""" MIT License Copyright (c) 2021 Alex Hall Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import __future__ import ast import dis import functools import inspect import io import linecache import re import sys import types from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple from copy import deepcopy from itertools import islice from operator import attrgetter from threading import RLock function_node_types = (ast.FunctionDef,) PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3 if PY3: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences from functools import lru_cache # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences from tokenize import detect_encoding from itertools import zip_longest # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences,PyCompatibility from pathlib import Path cache = lru_cache(maxsize=None) text_type = str else: from lib2to3.pgen2.tokenize import detect_encoding, cookie_re as encoding_pattern from itertools import izip_longest as zip_longest class Path(object): pass def cache(func): d = {} @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args): if args in d: return d[args] result = d[args] = func(*args) return result return wrapper # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences text_type = unicode try: # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences _get_instructions = dis.get_instructions except AttributeError: class Instruction(namedtuple('Instruction', 'offset argval opname starts_line')): lineno = None from dis import HAVE_ARGUMENT, EXTENDED_ARG, hasconst, opname, findlinestarts, hasname # Based on dis.disassemble from 2.7 # Left as similar as possible for easy diff def _get_instructions(co): code = co.co_code linestarts = dict(findlinestarts(co)) n = len(code) i = 0 extended_arg = 0 while i < n: offset = i c = code[i] op = ord(c) lineno = linestarts.get(i) argval = None i = i + 1 if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT: oparg = ord(code[i]) + ord(code[i + 1]) * 256 + extended_arg extended_arg = 0 i = i + 2 if op == EXTENDED_ARG: extended_arg = oparg * 65536 if op in hasconst: argval = co.co_consts[oparg] elif op in hasname: argval = co.co_names[oparg] elif opname[op] == 'LOAD_FAST': argval = co.co_varnames[oparg] yield Instruction(offset, argval, opname[op], lineno) try: function_node_types += (ast.AsyncFunctionDef,) except AttributeError: pass def assert_(condition, message=""): """ Like an assert statement, but unaffected by -O :param condition: value that is expected to be truthy :type message: Any """ if not condition: raise AssertionError(str(message)) def get_instructions(co): lineno = co.co_firstlineno for inst in _get_instructions(co): lineno = inst.starts_line or lineno assert_(lineno) inst.lineno = lineno yield inst TESTING = 0 class NotOneValueFound(Exception): pass def only(it): if hasattr(it, '__len__'): if len(it) != 1: raise NotOneValueFound('Expected one value, found %s' % len(it)) # noinspection PyTypeChecker return list(it)[0] lst = tuple(islice(it, 2)) if len(lst) == 0: raise NotOneValueFound('Expected one value, found 0') if len(lst) > 1: raise NotOneValueFound('Expected one value, found several') return lst[0] class Source(object): """ The source code of a single file and associated metadata. The main method of interest is the classmethod `executing(frame)`. If you want an instance of this class, don't construct it. Ideally use the classmethod `for_frame(frame)`. If you don't have a frame, use `for_filename(filename [, module_globals])`. These methods cache instances by filename, so at most one instance exists per filename. Attributes: - filename - text - lines - tree: AST parsed from text, or None if text is not valid Python All nodes in the tree have an extra `parent` attribute Other methods of interest: - statements_at_line - asttokens - code_qualname """ def __init__(self, filename, lines): """ Don't call this constructor, see the class docstring. """ self.filename = filename text = ''.join(lines) if not isinstance(text, text_type): encoding = self.detect_encoding(text) # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences text = text.decode(encoding) lines = [line.decode(encoding) for line in lines] self.text = text self.lines = [line.rstrip('\r\n') for line in lines] if PY3: ast_text = text else: # In python 2 it's a syntax