from functools import partial import os from os import lstat from importlib import import_module from pkg_resources import parse_version from conda import __version__ as CONDA_VERSION def try_exports(module, attr): # this assumes conda.exports exists, so only use for conda 4.3 onward try: return getattr(import_module('conda.exports'), attr) except AttributeError: return getattr(import_module(module), attr) try: # This monkey patch is addressed at #1825. The ensure_use_local is an outdated vestige # and no longer has any relevant effect. import conda.cli.common conda.cli.common.ensure_use_local = lambda x: None except ImportError: # no need to patch if it doesn't exist pass conda_43 = parse_version(CONDA_VERSION) >= parse_version("4.3.0a0") conda_44 = parse_version(CONDA_VERSION) >= parse_version("4.4.0a0") conda_45 = parse_version(CONDA_VERSION) >= parse_version("4.5.0a0") conda_46 = parse_version(CONDA_VERSION) >= parse_version("4.6.0a0") conda_47 = parse_version(CONDA_VERSION) >= parse_version("4.7.0a0") conda_48 = parse_version(CONDA_VERSION) >= parse_version("4.8.0a0") conda_411 = parse_version(CONDA_VERSION) >= parse_version("4.11.0a0") if conda_44: from conda.exports import display_actions, execute_actions, execute_plan, install_actions else: from conda.plan import display_actions, execute_actions, execute_plan, install_actions display_actions, execute_actions, execute_plan = display_actions, execute_actions, execute_plan install_actions = install_actions try: # Conda 4.4+ from conda.exports import _toposort except ImportError: from conda.toposort import _toposort _toposort = _toposort if conda_411: from conda.auxlib.packaging import _get_version_from_git_tag else: from conda._vendor.auxlib.packaging import _get_version_from_git_tag get_version_from_git_tag = _get_version_from_git_tag from conda.exports import TmpDownload, download, handle_proxy_407 # NOQA from conda.exports import untracked, walk_prefix # NOQA from conda.exports import MatchSpec, NoPackagesFound, Resolve, Unsatisfiable, normalized_version # NOQA from conda.exports import human_bytes, hashsum_file, md5_file, memoized, unix_path_to_win, win_path_to_unix, url_path # NOQA from conda.exports import get_index # NOQA from conda.exports import (Completer, InstalledPackages, add_parser_channels, # NOQA add_parser_prefix, # NOQA specs_from_args, spec_from_line, specs_from_url) # NOQA from conda.exports import ArgumentParser # NOQA from conda.exports import (is_linked, linked, linked_data, prefix_placeholder, # NOQA rm_rf, symlink_conda, package_cache) # NOQA from conda.exports import CondaSession # NOQA from conda.exports import (PY3, StringIO, input, iteritems, lchmod, string_types, # NOQA text_type, TemporaryDirectory) # NOQA from conda.exports import VersionOrder # NOQA TmpDownload = TmpDownload download, handle_proxy_407, untracked, walk_prefix = download, handle_proxy_407, untracked, walk_prefix # NOQA MatchSpec, Resolve, normalized_version = MatchSpec, Resolve, normalized_version human_bytes, hashsum_file, md5_file, memoized = human_bytes, hashsum_file, md5_file, memoized unix_path_to_win, win_path_to_unix, url_path = unix_path_to_win, win_path_to_unix, url_path get_index, Completer, InstalledPackages = get_index, Completer, InstalledPackages add_parser_channels, add_parser_prefix = add_parser_channels, add_parser_prefix specs_from_args, spec_from_line, specs_from_url = specs_from_args, spec_from_line, specs_from_url is_linked, linked, linked_data, prefix_placeholder = is_linked, linked, linked_data, prefix_placeholder # NOQA rm_rf, symlink_conda, package_cache = rm_rf, symlink_conda, package_cache PY3, input, iteritems, lchmod, string_types = PY3, input, iteritems, lchmod, string_types text_type, TemporaryDirectory = text_type, TemporaryDirectory ArgumentParser, CondaSession, VersionOrder = ArgumentParser, CondaSession, VersionOrder from conda.core.package_cache import ProgressiveFetchExtract # NOQA from conda.models.dist import Dist, IndexRecord # NOQA ProgressiveFetchExtract = ProgressiveFetchExtract Dist, IndexRecord = Dist, IndexRecord if PY3: import configparser # NOQA else: import ConfigParser as configparser # NOQA configparser = configparser from conda.exports import FileMode, PathType # NOQA FileMode, PathType = FileMode, PathType from conda.exports import EntityEncoder # NOQA EntityEncoder, FileMode, PathType = EntityEncoder, FileMode, PathType CondaError = try_exports("conda.exceptions", "CondaError") CondaHTTPError = try_exports("conda.exceptions", "CondaHTTPError") LinkError = try_exports("conda.exceptions", "LinkError") LockError = try_exports("conda.exceptions", "LockError") NoPackagesFoundError = try_exports("conda.exceptions", "NoPackagesFoundError") PaddingError = try_exports("conda.exceptions", "PaddingError") UnsatisfiableError = try_exports("conda.exceptions", "UnsatisfiableError") non_x86_linux_machines = try_exports("conda.base.context", "non_x86_linux_machines") context = try_exports("conda.base.context", "context") context_get_prefix = try_exports("conda.base.context", "get_prefix") reset_context = try_exports("conda.base.context", "reset_context") get_conda_build_local_url = try_exports("", "get_conda_build_local_url") binstar_upload = context.binstar_upload bits = context.bits conda_private = context.conda_private default_python = context.default_python envs_dirs = context.envs_dirs pkgs_dirs = list(context.pkgs_dirs) cc_platform = context.platform root_dir = context.root_dir root_writable = context.root_writable