import asyncio import atexit import gc import logging import os import signal import sys import warnings from contextlib import suppress import click from tlz import valmap from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop, TimeoutError import dask from dask.system import CPU_COUNT from distributed import Nanny from distributed.cli.utils import check_python_3, install_signal_handlers from distributed.comm import get_address_host_port from distributed.deploy.utils import nprocesses_nthreads from distributed.preloading import validate_preload_argv from distributed.proctitle import ( enable_proctitle_on_children, enable_proctitle_on_current, ) from distributed.utils import import_term logger = logging.getLogger("distributed.dask_worker") pem_file_option_type = click.Path(exists=True, resolve_path=True) @click.command(context_settings=dict(ignore_unknown_options=True)) @click.argument("scheduler", type=str, required=False) @click.option( "--tls-ca-file", type=pem_file_option_type, default=None, help="CA cert(s) file for TLS (in PEM format)", ) @click.option( "--tls-cert", type=pem_file_option_type, default=None, help="certificate file for TLS (in PEM format)", ) @click.option( "--tls-key", type=pem_file_option_type, default=None, help="private key file for TLS (in PEM format)", ) @click.option( "--worker-port", default=None, help="Serving computation port, defaults to random. " "When creating multiple workers with --nworkers, a sequential range of " "worker ports may be used by specifying the first and last available " "ports like :. For example, --worker-port=3000:3026 " "will use ports 3000, 3001, ..., 3025, 3026.", ) @click.option( "--nanny-port", default=None, help="Serving nanny port, defaults to random. " "When creating multiple nannies with --nworkers, a sequential range of " "nanny ports may be used by specifying the first and last available " "ports like :. For example, --nanny-port=3000:3026 " "will use ports 3000, 3001, ..., 3025, 3026.", ) @click.option( "--bokeh-port", type=int, default=None, help="Deprecated. See --dashboard-address" ) @click.option( "--dashboard-address", type=str, default=":0", help="Address on which to listen for diagnostics dashboard", ) @click.option( "--dashboard/--no-dashboard", "dashboard", default=True, required=False, help="Launch the Dashboard [default: --dashboard]", ) @click.option( "--bokeh/--no-bokeh", "bokeh", default=None, help="Deprecated. See --dashboard/--no-dashboard.", required=False, ) @click.option( "--listen-address", type=str, default=None, help="The address to which the worker binds. Example: tcp:// or tcp://:9000 for IPv4+IPv6", ) @click.option( "--contact-address", type=str, default=None, help="The address the worker advertises to the scheduler for " "communication with it and other workers. " "Example: tcp://", ) @click.option( "--host", type=str, default=None, help="Serving host. Should be an ip address that is" " visible to the scheduler and other workers. " "See --listen-address and --contact-address if you " "need different listen and contact addresses. " "See --interface.", ) @click.option( "--interface", type=str, default=None, help="Network interface like 'eth0' or 'ib0'" ) @click.option( "--protocol", type=str, default=None, help="Protocol like tcp, tls, or ucx" ) @click.option("--nthreads", type=int, default=0, help="Number of threads per process.") @click.option( "--nprocs", type=str, default=None, show_default=True, help="Deprecated. Use '--nworkers' instead. Number of worker processes to " "launch. If negative, then (CPU_COUNT + 1 + nprocs) is used. " "Set to 'auto' to set nprocs and nthreads dynamically based on CPU_COUNT", ) @click.option( "--nworkers", "n_workers", # This sets the Python argument name type=str, default=None, show_default=True, help="Number of worker processes to launch. " "If negative, then (CPU_COUNT + 1 + nworkers) is used. " "Set to 'auto' to set nworkers and nthreads dynamically based on CPU_COUNT", ) @click.option( "--name", type=str, default=None, help="A unique name for this worker like 'worker-1'. " "If used with --nworkers then the process number " "will be appended like name-0, name-1, name-2, ...", ) @click.option( "--memory-limit", default="auto", show_default=True, help="""\b Bytes of memory per process that the worker can use. This can be: - an integer (bytes), note 0 is a special case for no memory management. - a float (fraction of total system memory). - a string (like 5GB or 5000M). - 'auto' for automatically computing the memory limit. """, ) @click.option( "--reconnect/--no-reconnect", default=True, help="Reconnect to scheduler if disconnected [default: --reconnect]", ) @click.option( "--nanny/--no-nanny", default=True, help="Start workers in nanny process for management [default: --nanny]", ) @click.option("--pid-file", type=str, default="", help="File to write the process PID") @click.option( "--local-directory", default=None, type=str, help="Directory to place worker files" ) @click.option( "--resources", type=str, default=None, help='Resources for task constraints like "GPU=2 MEM=10e9". ' "Resources are applied separately to each worker process " "(only relevant when starting multiple worker processes with '--nworkers').", ) @click.option( "--scheduler-file", type=str, default=None, help="Filename to JSON encoded scheduler information. " "Use with dask-scheduler --scheduler-file", ) @click.option( "--death-timeout", type=str, default=None, help="Seconds to wait for a scheduler before closing", ) @click.option( "--dashboard-prefix", type=str, default="", help="Prefix for the dashboard" ) @click.option( "--lifetime", type=str, default=None, help="If provided, shut down the worker after this duration.", ) @click.option( "--lifetime-stagger", type=str, default="0 seconds", show_default=True, help="Random amount by which to stagger