error to parse unicode # with an encoding declaration, so we remove it but # leave empty lines in its place to keep line numbers the same ast_text = ''.join([ '\n' if i < 2 and encoding_pattern.match(line) else line for i, line in enumerate(lines) ]) self._nodes_by_line = defaultdict(list) self.tree = None self._qualnames = {} try: self.tree = ast.parse(ast_text, filename=filename) except SyntaxError: pass else: for node in ast.walk(self.tree): for child in ast.iter_child_nodes(node): child.parent = node if hasattr(node, "lineno"): if hasattr(node, "end_lineno") and isinstance(node, ast.expr): linenos = range(node.lineno, node.end_lineno + 1) else: linenos = [node.lineno] for lineno in linenos: self._nodes_by_line[lineno].append(node) visitor = QualnameVisitor() visitor.visit(self.tree) self._qualnames = visitor.qualnames @classmethod def for_frame(cls, frame, use_cache=True): """ Returns the `Source` object corresponding to the file the frame is executing in. """ return cls.for_filename(frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_globals or {}, use_cache) @classmethod def for_filename(cls, filename, module_globals=None, use_cache=True): if isinstance(filename, Path): filename = str(filename) source_cache = cls._class_local('__source_cache', {}) if use_cache: try: return source_cache[filename] except KeyError: pass if not use_cache: linecache.checkcache(filename) lines = tuple(linecache.getlines(filename, module_globals)) result = source_cache[filename] = cls._for_filename_and_lines(filename, lines) return result @classmethod def _for_filename_and_lines(cls, filename, lines): source_cache = cls._class_local('__source_cache_with_lines', {}) try: return source_cache[(filename, lines)] except KeyError: pass result = source_cache[(filename, lines)] = cls(filename, lines) return result @classmethod def lazycache(cls, frame): if hasattr(linecache, 'lazycache'): linecache.lazycache(frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_globals) @classmethod def executing(cls, frame_or_tb): """ Returns an `Executing` object representing the operation currently executing in the given frame or traceback object. """ if isinstance(frame_or_tb, types.TracebackType): # https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#traceback-objects # "tb_lineno gives the line number where the exception occurred; # tb_lasti indicates the precise instruction. # The line number and last instruction in the traceback may differ # from the line number of its frame object # if the exception occurred in a try statement with no matching except clause # or with a finally clause." tb = frame_or_tb frame = tb.tb_frame lineno = tb.tb_lineno lasti = tb.tb_lasti else: frame = frame_or_tb lineno = frame.f_lineno lasti = frame.f_lasti code = frame.f_code key = (code, id(code), lasti) executing_cache = cls._class_local('__executing_cache', {}) try: args = executing_cache[key] except KeyError: def find(source, retry_cache): node = stmts = decorator = None tree = source.tree if tree: try: stmts = source.statements_at_line(lineno) if stmts: if is_ipython_cell_code(code): for stmt in stmts: tree = _extract_ipython_statement(stmt) try: node_finder = NodeFinder(frame, stmts, tree, lasti) if (node or decorator) and (node_finder.result or node_finder.decorator): if retry_cache: raise AssertionError # Found potential nodes in separate statements, # cannot resolve ambiguity, give up here node = decorator = None break node = node_finder.result decorator = node_finder.decorator except Exception: if retry_cache: raise else: node_finder = NodeFinder(frame, stmts, tree, lasti) node = node_finder.result decorator = node_finder.decorator except Exception as e: # These exceptions can be caused by the source code having changed # so the cached Source doesn't match the running code # (e.g. when using IPython %autoreload) # Try again with a fresh Source object if retry_cache and isinstance(e, (NotOneValueFound, AssertionError)): return find( source=cls.for_frame(frame, use_cache=False), retry_cache=False, ) if TESTING: raise if node: new_stmts = {statement_containing_node(node)} assert_(new_stmts <= stmts) stmts = new_stmts return source, node, stmts, decorator args = find(source=cls.for_frame(frame), retry_cache=True) executing_cache[key] = args return Executing(frame, *args) @classmethod def _class_local(cls, name, default): """ Returns an attribute directly associated with this class (as opposed to subclasses), setting default if necessary """ # classes have a mappingproxy preventing us from using setdefault result = cls.