import logging import math import operator import os from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict from datetime import datetime from numbers import Number import numpy as np from import without_property_validation from import curdoc from bokeh.layouts import column, row from bokeh.models import ( AdaptiveTicker, Arrow, BasicTicker, BoxSelectTool, BoxZoomTool, CDSView, ColorBar, ColumnDataSource, CustomJSHover, DataRange1d, GroupFilter, HoverTool, NumberFormatter, NumeralTickFormatter, OpenURL, Panel, PanTool, Range1d, ResetTool, Tabs, TapTool, Title, VeeHead, WheelZoomTool, value, ) from bokeh.models.widgets import DataTable, TableColumn from bokeh.models.widgets.markups import Div from bokeh.palettes import Viridis11 from bokeh.plotting import figure from bokeh.themes import Theme from bokeh.transform import cumsum, factor_cmap, linear_cmap, stack from tlz import curry, pipe, valmap from tlz.curried import concat, groupby, map from tornado import escape import dask from dask import config from dask.utils import format_bytes, format_time, key_split, parse_timedelta from distributed.dashboard.components import add_periodic_callback from distributed.dashboard.components.shared import ( DashboardComponent, ProfileServer, ProfileTimePlot, SystemMonitor, ) from distributed.dashboard.utils import BOKEH_VERSION, PROFILING, transpose, update from distributed.diagnostics.graph_layout import GraphLayout from distributed.diagnostics.progress import GroupTiming from distributed.diagnostics.progress_stream import color_of, progress_quads from distributed.diagnostics.task_stream import TaskStreamPlugin from distributed.diagnostics.task_stream import color_of as ts_color_of from distributed.diagnostics.task_stream import colors as ts_color_lookup from distributed.metrics import time from distributed.utils import Log, log_errors if dask.config.get("distributed.dashboard.export-tool"): from distributed.dashboard.export_tool import ExportTool else: ExportTool = None # type: ignore logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader env = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "http", "templates") ) ) BOKEH_THEME = Theme( filename=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "theme.yaml") ) TICKS_1024 = {"base": 1024, "mantissas": [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512]} XLABEL_ORIENTATION = -math.pi / 9 # slanted downwards 20 degrees logos_dict = { "numpy": "statics/images/numpy.png", "pandas": "statics/images/pandas.png", "builtins": "statics/images/python.png", } class Occupancy(DashboardComponent): """Occupancy (in time) per worker""" def __init__(self, scheduler, **kwargs): with log_errors(): self.scheduler = scheduler self.source = ColumnDataSource( { "occupancy": [0, 0], "worker": ["a", "b"], "x": [0.0, 0.1], "y": [1, 2], "ms": [1, 2], "color": ["red", "blue"], "escaped_worker": ["a", "b"], } ) self.root = figure( title="Occupancy", tools="", toolbar_location="above", id="bk-occupancy-plot", x_axis_type="datetime", min_border_bottom=50, **kwargs, ) rect = self.root.rect( source=self.source, x="x", width="ms", y="y", height=0.9, color="color" ) rect.nonselection_glyph = None self.root.xaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 self.root.yaxis.visible = False self.root.ygrid.visible = False # fig.xaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format='0.0s') self.root.x_range.start = 0 tap = TapTool(callback=OpenURL(url="./info/worker/@escaped_worker.html")) hover = HoverTool() hover.tooltips = "@worker : @occupancy s." hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" self.root.add_tools(hover, tap) @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors(): workers = self.scheduler.workers.values() y = list(range(len(workers))) occupancy = [ws.occupancy for ws in workers] ms = [occ * 1000 for occ in occupancy] x = [occ / 500 for occ in occupancy] total = sum(occupancy) color = [] for ws in workers: if ws in self.scheduler.idle: color.append("red") elif ws in self.scheduler.saturated: color.append("green") else: color.append("blue") if total: self.root.title.text = ( f"Occupancy -- total time: {format_time(total)} " f"wall time: {format_time(total / self.scheduler.total_nthreads)}" ) else: self.root.title.text = "Occupancy" if occupancy: result = { "occupancy": occupancy, "worker": [ws.address for ws in workers], "ms": ms, "color": color, "escaped_worker": [escape.url_escape(ws.address) for ws in workers], "x": x, "y": y, } update(self.source, result) class ProcessingHistogram(DashboardComponent): """How many tasks are on each worker""" def __init__(self, scheduler, **kwargs): with log_errors(): self.last = 0 self.scheduler = scheduler self.source = ColumnDataSource( {"left": [1, 2], "right": [10, 10], "top": [0, 0]} ) self.root = figure( title="Tasks Processing (count)", id="bk-nprocessing-histogram-plot", name="processing", y_axis_label="frequency", tools="", **kwargs, ) self.root.xaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 self.root.ygrid.visible = False self.root.toolbar_location = None self.root.quad( source=self.source, left="left", right="right", bottom=0, top="top", color="deepskyblue", fill_alpha=0.5, ) @without_property_validation def update(self): L = [len(ws.processing) for ws in self.scheduler.workers.values()] counts, x = np.histogram(L, bins=40){"left": x[:-1], "right": x[1:], "top": counts}) def _memory_color(current: int, limit: int) -> str: """Dynamic color used by WorkersMemory and ClusterMemory""" if limit and current > limit: return "red" if limit and current > limit / 2: return "orange" return "blue" class ClusterMemory(DashboardComponent): """Total memory usage on the cluster""" def __init__(self, scheduler, width=600, **kwargs): with log_errors(): self.scheduler = scheduler self.source = ColumnDataSource( { "width": [0] * 4, "x": [0] * 4, "y": [0] * 4, "color": ["blue", "blue", "blue", "grey"], "alpha": [1, 0.7, 0.4, 1], "proc_memory": [0] * 4, "managed": [0] * 4, "unmanaged_old": [0] * 4, "unmanaged_recent": [0] * 4, "spilled": [0] * 4, } ) self.root = figure( title="Bytes stored on cluster", tools="", id="bk-cluster-memory-plot", width=int(width / 2), name="cluster_memory", min_border_bottom=50, **kwargs, ) rect = self.root.rect( source=self.source, x="x", y="y", width="width", height=0.9, color="color", alpha="alpha", ) rect.nonselection_glyph = None self.root.axis[0].ticker = BasicTicker(**TICKS_1024) self.root.xaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0.0 b") self.root.xaxis.major_label_orientation = XLABEL_ORIENTATION self.root.xaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 self.root.x_range = Range1d(start=0) self.root.yaxis.visible = False self.root.ygrid.visible = False self.root.toolbar_location = None self.root.yaxis.visible = False hover = HoverTool( point_policy="follow_mouse", tooltips="""
Process memory (RSS):  @proc_memory{0.00 b}
Managed:  @managed{0.00 b}
Unmanaged (old):  @unmanaged_old{0.00 b}
Unmanaged (recent):  @unmanaged_recent{0.00 b}
Spilled to disk:  @spilled{0.00 b}