lifetime values", ) @click.option( "--worker-class", type=str, default="dask.distributed.Worker", show_default=True, help="Worker class used to instantiate workers from.", ) @click.option( "--lifetime-restart/--no-lifetime-restart", "lifetime_restart", default=False, show_default=True, required=False, help="Whether or not to restart the worker after the lifetime lapses. " "This assumes that you are using the --lifetime and --nanny keywords", ) @click.option( "--preload", type=str, multiple=True, is_eager=True, help="Module that should be loaded by each worker process " 'like "" or "/path/to/"', ) @click.argument( "preload_argv", nargs=-1, type=click.UNPROCESSED, callback=validate_preload_argv ) @click.option( "--preload-nanny", type=str, multiple=True, is_eager=True, help="Module that should be loaded by each nanny " 'like "" or "/path/to/"', ) @click.version_option() def main( scheduler, host, worker_port, listen_address, contact_address, nanny_port, nthreads, nprocs, n_workers, nanny, name, pid_file, resources, dashboard, bokeh, bokeh_port, scheduler_file, dashboard_prefix, tls_ca_file, tls_cert, tls_key, dashboard_address, worker_class, preload_nanny, **kwargs, ): g0, g1, g2 = gc.get_threshold() # gc.set_threshold(g0 * 3, g1 * 3, g2 * 3) enable_proctitle_on_current() enable_proctitle_on_children() if bokeh_port is not None: # pragma: no cover warnings.warn( "The --bokeh-port flag has been renamed to --dashboard-address. " "Consider adding ``--dashboard-address :%d`` " % bokeh_port ) dashboard_address = bokeh_port if bokeh is not None: warnings.warn( "The --bokeh/--no-bokeh flag has been renamed to --dashboard/--no-dashboard. " ) dashboard = bokeh sec = { k: v for k, v in [ ("tls_ca_file", tls_ca_file), ("tls_worker_cert", tls_cert), ("tls_worker_key", tls_key), ] if v is not None } if nprocs is not None and n_workers is not None: logger.error( "Both --nprocs and --nworkers were specified. Use --nworkers only." ) sys.exit(1) elif nprocs is not None: warnings.warn( "The --nprocs flag will be removed in a future release. It has been " "renamed to --nworkers.", FutureWarning, ) n_workers = nprocs if n_workers == "auto": n_workers, nthreads = nprocesses_nthreads() elif n_workers is None: n_workers = 1 else: n_workers = int(n_workers) if n_workers < 0: n_workers = CPU_COUNT + 1 + n_workers if n_workers <= 0: logger.error( "Failed to launch worker. Must specify --nworkers so that there's at least one process." ) sys.exit(1) if n_workers > 1 and not nanny: logger.error( "Failed to launch worker. You cannot use the --no-nanny argument when n_workers > 1." ) sys.exit(1) if contact_address and not listen_address: logger.error( "Failed to launch worker. " "Must specify --listen-address when --contact-address is given" ) sys.exit(1) if n_workers > 1 and listen_address: logger.error( "Failed to launch worker. " "You cannot specify --listen-address when n_workers > 1." ) sys.exit(1) if (worker_port or host) and listen_address: logger.error( "Failed to launch worker. " "You cannot specify --listen-address when --worker-port or --host is given." ) sys.exit(1) try: if listen_address: (host, worker_port) = get_address_host_port(listen_address, strict=True) if ":" in host: # IPv6 -- bracket to pass as user args host = f"[{host}]" if contact_address: # we only need this to verify it is getting parsed (_, _) = get_address_host_port(contact_address, strict=True) else: # if contact address is not present we use the listen_address for contact contact_address = listen_address except ValueError as e: # pragma: no cover logger.error("Failed to launch worker. " + str(e)) sys.exit(1) if nanny: port = nanny_port else: port = worker_port if not nthreads: nthreads = CPU_COUNT // n_workers if pid_file: with open(pid_file, "w") as f: f.write(str(os.getpid())) def del_pid_file(): if os.path.exists(pid_file): os.remove(pid_file) atexit.register(del_pid_file) if resources: resources = resources.replace(",", " ").split() resources = dict(pair.split("=") for pair in resources) resources = valmap(float, resources) else: resources = None loop = IOLoop.current() worker_class = import_term(worker_class) if nanny: kwargs["worker_class"] = worker_class kwargs["preload_nanny"] = preload_nanny if nanny: kwargs.update({"worker_port": worker_port, "listen_address": listen_address}) t = Nanny else: if nanny_port: kwargs["service_ports"] = {"nanny": nanny_port} t = worker_class if ( not scheduler and not scheduler_file and dask.config.get("scheduler-address", None) is None ): raise ValueError( "Need to provide scheduler address like\n" "dask-worker SCHEDULER_ADDRESS:8786" ) with suppress(TypeError, ValueError): name = int(name) nannies = [ t( scheduler, scheduler_file=scheduler_file, nthreads=nthreads, loop=loop, resources=resources, security=sec, contact_address=contact_address, host=host, port=port, dashboard=dashboard, dashboard_address=dashboard_address, name=name if n_workers == 1 or name is None or name == "" else str(name) + "-" + str(i), **kwargs, ) for i in range(n_workers) ] async def close_all(): # Unregister all workers from scheduler if nanny: await asyncio.gather(*(n.close(timeout=2) for n in nannies)) signal_fired = False def on_signal(signum): nonlocal signal_fired signal_fired = True if signum != signal.SIGINT:"Exiting on signal %d", signum) return asyncio.ensure_future(close_all()) async def run(): await asyncio.gather(*nannies) await asyncio.gather(*(n.finished() for n in nannies)) install_signal_handlers(loop, cleanup=on_signal) try: loop.run_sync(run) except TimeoutError: # We already log the exception in nanny / worker. Don't do it again. if not signal_fired:"Timed out starting worker") sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: # pragma: no cover pass finally:"End worker") def go(): check_python_3() main() if __name__ == "__main__": go() # pragma: no cover