from _pydevd_bundle.pydevd_constants import get_frame, IS_CPYTHON, IS_64BIT_PROCESS, IS_WINDOWS, \ IS_LINUX, IS_MAC, IS_PY2, DebugInfoHolder, LOAD_NATIVE_LIB_FLAG, \ ENV_FALSE_LOWER_VALUES, GlobalDebuggerHolder, ForkSafeLock from _pydev_imps._pydev_saved_modules import thread, threading from _pydev_bundle import pydev_log, pydev_monkey from os.path import os import platform try: import ctypes except ImportError: ctypes = None try: import cStringIO as StringIO # may not always be available @UnusedImport except: try: import StringIO # @Reimport except: import io as StringIO import sys # @Reimport import traceback _original_settrace = sys.settrace class TracingFunctionHolder: '''This class exists just to keep some variables (so that we don't keep them in the global namespace). ''' _original_tracing = None _warn = True _traceback_limit = 1 _warnings_shown = {} def get_exception_traceback_str(): exc_info = sys.exc_info() s = StringIO.StringIO() traceback.print_exception(exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2], file=s) return s.getvalue() def _get_stack_str(frame): msg = '\nIf this is needed, please check: ' + \ '\n' + \ '\nto see how to restore the debug tracing back correctly.\n' if TracingFunctionHolder._traceback_limit: s = StringIO.StringIO() s.write('Call Location:\n') traceback.print_stack(f=frame, limit=TracingFunctionHolder._traceback_limit, file=s) msg = msg + s.getvalue() return msg def _internal_set_trace(tracing_func): if TracingFunctionHolder._warn: frame = get_frame() if frame is not None and frame.f_back is not None: filename = frame.f_back.f_code.co_filename.lower() if not filename.endswith('') and not filename.endswith(''): message = \ '\nPYDEV DEBUGGER WARNING:' + \ '\nsys.settrace() should not be used when the debugger is being used.' + \ '\nThis may cause the debugger to stop working correctly.' + \ '%s' % _get_stack_str(frame.f_back) if message not in TracingFunctionHolder._warnings_shown: # only warn about each message once... TracingFunctionHolder._warnings_shown[message] = 1 sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % (message,)) sys.stderr.flush() if TracingFunctionHolder._original_tracing: TracingFunctionHolder._original_tracing(tracing_func) def SetTrace(tracing_func): if tracing_func is not None: if set_trace_to_threads(tracing_func, thread_idents=[thread.get_ident()], create_dummy_thread=False) == 0: # If we can use our own tracer instead of the one from sys.settrace, do it (the reason # is that this is faster than the Python version because we don't call # PyFrame_FastToLocalsWithError and PyFrame_LocalsToFast at each event! # (the difference can be huge when checking line events on frames as the # time increases based on the number of local variables in the scope) # See: InternalCallTrampoline (on the C side) for details. return # If it didn't work (or if it was None), use the Python version. set_trace = TracingFunctionHolder._original_tracing or sys.settrace set_trace(tracing_func) def replace_sys_set_trace_func(): if TracingFunctionHolder._original_tracing is None: TracingFunctionHolder._original_tracing = sys.settrace sys.settrace = _internal_set_trace def restore_sys_set_trace_func(): if TracingFunctionHolder._original_tracing is not None: sys.settrace = TracingFunctionHolder._original_tracing TracingFunctionHolder._original_tracing = None _lock = ForkSafeLock() def _load_python_helper_lib(): try: # If it's already loaded, just return it. return _load_python_helper_lib.__lib__ except AttributeError: pass with _lock: try: return _load_python_helper_lib.__lib__ except AttributeError: pass lib = _load_python_helper_lib_uncached() _load_python_helper_lib.