import logging import math import os from import without_property_validation from bokeh.layouts import column, row from bokeh.models import ( BoxZoomTool, ColumnDataSource, DataRange1d, HoverTool, NumeralTickFormatter, PanTool, ResetTool, Select, WheelZoomTool, ) from bokeh.models.widgets import DataTable, TableColumn from bokeh.palettes import RdBu from bokeh.plotting import figure from bokeh.themes import Theme from tlz import merge, partition_all from dask.utils import format_bytes, format_time from distributed.dashboard.components import add_periodic_callback from distributed.dashboard.components.shared import ( DashboardComponent, ProfileServer, ProfileTimePlot, SystemMonitor, ) from distributed.dashboard.utils import transpose, update from distributed.diagnostics.progress_stream import color_of from distributed.metrics import time from distributed.utils import key_split, log_errors logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader env = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", "http", "templates") ) ) BOKEH_THEME = Theme( filename=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "theme.yaml") ) template_variables = {"pages": ["status", "system", "profile", "crossfilter"]} def standard_doc(title, active_page, *, template="simple.html"): def decorator(f): def wrapper(arg, extra, doc): with log_errors(): doc.title = title doc.template = env.get_template(template) if active_page is not None: doc.template_variables["active_page"] = active_page doc.template_variables.update(extra) doc.theme = BOKEH_THEME return f(arg, extra, doc) return wrapper return decorator class StateTable(DashboardComponent): """Currently running tasks""" def __init__(self, worker): self.worker = worker names = ["Stored", "Executing", "Ready", "Waiting", "Connections", "Serving"] self.source = ColumnDataSource({name: [] for name in names}) columns = {name: TableColumn(field=name, title=name) for name in names} table = DataTable( source=self.source, columns=[columns[n] for n in names], height=70 ) self.root = table @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors(): w = self.worker d = { "Stored": [len(], "Executing": ["%d / %d" % (w.executing_count, w.nthreads)], "Ready": [len(w.ready)], "Waiting": [w.waiting_for_data_count], "Connections": [len(w.in_flight_workers)], "Serving": [len(w._comms)], } update(self.source, d) class CommunicatingStream(DashboardComponent): def __init__(self, worker, height=300, **kwargs): with log_errors(): self.worker = worker names = [ "start", "stop", "middle", "duration", "who", "y", "hover", "alpha", "bandwidth", "total", ] self.incoming = ColumnDataSource({name: [] for name in names}) self.outgoing = ColumnDataSource({name: [] for name in names}) x_range = DataRange1d(range_padding=0) y_range = DataRange1d(range_padding=0) fig = figure( title="Peer Communications", x_axis_type="datetime", x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, height=height, tools="", **kwargs, ) fig.rect( source=self.incoming, x="middle", y="y", width="duration", height=0.9, color="red", alpha="alpha", ) fig.rect( source=self.outgoing, x="middle", y="y", width="duration", height=0.9, color="blue", alpha="alpha", ) hover = HoverTool(point_policy="follow_mouse", tooltips="""@hover""") fig.add_tools( hover, ResetTool(), PanTool(dimensions="width"), WheelZoomTool(dimensions="width"), ) self.root = fig self.last_incoming = 0 self.last_outgoing = 0 self.who = dict() @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors(): outgoing = self.worker.outgoing_transfer_log n = self.worker.outgoing_count - self.last_outgoing outgoing = [outgoing[-i].copy() for i in range(1, n + 1)] self.last_outgoing = self.worker.outgoing_count incoming = self.worker.incoming_transfer_log n = self.worker.incoming_count - self.last_incoming incoming = [incoming[-i].copy() for i in range(1, n + 1)] self.last_incoming = self.worker.incoming_count for [msgs, source] in [ [incoming, self.incoming], [outgoing, self.outgoing], ]: for msg in msgs: if "compressed" in msg: del msg["compressed"] del msg["keys"] bandwidth = msg["total"] / (msg["duration"] or 0.5) bw = max(min(bandwidth / 500e6, 1), 0.3) msg["alpha"] = bw try: msg["y"] = self.who[msg["who"]] except KeyError: self.who[msg["who"]] = len(self.who) msg["y"] = self.who[msg["who"]] msg["hover"] = "{} / {} = {}/s".format( format_bytes(msg["total"]), format_time(msg["duration"]), format_bytes(msg["total"] / msg["duration"]), ) for k in ["middle", "duration", "start", "stop"]: msg[k] = msg[k] * 1000 if msgs: msgs = transpose(msgs) if ( len(["stop"]) and min(msgs["start"]) >["stop"][-1] + 10000 ): else:, rollover=10000) class CommunicatingTimeSeries(DashboardComponent): def __init__(self, worker, **kwargs): self.worker = worker self.source = ColumnDataSource({"x": [], "in": [], "out": []}) x_range = DataRange1d(follow="end", follow_interval=20000, range_padding=0) fig = figure( title="Communication History", x_axis_type="datetime", y_range=[-0.1, worker.total_out_connections + 0.5], height=150, tools="", x_range=x_range, **kwargs, ) fig.line(source=self.source, x="x", y="in", color="red") fig.line(source=self.source, x="x", y="out", color="blue") fig.add_tools( ResetTool(), PanTool(dimensions="width"), WheelZoomTool(dimensions="width") ) self.root = fig @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors(): { "x": [time() * 1000], "out": [len(self.worker._comms)], "in": [len(self.worker.in_flight_workers)], }, 10000, ) class ExecutingTimeSeries(DashboardComponent): def __init__(self, worker, **kwargs): self.worker = worker self.source = ColumnDataSource({"x": [], "y": []}) x_range = DataRange1d(follow="end", follow_interval=20000, range_padding=0) fig = figure( title="Executing History", x_axis_type="datetime", y_range=[-0.1, worker.nthreads + 0.1], height=150, tools="", x_range=x_range, **kwargs, ) fig.line(source=self.source, x="x", y="y") fig.add_tools( ResetTool(), PanTool(dimensions="width"), WheelZoomTool(dimensions="width") ) self.root = fig @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors(): {"x": [time() * 1000], "y": [self.worker.executing_count]}, 1000 ) class CrossFilter(DashboardComponent): def __init__(self, worker, **kwargs): with log_errors(): self.worker = worker quantities = ["nbytes", "duration", "bandwidth", "count", "start", "stop"] colors = ["inout-color", "type-color", "key-color"] # self.source = ColumnDataSource({name: [] for name in names}) self.source = ColumnDataSource( { "nbytes": [1, 2], "duration": [0.01, 0.02], "bandwidth": [0.01, 0.02], "count": [1, 2], "type": ["int", "str"], "inout-color": ["blue", "red"], "type-color": ["blue", "red"], "key": ["add", "inc"], "start": [1, 2], "stop": [1, 2], } ) self.x = Select(title="X-Axis", value="nbytes", options=quantities) self.x.on_change("value", self.update_figure) self.y = Select(title="Y-Axis", value="bandwidth", options=quantities) self.y.on_change("value", self.update_figure) self.color = Select( title="Color", value="inout-color", options=["black"] + colors ) self.color.on_change("value", self.update_figure) if "sizing_mode" in kwargs: kw = {"sizing_mode": kwargs["sizing_mode"]} else: kw = {} self.control = column([self.x, self.y, self.color], width=200, **kw) self.last_outgoing = 0 self.last_incoming = 0 self.kwargs = kwargs self.layout = row(self.control, self.create_figure(**self.kwargs), **kw) self.root = self.layout @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors(): outgoing = self.worker.outgoing_transfer_log n = self.worker.outgoing_count - self.last_outgoing n = min(n, 1000) outgoing = [outgoing[-i].copy() for i in range(1, n)] self.last_outgoing = self.worker.outgoing_count incoming = self.worker.incoming_transfer_log n = self.worker.incoming_count - self.last_incoming n = min(n, 1000) incoming = [incoming[-i].copy() for i in range(1, n)] self.last_incoming = self.worker.incoming_count out = [] for msg in incoming: if msg["keys"]: d = self.process_msg(msg) d["inout-color"] = "red" out.append(d) for msg in outgoing: if msg["keys"]: d = self.process_msg(msg) d["inout-color"] = "blue" out.append(d) if out: out = transpose(out) if ( len(["stop"]) and min(out["start"]) >["stop"][-1] + 10 ): update(self.source, out) else:, rollover=1000) def create_figure(self, **kwargs): with log_errors(): fig = figure(title="", tools="", **kwargs) source=self.source, x=self.x.value, y=self.y.value, color=self.color.value, size=10, alpha=0.5, hover_alpha=1, ) fig.xaxis.axis_label = self.x.value fig.yaxis.axis_label = self.y.value fig.add_tools( # self.hover, ResetTool(), PanTool(), WheelZoomTool(), BoxZoomTool(), ) return fig @without_property_validation def update_figure(self, attr, old, new): with log_errors(): fig = self.create_figure(**self.kwargs) self.layout.children[1] = fig def process_msg(self, msg): try: status_key = max(msg["keys"], key=lambda x: msg["keys"].get(x, 0)) typ = self.worker.types.get(status_key, object).__name__ keyname = key_split(status_key) d = { "nbytes": msg["total"], "duration": msg["duration"], "bandwidth": msg["bandwidth"], "count": len(msg["keys"]), "type": typ, "type-color": color_of(typ), "key": keyname, "key-color": color_of(keyname), "start": msg["start"], "stop": msg["stop"], } return d except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) raise class Counters(DashboardComponent): def __init__(self, server, sizing_mode="stretch_both", **kwargs): self.server = server self.counter_figures = {} self.counter_sources = {} self.digest_figures = {} self.digest_sources = {} self.sizing_mode = sizing_mode if self.server.digests: for name in self.server.digests: self.add_digest_figure(name) for name in self.server.counters: self.add_counter_figure(name) figures = merge(self.digest_figures, self.counter_figures) figures = [figures[k] for k in sorted(figures)] if len(figures) <= 5: self.root = column(figures, sizing_mode=sizing_mode) else: self.root = column( *( row(*pair, sizing_mode=sizing_mode) for pair in partition_all(2, figures) ), sizing_mode=sizing_mode, ) def add_digest_figure(self, name): with log_errors(): n = len(self.server.digests[name].intervals) sources = {i: ColumnDataSource({"x": [], "y": []}) for i in range(n)} kwargs = {} if name.endswith("duration"): kwargs["x_axis_type"] = "datetime" fig = figure( title=name, tools="", height=150, sizing_mode=self.sizing_mode, **kwargs ) fig.yaxis.visible = False fig.ygrid.visible = False if name.endswith("bandwidth") or name.endswith("bytes"): fig.xaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="0.0b") for i in range(n): alpha = 0.3 + 0.3 * (n - i) / n fig.line( source=sources[i], x="x", y="y", alpha=alpha, color=RdBu[max(n, 3)][-i], ) fig.xaxis.major_label_orientation = math.pi / 12 self.digest_sources[name] = sources self.digest_figures[name] = fig return fig def add_counter_figure(self, name): with log_errors(): n = len(self.server.counters[name].intervals) sources = { i: ColumnDataSource({"x": [], "y": [], "y-center": [], "counts": []}) for i in range(n) } fig = figure( title=name, tools="", height=150, sizing_mode=self.sizing_mode, x_range=sorted( str(x) for x in self.server.counters[name].components[0] ), ) fig.ygrid.visible = False for i in range(n): width = 0.5 + 0.4 * i / n fig.rect( source=sources[i], x="x", y="y-center", width=width, height="y", alpha=0.3, color=RdBu[max(n, 3)][-i], ) hover = HoverTool( point_policy="follow_mouse", tooltips="""@x : @counts""" ) fig.add_tools(hover) fig.xaxis.major_label_orientation = math.pi / 12 self.counter_sources[name] = sources self.counter_figures[name] = fig return fig @without_property_validation def update(self): with log_errors(): for name, fig in self.digest_figures.items(): digest = self.server.digests[name] d = {} for i, d in enumerate(digest.components): if d.size(): ys, xs = d.histogram(100) xs = xs[1:] if name.endswith("duration"): xs *= 1000 self.digest_sources[name][i].data.update({"x": xs, "y": ys}) fig.title.text = "%s: %d" % (name, digest.size()) for name, fig in self.counter_figures.items(): counter = self.server.counters[name] d = {} for i, d in enumerate(counter.components): if d: xs = sorted(d) factor = counter.intervals[0] / counter.intervals[i] counts = [d[x] for x in xs] ys = [factor * c for c in counts] y_centers = [y / 2 for y in ys] xs = [str(x) for x in xs] d = {"x": xs, "y": ys, "y-center": y_centers, "counts": counts} self.counter_sources[name][i].data.update(d) fig.title.text = "%s: %d" % (name, counter.size()) fig.x_range.factors = [str(x) for x in xs] @standard_doc("Dask Worker Internal Monitor", active_page="status") def status_doc(worker, extra, doc): statetable = StateTable(worker) executing_ts = ExecutingTimeSeries(worker, sizing_mode="scale_width") communicating_ts = CommunicatingTimeSeries(worker, sizing_mode="scale_width") communicating_stream = CommunicatingStream(worker, sizing_mode="scale_width") xr = executing_ts.root.x_range communicating_ts.root.x_range = xr communicating_stream.root.x_range = xr add_periodic_callback(doc, statetable, 200) add_periodic_callback(doc, executing_ts, 200) add_periodic_callback(doc, communicating_ts, 200) add_periodic_callback(doc, communicating_stream, 200) doc.add_root( column( statetable.root, executing_ts.root, communicating_ts.root, communicating_stream.root, sizing_mode="scale_width", ) ) @standard_doc("Dask Worker Cross-filter", active_page="crossfilter") def crossfilter_doc(worker, extra, doc): statetable = StateTable(worker) crossfilter = CrossFilter(worker) add_periodic_callback(doc, statetable, 500) add_periodic_callback(doc, crossfilter, 500) doc.add_root(column(statetable.root, crossfilter.root)) @standard_doc("Dask Worker Monitor", active_page="system") def systemmonitor_doc(worker, extra, doc): sysmon = SystemMonitor(worker, sizing_mode="scale_width") add_periodic_callback(doc, sysmon, 500) doc.add_root(sysmon.root) @standard_doc("Dask Work Counters", active_page="counters") def counters_doc(server, extra, doc): counter = Counters(server, sizing_mode="stretch_both") add_periodic_callback(doc, counter, 500) doc.add_root(counter.root) @standard_doc("Dask Worker Profile", active_page="profile") def profile_doc(server, extra, doc): profile = ProfileTimePlot(server, sizing_mode="stretch_both", doc=doc) doc.add_root(profile.root) profile.trigger_update() @standard_doc("Dask: Profile of Event Loop", active_page=None) def profile_server_doc(server, extra, doc): profile = ProfileServer(server, sizing_mode="stretch_both", doc=doc) doc.add_root(profile.root) profile.trigger_update()