""", ) self.root.add_tools(hover) @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors(): limit = sum(ws.memory_limit for ws in self.scheduler.workers.values()) meminfo = self.scheduler.memory color = _memory_color(meminfo.process, limit) width = [ meminfo.managed_in_memory, meminfo.unmanaged_old, meminfo.unmanaged_recent, meminfo.managed_spilled, ] result = { "width": width, "x": [sum(width[:i]) + w / 2 for i, w in enumerate(width)], "color": [color, color, color, "grey"], "proc_memory": [meminfo.process] * 4, "managed": [meminfo.managed_in_memory] * 4, "unmanaged_old": [meminfo.unmanaged_old] * 4, "unmanaged_recent": [meminfo.unmanaged_recent] * 4, "spilled": [meminfo.managed_spilled] * 4, } x_end = max(limit, meminfo.process + meminfo.managed_spilled) self.root.x_range.end = x_end title = f"Bytes stored: {format_bytes(meminfo.process)}" if meminfo.managed_spilled: title += f" + {format_bytes(meminfo.managed_spilled)} spilled to disk" self.root.title.text = title update(self.source, result) class WorkersMemory(DashboardComponent): """Memory usage for single workers""" def __init__(self, scheduler, width=600, **kwargs): with log_errors(): self.scheduler = scheduler self.source = ColumnDataSource( { "width": [], "x": [], "y": [], "color": [], "alpha": [], "worker": [], "escaped_worker": [], "proc_memory": [], "managed": [], "unmanaged_old": [], "unmanaged_recent": [], "spilled": [], } ) self.root = figure( title="Bytes stored per worker", tools="", id="bk-workers-memory-plot", width=int(width / 2), name="workers_memory", min_border_bottom=50, **kwargs, ) rect = self.root.rect( source=self.source, x="x", y="y", width="width", height=0.9, color="color", fill_alpha="alpha", line_width=0, ) rect.nonselection_glyph = None self.root.axis[0].ticker = BasicTicker(**TICKS_1024) self.root.xaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0.0 b") self.root.xaxis.major_label_orientation = XLABEL_ORIENTATION self.root.xaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 self.root.x_range = Range1d(start=0) self.root.yaxis.visible = False self.root.ygrid.visible = False tap = TapTool(callback=OpenURL(url="./info/worker/@escaped_worker.html")) self.root.add_tools(tap) self.root.toolbar_location = None self.root.yaxis.visible = False hover = HoverTool( point_policy="follow_mouse", tooltips="""
Worker:  @worker
Process memory (RSS):  @proc_memory{0.00 b}
Managed:  @managed{0.00 b}
Unmanaged (old):  @unmanaged_old{0.00 b}
Unmanaged (recent):  @unmanaged_recent{0.00 b}
Spilled to disk:  @spilled{0.00 b}
""", ) self.root.add_tools(hover) @without_property_validation def update(self): def quadlist(i) -> list: out = [] for ii in i: out += [ii, ii, ii, ii] return out with log_errors(): workers = self.scheduler.workers.values() width = [] x = [] color = [] max_limit = 0 procmemory = [] managed = [] spilled = [] unmanaged_old = [] unmanaged_recent = [] for ws in workers: meminfo = ws.memory limit = getattr(ws, "memory_limit", 0) max_limit = max( max_limit, limit, meminfo.process + meminfo.managed_spilled ) color_i = _memory_color(meminfo.process, limit) width += [ meminfo.managed_in_memory, meminfo.unmanaged_old, meminfo.unmanaged_recent, meminfo.managed_spilled, ] x += [sum(width[-4:i]) + width[i] / 2 for i in range(-4, 0)] color += [color_i, color_i, color_i, "grey"] # memory info procmemory.append(meminfo.process) managed.append(meminfo.managed_in_memory) unmanaged_old.append(meminfo.unmanaged_old) unmanaged_recent.append(meminfo.unmanaged_recent) spilled.append(meminfo.managed_spilled) result = { "width": width, "x": x, "color": color, "alpha": [1, 0.7, 0.4, 1] * len(workers), "worker": quadlist(ws.address for ws in workers), "escaped_worker": quadlist( escape.url_escape(ws.address) for ws in workers ), "y": quadlist(range(len(workers))), "proc_memory": quadlist(procmemory), "managed": quadlist(managed), "unmanaged_old": quadlist(unmanaged_old), "unmanaged_recent": quadlist(unmanaged_recent), "spilled": quadlist(spilled), } # Remove rectangles with width=0 result = { k: [vi for vi, w in zip(v, width) if w] for k, v in result.items() } self.root.x_range.end = max_limit update(self.source, result) class WorkersMemoryHistogram(DashboardComponent): """Histogram of memory usage, showing how many workers there are in each bucket of usage. Replaces the per-worker graph when there are >= 50 workers. """ def __init__(self, scheduler, **kwargs): with log_errors(): self.last = 0 self.scheduler = scheduler self.source = ColumnDataSource( {"left": [1, 2], "right": [10, 10], "top": [0, 0]} ) self.root = figure( title="Bytes stored per worker", name="workers_memory", id="bk-workers-memory-histogram-plot", y_axis_label="frequency", tools="", **kwargs, ) self.root.xaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0.0 b") self.root.xaxis.ticker = AdaptiveTicker(**TICKS_1024) self.root.xaxis.major_label_orientation = XLABEL_ORIENTATION self.root.xaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 self.root.ygrid.visible = False self.root.toolbar_location = None self.root.quad( source=self.source, left="left", right="right", bottom=0, top="top", color="deepskyblue", fill_alpha=0.5, ) @without_property_validation def update(self): nbytes = np.asarray( [ws.metrics["memory"] for ws in self.scheduler.workers.values()] ) counts, x = np.histogram(nbytes, bins=40) d = {"left": x[:-1], "right": x[1:], "top": counts} update(self.source, d) class BandwidthTypes(DashboardComponent): """Bar chart showing bandwidth per type""" def __init__(self, scheduler, **kwargs): with log_errors(): self.last = 0 self.scheduler = scheduler self.source = ColumnDataSource( { "bandwidth": [1, 2], "bandwidth-half": [0.5, 1], "type": ["a", "b"], "bandwidth_text": ["1", "2"], } ) self.root = figure( title="Bandwidth by Type", tools="", id="bk-bandwidth-type-plot", name="bandwidth_type_histogram", y_range=["a", "b"], **kwargs, ) self.root.xaxis.major_label_orientation = -0.5 rect = self.root.rect( source=self.source, x="bandwidth-half", y="type", width="bandwidth", height=0.9, color="blue", ) self.root.x_range.start = 0 self.root.xaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0.0 b") self.root.xaxis.ticker = AdaptiveTicker(**TICKS_1024) rect.nonselection_glyph = None self.root.xaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 self.root.ygrid.visible = False self.root.toolbar_location = None hover = HoverTool() hover.tooltips = "@type: @bandwidth_text / s" hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" self.root.add_tools(hover) @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors(): bw = self.scheduler.bandwidth_types self.root.y_range.factors = list(sorted(bw)) result = { "bandwidth": list(bw.values()), "bandwidth-half": [b / 2 for b in bw.values()], "type": list(bw.keys()), "bandwidth_text": [format_bytes(x) for x in bw.values()], } self.root.title.text = "Bandwidth: " + format_bytes( self.scheduler.bandwidth ) update(self.source, result) class BandwidthWorkers(DashboardComponent): """How many tasks are on each worker""" def __init__(self, scheduler, **kwargs): with log_errors(): self.last = 0 self.scheduler = scheduler self.source = ColumnDataSource( { "bandwidth": [1, 2], "source": ["a", "b"], "destination": ["a", "b"], "bandwidth_text": ["1", "2"], } ) values = [hex(x)[2:] for x in range(64, 256)][::-1] mapper = linear_cmap( field_name="bandwidth", palette=["#" + x + x + "FF" for x in values], low=0, high=1, ) self.root = figure( title="Bandwidth by Worker", tools="", id="bk-bandwidth-worker-plot", name="bandwidth_worker_heatmap", x_range=["a", "b"], y_range=["a", "b"], **kwargs, ) self.root.xaxis.major_label_orientation = XLABEL_ORIENTATION self.root.rect( source=self.source, x="source", y="destination", color=mapper, height=1, width=1, ) self.color_map = mapper["transform"] color_bar = ColorBar( color_mapper=self.color_map, label_standoff=12, border_line_color=None, location=(0, 0), ) color_bar.formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0.0 b") color_bar.ticker = AdaptiveTicker(**TICKS_1024) self.root.add_layout(color_bar, "right") self.root.toolbar_location = None hover = HoverTool() hover.tooltips = """

