from __future__ import print_function import fnmatch import platform import hashlib import os import sys import shutil import tarfile import urllib.parse as urlparse import yaml from contextlib import contextmanager from pathlib import Path from subprocess import check_call from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory as tempdir import requests from tqdm import tqdm import os def download_from_url(url, dst): """ @param: url to download file @param: dst place to put the file """ file_size = int(requests.head(url).headers["Content-Length"]) if os.path.exists(dst): first_byte = os.path.getsize(dst) else: first_byte = 0 if first_byte >= file_size: return file_size header = {"Range": "bytes=%s-%s" % (first_byte, file_size)} pbar = tqdm( total=file_size, initial=first_byte, unit='B', unit_scale=True, desc=url.split('/')[-1]) req = requests.get(url, headers=header, stream=True) with(open(dst, 'ab')) as f: for chunk in req.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: f.write(chunk) pbar.update(1024) pbar.close() return file_size def md5(fname): hash_md5 = hashlib.md5() with open(fname, "rb") as f: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""): hash_md5.update(chunk) return hash_md5.hexdigest() # The config dictionary looks like: # config[cuda_version(s)...] # # and for each cuda_version the keys: # base_url the base url for all downloads # patch_url_ext the extra path needed to reach the patch directory from base_url # installers_url_ext the extra path needed to reach the local installers directory # md5_url the url for checksums # cuda_libraries the shared libraries to copy in # cuda_static_libraries the static libraries to copy in # libdevice_versions the library device versions supported (.bc files) # linux the linux platform config (see below) # windows the windows platform config (see below) # # For each of the two platform specific dictionaries, linux and windows # a dictionary containing keys: # blob the name of the downloaded file, for linux this is the .run file # patches a list of the patch files for the blob, they are applied in order # cuda_lib_fmt string format for the cuda libraries # nvvm_lib_fmt string format for the nvvm libraries # libdevice_lib_fmt string format for the libdevice.compute bitcode file # # To accommodate nvtoolsext not being present as a DLL in the installer PE32s on windows, # the windows variant of this script supports assembly directly from a pre-installed # CUDA toolkit. The environment variable "NVTOOLSEXT_INSTALL_PATH" can be set to the # installation path of the CUDA toolkit's NvToolsExt location (this is not the user # defined install directory) and the DLL will be taken from that location. ########################################### ### CUDA 11.0 Update 1 setup (Aug 2020) ### ########################################### maj_min = '11.0' config = {} config['base_url'] = f"" config['installers_url_ext'] = 'local_installers/' config['patch_url_ext'] = '' config['md5_url'] = f"{config['base_url']}/docs/sidebar/md5sum.txt" config['cuda_libraries'] = [ 'cublas', 'cublasLt', 'cudart', 'cufft', 'cufftw', #'cuinj', 'curand', 'cusolver', 'cusolverMg', 'cusparse', 'nppc', 'nppial', 'nppicc', 'nppidei', 'nppif', 'nppig', 'nppim', 'nppist', 'nppisu', 'nppitc', 'npps', 'nvToolsExt', 'nvblas', 'nvjpeg', 'nvrtc', 'nvrtc-builtins', ] config['cuda_static_libraries'] = [ 'cudadevrt' ] # accinj64 is only available on linux if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): config['cuda_libraries'].append('accinj64') config['cuda_libraries'].append('cuinj64') # cuinj is only available on windows if sys.platform.startswith('windows'): config['cuda_libraries'].append('cuinj') config['libdevice_versions'] = ['11'] config['linux'] = { 'blob': '', 'ppc64le_blob': '', # CUDA 11 installer has channed, there are no embedded