re_match: return self._re_match(_other_val) else: return self._raw_value == _other_val @property def exact_value(self): return self._raw_value if self._re_match is None else None @property def matches_all(self): return self._raw_value == '*' class GlobLowerStrMatch(GlobStrMatch): def __init__(self, value): super(GlobLowerStrMatch, self).__init__(value.lower()) class SplitStrMatch(MatchInterface): __slots__ = '_raw_value', def __init__(self, value): super(SplitStrMatch, self).__init__(self._convert(value)) def _convert(self, value): try: return frozenset(value.replace(' ', ',').split(',')) except AttributeError: if isiterable(value): return frozenset(value) raise def match(self, other): try: return other and self._raw_value & other._raw_value except AttributeError: return self._raw_value & self._convert(other) def __repr__(self): if self._raw_value: return "{%s}" % ', '.join("'%s'" % s for s in sorted(self._raw_value)) else: return 'set()' def __str__(self): # this space delimiting makes me nauseous return ' '.join(sorted(self._raw_value)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self._raw_value == other._raw_value def __hash__(self): return hash(self._raw_value) @property def exact_value(self): return self._raw_value class FeatureMatch(MatchInterface): __slots__ = '_raw_value', def __init__(self, value): super(FeatureMatch, self).__init__(self._convert(value)) def _convert(self, value): if not value: return frozenset() elif isinstance(value, str): return frozenset(f for f in ( ff.strip() for ff in value.replace(' ', ',').split(',') ) if f) else: return frozenset(f for f in (ff.strip() for ff in value) if f) def match(self, other): other = self._convert(other) return self._raw_value == other def __repr__(self): return "[%s]" % ', '.join("'%s'" % k for k in sorted(self._raw_value)) def __str__(self): return ' '.join(sorted(self._raw_value)) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self._raw_value == other._raw_value def __hash__(self): return hash(self._raw_value) @property def exact_value(self): return self._raw_value class ChannelMatch(GlobStrMatch): def __init__(self, value): self._re_match = None if isinstance(value, str): if value.startswith('^') and value.endswith('$'): self._re_match = re.compile(value).match elif '*' in value: self._re_match = re.compile(r'^(?:%s)$' % value.replace('*', r'.*')).match else: value = Channel(value) super(GlobStrMatch, self).__init__(value) # lgtm [py/super-not-enclosing-class] def match(self, other): try: _other_val = Channel(other._raw_value) except AttributeError: _other_val = Channel(other) if self._re_match: return self._re_match(_other_val.canonical_name) else: # assert ChannelMatch('pkgs/free').match('defaults') is False # assert ChannelMatch('defaults').match('pkgs/free') is True return (self._raw_value.name == _other_val.name or self._raw_value.name == _other_val.canonical_name) def __str__(self): try: return "%s" % self._raw_value.name except AttributeError: return "%s" % self._raw_value def __repr__(self): return "'%s'" % self.__str__() class CaseInsensitiveStrMatch(GlobLowerStrMatch): def match(self, other): try: _other_val = other._raw_value except AttributeError: _other_val = str(other) _other_val = _other_val.lower() if self._re_match: return self._re_match(_other_val) else: return self._raw_value == _other_val _implementors = { 'channel': ChannelMatch, 'name': GlobLowerStrMatch, 'version': VersionSpec, 'build': GlobStrMatch, 'build_number': BuildNumberMatch, 'track_features': FeatureMatch, 'features': FeatureMatch, 'license': CaseInsensitiveStrMatch, 'license_family': CaseInsensitiveStrMatch, }