Source: @source

Destination: @destination

Bandwidth: @bandwidth_text / s

""" hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" self.root.add_tools(hover) @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors(): bw = self.scheduler.bandwidth_workers if not bw: return def name(address): try: ws = self.scheduler.workers[address] except KeyError: return address if is not None: return str( return address x, y, value = zip(*((name(a), name(b), c) for (a, b), c in bw.items())) self.color_map.high = max(value) factors = list(sorted(set(x + y))) self.root.x_range.factors = factors self.root.y_range.factors = factors[::-1] result = { "source": x, "destination": y, "bandwidth": value, "bandwidth_text": list(map(format_bytes, value)), } self.root.title.text = "Bandwidth: " + format_bytes( self.scheduler.bandwidth ) update(self.source, result) class WorkerNetworkBandwidth(DashboardComponent): """Worker network bandwidth chart Plots horizontal bars with the read_bytes and write_bytes worker state """ def __init__(self, scheduler, **kwargs): with log_errors(): self.scheduler = scheduler self.source = ColumnDataSource( { "y_read": [], "y_write": [], "x_read": [], "x_write": [], "x_read_disk": [], "x_write_disk": [], } ) self.bandwidth = figure( title="Worker Network Bandwidth", tools="", id="bk-worker-net-bandwidth", name="worker_network_bandwidth", **kwargs, ) # read_bytes self.bandwidth.hbar( y="y_read", right="x_read", line_color=None, left=0, height=0.5, fill_color="red", legend_label="read", source=self.source, ) # write_bytes self.bandwidth.hbar( y="y_write", right="x_write", line_color=None, left=0, height=0.5, fill_color="blue", legend_label="write", source=self.source, ) self.bandwidth.axis[0].ticker = BasicTicker(**TICKS_1024) self.bandwidth.xaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0.0 b") self.bandwidth.xaxis.major_label_orientation = XLABEL_ORIENTATION self.bandwidth.xaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 self.bandwidth.x_range = Range1d(start=0) self.bandwidth.yaxis.visible = False self.bandwidth.ygrid.visible = False self.bandwidth.toolbar_location = None self.disk = figure( title="Workers Disk", tools="", id="bk-workers-disk", name="worker_disk", **kwargs, ) # read_bytes_disk self.disk.hbar( y="y_read", right="x_read_disk", line_color=None, left=0, height=0.5, fill_color="red", legend_label="read", source=self.source, ) # write_bytes_disk self.disk.hbar( y="y_write", right="x_write_disk", line_color=None, left=0, height=0.5, fill_color="blue", legend_label="write", source=self.source, ) self.disk.axis[0].ticker = BasicTicker(**TICKS_1024) self.disk.xaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0.0 b") self.disk.xaxis.major_label_orientation = XLABEL_ORIENTATION self.disk.xaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 self.disk.x_range = Range1d(start=0) self.disk.yaxis.visible = False self.disk.ygrid.visible = False self.disk.toolbar_location = None @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors(): workers = self.scheduler.workers.values() h = 0.1 y_read = [i + 0.75 + i * h for i in range(len(workers))] y_write = [i + 0.25 + i * h for i in range(len(workers))] x_read = [] x_write = [] x_read_disk = [] x_write_disk = [] for ws in workers: x_read.append(ws.metrics["read_bytes"]) x_write.append(ws.metrics["write_bytes"]) x_read_disk.append(ws.metrics["read_bytes_disk"]) x_write_disk.append(ws.metrics["write_bytes_disk"]) if self.scheduler.workers: self.bandwidth.x_range.end = max( max(x_read), max(x_write), 100_000_000, 0.95 * self.bandwidth.x_range.end, ) self.disk.x_range.end = max( max(x_read_disk), max(x_write_disk), 100_000_000, 0.95 * self.disk.x_range.end, ) else: self.bandwidth.x_range.end = 100_000_000 self.disk.x_range.end = 100_000_000 result = { "y_read": y_read, "y_write": y_write, "x_read": x_read, "x_write": x_write, "x_read_disk": x_read_disk, "x_write_disk": x_write_disk, } update(self.source, result) class SystemTimeseries(DashboardComponent): """Timeseries for worker network bandwidth, cpu, memory and disk. bandwidth: plots the average of read_bytes and write_bytes for the workers as a function of time. cpu: plots the average of cpu for the workers as a function of time. memory: plots the average of memory for the workers as a function of time. disk: plots the average of read_bytes_disk and write_bytes_disk for the workers as a function of time. The metrics plotted come from the aggregation of from ws.metrics["val"] for ws in scheduler.workers.values() divided by nuber of workers. """ def __init__(self, scheduler, **kwargs): with log_errors(): self.scheduler = scheduler self.source = ColumnDataSource( { "time": [], "read_bytes": [], "write_bytes": [], "cpu": [], "memory": [], "read_bytes_disk": [], "write_bytes_disk": [], } ) update(self.source, self.get_data()) x_range = DataRange1d(follow="end", follow_interval=20000, range_padding=0) tools = "reset, xpan, xwheel_zoom" self.bandwidth = figure( title="Workers Network Bandwidth", x_axis_type="datetime", tools=tools, x_range=x_range, id="bk-worker-network-bandwidth-ts", name="worker_network_bandwidth-timeseries", **kwargs, ) self.bandwidth.line( source=self.source, x="time", y="read_bytes", color="red", legend_label="read (mean)", ) self.bandwidth.line( source=self.source, x="time", y="write_bytes", color="blue", legend_label="write (mean)", ) self.bandwidth.legend.location = "top_left" self.bandwidth.yaxis.axis_label = "bytes / second" self.bandwidth.yaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0.0b") self.bandwidth.y_range.start = 0 self.bandwidth.yaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 self.bandwidth.xgrid.visible = False self.cpu = figure( title="Workers CPU", x_axis_type="datetime", tools=tools, x_range=x_range, id="bk-worker-cpu-ts", name="worker_cpu-timeseries", **kwargs, ) self.cpu.line( source=self.source, x="time", y="cpu", ) self.cpu.yaxis.axis_label = "Utilization" self.cpu.y_range.start = 0 self.cpu.yaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 self.cpu.xgrid.visible = False self.memory = figure( title="Workers Memory", x_axis_type="datetime", tools=tools, x_range=x_range, id="bk-worker-memory-ts", name="worker_memory-timeseries", **kwargs, ) self.memory.line( source=self.source, x="time", y="memory", ) self.memory.yaxis.axis_label = "Bytes" self.memory.yaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0.0b") self.memory.y_range.start = 0 self.memory.yaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 self.memory.xgrid.visible = False self.disk = figure( title="Workers Disk", x_axis_type="datetime", tools=tools, x_range=x_range, id="bk-worker-disk-ts", name="worker_disk-timeseries", **kwargs, ) self.disk.line( source=self.source, x="time", y="read_bytes_disk", color="red", legend_label="read (mean)", ) self.disk.line( source=self.source, x="time", y="write_bytes_disk", color="blue", legend_label="write (mean)", ) self.disk.legend.location = "top_left" self.disk.yaxis.axis_label = "bytes / second" self.disk.yaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0.0b") self.disk.y_range.start = 0 self.disk.yaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 self.disk.xgrid.visible = False def get_data(self): workers = self.scheduler.workers.values() read_bytes = 0 write_bytes = 0 cpu = 0 memory = 0 read_bytes_disk = 0 write_bytes_disk = 0 time = 0 for ws in workers: read_bytes += ws.metrics["read_bytes"] write_bytes += ws.metrics["write_bytes"] cpu += ws.metrics["cpu"] memory += ws.metrics["memory"] read_bytes_disk += ws.metrics["read_bytes_disk"] write_bytes_disk += ws.metrics["write_bytes_disk"] time += ws.metrics["time"] result = { # use `or` to avoid ZeroDivision when no workers "time": [time / (len(workers) or 1) * 1000], "read_bytes": [read_bytes / (len(workers) or 1)], "write_bytes": [write_bytes / (len(workers) or 1)], "cpu": [cpu / (len(workers) or 1)], "memory": [memory / (len(workers) or 1)], "read_bytes_disk": [read_bytes_disk / (len(workers) or 1)], "write_bytes_disk": [write_bytes_disk / (len(workers) or 1)], } return result @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors():, 1000) if self.scheduler.workers: y_end_cpu = sum( ws.nthreads or 1 for ws in self.scheduler.workers.values() ) / len(self.scheduler.workers.values()) y_end_mem = sum( ws.memory_limit for ws in self.scheduler.workers.values() ) / len(self.scheduler.workers.values()) else: y_end_cpu = 1 y_end_mem = 100_000_000 self.cpu.y_range.end = y_end_cpu * 100 self.memory.y_range.end = y_end_mem class ComputePerKey(DashboardComponent): """Bar chart showing time spend in action by key prefix""" def __init__(self, scheduler, **kwargs): with log_errors(): self.last = 0 self.scheduler = scheduler if not in self.scheduler.plugins: self.scheduler.add_plugin(TaskStreamPlugin(self.scheduler)) compute_data = { "times": [0.2, 0.1], "formatted_time": ["0.2 ms", "2.8 us"], "angles": [3.14, 0.785], "color": [ts_color_lookup["transfer"], ts_color_lookup["compute"]], "names": ["sum", "sum_partial"], } self.compute_source = ColumnDataSource(data=compute_data) fig = figure( title="Compute Time Per Task", tools="", id="bk-Compute-by-key-plot", name="compute_time_per_key", x_range=["a", "b"], **kwargs, ) rect = fig.vbar( source=self.compute_source, x="names", top="times", width=0.7, color="color", ) fig.y_range.start = 0 fig.yaxis.axis_label = "Time (s)" fig.yaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0") fig.yaxis.ticker = AdaptiveTicker(**TICKS_1024) fig.xaxis.major_label_orientation = XLABEL_ORIENTATION rect.nonselection_glyph = None fig.xaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 fig.xgrid.visible = False fig.toolbar_location = None hover = HoverTool() hover.tooltips = """

Name: @names

Time: @formatted_time

""" hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" fig.add_tools(hover) fig.add_layout( Title( text="Note: tasks less than 2% of max are not displayed", text_font_style="italic", ), "below", ) self.fig = fig tab1 = Panel(child=fig, title="Bar Chart") fig2 = figure( title="Compute Time Per Task", tools="", id="bk-Compute-by-key-pie", name="compute_time_per_key-pie", x_range=(-0.5, 1.0), **kwargs, ) fig2.wedge( x=0, y=1, radius=0.4, start_angle=cumsum("angles", include_zero=True), end_angle=cumsum("angles"), line_color="white", fill_color="color", legend_field="names", source=self.compute_source, ) fig2.axis.axis_label = None fig2.axis.visible = False fig2.grid.grid_line_color = None fig2.add_layout( Title( text="Note: tasks less than 2% of max are not displayed", text_font_style="italic", ), "below", ) hover = HoverTool() hover.tooltips = """

Name: @names

Time: @formatted_time

""" hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" fig2.add_tools(hover) self.wedge_fig = fig2 tab2 = Panel(child=fig2, title="Pie Chart") self.root = Tabs(tabs=[tab1, tab2]) @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors(): compute_times = defaultdict(float) for key, ts in self.scheduler.task_prefixes.items(): name = key_split(key) for action, t in ts.all_durations.items(): if action == "compute": compute_times[name] += t # order by largest time first compute_times = sorted( compute_times.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True ) # keep only time which are 2% of max or greater if compute_times: max_time = compute_times[0][1] * 0.02 compute_times = [(n, t) for n, t in compute_times if t > max_time] compute_colors = list() compute_names = list() compute_time = list() total_time = 0 for name, t in compute_times: compute_names.append(name) compute_colors.append(ts_color_of(name)) compute_time.append(t) total_time += t angles = [t / total_time * 2 * math.pi for t in compute_time] self.fig.x_range.factors = compute_names compute_result = dict( angles=angles, times=compute_time, color=compute_colors, names=compute_names, formatted_time=[format_time(t) for t in compute_time], ) update(self.compute_source, compute_result) class AggregateAction(DashboardComponent): """Bar chart showing time spend in action by key prefix""" def __init__(self, scheduler, **kwargs): with log_errors(): self.last = 0 self.scheduler = scheduler if not in self.scheduler.plugins: self.scheduler.add_plugin(TaskStreamPlugin(self.scheduler)) action_data = { "times": [0.2, 0.1], "formatted_time": ["0.2 ms", "2.8 us"], "color": [ts_color_lookup["transfer"], ts_color_lookup["compute"]], "names": ["transfer", "compute"], } self.action_source = ColumnDataSource(data=action_data) self.root = figure( title="Aggregate Per Action", tools="", id="bk-aggregate-per-action-plot", name="aggregate_per_action", x_range=["a", "b"], **kwargs, ) rect = self.root.vbar( source=self.action_source, x="names", top="times", width=0.7, color="color", ) self.root.y_range.start = 0 self.root.yaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0") self.root.yaxis.axis_label = "Time (s)" self.root.yaxis.ticker = AdaptiveTicker(**TICKS_1024) self.root.xaxis.major_label_orientation = XLABEL_ORIENTATION self.root.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = "16px" rect.nonselection_glyph = None self.root.xaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 self.root.xgrid.visible = False self.root.toolbar_location = None hover = HoverTool() hover.tooltips = """

Name: @names

Time: @formatted_time

""" hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" self.root.add_tools(hover) @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors(): agg_times = defaultdict(float) for key, ts in self.scheduler.task_prefixes.items(): for action, t in ts.all_durations.items(): agg_times[action] += t # order by largest time first agg_times = sorted(agg_times.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) agg_colors = list() agg_names = list() agg_time = list() for action, t in agg_times: agg_names.append(action) if action == "compute": agg_colors.append("purple") else: agg_colors.append(ts_color_lookup[action]) agg_time.append(t) self.root.x_range.factors = agg_names self.root.title.text = "Aggregate Time Per Action" action_result = dict( times=agg_time, color=agg_colors, names=agg_names, formatted_time=[format_time(t) for t in agg_time], ) update(self.action_source, action_result) class MemoryByKey(DashboardComponent): """Bar chart showing memory use by key prefix""" def __init__(self, scheduler, **kwargs): with log_errors(): self.last = 0 self.scheduler = scheduler self.source = ColumnDataSource( { "name": ["a", "b"], "nbytes": [100, 1000], "count": [1, 2], "color": ["blue", "blue"], } ) self.root = figure( title="Memory Use", tools="", id="bk-memory-by-key-plot", name="memory_by_key", x_range=["a", "b"], **kwargs, ) rect = self.root.vbar( source=self.source, x="name", top="nbytes", width=0.9, color="color" ) self.root.yaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0.0 b") self.root.yaxis.ticker = AdaptiveTicker(**TICKS_1024) self.root.xaxis.major_label_orientation = XLABEL_ORIENTATION rect.nonselection_glyph = None self.root.xaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 self.root.ygrid.visible = False self.root.toolbar_location = None hover = HoverTool() hover.tooltips = "@name: @nbytes_text" hover.tooltips = """