blobs 'embedded_blob': None, 'ppc64le_embedded_blob': None, 'patches': [], # need globs to handle symlinks 'cuda_lib_fmt': 'lib{0}.so*', 'cuda_static_lib_fmt': 'lib{0}.a', 'nvtoolsext_fmt': 'lib{0}.so*', 'nvvm_lib_fmt': 'lib{0}.so*', 'libdevice_lib_fmt': 'libdevice.10.bc' } config['windows'] = {'blob': 'cuda_11.0.3_451.82_win10.exe', 'patches': [], 'cuda_lib_fmt': '{0}64_1*.dll', 'cuda_static_lib_fmt': '{0}.lib', 'nvtoolsext_fmt': '{0}64_1.dll', 'nvvm_lib_fmt': '{0}64_33_0.dll', 'libdevice_lib_fmt': 'libdevice.10.bc', 'NvToolsExtPath' : os.path.join('c:' + os.sep, 'Program Files', 'NVIDIA Corporation', 'NVToolsExt', 'bin') } class Extractor(object): """Extractor base class, platform specific extractors should inherit from this class. """ libdir = {'linux': 'lib', 'windows': 'Library/bin'} def __init__(self, version, ver_config, plt_config): """Initialise an instance: Arguments: version - CUDA version string ver_config - the configuration for this CUDA version plt_config - the configuration for this platform """ self.config_version = version self.md5_url = ver_config['md5_url'] self.base_url = ver_config['base_url'] self.patch_url_ext = ver_config['patch_url_ext'] self.installers_url_ext = ver_config['installers_url_ext'] self.cuda_libraries = ver_config['cuda_libraries'] self.cuda_static_libraries = ver_config['cuda_static_libraries'] self.libdevice_versions = ver_config['libdevice_versions'] self.config_blob = plt_config['blob'] self.embedded_blob = plt_config.get('embedded_blob', None) self.cuda_lib_fmt = plt_config['cuda_lib_fmt'] self.cuda_static_lib_fmt = plt_config['cuda_static_lib_fmt'] self.nvtoolsext_fmt = plt_config.get('nvtoolsext_fmt') self.nvvm_lib_fmt = plt_config['nvvm_lib_fmt'] self.libdevice_lib_fmt = plt_config['libdevice_lib_fmt'] self.patches = plt_config['patches'] self.nvtoolsextpath = plt_config.get('NvToolsExtPath') self.config = {'version': version, **ver_config} self.prefix = os.environ['PREFIX'] self.src_dir = os.environ['SRC_DIR'] self.output_dir = os.path.join(self.prefix, self.libdir[getplatform()]) self.symlinks = getplatform() == 'linux' self.debug_install_path = os.environ.get('DEBUG_INSTALLER_PATH') try: os.mkdir(self.output_dir) except FileExistsError: pass def download_blobs(self): """Downloads the binary blobs to the $SRC_DIR """ dl_url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, self.installers_url_ext) dl_url = urlparse.urljoin(dl_url, self.config_blob) dl_path = os.path.join(self.src_dir, self.config_blob) if not self.debug_install_path: print("downloading %s to %s" % (dl_url, dl_path)) download_from_url(dl_url, dl_path) else: existing_file = os.path.join(self.debug_install_path, self.config_blob) print("DEBUG: copying %s to %s" % (existing_file, dl_path)) shutil.copy(existing_file, dl_path) for p in self.patches: dl_url = urlparse.urljoin(self.base_url, self.patch_url_ext) dl_url = urlparse.urljoin(dl_url, p) dl_path = os.path.join(self.src_dir, p) if not self.debug_install_path: print("downloading %s to %s" % (dl_url, dl_path)) download_from_url(dl_url, dl_path) else: existing_file = os.path.join(self.debug_install_path, p) print("DEBUG: copying %s to %s" % (existing_file, dl_path)) shutil.copy(existing_file, dl_path) def check_md5(self): """Checks the md5sums of the downloaded binaries """ md5file = self.md5_url.split('/')[-1] path = os.path.join(self.src_dir, md5file) download_from_url(self.md5_url, path) # compute hash of blob blob_path = os.path.join(self.src_dir, self.config_blob) md5sum = md5(blob_path) # get checksums with open(md5file, 'r') as f: checksums = [x.strip().split() for x in if x] # check md5 and filename match up check_dict = {x[0]: x[1] for x in checksums} # assert check_dict[md5sum].startswith(self.config_blob[:-7]) def copy(self, *args): """The method to copy extracted files into the conda package