__lib__ = lib return lib def get_python_helper_lib_filename(): # Note: we have an independent (and similar -- but not equal) version of this method in # `` which should be kept synchronized with this one (we do a copy # because the `pydevd_attach_to_process` is mostly independent and shouldn't be imported in the # debugger -- the only situation where it's imported is if the user actually does an attach to # process, through ``, but this should usually be called from the IDE directly # and not from the debugger). libdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'pydevd_attach_to_process') arch = '' if IS_WINDOWS: # prefer not using platform.machine() when possible (it's a bit heavyweight as it may # spawn a subprocess). arch = os.environ.get("PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432", os.environ.get('PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE', '')) if not arch: arch = platform.machine() if not arch:'platform.machine() did not return valid value.') # This shouldn't happen... return None if IS_WINDOWS: extension = '.dll' suffix_64 = 'amd64' suffix_32 = 'x86' elif IS_LINUX: extension = '.so' suffix_64 = 'amd64' suffix_32 = 'x86' elif IS_MAC: extension = '.dylib' suffix_64 = 'x86_64' suffix_32 = 'x86' else:'Unable to set trace to all threads in platform: %s', sys.platform) return None if arch.lower() not in ('amd64', 'x86', 'x86_64', 'i386', 'x86'): # We don't support this processor by default. Still, let's support the case where the # user manually compiled it himself with some heuristics. # # Ideally the user would provide a library in the format: "attach_." # based on the way it's currently compiled -- see: # - windows/compile_windows.bat # - linux_and_mac/ # - linux_and_mac/ try: found = [name for name in os.listdir(libdir) if name.startswith('attach_') and name.endswith(extension)] except: if DebugInfoHolder.DEBUG_TRACE_LEVEL >= 1: # There is no need to show this unless debug tracing is enabled. pydev_log.exception('Error listing dir: %s', libdir) return None expected_name = 'attach_' + arch + extension expected_name_linux = 'attach_linux_' + arch + extension filename = None if expected_name in found: # Heuristic: user compiled with "attach_." filename = os.path.join(libdir, expected_name) elif IS_LINUX and expected_name_linux in found: # Heuristic: user compiled with "attach_linux_." filename = os.path.join(libdir, expected_name_linux) elif len(found) == 1: # Heuristic: user removed all libraries and just left his own lib. filename = os.path.join(libdir, found[0]) else: # Heuristic: there's one additional library which doesn't seem to be our own. Find the odd one. filtered = [name for name in found if not name.endswith((suffix_64 + extension, suffix_32 + extension))] if len(filtered) == 1: # If more than one is available we can't be sure... filename = os.path.join(libdir, found[0]) if filename is None: 'Unable to set trace to all threads in arch: %s (did not find a %s lib in %s).', arch, expected_name, libdir ) return None'Using %s lib in arch: %s.', filename, arch) else: # Happy path for which we have pre-compiled binaries. if IS_64BIT_PROCESS: suffix = suffix_64 else: suffix = suffix_32 if IS_WINDOWS or IS_MAC: # just the extension changes prefix = 'attach_' elif IS_LINUX: # prefix = 'attach_linux_' # historically it has a different name else:'Unable to set trace to all threads in platform: %s', sys.platform) return None filename = os.path.join(libdir, '%s%s%s' % (prefix, suffix, extension)) if not os.path.exists(filename): pydev_log.critical('Expected: %s to exist.', filename) return None return filename def _load_python_helper_lib_uncached(): if (not IS_CPYTHON or ctypes is None or sys.version_info[:2] > (3, 10) or hasattr(sys, 'gettotalrefcount') or LOAD_NATIVE_LIB_FLAG in ENV_FALSE_LOWER_VALUES):'Helper lib to set tracing to all threads not loaded.') return None try: filename = get_python_helper_lib_filename() if filename is None: return None # Load as pydll so that we don't release the gil. lib = ctypes.pydll.LoadLibrary(filename)'Successfully Loaded helper lib to set tracing to all threads.') return lib except: if DebugInfoHolder.DEBUG_TRACE_LEVEL >= 1: # Only show message if tracing is on (we don't have pre-compiled # binaries