Name: @name

Bytes: @nbytes_text

Count: @count objects

""" hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" self.root.add_tools(hover) @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors(): counts = defaultdict(int) nbytes = defaultdict(int) for ws in self.scheduler.workers.values(): for ts in ws.has_what: ks = key_split(ts.key) counts[ks] += 1 nbytes[ks] += ts.nbytes names = list(sorted(counts)) self.root.x_range.factors = names result = { "name": names, "count": [counts[name] for name in names], "nbytes": [nbytes[name] for name in names], "nbytes_text": [format_bytes(nbytes[name]) for name in names], "color": [color_of(name) for name in names], } self.root.title.text = "Total Use: " + format_bytes(sum(nbytes.values())) update(self.source, result) class CurrentLoad(DashboardComponent): """Tasks and CPU usage on each worker""" def __init__(self, scheduler, width=600, **kwargs): with log_errors(): self.last = 0 self.scheduler = scheduler self.source = ColumnDataSource( { "nprocessing": [], "nprocessing-half": [], "nprocessing-color": [], "cpu": [], "cpu-half": [], "y": [], "worker": [], "escaped_worker": [], } ) processing = figure( title="Tasks Processing", tools="", id="bk-nprocessing-plot", name="processing", width=int(width / 2), min_border_bottom=50, **kwargs, ) rect = processing.rect( source=self.source, x="nprocessing-half", y="y", width="nprocessing", height=0.9, color="nprocessing-color", ) processing.x_range.start = 0 rect.nonselection_glyph = None cpu = figure( title="CPU Utilization", tools="", id="bk-cpu-worker-plot", width=int(width / 2), name="cpu_hist", x_range=(0, 100), min_border_bottom=50, **kwargs, ) rect = cpu.rect( source=self.source, x="cpu-half", y="y", width="cpu", height=0.9, color="blue", ) rect.nonselection_glyph = None for fig in (processing, cpu): fig.xaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 fig.yaxis.visible = False fig.ygrid.visible = False tap = TapTool( callback=OpenURL(url="./info/worker/@escaped_worker.html") ) fig.add_tools(tap) fig.toolbar_location = None fig.yaxis.visible = False hover = HoverTool() hover.tooltips = "@worker : @nprocessing tasks" hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" processing.add_tools(hover) hover = HoverTool() hover.tooltips = "@worker : @cpu %" hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" cpu.add_tools(hover) self.processing_figure = processing self.cpu_figure = cpu @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors(): workers = self.scheduler.workers.values() now = time() if not any(ws.processing for ws in workers) and now < self.last + 1: return self.last = now cpu = [int(ws.metrics["cpu"]) for ws in workers] nprocessing = [len(ws.processing) for ws in workers] nprocessing_color = [] for ws in workers: if ws in self.scheduler.idle: nprocessing_color.append("red") elif ws in self.scheduler.saturated: nprocessing_color.append("green") else: nprocessing_color.append("blue") result = { "cpu": cpu, "cpu-half": [c / 2 for c in cpu], "nprocessing": nprocessing, "nprocessing-half": [np / 2 for np in nprocessing], "nprocessing-color": nprocessing_color, "worker": [ws.address for ws in workers], "escaped_worker": [escape.url_escape(ws.address) for ws in workers], "y": list(range(len(workers))), } if self.scheduler.workers: xrange = max(ws.nthreads or 1 for ws in workers) else: xrange = 1 self.cpu_figure.x_range.end = xrange * 100 update(self.source, result) class StealingTimeSeries(DashboardComponent): def __init__(self, scheduler, **kwargs): self.scheduler = scheduler self.source = ColumnDataSource( { "time": [time() * 1000, time() * 1000 + 1], "idle": [0, 0], "saturated": [0, 0], } ) x_range = DataRange1d(follow="end", follow_interval=20000, range_padding=0) self.root = figure( title="Idle and Saturated Workers Over Time", x_axis_type="datetime", tools="", x_range=x_range, **kwargs, ) self.root.line(source=self.source, x="time", y="idle", color="red") self.root.line(source=self.source, x="time", y="saturated", color="green") self.root.yaxis.minor_tick_line_color = None self.root.add_tools( ResetTool(), PanTool(dimensions="width"), WheelZoomTool(dimensions="width") ) @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors(): result = { "time": [time() * 1000], "idle": [len(self.scheduler.idle)], "saturated": [len(self.scheduler.saturated)], } if PROFILING: curdoc().add_next_tick_callback( lambda:, 10000) ) else:, 10000) class StealingEvents(DashboardComponent): def __init__(self, scheduler, **kwargs): self.scheduler = scheduler self.steal = scheduler.extensions["stealing"] self.last = 0 self.source = ColumnDataSource( { "time": [time() - 20, time()], "level": [0, 15], "color": ["white", "white"], "duration": [0, 0], "radius": [1, 1], "cost_factor": [0, 10], "count": [1, 1], } ) x_range = DataRange1d(follow="end", follow_interval=20000, range_padding=0) self.root = figure( title="Stealing Events", x_axis_type="datetime", tools="", x_range=x_range, **kwargs, ) source=self.source, x="time", y="level", color="color", size="radius", alpha=0.5, ) self.root.yaxis.axis_label = "Level" hover = HoverTool() hover.tooltips = "Level: @level, Duration: @duration, Count: @count, Cost factor: @cost_factor" hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" self.root.add_tools( hover, ResetTool(), PanTool(dimensions="width"), WheelZoomTool(dimensions="width"), ) def convert(self, msgs): """Convert a log message to a glyph""" total_duration = 0 for msg in msgs: time, level, key, duration, sat, occ_sat, idl, occ_idl = msg total_duration += duration try: color = Viridis11[level] except (KeyError, IndexError): color = "black" radius = math.sqrt(min(total_duration, 10)) * 30 + 2 d = { "time": time * 1000, "level": level, "count": len(msgs), "color": color, "duration": total_duration, "radius": radius, "cost_factor": self.steal.cost_multipliers[level], } return d @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors(): log = self.scheduler.get_events(topic="stealing") current = len(["stealing"]) n = current - self.last log = [log[-i][1] for i in range(1, n + 1) if isinstance(log[-i][1], list)] self.last = current if log: new = pipe( log, map(groupby(1)), map(dict.values), concat, map(self.convert), list, transpose, ) if PROFILING: curdoc().add_next_tick_callback( lambda:, 10000) ) else:, 10000) class Events(DashboardComponent): def __init__(self, scheduler, name, height=150, **kwargs): self.scheduler = scheduler self.action_ys = dict() self.last = 0 = name self.source = ColumnDataSource( {"time": [], "action": [], "hover": [], "y": [], "color": []} ) x_range = DataRange1d(follow="end", follow_interval=200000) self.root = figure( title=name, x_axis_type="datetime", height=height, tools="", x_range=x_range, **kwargs, ) source=self.source, x="time", y="y", color="color", size=50, alpha=0.5, legend_field="action", ) self.root.yaxis.axis_label = "Action" self.root.legend.location = "top_left" hover = HoverTool() hover.tooltips = "@action
@hover" hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" self.root.add_tools( hover, ResetTool(), PanTool(dimensions="width"), WheelZoomTool(dimensions="width"), ) @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors(): log =[] n = self.scheduler.event_counts[] - self.last if log: log = [log[-i] for i in range(1, n + 1)] self.last = self.scheduler.event_counts[] if log: actions = [] times = [] hovers = [] ys = [] colors = [] for msg_time, msg in log: times.append(msg_time * 1000) action = msg["action"] actions.append(action) try: ys.append(self.action_ys[action]) except KeyError: self.action_ys[action] = len(self.action_ys) ys.append(self.action_ys[action]) colors.append(color_of(action)) hovers.append("TODO") new = { "time": times, "action": actions, "hover": hovers, "y": ys, "color": colors, } if PROFILING: curdoc().add_next_tick_callback( lambda:, 10000) ) else:, 10000) class TaskStream(DashboardComponent): def __init__(self, scheduler, n_rectangles=1000, clear_interval="20s", **kwargs): self.scheduler = scheduler self.offset = 0 if not in self.scheduler.plugins: self.scheduler.add_plugin(TaskStreamPlugin(self.scheduler)) self.plugin = self.scheduler.plugins[] self.index = max(0, self.plugin.index - n_rectangles) self.workers = dict() self.n_rectangles = n_rectangles clear_interval = parse_timedelta(clear_interval, default="ms") self.clear_interval = clear_interval self.last = 0 self.last_seen = 0 self.source, self.root = task_stream_figure(clear_interval, **kwargs) # Required for update callback self.task_stream_index = [0] @without_property_validation def update(self): if self.index == self.plugin.index: return with log_errors(): if self.index and len(["start"]): start = min(["start"]) duration = max(["duration"]) boundary = (self.offset + start - duration) / 1000 else: boundary = self.offset rectangles = self.plugin.rectangles( istart=self.index, workers=self.workers, start_boundary=boundary ) n = len(rectangles["name"]) self.index = self.plugin.index if not rectangles["start"]: return # If it has been a while since we've updated the plot if time() > self.last_seen + self.clear_interval: new_start = min(rectangles["start"]) - self.offset old_start = min(["start"]) old_end = max( map( operator.add,["start"],["duration"], ) ) density = ( sum(["duration"]) / len(self.workers) / (old_end - old_start) ) # If whitespace is more than 3x the old width if (new_start - old_end) > (old_end - old_start) * 2 or density < 0.05:{k: [] for k in rectangles}) # clear self.offset = min(rectangles["start"]) # redefine offset rectangles["start"] = [x - self.offset for x in rectangles["start"]] self.last_seen = time() # Convert to numpy for serialization speed if n >= 10 and np: for k, v in rectangles.items(): if isinstance(v[0], Number): rectangles[k] = np.array(v) if PROFILING: curdoc().add_next_tick_callback( lambda:, self.n_rectangles) ) else:, self.n_rectangles) def task_stream_figure(clear_interval="20s", **kwargs): """ kwargs are applied to the bokeh.models.plots.Plot constructor """ clear_interval = parse_timedelta(clear_interval, default="ms") source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( start=[time() - clear_interval], duration=[0.1], key=["start"], name=["start"], color=["white"], duration_text=["100 ms"], worker=["foo"], y=[0], worker_thread=[1], alpha=[0.0], ) ) x_range = DataRange1d(range_padding=0) y_range = DataRange1d(range_padding=0) root = figure( name="task_stream", title="Task Stream", id="bk-task-stream-plot", x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, toolbar_location="above", x_axis_type="datetime", y_axis_location=None, tools="", min_border_bottom=50, **kwargs, ) rect = root.rect( source=source, x="start", y="y", width="duration", height=0.4, fill_color="color", line_color="color", line_alpha=0.6, fill_alpha="alpha", line_width=3, ) rect.nonselection_glyph = None root.yaxis.major_label_text_alpha = 0 root.yaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 root.yaxis.major_tick_line_alpha = 0 root.xgrid.visible = False hover = HoverTool( point_policy="follow_mouse", tooltips="""
