import sys import re import subprocess from os.path import join, basename from conda_build.conda_interface import memoized from conda_build.conda_interface import untracked from conda_build.conda_interface import linked_data from conda_build.os_utils.macho import otool from conda_build.os_utils.pyldd import codefile_class, inspect_linkages, machofile, is_codefile LDD_RE = re.compile(r'\s*(.*?)\s*=>\s*(.*?)\s*\(.*\)') LDD_NOT_FOUND_RE = re.compile(r'\s*(.*?)\s*=>\s*not found') def ldd(path): "thin wrapper around ldd" lines = subprocess.check_output(['ldd', path]).decode('utf-8').splitlines() res = [] for line in lines: if '=>' not in line: continue assert line[0] == '\t', (path, line) m = LDD_RE.match(line) if m: res.append(m.groups()) continue m = LDD_NOT_FOUND_RE.match(line) if m: res.append((, 'not found')) continue if 'ld-linux' in line: continue raise RuntimeError("Unexpected output from ldd: %s" % line) return res @memoized def get_linkages(obj_files, prefix, sysroot): res = {} for f in obj_files: path = join(prefix, f) # ldd quite often fails on foreign architectures. ldd_failed = False # Detect the filetype to emulate what the system-native tool does. klass = codefile_class(path) if klass == machofile: resolve_filenames = False recurse = False else: resolve_filenames = True recurse = True try: if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): res[f] = ldd(path) elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): links = otool(path) res[f] = [(basename(line['name']), line['name']) for line in links] except: ldd_failed = True finally: res_py = inspect_linkages(path, resolve_filenames=resolve_filenames, sysroot=sysroot, recurse=recurse) res_py = [(basename(lp), lp) for lp in res_py] if ldd_failed: res[f] = res_py else: if set(res[f]) != set(res_py): print("WARNING: pyldd disagrees with ldd/otool. This will not cause any") print("WARNING: problems for this build, but please file a bug at:") print("WARNING:") print(f"WARNING: and (if possible) attach file {path}") print("WARNING: \nldd/otool gives:\n{}\npyldd gives:\n{}\n" .format("\n".join(str(e) for e in res[f]), "\n".join(str(e) for e in res_py))) print(f"Diffs\n{set(res[f]) - set(res_py)}") print(f"Diffs\n{set(res_py) - set(res[f])}") return res @memoized def get_package_files(dist, prefix): files = [] if hasattr(dist, 'get'): files = dist.get('files') else: data = linked_data(prefix).get(dist) if data: files = data.get('files', []) return files @memoized def get_package_obj_files(dist, prefix): res = [] files = get_package_files(dist, prefix) for f in files: path = join(prefix, f) if is_codefile(path): res.append(f) return res @memoized def get_untracked_obj_files(prefix): res = [] files = untracked(prefix) for f in files: path = join(prefix, f) if is_codefile(path): res.append(f) return res