from __future__ import absolute_import from distutils.version import LooseVersion import uuid import json import warnings import numpy as np import bokeh from bokeh.document import Document from bokeh.models import (CustomJS, ColumnDataSource, Square, HoverTool, GlyphRenderer) from bokeh.models import Plot, Text, Circle, Range1d from bokeh.plotting import Figure from . import transfer_functions as tf from .utils import ( VisibleDeprecationWarning, downsample_aggregate, summarize_aggregate_values ) bokeh_version = LooseVersion(bokeh.__version__) if bokeh_version > '0.12.9': from bokeh.protocol import Protocol from bokeh.embed.notebook import notebook_content try: from bokeh.embed.notebook import encode_utf8 except: encode_utf8 = lambda s: s from import CommsHandle, get_comms else: from bokeh.embed import notebook_div from import _CommsHandle as CommsHandle from bokeh.util.notebook import get_comms NOTEBOOK_DIV = """ {plot_div} """ def bokeh_notebook_div(image): """" Generates an HTML div to embed in the notebook. Parameters ---------- image: InteractiveImage InteractiveImage instance with a plot Returns ------- div: str HTML string containing the bokeh plot to be displayed """ if bokeh_version > '0.12.9': js, div, _ = notebook_content(image.p, image.ref) html = NOTEBOOK_DIV.format(plot_script=js, plot_div=div) div = encode_utf8(html) # Ensure events are held until an update is triggered image.doc.hold() else: div = notebook_div(image.p, image.ref) return div def patch_event(image): """ Generates a bokeh patch event message given an InteractiveImage instance. Uses the bokeh messaging protocol for bokeh>=0.12.10 and a custom patch for previous versions. Parameters ---------- image: InteractiveImage InteractiveImage instance with a plot Returns ------- msg: str JSON message containing patch events to update the plot """ if bokeh_version > '0.12.9': events = list(image.doc._held_events) if not events: return None if bokeh_version > '2.0.0': protocol = Protocol() else: protocol = Protocol("1.0") msg = protocol.create("PATCH-DOC", events) image.doc._held_events = [] return msg data = dict( data['image'] = [data['image'][0].tolist()] return json.dumps({'events': [{'attr': u'data', 'kind': 'ModelChanged', 'model': image.ds.ref, 'new': data}], 'references': []}) def send_patch(msg, comm): """ Sends a bokeh patch event message via the supplied comm, using binary buffers for bokeh versions >= 0.12.10. Parameters ---------- msg: str JSON message containing patch events to update the plot comm: Comm Jupyter comm used to send data to the notebook frontend """ if bokeh_version > '0.12.9': comm.send(msg.header_json) comm.send(msg.metadata_json) comm.send(msg.content_json) for header, payload in msg.buffers: comm.send(json.dumps(header)) comm.send(buffers=[payload]) else: comm.send(msg) class InteractiveImage(object): """ Bokeh-based interactive image object that updates on pan/zoom events. Given a Bokeh plot and a callback function, calls the function whenever the pan or zoom changes the plot's extent, regenerating the image dynamically. Works in a Jupyter/IPython notebook cell, using the existing notebook kernel Python process (not a separate Bokeh server). Does not yet support usage outside the notebook, but could be extened to use Bokeh server in that case. Parameters ---------- bokeh_plot : plot or figure Bokeh plot the image will be drawn on callback : function Python callback function with the signature:: fn(x_range=(xmin, xmax), y_range=(ymin, ymax), w, h, **kwargs) and returning a PIL image object. delay : int Specifies the delay between the first received event and when events are actually processed. Useful to ignore events generated immediately after initiating zooming. timeout: int Determines the timeout after which the callback will process new events without the previous one having reported completion. Increase for very long running callbacks. **kwargs Any kwargs provided here will be passed to the callback function. """ jscode = """ // Define a callback to capture errors on the Python side function callback(msg){{ if (msg.msg_type == "execute_result") {{ if (['text/plain'] === "'Complete'") {{ if (Bokeh._queued.length) {{ update_plot(); }} else {{ Bokeh._blocked = false; }} Bokeh._timeout =; }} }} else {{ console.log("Python callback returned unexpected message:", msg) }} }} var callbacks = {{iopub: {{output: callback}}}}; function update_plot() {{ var range = Bokeh._queued; var cmd = "{cmd}(" + range + ")" // Execute the command on the Python kernel if (IPython.notebook.kernel !