@name:  @duration_text
""", ) tap = TapTool(callback=OpenURL(url="./profile?key=@name")) root.add_tools( hover, tap, BoxZoomTool(), ResetTool(), PanTool(dimensions="width"), WheelZoomTool(dimensions="width"), ) if ExportTool: export = ExportTool() export.register_plot(root) root.add_tools(export) return source, root class TaskGraph(DashboardComponent): """ A dynamic node-link diagram for the task graph on the scheduler See also the GraphLayout diagnostic at distributed/diagnostics/ """ def __init__(self, scheduler, **kwargs): self.scheduler = scheduler self.layout = GraphLayout(scheduler) scheduler.add_plugin(self.layout) self.invisible_count = 0 # number of invisible nodes self.node_source = ColumnDataSource( {"x": [], "y": [], "name": [], "state": [], "visible": [], "key": []} ) self.edge_source = ColumnDataSource({"x": [], "y": [], "visible": []}) node_view = CDSView( filters=[GroupFilter(column_name="visible", group="True")], ) edge_view = CDSView( filters=[GroupFilter(column_name="visible", group="True")], ) # Bokeh >= 3.0 automatically infers the source to use if BOKEH_VERSION.major < 3: node_view.source = self.node_source edge_view.source = self.edge_source node_colors = factor_cmap( "state", factors=["waiting", "processing", "memory", "released", "erred"], palette=["gray", "green", "red", "blue", "black"], ) self.root = figure(title="Task Graph", **kwargs) self.subtitle = Title(text=" ", text_font_style="italic") self.root.add_layout(self.subtitle, "above") self.root.multi_line( xs="x", ys="y", source=self.edge_source, line_width=1, view=edge_view, color="black", alpha=0.3, ) rect = self.root.square( x="x", y="y", size=10, color=node_colors, source=self.node_source, view=node_view, legend_field="state", ) self.root.xgrid.grid_line_color = None self.root.ygrid.grid_line_color = None hover = HoverTool( point_policy="follow_mouse", tooltips="@name: @state", renderers=[rect], ) tap = TapTool(callback=OpenURL(url="info/task/@key.html"), renderers=[rect]) rect.nonselection_glyph = None self.root.add_tools(hover, tap) self.max_items = config.get("distributed.dashboard.graph-max-items", 5000) @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors(): # If there are too many tasks in the scheduler we'll disable this # compoonents to not overload scheduler or client. Once we drop # below the threshold, the data is filled up again as usual if len(self.scheduler.tasks) > self.max_items: self.subtitle.text = "Scheduler has too many tasks to display." for container in [self.node_source, self.edge_source]: = {col: [] for col in container.column_names} else: # occasionally reset the column data source to remove old nodes if self.invisible_count > len(["x"]) / 2: self.layout.reset_index() self.invisible_count = 0 update = True else: update = False new, =, [] new_edges = self.layout.new_edges self.layout.new_edges = [] self.add_new_nodes_edges(new, new_edges, update=update) self.patch_updates() if len(self.scheduler.tasks) == 0: self.subtitle.text = "Scheduler is empty." else: self.subtitle.text = " " @without_property_validation def add_new_nodes_edges(self, new, new_edges, update=False): if new or update: node_key = [] node_x = [] node_y = [] node_state = [] node_name = [] edge_x = [] edge_y = [] x = self.layout.x y = self.layout.y tasks = self.scheduler.tasks for key in new: try: task = tasks[key] except KeyError: continue xx = x[key] yy = y[key] node_key.append(escape.url_escape(key)) node_x.append(xx) node_y.append(yy) node_state.append(task.state) node_name.append( for a, b in new_edges: try: edge_x.append([x[a], x[b]]) edge_y.append([y[a], y[b]]) except KeyError: pass node = { "x": node_x, "y": node_y, "state": node_state, "name": node_name, "key": node_key, "visible": ["True"] * len(node_x), } edge = {"x": edge_x, "y": edge_y, "visible": ["True"] * len(edge_x)} if update or not len(["x"]): # see else: @without_property_validation def patch_updates(self): """ Small updates like color changes or lost nodes from task transitions """ n = len(["x"]) m = len(["x"]) if self.layout.state_updates: state_updates = self.layout.state_updates self.layout.state_updates = [] updates = [(i, c) for i, c in state_updates if i < n] self.node_source.patch({"state": updates}) if self.layout.visible_updates: updates = self.layout.visible_updates updates = [(i, c) for i, c in updates if i < n] self.layout.visible_updates = [] self.node_source.patch({"visible": updates}) self.invisible_count += len(updates) if self.layout.visible_edge_updates: updates = self.layout.visible_edge_updates updates = [(i, c) for i, c in updates if i < m] self.layout.visible_edge_updates = [] self.edge_source.patch({"visible": updates}) def __del__(self): self.scheduler.remove_plugin( class TaskGroupGraph(DashboardComponent): """ Task Group Graph Creates a graph layout for TaskGroups on the scheduler. It assigns (x, y) locations to all the TaskGroups and lays them out by according to their dependencies. The layout gets updated every time that new TaskGroups are added. Each task group node incodes information about task progress, memory, and output type into glyphs, as well as a hover tooltip with more detailed information on name, computation time, memory, and tasks status. """ def __init__(self, scheduler, **kwargs): self.scheduler = scheduler self.nodes_layout = {} self.arrows_layout = {} self.old_counter = -1 self.nodes_source = ColumnDataSource( { "x": [], "y": [], "w_box": [], "h_box": [], "name": [], "tot_tasks": [], "color": [], "x_start": [], "x_end": [], "y_start": [], "y_end": [], "x_end_progress": [], "mem_alpha": [], "node_line_width": [], "comp_tasks": [], "url_logo": [], "x_logo": [], "y_logo": [], "w_logo": [], "h_logo": [], "in_processing": [], "in_memory": [], "in_released": [], "in_erred": [], "compute_time": [], "memory": [], } ) self.arrows_source = ColumnDataSource({"xs": [], "ys": [], "xe": [], "ye": []}) self.root = figure(title="Task Groups Graph", match_aspect=True, **kwargs) self.root.axis.visible = False self.subtitle = Title(text=" ", text_font_style="italic") self.root.add_layout(self.subtitle, "above") rect = self.root.rect( x="x", y="y", width="w_box", height="h_box", color="color", fill_alpha="mem_alpha", line_color="black", line_width="node_line_width", source=self.nodes_source, ) # plot tg log self.root.image_url( url="url_logo", x="x_logo", y="y_logo", w="w_logo", h="h_logo", anchor="center", source=self.nodes_source, ) # progress bar plain box self.root.quad( left="x_start", right="x_end", bottom="y_start", top="y_end", color=None, line_color="black", source=self.nodes_source, ) # progress bar self.root.quad( left="x_start", right="x_end_progress", bottom="y_start", top="y_end", color="color", line_color=None, fill_alpha=0.6, source=self.nodes_source, ) self.arrows = Arrow( end=VeeHead(size=8), line_color="black", line_alpha=0.5, line_width=1, x_start="xs", y_start="ys", x_end="xe", y_end="ye", source=self.arrows_source, ) self.root.add_layout(self.arrows) self.root.xgrid.grid_line_color = None self.root.ygrid.grid_line_color = None self.root.x_range.range_padding = 0.5 self.root.y_range.range_padding = 0.5 hover = HoverTool( point_policy="follow_mouse", tooltips="""
Name:  @name
Compute time:  @compute_time
Memory:  @memory
Tasks:  @tot_tasks
Completed:  @comp_tasks
Processing:  @in_processing
In memory:  @in_memory
Erred:  @in_erred
Released:  @in_released
""", renderers=[rect], ) self.root.add_tools(hover) @without_property_validation def update_layout(self): with log_errors(): # Get dependecies per task group. # In some cases there are tg that have themselves as dependencies - we remove those. dependencies = { k: { for ds in ts.dependencies if != k} for k, ts in self.scheduler.task_groups.items() } import dask order = dask.order.order( dsk={ 1 for k, group in self.scheduler.task_groups.items()}, dependencies=dependencies, ) ordered = sorted(self.scheduler.task_groups, key=order.get) xs = {} ys = {} locations = set() nodes_layout = {} arrows_layout = {} for tg in ordered: if dependencies[tg]: x = max(xs[dep] for dep in dependencies[tg]) + 1 y = max(ys[dep] for dep in dependencies[tg]) if ( len(dependencies[tg]) > 1 and len({ys[dep] for dep in dependencies[tg]}) == 1 ): y += 1 else: x = 0 y = max(ys.values()) + 1 if ys else 0 while (x, y) in locations: # avoid collisions by moving up y += 1 locations.add((x, y)) xs[tg], ys[tg] = x, y # info neded for node layout to coulmn data source nodes_layout[tg] = {"x": xs[tg], "y": ys[tg]} # info needed for arrow layout arrows_layout[tg] = { "nstart": dependencies[tg], "nend": [tg] * len(dependencies[tg]), } return nodes_layout, arrows_layout def compute_size(self, x, min_box, max_box): start = 0.4 end = 0.8 y = (end - start) / (max_box - min_box) * (x - min_box) + start return y @without_property_validation def update(self): if self.scheduler.transition_counter == self.old_counter: return self.old_counter = self.scheduler.transition_counter if not self.scheduler.task_groups: self.subtitle.text = "Scheduler is empty." else: self.subtitle.text = " " if self.nodes_layout.keys() != self.scheduler.task_groups.keys(): self.nodes_layout, self.arrows_layout = self.update_layout() nodes_data = { "x": [], "y": [], "w_box": [], "h_box": [], "name": [], "color": [], "tot_tasks": [], "x_start": [], "x_end": [], "y_start": [], "y_end": [], "x_end_progress": [], "mem_alpha": [], "node_line_width": [], "comp_tasks": [], "url_logo": [], "x_logo": [], "y_logo": [], "w_logo": [], "h_logo": [], "in_processing": [], "in_memory": [], "in_released": [], "in_erred": [], "compute_time": [], "memory": [], } arrows_data = { "xs": [], "ys": [], "xe": [], "ye": [], } durations = set() nbytes = set() for key, tg in self.scheduler.task_groups.items(): if