for all architectures -- i.e.: ARM). pydev_log.exception('Error loading: %s', filename) return None def set_trace_to_threads(tracing_func, thread_idents=None, create_dummy_thread=True): assert tracing_func is not None ret = 0 # Note: use sys._current_frames() keys to get the thread ids because it'll return # thread ids created in C/C++ where there's user code running, unlike the APIs # from the threading module which see only threads created through it (unless # a call for threading.current_thread() was previously done in that thread, # in which case a dummy thread would've been created for it). if thread_idents is None: thread_idents = set(sys._current_frames().keys()) for t in threading.enumerate(): # PY-44778: ignore pydevd threads and also add any thread that wasn't found on # sys._current_frames() as some existing threads may not appear in # sys._current_frames() but may be available through the `threading` module. if getattr(t, 'pydev_do_not_trace', False): thread_idents.discard(t.ident) else: thread_idents.add(t.ident) curr_ident = thread.get_ident() curr_thread = threading._active.get(curr_ident) if curr_ident in thread_idents and len(thread_idents) != 1: # The current thread must be updated first (because we need to set # the reference to `curr_thread`). thread_idents = list(thread_idents) thread_idents.remove(curr_ident) thread_idents.insert(0, curr_ident) for thread_ident in thread_idents: # If that thread is not available in the threading module we also need to create a # dummy thread for it (otherwise it'll be invisible to the debugger). if create_dummy_thread: if thread_ident not in threading._active: class _DummyThread(threading._DummyThread): def _set_ident(self): # Note: Hack to set the thread ident that we want. if IS_PY2: self._Thread__ident = thread_ident else: self._ident = thread_ident t = _DummyThread() # Reset to the base class (don't expose our own version of the class). t.__class__ = threading._DummyThread if thread_ident == curr_ident: curr_thread = t with threading._active_limbo_lock: # On Py2 it'll put in active getting the current indent, not using the # ident that was set, so, we have to update it (should be harmless on Py3 # so, do it always). threading._active[thread_ident] = t threading._active[curr_ident] = curr_thread if t.ident != thread_ident: # Check if it actually worked. pydev_log.critical('pydevd: creation of _DummyThread with fixed thread ident did not succeed.') # Some (ptvsd) tests failed because of this, so, leave it always disabled for now. # show_debug_info = 1 if DebugInfoHolder.DEBUG_TRACE_LEVEL >= 1 else 0 show_debug_info = 0 # Hack to increase _Py_TracingPossible. # See comments on py_custom_pyeval_settrace.hpp proceed = thread.allocate_lock() proceed.acquire() def dummy_trace(frame, event, arg): return dummy_trace def increase_tracing_count(): set_trace = TracingFunctionHolder._original_tracing or sys.settrace set_trace(dummy_trace) proceed.release() start_new_thread = pydev_monkey.get_original_start_new_thread(thread) start_new_thread(increase_tracing_count, ()) proceed.acquire() # Only proceed after the release() is done. proceed = None # Note: The set_trace_func is not really used anymore in the C side. set_trace_func = TracingFunctionHolder._original_tracing or sys.settrace lib = _load_python_helper_lib() if lib is None: # This is the case if it's not CPython.'Unable to load helper lib to set tracing to all threads (unsupported python vm).') ret = -1 else: try: result = lib.AttachDebuggerTracing( ctypes.c_int(show_debug_info), ctypes.py_object(set_trace_func), ctypes.py_object(tracing_func), ctypes.c_uint(thread_ident), ctypes.py_object(None), ) except: if DebugInfoHolder.DEBUG_TRACE_LEVEL >= 1: # There is no need to show this unless debug tracing is enabled. pydev_log.exception('Error attaching debugger tracing') ret = -1 else: if result != 0:'Unable to set tracing for existing thread. Result: %s', result) ret = result return ret