from itertools import starmap import sys from warnings import catch_warnings, simplefilter import numpy as np import pytest from datashape.discovery import (discover, null, unite_identical, unite_base, unite_merge_dimensions, do_one, lowest_common_dshape) from datashape.coretypes import (int64, float64, complex128, string, bool_, Tuple, Record, date_, datetime_, time_, timedelta_, int32, var, Option, real, Null, TimeDelta, String, float32, R) from datashape.py2help import PY2, CPYTHON, mappingproxy, OrderedDict from datashape.util.testing import assert_dshape_equal from datashape import dshape from datetime import date, time, datetime, timedelta def test_simple(): assert discover(3) == int64 assert discover(3.0) == float64 assert discover(3.0 + 1j) == complex128 assert discover('Hello') == string assert discover(True) == bool_ assert discover(None) == null def test_long(): if sys.version_info[0] == 2: assert eval('discover(3L)') == int64 def test_list(): assert discover([1, 2, 3]) == 3 * discover(1) assert discover([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) == 3 * discover(1.0) def test_set(): assert discover(set([1])) == 1 * discover(1) def test_frozenset(): assert discover(frozenset([1])) == 1 * discover(1) def test_heterogeneous_ordered_container(): assert discover(('Hello', 1)) == Tuple([discover('Hello'), discover(1)]) def test_string(): assert discover('1') == discover(1) assert discover('1.0') == discover(1.0) assert discover('True') == discover(True) assert discover('true') == discover(True) def test_record(): assert (discover({'name': 'Alice', 'amount': 100}) == Record([['amount', discover(100)], ['name', discover('Alice')]])) @pytest.mark.skipif( PY2 and not CPYTHON, reason='We cannot create mapping proxies in python 2 when not in CPython') def test_mappingproxy(): d = {'a': np.int64(1), 'b': 'cs', 'c': np.float32(1.0)} assert_dshape_equal( discover(mappingproxy(d)), discover(d), ) def test_ordereddict(): od = OrderedDict((('c', np.int64(1)), ('b', 'cs'), ('a', np.float32(1.0)))) assert_dshape_equal( discover(od), R['c': int64, 'b': string, 'a': float32], ) def test_datetime(): inputs = ["1991-02-03 04:05:06", "11/12/1822 06:47:26.00", "1822-11-12T06:47:26", "Fri Dec 19 15:10:11 1997", "Friday, November 11, 2005 17:56:21", "1982-2-20 5:02:00", "20030331 05:59:59.9", "Jul 6 2030 5:55PM", "1994-10-20 T 11:15", "2013-03-04T14:38:05.123", datetime(2014, 1, 1, 12, 1, 1), # "15MAR1985:14:15:22", # "201303041438" ] for dt in inputs: assert discover(dt) == datetime_ def test_string_date(): assert discover('2014-01-01') == date_ def test_python_date(): assert discover(date(2014, 1, 1)) == date_ def test_single_space_string_is_not_date(): assert discover(' ') == string def test_string_that_looks_like_date(): # GH 91 assert discover("31-DEC-99") == string def test_time(): assert discover(time(12, 0, 1)) == time_ def test_timedelta(): objs = starmap(timedelta, (range(10, 10 - i, -1) for i in range(1, 8))) for ts in objs: assert discover(ts) == timedelta_ def test_timedelta_strings(): inputs = ["1 day", "-2 hours", "3 seconds", "1 microsecond", "1003 milliseconds"] for ts in inputs: assert discover(ts) == TimeDelta(unit=ts.split()[1]) with pytest.raises(ValueError): TimeDelta(unit='buzz light-years') def test_time_string(): assert discover('12:00:01') == time_ assert discover('12:00:01.000') == time_ assert discover('12:00:01.123456') == time_ assert discover('12:00:01.1234') == time_ assert discover('10-10-01T12:00:01') == datetime_ assert discover('10-10-01 12:00:01') == datetime_ def test_integrative(): data = [{'name': 'Alice', 'amount': '100'}, {'name': 'Bob', 'amount': '200'}, {'name': 'Charlie', 'amount': '300'}] assert (dshape(discover(data)) == dshape('3 * {amount: int64, name: string}')) def test_numpy_scalars(): assert discover(np.int32(1)) == int32 assert discover(np.float64(1)) == float64 def test_numpy_array(): assert discover(np.ones((3, 2), dtype=np.int32)) == dshape('3 * 2 * int32') def test_numpy_array_with_strings(): x = np.array(['Hello', 'world'], dtype='O') assert discover(x) == 2 * string def test_numpy_recarray_with_strings(): x = np.array([('Alice', 1), ('Bob', 2)], dtype=[('name', 'O'), ('amt', 'i4')]) assert discover(x) == dshape('2 * {name: string, amt: int32}') unite = do_one([unite_identical, unite_merge_dimensions, unite_base]) def test_unite(): assert unite([int32, int32, int32]) == 3 * int32 assert unite([3 * int32, 2 * int32]) == 2 * (var * int32) assert unite([2 * int32, 2 * int32]) == 2 * (2 * int32) assert unite([3 * (2 * int32), 2 * (2 * int32)]) == 2 * (var * (2 * int32)) def test_unite_missing_values(): assert