tg.duration and tg.nbytes_total: durations.add(tg.duration) nbytes.add(tg.nbytes_total) durations_min = min(durations, default=0) durations_max = max(durations, default=0) nbytes_min = min(nbytes, default=0) nbytes_max = max(nbytes, default=0) box_dim = {} for key, tg in self.scheduler.task_groups.items(): comp_tasks = ( tg.states["released"] + tg.states["memory"] + tg.states["erred"] ) tot_tasks = sum(tg.states.values()) # compute width and height of boxes if ( tg.duration and tg.nbytes_total and comp_tasks and len(durations) > 1 and len(nbytes) > 1 ): # scale duration (width) width_box = self.compute_size( tg.duration / comp_tasks * tot_tasks, min_box=durations_min / comp_tasks * tot_tasks, max_box=durations_max / comp_tasks * tot_tasks, ) # need to scale memory (height) height_box = self.compute_size( tg.nbytes_total / comp_tasks * tot_tasks, min_box=nbytes_min / comp_tasks * tot_tasks, max_box=nbytes_max / comp_tasks * tot_tasks, ) else: width_box = 0.6 height_box = width_box / 2 box_dim[key] = {"width": width_box, "height": height_box} for key, tg in self.scheduler.task_groups.items(): x = self.nodes_layout[key]["x"] y = self.nodes_layout[key]["y"] width = box_dim[key]["width"] height = box_dim[key]["height"] # main boxes layout nodes_data["x"].append(x) nodes_data["y"].append(y) nodes_data["w_box"].append(width) nodes_data["h_box"].append(height) comp_tasks = ( tg.states["released"] + tg.states["memory"] + tg.states["erred"] ) tot_tasks = sum(tg.states.values()) nodes_data["name"].append( nodes_data["color"].append(color_of( nodes_data["tot_tasks"].append(tot_tasks) # memory alpha factor by 0.4 if not get's too dark nodes_data["mem_alpha"].append( (tg.states["memory"] / sum(tg.states.values())) * 0.4 ) # main box line width if tg.states["processing"]: nodes_data["node_line_width"].append(5) else: nodes_data["node_line_width"].append(1) # progress bar data update nodes_data["x_start"].append(x - width / 2) nodes_data["x_end"].append(x + width / 2) nodes_data["y_start"].append(y - height / 2) nodes_data["y_end"].append(y - height / 2 + height * 0.4) nodes_data["x_end_progress"].append( x - width / 2 + width * comp_tasks / tot_tasks ) # arrows arrows_data["xs"] += [ self.nodes_layout[k]["x"] + box_dim[k]["width"] / 2 for k in self.arrows_layout[key]["nstart"] ] arrows_data["ys"] += [ self.nodes_layout[k]["y"] for k in self.arrows_layout[key]["nstart"] ] arrows_data["xe"] += [ self.nodes_layout[k]["x"] - box_dim[k]["width"] / 2 for k in self.arrows_layout[key]["nend"] ] arrows_data["ye"] += [ self.nodes_layout[k]["y"] for k in self.arrows_layout[key]["nend"] ] # LOGOS if len(tg.types) == 1: logo_type = next(iter(tg.types)).split(".")[0] try: url_logo = logos_dict[logo_type] except KeyError: url_logo = "" else: url_logo = "" nodes_data["url_logo"].append(url_logo) nodes_data["x_logo"].append(x + width / 3) nodes_data["y_logo"].append(y + height / 3) ratio = width / height if ratio > 1: nodes_data["h_logo"].append(height * 0.3) nodes_data["w_logo"].append(width * 0.3 / ratio) else: nodes_data["h_logo"].append(height * 0.3 * ratio) nodes_data["w_logo"].append(width * 0.3) # compute_time and memory nodes_data["compute_time"].append(format_time(tg.duration)) nodes_data["memory"].append(format_bytes(tg.nbytes_total)) # Add some status to hover tasks_processing = tg.states["processing"] tasks_memory = tg.states["memory"] tasks_relased = tg.states["released"] tasks_erred = tg.states["erred"] nodes_data["comp_tasks"].append( f"{comp_tasks} ({comp_tasks / tot_tasks * 100:.0f} %)" ) nodes_data["in_processing"].append( f"{tasks_processing} ({tasks_processing/ tot_tasks * 100:.0f} %)" ) nodes_data["in_memory"].append( f"{tasks_memory} ({tasks_memory/ tot_tasks * 100:.0f} %)" ) nodes_data["in_released"].append( f"{tasks_relased} ({tasks_relased/ tot_tasks * 100:.0f} %)" ) nodes_data["in_erred"].append( f"{ tasks_erred} ({tasks_erred/ tot_tasks * 100:.0f} %)" ) class TaskGroupProgress(DashboardComponent): """Stacked area chart showing task groups through time""" def __init__(self, scheduler, **kwargs): self.scheduler = scheduler self.source = ColumnDataSource() # The length of timeseries to chart (in units of plugin.dt) self.npts = 180 if not in scheduler.plugins: scheduler.add_plugin(plugin=GroupTiming(scheduler)) self.plugin = scheduler.plugins[] self.source.add(np.array(self.plugin.time) * 1000.0, "time") x_range = DataRange1d(range_padding=0) y_range = Range1d(0, max(self.plugin.nthreads)) self.root = figure( id="bk-task-group-progress-plot", title="Task Group Progress", name="task_group_progress", toolbar_location="above", min_border_bottom=50, x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, tools="", x_axis_type="datetime", y_axis_location=None, **kwargs, ) self.root.yaxis.major_label_text_alpha = 0 self.root.yaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 self.root.yaxis.major_tick_line_alpha = 0 self.root.xgrid.visible = False self.root.add_tools( BoxZoomTool(), ResetTool(), PanTool(dimensions="width"), WheelZoomTool(dimensions="width"), ) self._hover = None self._last_drawn = None self._offset = time() self._last_transition_count = scheduler.transition_counter # OrderedDict so we can make a reverse iterator later and get the # most-recently-added glyphs. self._renderers = OrderedDict() self._line_renderers = OrderedDict() def _should_add_new_renderers(self) -> bool: """ Whether to add new renderers to the chart. When a new set of task groups enters the scheduler we'd like to start rendering them. But it can be expensive to add new glyps, so we do it deliberately, checking whether we have to do it and whether the scheduler seems busy. """ # Always draw if we have not before if not self._last_drawn: return True # Don't draw if there have been no new tasks completed since the last update, # or if the scheduler CPU is occupied. if ( self._last_transition_count == self.scheduler.transition_counter or self.scheduler.proc.cpu_percent() > 50 ): return False # Only return true if there are new task groups that we have not yet added # to the ColumnDataSource. return not set(self.plugin.compute.keys()) <= set( def _should_update(self) -> bool: """ Whether to update the ColumnDataSource. This is cheaper than redrawing, but still not free, so we check whether we need it and whether the scheudler is busy. """ return ( self._last_transition_count != self.scheduler.transition_counter and self.scheduler.proc.cpu_percent() < 50 ) def _get_timeseries(self, restrict_to_existing=False): """ Update the ColumnDataSource with our time series data. restrict_to_existing determines whether to add new task groups which might have been added since the last time we rendered. This is important as we want to add new stackers very deliberately. """ # Get the front/back indices for most recent npts bins out of the timeseries front = max(len(self.plugin.time) - self.npts, 0) back = None # Remove any periods of zero compute at the front or back of the timeseries if len(self.plugin.compute): agg = sum([np.array(v[front:]) for v in self.plugin.compute.values()]) front2 = len(agg) - len(np.trim_zeros(agg, trim="f")) front += front2 back = len(np.trim_zeros(agg, trim="b")) - len(agg) or None prepend = ( self.plugin.time[front - 1] if front >= 1 else self.plugin.time[front] - self.plugin.dt ) timestamps = np.array(self.plugin.time[front:back]) dt = np.diff(timestamps, prepend=prepend) if restrict_to_existing: new_data = { k: np.array(v[front:back]) / dt for k, v in self.plugin.compute.items() if k in } else: new_data = valmap( lambda x: np.array(x[front:back]) / dt, self.plugin.compute, ) new_data["time"] = ( timestamps - self._offset ) * 1000.0 # bokeh likes milliseconds new_data["nthreads"] = np.array(self.plugin.nthreads[front:back]) return new_data @without_property_validation def update(self): """ Maybe update the chart. This is somewhat expensive to draw, so we update it pretty defensively. """ with log_errors(): if self._should_add_new_renderers(): # Update the chart, allowing for new task groups to be added. new_data = self._get_timeseries(restrict_to_existing=False) = new_data # Possibly update the y range if the number of threads has increased. max_nthreads = max(self.plugin.nthreads) if self.root.y_range.end != max_nthreads: self.root.y_range.end = max_nthreads stackers = list(self.plugin.compute.keys()) colors = [color_of(key_split(k)) for k in stackers] for i, (group, color) in enumerate(zip(stackers, colors)): # If we have already drawn the group, but it is all zero, # set it to be invisible. if group in self._renderers: if not np.count_nonzero(new_data[group]) > 0: self._renderers[group].visible = False self._line_renderers[group].visible = False else: self._renderers[group].visible = True self._line_renderers[group].visible = True continue # Draw the new area and line glyphs. renderer = self.root.varea( x="time", y1=stack(*stackers[:i]), y2=stack(*stackers[: i + 1]), color=color, alpha=0.5, source=self.source, ) self._renderers[group] = renderer line_renderer = self.root.line( x="time", y=stack(*stackers[: i + 1]), color=color, alpha=1.0, source=self.source, ) self._line_renderers[group] = line_renderer # Don't add hover until there is something to show, as bokehjs seems to # have trouble with custom hovers when there are no renderers. if self.plugin.compute and self._hover is None: # Add a hover that will show occupancy for all currently active # task groups. This is a little tricky, bokeh doesn't (yet) support # hit tests for stacked area charts: # Instead, show a single vline hover which lists the currently active task # groups. A custom formatter in JS-land pulls the relevant data index and # assembles the tooltip. formatter = CustomJSHover(code="return '';") self._hover = HoverTool( tooltips="""
Worker thread occupancy
""", mode="vline", line_policy="nearest", attachment="horizontal", formatters={"$index": formatter}, ) self.root.add_tools(self._hover) if self._hover: # Create a custom tooltip that: # 1. Includes nthreads # 2. Filters out inactive task groups # (ones without any compute during the relevant dt) # 3. Colors the labels appropriately. formatter = CustomJSHover( code=""" const colormap = %s; const divs = []; for (let k of Object.keys( { const val =[k][value]; const color = colormap[k]; if (k === "time" || k === "nthreads" || val < 1.e-3) { continue; } const label = k.length >= 20 ? k.slice(0, 20) + '…' : k; // Unshift so that the ordering of the labels is the same as // the ordering of the stackers. divs.unshift( '
