import asyncio import weakref from statistics import mean import tlz as toolz from import without_property_validation from bokeh.layouts import column, row from bokeh.models import ( Button, ColumnDataSource, DataRange1d, HoverTool, LabelSet, NumeralTickFormatter, Range1d, Select, ) from bokeh.palettes import Spectral9 from bokeh.plotting import figure from tornado import gen import dask from distributed import profile from distributed.compatibility import WINDOWS from distributed.dashboard.components import DashboardComponent from distributed.dashboard.utils import update from distributed.utils import log_errors if dask.config.get("distributed.dashboard.export-tool"): from distributed.dashboard.export_tool import ExportTool else: ExportTool = None # type: ignore profile_interval = dask.config.get("distributed.worker.profile.interval") profile_interval = dask.utils.parse_timedelta(profile_interval, default="ms") class Processing(DashboardComponent): """Processing and distribution per core This shows how many tasks are actively running on each worker and how many tasks are enqueued for each worker and how many are in the common pool """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): data = self.processing_update({"processing": {}, "nthreads": {}}) self.source = ColumnDataSource(data) x_range = Range1d(-1, 1) fig = figure( title="Processing and Pending", tools="", x_range=x_range, id="bk-processing-stacks-plot", **kwargs, ) fig.quad( source=self.source, left=0, right="right", color=Spectral9[0], top="top", bottom="bottom", ) fig.xaxis.minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 fig.yaxis.visible = False fig.ygrid.visible = False hover = HoverTool() fig.add_tools(hover) hover = hover.tooltips = """
Host:  @name
Processing:  @processing
""" hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" self.root = fig @without_property_validation def update(self, messages): with log_errors(): msg = messages["processing"] if not msg.get("nthreads"): return data = self.processing_update(msg) x_range = self.root.x_range max_right = max(data["right"]) cores = max(data["nthreads"]) if x_range.end < max_right: x_range.end = max_right + 2 elif x_range.end > 2 * max_right + cores: # way out there, walk back x_range.end = x_range.end * 0.95 + max_right * 0.05 update(self.source, data) @staticmethod def processing_update(msg): with log_errors(): names = sorted(msg["processing"]) names = sorted(names) processing = msg["processing"] processing = [processing[name] for name in names] nthreads = msg["nthreads"] nthreads = [nthreads[name] for name in names] n = len(names) d = { "name": list(names), "processing": processing, "right": list(processing), "top": list(range(n, 0, -1)), "bottom": list(range(n - 1, -1, -1)), "nthreads": nthreads, } d["alpha"] = [0.7] * n return d class ProfilePlot(DashboardComponent): """Time plots of the current resource usage on the cluster This is two plots, one for CPU and Memory and another for Network I/O """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): state = profile.create() data = profile.plot_data(state, profile_interval) self.states = data.pop("states") self.root, self.source = profile.plot_figure(data, **kwargs) @without_property_validation def cb(attr, old, new): with log_errors(): try: ind = new.indices[0] except IndexError: return data = profile.plot_data(self.states[ind], profile_interval) del self.states[:] self.states.extend(data.pop("states")) update(self.source, data) self.source.selected = old self.source.selected.on_change("indices", cb) @without_property_validation def update(self, state): with log_errors(): self.state = state data = profile.plot_data(self.state, profile_interval) self.states = data.pop("states") update(self.source, data) class ProfileTimePlot(DashboardComponent): """Time plots of the current resource usage on the cluster This is two plots, one for CPU and Memory and another for Network I/O """ def __init__(self, server, doc=None, **kwargs): if doc is not None: self.doc = weakref.ref(doc) try: self.key = doc.session_context.request.arguments.get("key", None) except AttributeError: self.key = None if isinstance(self.key, list): self.key = self.key[0] if isinstance(self.key, bytes): self.key = self.key.decode() self.task_names = ["All", self.key] if self.key else ["All"] else: self.key = None self.task_names = ["All"] self.server = server self.start = None self.stop = None self.ts = {"count": [], "time": []} self.state = profile.create() data = profile.plot_data(self.state, profile_interval) self.states = data.pop("states") self.profile_plot, self.source = profile.plot_figure(data, **kwargs) changing = [False] # avoid repeated changes from within callback @without_property_validation def cb(attr, old, new): if changing[0] or len(new) == 0: return with log_errors(): data = profile.plot_data(self.states[new[0]], profile_interval) del self.states[:] self.states.extend(data.pop("states")) changing[0] = True # don't recursively trigger callback update(self.source, data) self.source.selected.indices = old changing[0] = False self.source.selected.on_change("indices", cb) self.ts_source = ColumnDataSource({"time": [], "count": []}) self.ts_plot = figure( title="Activity over time", height=150, x_axis_type="datetime", active_drag="xbox_select", tools="xpan,xwheel_zoom,xbox_select,reset", sizing_mode="stretch_width", toolbar_location="above", ) self.ts_plot.line("time", "count", source=self.ts_source) "time", "count", source=self.ts_source, color=None, selection_color="orange" ) self.ts_plot.yaxis.visible = False self.ts_plot.grid.visible = False def ts_change(attr, old, new): with log_errors(): selected = self.ts_source.selected.indices if selected: start =["time"][min(selected)] / 1000 stop =["time"][max(selected)] / 1000 self.start, self.stop = min(start, stop), max(start, stop) else: self.start = self.stop = None self.trigger_update(update_metadata=False) self.ts_source.selected.on_change("indices", ts_change) self.reset_button = Button(label="Reset", button_type="success") self.reset_button.on_click(lambda: self.update(self.state)) self.update_button = Button(label="Update", button_type="success") self.update_button.on_click(self.trigger_update) = Select(value=self.task_names[-1], options=self.task_names) def select_cb(attr, old, new): if new == "All": new = None self.key = new self.trigger_update(update_metadata=False)"value", select_cb) self.root = column( row(, self.reset_button, self.update_button, sizing_mode="scale_width", height=250, ), self.profile_plot, self.ts_plot, **kwargs, ) @without_property_validation def update(self, state, metadata=None): with log_errors(): self.state = state data = profile.plot_data(self.state, profile_interval) self.states = data.pop("states") update(self.source, data) if metadata is not None and metadata["counts"]: self.task_names = ["All"] + sorted(metadata["keys"]) = self.task_names if self.key: ts = metadata["keys"][self.key] else: ts = metadata["counts"] times, counts = zip(*ts) self.ts = {"count": counts, "time": [t * 1000 for t in times]} @without_property_validation def trigger_update(self, update_metadata=True): async def cb(): with log_errors(): prof = await self.server.get_profile( key=self.key, start=self.start, stop=self.stop ) if update_metadata: metadata = await self.server.get_profile_metadata() else: metadata = None if isinstance(prof, gen.Future): prof, metadata = await asyncio.gather(prof, metadata) self.doc().add_next_tick_callback(lambda: self.update(prof, metadata)) self.server.loop.add_callback(cb) class ProfileServer(DashboardComponent): """Time plots of the current resource usage on the cluster This is two plots, one for CPU and Memory and another for Network I/O """ def __init__(self, server, doc=None, **kwargs): if doc is not None: self.doc = weakref.ref(doc) self.server = server self.log = self.server.io_loop.profile self.start = None self.stop = None self.ts = {"count": [], "time": []} self.state = profile.get_profile(self.log) data = profile.plot_data(self.state, profile_interval) self.states = data.pop("states") self.profile_plot, self.source = profile.plot_figure(data, **kwargs) changing = [False] # avoid repeated changes from within callback @without_property_validation def cb(attr, old, new): if changing[0] or len(new) == 0: return with log_errors(): data = profile.plot_data(self.states[new[0]], profile_interval) del self.states[:] self.states.extend(data.pop("states")) changing[0] = True # don't recursively trigger callback update(self.source, data) self.source.selected.indices = old changing[0] = False self.source.selected.on_change("indices", cb) self.ts_source = ColumnDataSource({"time": [], "count": []}) self.ts_plot = figure( title="Activity over time", height=150, x_axis_type="datetime", active_drag="xbox_select", tools="xpan,xwheel_zoom,xbox_select,reset", sizing_mode="stretch_width", toolbar_location="above", ) self.ts_plot.line("time", "count", source=self.ts_source) "time", "count", source=self.ts_source, color=None, selection_color="orange" ) self.ts_plot.yaxis.visible = False self.ts_plot.grid.visible = False def ts_change(attr, old, new): with log_errors(): selected = self.ts_source.selected.indices if selected: start =["time"][min(selected)] / 1000 stop =["time"][max(selected)] / 1000 self.start, self.stop = min(start, stop), max(start, stop) else: self.start = self.stop = None self.trigger_update() self.ts_source.selected.on_change("indices", ts_change) self.reset_button = Button(label="Reset", button_type="success") self.reset_button.on_click(lambda: self.update(self.state)) self.update_button = Button(label="Update", button_type="success") self.update_button.on_click(self.trigger_update) self.root = column( row(self.reset_button, self.update_button, sizing_mode="scale_width"), self.profile_plot, self.ts_plot, **kwargs, ) @without_property_validation def update(self, state): with log_errors(): self.state = state data = profile.plot_data(self.state, profile_interval) self.states = data.pop("states") update(self.source, data) @without_property_validation def trigger_update(self): self.state = profile.get_profile(self.log, start=self.start, stop=self.stop) data = profile.plot_data(self.state, profile_interval) self.states = data.pop("states") update(self.source, data) times = [t * 1000 for t, _ in self.log] counts = list(toolz.pluck("count", toolz.pluck(1, self.log))){"time": times, "count": counts}) class SystemMonitor(DashboardComponent): def __init__(self, worker, height=150, last_count=None, **kwargs): self.worker = worker names = worker.monitor.quantities self.last_count = 0 if last_count is not None: names = worker.monitor.range_query(start=last_count) self.last_count = last_count self.source = ColumnDataSource({name: [] for name in names}) self.label_source = ColumnDataSource( { "x": [5] * 3, "y": [70, 55, 40], "cpu": ["max: 45%", "min: 45%", "mean: 45%"], "memory": ["max: 133.5MiB", "min: 23.6MiB", "mean: 115.4MiB"], } ) update(self.source, self.get_data()) x_range = DataRange1d(follow="end", follow_interval=20000, range_padding=0) tools = "reset,xpan,xwheel_zoom" self.cpu = figure( title="CPU", x_axis_type="datetime", height=height, tools=tools, toolbar_location="above", x_range=x_range, **kwargs, ) self.cpu.line(source=self.source, x="time", y="cpu") self.cpu.yaxis.axis_label = "Percentage" self.cpu.add_layout( LabelSet( x="x", y="y", x_units="screen", y_units="screen", text="cpu", text_font_size="1em", source=self.label_source, ) ) self.mem = figure( title="Memory", x_axis_type="datetime", height=height, tools=tools, toolbar_location="above", x_range=x_range, **kwargs, ) self.mem.line(source=self.source, x="time", y="memory") self.mem.yaxis.axis_label = "Bytes" self.mem.add_layout( LabelSet( x="x", y="y", x_units="screen", y_units="screen", text="memory", text_font_size="1em", source=self.label_source, ) ) self.bandwidth = figure( title="Bandwidth", x_axis_type="datetime", height=height, x_range=x_range, tools=tools, toolbar_location="above", **kwargs, ) self.bandwidth.line( source=self.source, x="time", y="read_bytes", color="red", legend_label="read", ) self.bandwidth.line( source=self.source, x="time", y="write_bytes", color="blue", legend_label="write", ) self.bandwidth.yaxis.axis_label = "Bytes / second" # self.cpu.yaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format='0%') self.bandwidth.yaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0.0b") self.mem.yaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0.0b") plots = [self.cpu, self.mem, self.bandwidth] if not WINDOWS: self.num_fds = figure( title="Number of File Descriptors", x_axis_type="datetime", height=height, x_range=x_range, tools=tools, toolbar_location="above", **kwargs, ) self.num_fds.line(source=self.source, x="time", y="num_fds") plots.append(self.num_fds) if "sizing_mode" in kwargs: kw = {"sizing_mode": kwargs["sizing_mode"]} else: kw = {} if not WINDOWS: self.num_fds.y_range.start = 0 self.mem.y_range.start = 0 self.cpu.y_range.start = 0 self.bandwidth.y_range.start = 0 self.root = column(*plots, **kw) self.worker.monitor.update() def get_data(self): d = self.worker.monitor.range_query(start=self.last_count) d["time"] = [x * 1000 for x in d["time"]] self.last_count = self.worker.monitor.count return d @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors():, 1000)["cpu"] = [ "{}: {:.1f}%".format(f.__name__, f(["cpu"])) for f in [min, max, mean] ]["memory"] = [ "{}: {}".format( f.__name__, dask.utils.format_bytes(f(["memory"])) ) for f in [min, max, mean] ]