== undefined) {{ var kernel = IPython.notebook.kernel; kernel.execute(cmd, callbacks, {{silent : false}}); }} Bokeh._queued = []; }} var plot = x_range.plots[0]; // Generate a command to execute in Python var ranges = {{xmin: x_range.start, ymin: y_range.start, xmax: x_range.end, ymax: y_range.end, w: Math.floor(plot.width), h: Math.floor(plot.height)}} var range_str = JSON.stringify(ranges) if (!Bokeh._queued) {{ Bokeh._queued = []; Bokeh._blocked = false; Bokeh._timeout =; }} var timeout = Bokeh._timeout + {timeout}; if (typeof _ === "undefined") {{ }} else if ((Bokeh._blocked && ( < timeout))) {{ Bokeh._queued = [range_str]; }} else {{ Bokeh._queued = [range_str]; setTimeout(update_plot(), {delay}); Bokeh._blocked = true; Bokeh._timeout =; }} """ cmd_template = "from {module} import {cls}; {cls}._callbacks['{ref}'].update" _callbacks = {} def __init__(self, bokeh_plot, callback, delay=200, timeout=2000, throttle=None, **kwargs): warnings.warn('InteractiveImage has been deprecated as of datashader 0.8.0. ' 'It is not supported in JupyterLab and Bokeh server ' 'environments. Please use the HoloViews datashader ' 'integration instead.', VisibleDeprecationWarning) self.p = bokeh_plot self.callback = callback self.kwargs = kwargs self.ref = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.comms_handle = None self.delay = delay self.timeout = timeout if throttle: print("Warning: throttle parameter no longer supported; will not be accepted in future versions") # Initialize the image and callback self.ds, self.renderer = self._init_image() callback = self._init_callback() self.p.x_range.js_on_change('start', callback) self.p.y_range.js_on_change('start', callback) def _init_callback(self): """ Generate CustomJS from template. """ cls = type(self) # Register callback on the class with unique reference cls._callbacks[self.ref] = self # Generate python callback command cmd = cls.cmd_template.format(module=cls.__module__, cls=cls.__name__, ref=self.ref) # Initialize callback cb_code = cls.jscode.format(cmd=cmd, ref=self.ref.replace('-', '_'), delay=self.delay, timeout=self.timeout) cb_args = dict(x_range=self.p.x_range, y_range=self.p.y_range) return CustomJS(args=cb_args, code=cb_code) def _init_image(self): """ Initialize RGBA image glyph and datasource """ width, height = self.p.plot_width, self.p.plot_height xmin, xmax = self.p.x_range.start, self.p.x_range.end ymin, ymax = self.p.y_range.start, self.p.y_range.end x_range = (xmin, xmax) y_range = (ymin, ymax) dw, dh = xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin image = self.callback(x_range, y_range, width, height, **self.kwargs) ds = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(image=[], x=[xmin], y=[ymin], dw=[dw], dh=[dh])) renderer = self.p.image_rgba(source=ds, image='image', x='x', y='y', dw='dw', dh='dh', dilate=False) return ds, renderer def update(self, ranges, new=None): """ Update the image datasource based on the new ranges, serialize the data to JSON and send to notebook via a new or existing notebook comms handle. Parameters ---------- ranges : dict(xmin=float, xmax=float, ymin=float, ymax=float, h=int, w=int) Dictionary with of x/y-ranges, width and height. """ if not self.comms_handle: comm = get_comms(self.ref) comm_args = (comm, self.doc) if bokeh_version > '0.12.9' else (comm, self.doc, {}) self.comms_handle = CommsHandle(*comm_args) self.update_image(ranges) msg = self.get_update_event() comm = self.comms_handle.comms send_patch(msg, comm) return 'Complete' def get_update_event(self): """ Generate an update event json message. """ return patch_event(self) def update_image(self, ranges): """ Updates image with data returned by callback """ x_range = (ranges['xmin'], ranges['xmax']) y_range = (ranges['ymin'], ranges['ymax']) dh = y_range[1] - y_range[0] dw = x_range[1] - x_range[0] image = self.callback(x_range, y_range, ranges['w'], ranges['h'], **self.kwargs) new_data = dict(image=[], x=[x_range[0]], y=[y_range[0]], dw=[dw], dh=[dh]) def _repr_html_(self): self.doc = Document() for m in self.p.references(): m._document = None self.doc.add_root(self.p) return bokeh_notebook_div(self) class HoverLayer(object): """ Wrapper for adding a HoverTool instance to a plot tools which highlights values under the user's mouse location. Parameters ---------- field_name : str Field title which will appear in hover tooltip highlight_fill_color : str Fill color for glyph which appears on mouse over. highlight_line_color : str Line color for glyph which appears on mouse over. size : int Defined hover layer resolution in pixels (i.e. height/width of hover grid) extent : list ``[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]`` in data coordinates representing aggregate bounds agg : xarray Datashader aggregate object (e.g. result of Canvas.points()) how : str Downsample method for summarizing ordinal aggregates (default: mean). Options include: mean, sum, max, min, median, std, var, count. """ def __init__(self, field_name='Value', highlight_fill_color='#79DCDE', highlight_line_color='#79DCDE', size=8, is_categorical=False, extent=None, agg=None, how='mean'): if how not in ('mean', 'sum', 'max', 'min', 'median', 'std', 'var', 'count'): raise ValueError("invalid 'how' downsample method") self.hover_data = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=[], y=[], value=[])) self.invisible_square = Square(x='x', y='y', fill_color=None, line_color=None, size=size) self.visible_square = Square(x='x', y='y', fill_color=highlight_fill_color, fill_alpha=.5, line_color=highlight_line_color, line_alpha=1, size=size) self.tooltips = [] code = "source.selected = cb_data['index'];" self._callback = CustomJS(args={'source': self.hover_data}, code=code) self.renderer = GlyphRenderer() self.renderer.data_source = self.hover_data self.renderer.glyph = self.invisible_square self.renderer.selection_glyph = self.visible_square self.renderer.nonselection_glyph = self.invisible_square self.tool = HoverTool(callback=self._callback, renderers=[self.renderer], mode='mouse') self.extent = extent self.is_categorical = is_categorical self.field_name = field_name self._agg = agg self._size = size or 8 = how if self.agg is not None and self.extent is not None: self.compute() @property def size(self): return self._size @size.setter def size(self, value): self._size = value self.invisible_square.size = value self.visible_square.size = value if self.agg is not None and self.extent is not None: self.compute() @property def agg(self): return self._agg @agg.setter def agg(self, value): self._agg = value if self.agg is not None and self.extent is not None: self.compute() def compute(self): sq_xs = np.linspace(self.extent[0], self.extent[2], self.agg.shape[1] / self.size) sq_ys = np.linspace(self.extent[1], self.extent[3], self.agg.shape[0] / self.size) agg_xs, agg_ys = np.meshgrid(sq_xs, sq_ys) new_hover_data = {'x': agg_xs.flatten(), 'y': agg_ys.flatten()} self.hover_agg = downsample_aggregate(self.agg.values, self.size, tooltips = [] if self.is_categorical: cats = self.agg[self.agg.dims[2]].values.tolist() for i, e in enumerate(cats): new_hover_data[str(e)] = self.hover_agg[:, :, i].flatten() tooltips.append((str(e), '@{}'.format(str(e)))) else: new_hover_data['value'] = self.hover_agg.flatten() tooltips.append((self.field_name, '@value')) self.tool.tooltips = tooltips return self.hover_agg def create_ramp_legend(agg, cmap, how='linear', width=600): ''' Helper function to create a Bokeh ``Figure`` object with a color ramp corresponding to input aggregate and transfer function. Parameters ---------- agg : xarray Datashader aggregate object (e.g. result of Canvas.points()) cmap : list of colors or matplotlib.colors.Colormap, optional The colormap to use. Can be either a list of colors (in any of the formats described above), or a matplotlib colormap object. how : str Datashader transfer function name (either linear or log) width : int Width in pixels of resulting legend figure (default=600) ''' vals_arr, min_val, max_val = summarize_aggregate_values(agg, how=how) img = tf.shade(vals_arr, cmap=cmap, how=how) x_axis_type = how assert x_axis_type == 'linear' or x_axis_type == 'log' legend_fig = Figure(x_range=(min_val, max_val), plot_height=50, plot_width=width, lod_threshold=None, toolbar_location=None, y_range=(0, 18), x_axis_type=x_axis_type) legend_fig.min_border_top = 0 legend_fig.min_border_bottom = 10 legend_fig.min_border_left = 15 legend_fig.min_border_right = 15 legend_fig.yaxis.visible = False legend_fig.grid.grid_line_alpha = 0 legend_fig.image_rgba(image=[img.values], x=[min_val], y=[0], dw=[max_val - min_val], dh=[18], dw_units='screen') return legend_fig def create_categorical_legend(colormap, aliases=None, font_size=10): ''' Creates a bokeh plot object with circle legend swatches and text corresponding to the ``colormap`` key values or the optional aliases values. Parameters ---------- colormap : dict Dictionary of category value to color value aliases : dict Dictionary of category value to aliases name font_size: int Font size to use in the legend text ''' y_max = font_size * 2 * len(colormap) plot_options = {} plot_options['x_range'] = Range1d(start=0, end=200) plot_options['y_range'] = Range1d(start=0, end=y_max) plot_options['plot_height'] = y_max + 2 * font_size plot_options['plot_width'] = 190 plot_options['min_border_bottom'] = 0 plot_options['min_border_left'] = 0 plot_options['min_border_right'] = 0 plot_options['min_border_top'] = 0 plot_options['outline_line_width'] = 0 plot_options['toolbar_location'] = None legend = Plot(**plot_options) for i, (cat, color) in enumerate(colormap.items()): text_y = y_max - font_size/2 - i * font_size * 2 text_val = aliases[cat] if aliases else cat legend.add_glyph(Text(x=40, y=text_y-font_size*1.2, text=[text_val], text_font_size='{}pt'.format(font_size), text_color='#666666')) legend.add_glyph(Circle(x=15, y=text_y-font_size/2, fill_color=color, size=font_size, line_color=None, fill_alpha=0.8)) return legend