' + '' + label + '' + ': ' + val.toFixed(1) + '
' ) } divs.unshift( '
' + 'nthreads: ' +[value] + '
' ); return divs.join('\\n') """ % dict( zip(stackers, colors) ), # sneak the color mapping into the callback args={"source": self.source}, ) # Add the HoverTool to the top line renderer. top_line = None for line in reversed(self._line_renderers.values()): if line.visible: top_line = line break self._hover.renderers = [top_line] self._hover.formatters = {"$index": formatter} self._last_drawn = time() self._last_transition_count = self.scheduler.transition_counter elif self._should_update(): # Possibly update the y range if new threads have been added max_nthreads = max(self.plugin.nthreads) if self.root.y_range.end != max_nthreads: self.root.y_range.end = max_nthreads # Update the data, only including existing columns, rather than redrawing # the whole chart. = self._get_timeseries(restrict_to_existing=True) self._last_transition_count = self.scheduler.transition_counter class TaskProgress(DashboardComponent): """Progress bars per task type""" def __init__(self, scheduler, **kwargs): self.scheduler = scheduler data = progress_quads( dict(all={}, memory={}, erred={}, released={}, processing={}) ) self.source = ColumnDataSource(data=data) x_range = DataRange1d(range_padding=0) y_range = Range1d(-8, 0) self.root = figure( id="bk-task-progress-plot", title="Progress", name="task_progress", x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, toolbar_location=None, tools="", min_border_bottom=50, **kwargs, ) self.root.line( # just to define early ranges x=[0, 0.9], y=[-1, 0], line_color="#FFFFFF", alpha=0.0 ) self.root.quad( source=self.source, top="top", bottom="bottom", left="left", right="right", fill_color="#aaaaaa", line_color="#aaaaaa", fill_alpha=0.1, line_alpha=0.3, ) self.root.quad( source=self.source, top="top", bottom="bottom", left="left", right="released-loc", fill_color="color", line_color="color", fill_alpha=0.6, ) self.root.quad( source=self.source, top="top", bottom="bottom", left="released-loc", right="memory-loc", fill_color="color", line_color="color", fill_alpha=1.0, ) self.root.quad( source=self.source, top="top", bottom="bottom", left="memory-loc", right="erred-loc", fill_color="black", fill_alpha=0.5, line_alpha=0, ) self.root.quad( source=self.source, top="top", bottom="bottom", left="erred-loc", right="processing-loc", fill_color="gray", fill_alpha=0.35, line_alpha=0, ) self.root.text( source=self.source, text="show-name", y="bottom", x="left", x_offset=5, text_font_size=value("10pt"), ) self.root.text( source=self.source, text="done", y="bottom", x="right", x_offset=-5, text_align="right", text_font_size=value("10pt"), ) self.root.ygrid.visible = False self.root.yaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 self.root.yaxis.visible = False self.root.xgrid.visible = False self.root.xaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 self.root.xaxis.visible = False hover = HoverTool( point_policy="follow_mouse", tooltips="""
Name:  @name
All:  @all
Memory:  @memory
Erred:  @erred
Ready:  @processing
""", ) self.root.add_tools(hover) @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors(): state = { "memory": {}, "erred": {}, "released": {}, "processing": {}, "waiting": {}, } for tp in self.scheduler.task_prefixes.values(): active_states = tp.active_states if any(active_states.get(s) for s in state.keys()): state["memory"][] = active_states["memory"] state["erred"][] = active_states["erred"] state["released"][] = active_states["released"] state["processing"][] = active_states["processing"] state["waiting"][] = active_states["waiting"] state["all"] = { k: sum(v[k] for v in state.values()) for k in state["memory"] } if not state["all"] and not len(["all"]): return d = progress_quads(state) update(self.source, d) totals = { k: sum(state[k].values()) for k in ["all", "memory", "erred", "released", "waiting"] } totals["processing"] = totals["all"] - sum( v for k, v in totals.items() if k != "all" ) self.root.title.text = ( "Progress -- total: %(all)s, " "in-memory: %(memory)s, processing: %(processing)s, " "waiting: %(waiting)s, " "erred: %(erred)s" % totals ) class WorkerTable(DashboardComponent): """Status of the current workers This is two plots, a text-based table for each host and a thin horizontal plot laying out hosts by their current memory use. """ excluded_names = { "executing", "in_flight", "in_memory", "ready", "time", "spilled_nbytes", } def __init__(self, scheduler, width=800, **kwargs): self.scheduler = scheduler self.names = [ "name", "address", "nthreads", "cpu", "memory", "memory_limit", "memory_percent", "memory_managed_in_memory", "memory_unmanaged_old", "memory_unmanaged_recent", "memory_spilled", "num_fds", "read_bytes", "write_bytes", "cpu_fraction", ] workers = self.scheduler.workers.values() self.extra_names = sorted( { m for ws in workers for m, v in ws.metrics.items() if m not in self.names and isinstance(v, (str, int, float)) } - self.excluded_names ) table_names = [ "name", "address", "nthreads", "cpu", "memory", "memory_limit", "memory_percent", "memory_managed_in_memory", "memory_unmanaged_old", "memory_unmanaged_recent", "memory_spilled", "num_fds", "read_bytes", "write_bytes", ] column_title_renames = { "memory_limit": "limit", "memory_percent": "memory %", "memory_managed_in_memory": "managed", "memory_unmanaged_old": "unmanaged old", "memory_unmanaged_recent": "unmanaged recent", "memory_spilled": "spilled", "num_fds": "# fds", "read_bytes": "read", "write_bytes": "write", } self.source = ColumnDataSource({k: [] for k in self.names}) columns = { name: TableColumn(field=name, title=column_title_renames.get(name, name)) for name in table_names } formatters = { "cpu": NumberFormatter(format="0 %"), "memory_percent": NumberFormatter(format="0.0 %"), "memory": NumberFormatter(format="0.0 b"), "memory_limit": NumberFormatter(format="0.0 b"), "memory_managed_in_memory": NumberFormatter(format="0.0 b"), "memory_unmanaged_old": NumberFormatter(format="0.0 b"), "memory_unmanaged_recent": NumberFormatter(format="0.0 b"), "memory_spilled": NumberFormatter(format="0.0 b"), "read_bytes": NumberFormatter(format="0 b"), "write_bytes": NumberFormatter(format="0 b"), "num_fds": NumberFormatter(format="0"), "nthreads": NumberFormatter(format="0"), } table = DataTable( source=self.source, columns=[columns[n] for n in table_names], reorderable=True, sortable=True, width=width, index_position=None, ) for name in table_names: if name in formatters: table.columns[table_names.index(name)].formatter = formatters[name] extra_names = ["name", "address"] + self.extra_names extra_columns = { name: TableColumn(field=name, title=column_title_renames.get(name, name)) for name in extra_names } extra_table = DataTable( source=self.source, columns=[extra_columns[n] for n in extra_names], reorderable=True, sortable=True, width=width, index_position=None, ) hover = HoverTool( point_policy="follow_mouse", tooltips="""
Worker (@name): @memory_percent{0.0 %}
""", ) mem_plot = figure( title="Memory Use (%)", toolbar_location=None, x_range=(0, 1), y_range=(-0.1, 0.1), height=60, width=width, tools="", min_border_right=0, **kwargs, ) source=self.source, x="memory_percent", y=0, size=10, fill_alpha=0.5 ) mem_plot.ygrid.visible = False mem_plot.yaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 mem_plot.xaxis.visible = False mem_plot.yaxis.visible = False mem_plot.add_tools(hover, BoxSelectTool()) hover = HoverTool( point_policy="follow_mouse", tooltips="""
Worker (@name): @cpu_fraction{0 %}
""", ) cpu_plot = figure( title="CPU Use (%)", toolbar_location=None, x_range=(0, 1), y_range=(-0.1, 0.1), height=60, width=width, tools="", min_border_right=0, **kwargs, ) source=self.source, x="cpu_fraction", y=0, size=10, fill_alpha=0.5 ) cpu_plot.ygrid.visible = False cpu_plot.yaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 cpu_plot.xaxis.visible = False cpu_plot.yaxis.visible = False cpu_plot.add_tools(hover, BoxSelectTool()) self.cpu_plot = cpu_plot if "sizing_mode" in kwargs: sizing_mode = {"sizing_mode": kwargs["sizing_mode"]} else: sizing_mode = {} components = [cpu_plot, mem_plot, table] if self.extra_names: components.append(extra_table) self.root = column(*components, id="bk-worker-table", **sizing_mode) @without_property_validation def update(self): data = {name: [] for name in self.names + self.extra_names} for i, (addr, ws) in enumerate( sorted(self.scheduler.workers.items(), key=lambda kv: str(kv[1].name)) ): minfo = ws.memory for name in self.names + self.extra_names: data[name].append(ws.metrics.get(name, None)) data["name"][-1] = if is not None else i data["address"][-1] = ws.address if ws.memory_limit: data["memory_percent"][-1] = ws.metrics["memory"] / ws.memory_limit else: data["memory_percent"][-1] = "" data["memory_limit"][-1] = ws.memory_limit data["memory_managed_in_memory"][-1] = minfo.managed_in_memory data["memory_unmanaged_old"][-1] = minfo.unmanaged_old data["memory_unmanaged_recent"][-1] = minfo.unmanaged_recent data["memory_unmanaged_recent"][-1] = minfo.unmanaged_recent data["memory_spilled"][-1] = minfo.managed_spilled data["cpu"][-1] = ws.metrics["cpu"] / 100.0 data["cpu_fraction"][-1] = ws.metrics["cpu"] / 100.0 / ws.nthreads data["nthreads"][-1] = ws.nthreads for name in self.names + self.extra_names: if name == "name": data[name].insert(0, f"Total ({len(data[name])})") continue try: if len(self.scheduler.workers) == 0: total_data = None elif name == "memory_percent": total_mem = sum( ws.memory_limit for ws in self.scheduler.workers.values() ) total_data = ( ( sum( ws.metrics["memory"] for ws in self.scheduler.workers.values() ) / total_mem ) if total_mem else "" ) elif name == "cpu": total_data = ( sum(ws.metrics["cpu"] for ws in self.scheduler.workers.values()) / 100 / len(self.scheduler.workers.values()) ) elif name == "cpu_fraction": total_data = ( sum(ws.metrics["cpu"] for ws in self.scheduler.workers.values()) / 100 / sum(ws.nthreads for ws in self.scheduler.workers.values()) ) else: total_data = sum(data[name]) data[name].insert(0, total_data) except TypeError: data[name].insert(0, None) class SchedulerLogs: def __init__(self, scheduler, start=None): logs = scheduler.get_logs(start=start, timestamps=True) if not logs: logs_html = ( '