unite([int32, null, int32]) == 3 * Option(int32) assert unite([string, null, int32]) def test_unite_tuples(): assert (discover([[1, 1, 'hello'], [1, '', ''], [1, 1, 'hello']]) == 3 * Tuple([int64, Option(int64), Option(string)])) assert (discover([[1, 1, 'hello', 1], [1, '', '', 1], [1, 1, 'hello', 1]]) == 3 * Tuple([int64, Option(int64), Option(string), int64])) def test_unite_records(): assert (discover([{'name': 'Alice', 'balance': 100}, {'name': 'Bob', 'balance': ''}]) == 2 * Record([['balance', Option(int64)], ['name', string]])) assert (discover([{'name': 'Alice', 's': 'foo'}, {'name': 'Bob', 's': None}]) == 2 * Record([['name', string], ['s', Option(string)]])) assert (discover([{'name': 'Alice', 's': 'foo', 'f': 1.0}, {'name': 'Bob', 's': None, 'f': None}]) == 2 * Record([['f', Option(float64)], ['name', string], ['s', Option(string)]])) # assert unite((Record([['name', string], ['balance', int32]]), # Record([['name', string]]))) == \ # Record([['name', string], ['balance', Option(int32)]]) def test_dshape_missing_data(): assert (discover([[1, 2, '', 3], [1, 2, '', 3], [1, 2, '', 3]]) == 3 * Tuple([int64, int64, null, int64])) def test_discover_mixed(): i = discover(1) f = discover(1.0) exp = 10 * Tuple([i, i, f, f]) assert dshape(discover([[1, 2, 1.0, 2.0]] * 10)) == exp exp = 10 * (4 * f) assert dshape(discover([[1, 2, 1.0, 2.0], [1.0, 2.0, 1, 2]] * 5)) == exp def test_test(): expected = 2 * Tuple([string, int64]) assert discover([['Alice', 100], ['Bob', 200]]) == expected def test_discover_appropriate(): assert discover((1, 1.0)) == Tuple([int64, real]) assert discover([(1, 1.0), (1, 1.0), (1, 1)]) == 3 * Tuple([int64, real]) def test_big_discover(): data = [['1'] + ['hello']*20] * 10 assert discover(data) == 10 * Tuple([int64] + [string]*20) def test_unite_base(): assert unite_base([date_, datetime_]) == 2 * datetime_ def test_list_of_dicts_no_difference(): data = [{'name': 'Alice', 'amount': 100}, {'name': 'Bob'}] result = discover(data) expected = dshape('2 * {amount: ?int64, name: string}') assert result == expected def test_list_of_dicts_difference(): data = [{'name': 'Alice', 'amount': 100}, {'name': 'Bob', 'house_color': 'blue'}] result = discover(data) s = '2 * {amount: ?int64, house_color: ?string, name: string}' expected = dshape(s) assert result == expected def test_unite_base_on_records(): dshapes = [dshape('{name: string, amount: int32}'), dshape('{name: string, amount: int32}')] assert unite_base(dshapes) == dshape('2 * {name: string, amount: int32}') dshapes = [Null(), dshape('{name: string, amount: int32}')] assert unite_base(dshapes) == dshape('2 * ?{name: string, amount: int32}') dshapes = [dshape('{name: string, amount: int32}'), dshape('{name: string, amount: int64}')] assert unite_base(dshapes) == dshape('2 * {name: string, amount: int64}') def test_nested_complex_record_type(): dt = np.dtype([('a', 'U7'), ('b', [('c', 'int64', 2), ('d', 'float64')])]) x = np.zeros(5, dt) s = "5 * {a: string[7, 'U32'], b: {c: 2 * int64, d: float64}}" assert discover(x) == dshape(s) def test_letters_only_strings(): strings = ('sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday', 'a', 'b', 'now', 'yesterday', 'tonight') for s in strings: assert discover(s) == string def test_discover_array_like(): class MyArray(object): def __init__(self, shape, dtype): self.shape = shape self.dtype = dtype with catch_warnings(record=True) as wl: simplefilter('always') assert discover(MyArray((4, 3), 'f4')) == dshape('4 * 3 * float32') assert len(wl) == 1 assert issubclass(wl[0].category, DeprecationWarning) assert 'MyArray' in str(wl[0].message) @pytest.mark.xfail(sys.version_info[0] == 2, raises=AssertionError, reason=('discovery behavior is different for raw strings ' 'in python 2')) def test_discover_bytes(): x = b'abcdefg' assert discover(x) == String('A') def test_discover_undiscoverable(): class MyClass(object): pass with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): discover(MyClass()) @pytest.mark.parametrize('seq', [(), [], set()]) def test_discover_empty_sequence(seq): assert discover(seq) == var * string @pytest.mark.xfail(raises=ValueError, reason='Not yet implemented') def test_lowest_common_dshape_varlen_strings(): assert lowest_common_dshape([String(10), String(11)]) == String(11) assert lowest_common_dshape([String(11), string]) == string def test_discover_mock(): try: from unittest.mock import Mock except ImportError: from mock import Mock # This used to segfault because we were sending mocks into numpy with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): discover(Mock()) def test_string_with_overflow(): assert discover('INF US Equity') == string