import math from import without_property_validation from bokeh.models import ( BasicTicker, ColumnDataSource, HoverTool, NumeralTickFormatter, OpenURL, TapTool, ) from bokeh.plotting import figure from tornado import escape from dask.utils import format_bytes from distributed.dashboard.components import DashboardComponent, add_periodic_callback from distributed.dashboard.components.scheduler import BOKEH_THEME, TICKS_1024, env from distributed.dashboard.utils import update from distributed.diagnostics import nvml from distributed.utils import log_errors NVML_ENABLED = nvml.device_get_count() > 0 class GPUCurrentLoad(DashboardComponent): """How many tasks are on each worker""" def __init__(self, scheduler, width=600, **kwargs): with log_errors(): self.last = 0 self.scheduler = scheduler self.source = ColumnDataSource( { "memory": [1, 2], "memory-half": [0.5, 1], "memory_text": ["1B", "2B"], "utilization": [1, 2], "utilization-half": [0.5, 1], "worker": ["a", "b"], "gpu-index": [0, 0], "y": [1, 2], "escaped_worker": ["a", "b"], } ) memory = figure( title="GPU Memory", tools="", id="bk-gpu-memory-worker-plot", width=int(width / 2), name="gpu_memory_histogram", **kwargs, ) rect = memory.rect( source=self.source, x="memory-half", y="y", width="memory", height=1, color="#76B900", ) rect.nonselection_glyph = None utilization = figure( title="GPU Utilization", tools="", id="bk-gpu-utilization-worker-plot", width=int(width / 2), name="gpu_utilization_histogram", **kwargs, ) rect = utilization.rect( source=self.source, x="utilization-half", y="y", width="utilization", height=1, color="#76B900", ) rect.nonselection_glyph = None memory.axis[0].ticker = BasicTicker(**TICKS_1024) memory.xaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0.0 b") memory.xaxis.major_label_orientation = -math.pi / 12 memory.x_range.start = 0 for fig in [memory, utilization]: fig.xaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 fig.yaxis.visible = False fig.ygrid.visible = False tap = TapTool( callback=OpenURL(url="./info/worker/@escaped_worker.html") ) fig.add_tools(tap) fig.toolbar_location = None fig.yaxis.visible = False hover = HoverTool() hover.tooltips = "@worker : @utilization %" hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" utilization.add_tools(hover) hover = HoverTool() hover.tooltips = "@worker : @memory_text" hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" memory.add_tools(hover) self.memory_figure = memory self.utilization_figure = utilization self.utilization_figure.y_range = memory.y_range self.utilization_figure.x_range.start = 0 self.utilization_figure.x_range.end = 100 @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors(): workers = list(self.scheduler.workers.values()) utilization = [] memory = [] gpu_index = [] y = [] memory_total = 0 memory_max = 0 worker = [] for idx, ws in enumerate(workers): try: info = ws.extra["gpu"] except KeyError: continue metrics = ws.metrics["gpu"] u = metrics["utilization"] mem_used = metrics["memory-used"] mem_total = info["memory-total"] memory_max = max(memory_max, mem_total) memory_total += mem_total utilization.append(int(u)) memory.append(mem_used) worker.append(ws.address) gpu_index.append(idx) y.append(idx) memory_text = [format_bytes(m) for m in memory] result = { "memory": memory, "memory-half": [m / 2 for m in memory], "memory_text": memory_text, "utilization": utilization, "utilization-half": [u / 2 for u in utilization], "worker": worker, "gpu-index": gpu_index, "y": y, "escaped_worker": [escape.url_escape(w) for w in worker], } self.memory_figure.title.text = "GPU Memory: {} / {}".format( format_bytes(sum(memory)), format_bytes(memory_total), ) self.memory_figure.x_range.end = memory_max update(self.source, result) def gpu_memory_doc(scheduler, extra, doc): with log_errors(): gpu_load = GPUCurrentLoad(scheduler, sizing_mode="stretch_both") gpu_load.update() add_periodic_callback(doc, gpu_load, 100) doc.add_root(gpu_load.memory_figure) doc.theme = BOKEH_THEME def gpu_utilization_doc(scheduler, extra, doc): with log_errors(): gpu_load = GPUCurrentLoad(scheduler, sizing_mode="stretch_both") gpu_load.update() add_periodic_callback(doc, gpu_load, 100) doc.add_root(gpu_load.utilization_figure) doc.theme = BOKEH_THEME def gpu_doc(scheduler, extra, doc): with log_errors(): gpu_load = GPUCurrentLoad(scheduler, sizing_mode="stretch_both") gpu_load.update() add_periodic_callback(doc, gpu_load, 100) doc.add_root(gpu_load.memory_figure) doc.add_root(gpu_load.utilization_figure) doc.title = "Dask: GPU" doc.theme = BOKEH_THEME doc.template = env.get_template("gpu.html") doc.template_variables.update(extra)