No logs to report

' ) else: logs_html = Log( "\n".join( "%s - %s" % (datetime.fromtimestamp(time).strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f"), line) for time, level, line in logs ) )._repr_html_() self.root = Div( text=logs_html, style={ "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "max-width": "1920px", "max-height": "1080px", "padding": "12px", "border": "1px solid lightgray", "box-shadow": "inset 1px 0 8px 0 lightgray", "overflow": "auto", }, ) def systemmonitor_doc(scheduler, extra, doc): with log_errors(): sysmon = SystemMonitor(scheduler, sizing_mode="stretch_both") doc.title = "Dask: Scheduler System Monitor" add_periodic_callback(doc, sysmon, 500) doc.add_root(sysmon.root) doc.template = env.get_template("simple.html") doc.template_variables.update(extra) doc.theme = BOKEH_THEME def stealing_doc(scheduler, extra, doc): with log_errors(): occupancy = Occupancy(scheduler) stealing_ts = StealingTimeSeries(scheduler) stealing_events = StealingEvents(scheduler) stealing_events.root.x_range = stealing_ts.root.x_range doc.title = "Dask: Work Stealing" add_periodic_callback(doc, occupancy, 500) add_periodic_callback(doc, stealing_ts, 500) add_periodic_callback(doc, stealing_events, 500) doc.add_root( row( occupancy.root, column( stealing_ts.root, stealing_events.root, sizing_mode="stretch_both", ), ) ) doc.template = env.get_template("simple.html") doc.template_variables.update(extra) doc.theme = BOKEH_THEME def events_doc(scheduler, extra, doc): with log_errors(): events = Events(scheduler, "all", height=250) events.update() add_periodic_callback(doc, events, 500) doc.title = "Dask: Scheduler Events" doc.add_root(column(events.root, sizing_mode="scale_width")) doc.template = env.get_template("simple.html") doc.template_variables.update(extra) doc.theme = BOKEH_THEME def workers_doc(scheduler, extra, doc): with log_errors(): table = WorkerTable(scheduler) table.update() add_periodic_callback(doc, table, 500) doc.title = "Dask: Workers" doc.add_root(table.root) doc.template = env.get_template("simple.html") doc.template_variables.update(extra) doc.theme = BOKEH_THEME def tasks_doc(scheduler, extra, doc): with log_errors(): ts = TaskStream( scheduler, n_rectangles=dask.config.get( "distributed.scheduler.dashboard.tasks.task-stream-length" ), clear_interval="60s", sizing_mode="stretch_both", ) ts.update() add_periodic_callback(doc, ts, 5000) doc.title = "Dask: Task Stream" doc.add_root(ts.root) doc.template = env.get_template("simple.html") doc.template_variables.update(extra) doc.theme = BOKEH_THEME def graph_doc(scheduler, extra, doc): with log_errors(): graph = TaskGraph(scheduler, sizing_mode="stretch_both") doc.title = "Dask: Task Graph" graph.update() add_periodic_callback(doc, graph, 200) doc.add_root(graph.root) doc.template = env.get_template("simple.html") doc.template_variables.update(extra) doc.theme = BOKEH_THEME def tg_graph_doc(scheduler, extra, doc): with log_errors(): tg_graph = TaskGroupGraph(scheduler, sizing_mode="stretch_both") doc.title = "Dask: Task Groups Graph" tg_graph.update() add_periodic_callback(doc, tg_graph, 200) doc.add_root(tg_graph.root) doc.template = env.get_template("simple.html") doc.template_variables.update(extra) doc.theme = BOKEH_THEME def status_doc(scheduler, extra, doc): with log_errors(): cluster_memory = ClusterMemory(scheduler, sizing_mode="stretch_both") cluster_memory.update() add_periodic_callback(doc, cluster_memory, 100) doc.add_root(cluster_memory.root) if len(scheduler.workers) <= 100: workers_memory = WorkersMemory(scheduler, sizing_mode="stretch_both") processing = CurrentLoad(scheduler, sizing_mode="stretch_both") processing_root = processing.processing_figure else: workers_memory = WorkersMemoryHistogram( scheduler, sizing_mode="stretch_both" ) processing = ProcessingHistogram(scheduler, sizing_mode="stretch_both") processing_root = processing.root current_load = CurrentLoad(scheduler, sizing_mode="stretch_both") occupancy = Occupancy(scheduler, sizing_mode="stretch_both") cpu_root = current_load.cpu_figure occupancy_root = occupancy.root workers_memory.update() processing.update() current_load.update() occupancy.update() add_periodic_callback(doc, workers_memory, 100) add_periodic_callback(doc, processing, 100) add_periodic_callback(doc, current_load, 100) add_periodic_callback(doc, occupancy, 100) doc.add_root(workers_memory.root) tab1 = Panel(child=processing_root, title="Processing") tab2 = Panel(child=cpu_root, title="CPU") tab3 = Panel(child=occupancy_root, title="Occupancy") proc_tabs = Tabs(tabs=[tab1, tab2, tab3], name="processing_tabs") doc.add_root(proc_tabs) task_stream = TaskStream( scheduler, n_rectangles=dask.config.get( "distributed.scheduler.dashboard.status.task-stream-length" ), clear_interval="5s", sizing_mode="stretch_both", ) task_stream.update() add_periodic_callback(doc, task_stream, 100) doc.add_root(task_stream.root) task_progress = TaskProgress(scheduler, sizing_mode="stretch_both") task_progress.update() add_periodic_callback(doc, task_progress, 100) doc.add_root(task_progress.root) doc.title = "Dask: Status" doc.theme = BOKEH_THEME doc.template = env.get_template("status.html") doc.template_variables.update(extra) @curry def individual_doc(cls, interval, scheduler, extra, doc, fig_attr="root", **kwargs): with log_errors(): fig = cls(scheduler, sizing_mode="stretch_both", **kwargs) fig.update() add_periodic_callback(doc, fig, interval) doc.add_root(getattr(fig, fig_attr)) doc.theme = BOKEH_THEME def individual_profile_doc(scheduler, extra, doc): with log_errors(): prof = ProfileTimePlot(scheduler, sizing_mode="stretch_both", doc=doc) doc.add_root(prof.root) prof.trigger_update() doc.theme = BOKEH_THEME def individual_profile_server_doc(scheduler, extra, doc): with log_errors(): prof = ProfileServer(scheduler, sizing_mode="stretch_both", doc=doc) doc.add_root(prof.root) prof.trigger_update() doc.theme = BOKEH_THEME def profile_doc(scheduler, extra, doc): with log_errors(): doc.title = "Dask: Profile" prof = ProfileTimePlot(scheduler, sizing_mode="stretch_both", doc=doc) doc.add_root(prof.root) doc.template = env.get_template("simple.html") doc.template_variables.update(extra) doc.theme = BOKEH_THEME prof.trigger_update() def profile_server_doc(scheduler, extra, doc): with log_errors(): doc.title = "Dask: Profile of Event Loop" prof = ProfileServer(scheduler, sizing_mode="stretch_both", doc=doc) doc.add_root(prof.root) doc.template = env.get_template("simple.html") doc.template_variables.update(extra) doc.theme = BOKEH_THEME prof.trigger_update()