platform specific directory. Platform specific extractors must implement. """ raise RuntimeError('Must implement') def extract(self, *args): """The method to extract files from the cuda binary blobs. Platform specific extractors must implement. """ raise RuntimeError('Must implement') def get_paths(self, libraries, dirpath, template): """Gets the paths to the various cuda libraries and bc files """ pathlist = [] for libname in libraries: filename = template.format(libname) paths = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(dirpath), filename) if not paths: msg = ("Cannot find item: %s, looked for %s" % (libname, filename)) raise RuntimeError(msg) if (not self.symlinks) and (len(paths) != 1): msg = ("Aliasing present for item: %s, looked for %s" % (libname, filename)) msg += ". Found: \n" msg += ', \n'.join([str(x) for x in paths]) raise RuntimeError(msg) pathsforlib = [] for path in paths: tmppath = os.path.join(dirpath, path) assert os.path.isfile(tmppath), 'missing {0}'.format(tmppath) pathsforlib.append(tmppath) if self.symlinks: # deal with symlinked items # get all DSOs concrete_dsos = [x for x in pathsforlib if not os.path.islink(x)] # find the most recent library version by name target_library = max(concrete_dsos) # remove this from the list of concrete_dsos # all that remains are DSOs that are not wanted concrete_dsos.remove(target_library) # drop the unwanted DSOs from the paths [pathsforlib.remove(x) for x in concrete_dsos] pathlist.extend(pathsforlib) return pathlist def copy_files(self, cuda_lib_dir, nvvm_lib_dir, libdevice_lib_dir): """Copies the various cuda libraries and bc files to the output_dir """ filepaths = [] # nvToolsExt is different to the rest of the cuda libraries, # it follows a different naming convention, this accommodates... cudalibs = [x for x in self.cuda_libraries if x != 'nvToolsExt'] filepaths += self.get_paths(cudalibs, cuda_lib_dir, self.cuda_lib_fmt) if 'nvToolsExt' in self.cuda_libraries: filepaths += self.get_paths(['nvToolsExt'], cuda_lib_dir, self.nvtoolsext_fmt) filepaths += self.get_paths(self.cuda_static_libraries, cuda_lib_dir, self.cuda_static_lib_fmt) filepaths += self.get_paths(['nvvm'], nvvm_lib_dir, self.nvvm_lib_fmt) filepaths += self.get_paths(self.libdevice_versions, libdevice_lib_dir, self.libdevice_lib_fmt) for fn in filepaths: if os.path.islink(fn): # replicate symlinks symlinktarget = os.readlink(fn) targetname = os.path.basename(fn) symlink = os.path.join(self.output_dir, targetname) print('linking %s to %s' % (symlinktarget, symlink)) os.symlink(symlinktarget, symlink) else: print('copying %s to %s' % (fn, self.output_dir)) shutil.copy(fn, self.output_dir) def dump_config(self): """Dumps the config dictionary into the output directory """ dumpfile = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'cudatoolkit_config.yaml') with open(dumpfile, 'w') as f: yaml.dump(self.config, f, default_flow_style=False) class WindowsExtractor(Extractor): """The windows extractor """ def copy(self, *args): store, = args self.copy_files( cuda_lib_dir=store, nvvm_lib_dir=store, libdevice_lib_dir=store) def extract(self): runfile = self.config_blob patches = self.patches try: with tempdir() as tmpd: extract_name = '__extracted' extractdir = os.path.join(tmpd, extract_name) os.mkdir(extract_name) check_call(['7za', 'x', '-o%s' % extractdir, os.path.join(self.src_dir, runfile)]) for p in patches: check_call(['7za', 'x', '-aoa', '-o%s' % extractdir, os.path.join(self.src_dir, p)]) nvt_path = os.environ.get('NVTOOLSEXT_INSTALL_PATH', self.nvtoolsextpath) print("NvToolsExt path: %s" % nvt_path) if nvt_path is not None: if not Path(nvt_path).is_dir(): msg = ("NVTOOLSEXT_INSTALL_PATH is invalid " "or inaccessible.") raise ValueError(msg) # fetch all the dlls into DLLs store_name = 'DLLs' store = os.path.join(tmpd, store_name) os.mkdir(store) for