subdir = context.subdir create_default_packages = context.create_default_packages get_rc_urls = lambda: list(context.channels) get_prefix = partial(context_get_prefix, context) cc_conda_build = context.conda_build if hasattr(context, 'conda_build') else {} try: from conda.exports import Channel except: from import Channel get_conda_channel = Channel.from_value # disallow softlinks. This avoids a lot of dumb issues, at the potential cost of disk space. os.environ['CONDA_ALLOW_SOFTLINKS'] = 'false' reset_context() get_local_urls = lambda: list(get_conda_build_local_url()) or [] arch_name = context.arch_name CondaError, CondaHTTPError, get_prefix, LinkError = CondaError, CondaHTTPError, get_prefix, LinkError # NOQA LockError, non_x86_linux_machines, NoPackagesFoundError = LockError, non_x86_linux_machines, NoPackagesFoundError # NOQA PaddingError, UnsatisfiableError = PaddingError, UnsatisfiableError # work-around for python bug on Windows prior to python 3.2 # # Adapted from the ntfsutils package, Copyright (c) 2012, the Mozilla Foundation class CrossPlatformStLink: _st_nlink = None def __call__(self, path): return self.st_nlink(path) @classmethod def st_nlink(cls, path): if cls._st_nlink is None: cls._initialize() return cls._st_nlink(path) @classmethod def _standard_st_nlink(cls, path): return lstat(path).st_nlink @classmethod def _windows_st_nlink(cls, path): st_nlink = cls._standard_st_nlink(path) if st_nlink != 0: return st_nlink else: # cannot trust python on Windows when st_nlink == 0 # get value using windows libraries to be sure of its true value # Adapted from the ntfsutils package, Copyright (c) 2012, the Mozilla Foundation GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000 FILE_SHARE_READ = 0x00000001 OPEN_EXISTING = 3 hfile = cls.CreateFile(path, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, None, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, None) if hfile is None: from ctypes import WinError raise WinError( "Could not determine determine number of hardlinks for %s" % path) info = cls.BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION() rv = cls.GetFileInformationByHandle(hfile, info) cls.CloseHandle(hfile) if rv == 0: from ctypes import WinError raise WinError("Could not determine file information for %s" % path) return info.nNumberOfLinks @classmethod def _initialize(cls): if != 'nt': cls._st_nlink = cls._standard_st_nlink else: # import ctypes from ctypes import POINTER from ctypes.wintypes import DWORD, HANDLE, BOOL cls.CreateFile = ctypes.windll.kernel32.CreateFileW cls.CreateFile.argtypes = [ctypes.c_wchar_p, DWORD, DWORD, ctypes.c_void_p, DWORD, DWORD, HANDLE] cls.CreateFile.restype = HANDLE # cls.CloseHandle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.CloseHandle cls.CloseHandle.argtypes = [HANDLE] cls.CloseHandle.restype = BOOL class FILETIME(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("dwLowDateTime", DWORD), ("dwHighDateTime", DWORD)] class BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("dwFileAttributes", DWORD), ("ftCreationTime", FILETIME), ("ftLastAccessTime", FILETIME), ("ftLastWriteTime", FILETIME), ("dwVolumeSerialNumber", DWORD), ("nFileSizeHigh", DWORD), ("nFileSizeLow", DWORD), ("nNumberOfLinks", DWORD), ("nFileIndexHigh", DWORD), ("nFileIndexLow", DWORD)] cls.BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION = BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION # cls.GetFileInformationByHandle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetFileInformationByHandle cls.GetFileInformationByHandle.argtypes = [HANDLE, POINTER(BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION)] cls.GetFileInformationByHandle.restype = BOOL cls._st_nlink = cls._windows_st_nlink class SignatureError(Exception): pass def which_package(path): """ given the path (of a (presumably) conda installed file) iterate over the conda packages the file came from. Usually the iteration yields only one package. """ from os.path import abspath, join path = abspath(path) prefix = which_prefix(path) if prefix is None: raise RuntimeError("could not determine conda prefix from: %s" % path) for dist in linked(prefix): meta = is_linked(prefix, dist) if any(abspath(join(prefix, f)) == path for f in meta['files']): yield dist def which_prefix(path): """ given the path (to a (presumably) conda installed file) return the environment prefix in which the file in located """ from os.path import abspath, join, isdir, dirname prefix = abspath(path) iteration = 0 while iteration < 20: if isdir(join(prefix, 'conda-meta')): # we found the it, so let's return it break if prefix == dirname(prefix): # we cannot chop off any more directories, so we didn't find it prefix = None break prefix = dirname(prefix) iteration += 1 return prefix def get_installed_version(prefix, pkgs): """Primarily used by conda-forge, but may be useful in general for checking when a package needs to be updated""" from conda_build.utils import ensure_list pkgs = ensure_list(pkgs) linked_pkgs = linked(prefix) versions = {} for pkg in pkgs: vers_inst = [dist.split('::', 1)[-1].rsplit('-', 2)[1] for dist in linked_pkgs if dist.split('::', 1)[-1].rsplit('-', 2)[0] == pkg] versions[pkg] = vers_inst[0] if len(vers_inst) == 1 else None return versions # when deactivating envs (e.g. switching from root to build/test) this env var is used, # except the PR that removed this has been reverted (for now) and Windows doesnt need it. env_path_backup_var_exists = os.environ.get('CONDA_PATH_BACKUP', None)