path, dirs, files in os.walk(extractdir): if 'jre' not in path and 'GFExperience' not in path: # don't get jre or GFExperience dlls for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, "*.dll"): if not Path(os.path.join( store, filename)).is_file(): shutil.copy( os.path.join(path, filename), store) for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, "*.lib"): if path.endswith('x64'): if not Path(os.path.join( store, filename)).is_file(): shutil.copy( os.path.join(path, filename), store) for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, "*.bc"): if not Path(os.path.join( store, filename)).is_file(): shutil.copy( os.path.join(path, filename), store) if nvt_path is not None: for path, dirs, files in os.walk(nvt_path): for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, "*.dll"): if not Path(os.path.join( store, filename)).is_file(): shutil.copy( os.path.join(path, filename), store) self.copy(store) except PermissionError: # TODO: fix this # cuda 8 has files that refuse to delete, figure out perm changes # needed and apply them above, tempdir context exit fails to rmtree pass class LinuxExtractor(Extractor): """The linux extractor """ def __init__(self, version, ver_config, plt_config): if platform.machine() == 'ppc64le': if plt_config.get('ppc64le_blob') is not None: plt_config['blob'] = plt_config['ppc64le_blob'] else: raise RuntimeError('ppc64le not supported for %s' % version) plt_config['embedded_blob'] = plt_config['ppc64le_embedded_blob'] super(LinuxExtractor, self).__init__(version, ver_config, plt_config) def copy(self, *args): basepath = args[0] self.copy_files( cuda_lib_dir=os.path.join( basepath, 'lib64'), nvvm_lib_dir=os.path.join( basepath, 'nvvm', 'lib64'), libdevice_lib_dir=os.path.join( basepath, 'nvvm', 'libdevice')) def extract(self): runfile = self.config_blob patches = self.patches os.chmod(runfile, 0o777) with tempdir() as tmpd: if self.embedded_blob is not None: with tempdir() as tmpd2: cmd = [os.path.join(self.src_dir, runfile), '--extract=%s' % (tmpd2, ), '--nox11', '--silent'] check_call(cmd) # extract the embedded blob cmd = [os.path.join(tmpd2, self.embedded_blob), '-prefix', tmpd, '-noprompt', '--nox11'] check_call(cmd) else: # Current Nvidia's Linux based runfiles don't use embedded runfiles # # "--installpath" runfile command is used to install the toolkit to a specified # directory with the contents and layout similar to an install to # '/usr/local/cuda` # "--override" runfile command to disable the compiler check since we are not # installing the driver here # "--nox11" runfile command prevents desktop GUI on local install cmd = [os.path.join(self.src_dir, runfile), '--installpath=%s' % (tmpd), '--toolkit', '--silent', '--override', '--nox11'] check_call(cmd) for p in patches: os.chmod(p, 0o777) cmd = [os.path.join(self.src_dir, p), '--installdir', tmpd, '--accept-eula', '--silent'] check_call(cmd) self.copy(tmpd) def getplatform(): plt = sys.platform if plt.startswith('linux'): return 'linux' elif plt.startswith('win'): return 'windows' else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown platform') dispatcher = {'linux': LinuxExtractor, 'windows': WindowsExtractor} def _main(): print("Running build") # package version decl must match cuda release version config_version = os.environ['PKG_VERSION'] # keep only the major.minor version (10.0) if micro (10.0.130) is present major_minor, micro = config_version.rsplit('.', 1) if '.' in major_minor: config_version = major_minor # get an extractor plat = getplatform() extractor_impl = dispatcher[plat] extractor = extractor_impl(config_version, config, config[plat]) # download binaries extractor.download_blobs() # check md5sum extractor.check_md5() # extract extractor.extract() # dump config extractor.dump_config() if __name__ == "__main__": _main()