__dict__.get(name, default) setattr(cls, name, result) return result @cache def statements_at_line(self, lineno): """ Returns the statement nodes overlapping the given line. Returns at most one statement unless semicolons are present. If the `text` attribute is not valid python, meaning `tree` is None, returns an empty set. Otherwise, `Source.for_frame(frame).statements_at_line(frame.f_lineno)` should return at least one statement. """ return { statement_containing_node(node) for node in self._nodes_by_line[lineno] } @cache def asttokens(self): """ Returns an ASTTokens object for getting the source of specific AST nodes. See http://asttokens.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api-index.html """ from asttokens import ASTTokens # must be installed separately return ASTTokens( self.text, tree=self.tree, filename=self.filename, ) @staticmethod def decode_source(source): if isinstance(source, bytes): encoding = Source.detect_encoding(source) source = source.decode(encoding) return source @staticmethod def detect_encoding(source): return detect_encoding(io.BytesIO(source).readline)[0] def code_qualname(self, code): """ Imitates the __qualname__ attribute of functions for code objects. Given: - A function `func` - A frame `frame` for an execution of `func`, meaning: `frame.f_code is func.__code__` `Source.for_frame(frame).code_qualname(frame.f_code)` will be equal to `func.__qualname__`*. Works for Python 2 as well, where of course no `__qualname__` attribute exists. Falls back to `code.co_name` if there is no appropriate qualname. Based on https://github.com/wbolster/qualname (* unless `func` is a lambda nested inside another lambda on the same line, in which case the outer lambda's qualname will be returned for the codes of both lambdas) """ assert_(code.co_filename == self.filename) return self._qualnames.get((code.co_name, code.co_firstlineno), code.co_name) class Executing(object): """ Information about the operation a frame is currently executing. Generally you will just want `node`, which is the AST node being executed, or None if it's unknown. If a decorator is currently being called, then: - `node` is a function or class definition - `decorator` is the expression in `node.decorator_list` being called - `statements == {node}` """ def __init__(self, frame, source, node, stmts, decorator): self.frame = frame self.source = source self.node = node self.statements = stmts self.decorator = decorator def code_qualname(self): return self.source.code_qualname(self.frame.f_code) def text(self): return self.source.asttokens().get_text(self.node) def text_range(self): return self.source.asttokens().get_text_range(self.node) class QualnameVisitor(ast.NodeVisitor): def __init__(self): super(QualnameVisitor, self).__init__() self.stack = [] self.qualnames = {} def add_qualname(self, node, name=None): name = name or node.name self.stack.append(name) if getattr(node, 'decorator_list', ()): lineno = node.decorator_list[0].lineno else: lineno = node.lineno self.qualnames.setdefault((name, lineno), ".".join(self.stack)) def visit_FunctionDef(self, node, name=None): self.add_qualname(node, name) self.stack.append('') if isinstance(node, ast.Lambda): children = [node.body] else: children = node.body for child in children: self.visit(child) self.stack.pop() self.stack.pop() # Find lambdas in the function definition outside the body, # e.g. decorators or default arguments # Based on iter_child_nodes for field, child in ast.iter_fields(node): if field == 'body': continue if isinstance(child, ast.AST): self.visit(child) elif isinstance(child, list): for grandchild in child: if isinstance(grandchild, ast.AST): self.visit(grandchild) visit_AsyncFunctionDef = visit_FunctionDef def visit_Lambda(self, node): # noinspection PyTypeChecker self.visit_FunctionDef(node, '') def visit_ClassDef(self, node): self.add_qualname(node) self.generic_visit(node) self.stack.pop() future_flags = sum( getattr(__future__, fname).compiler_flag for fname in __future__.all_feature_names ) def compile_similar_to(source, matching_code): return compile( source, matching_code.co_filename, 'exec', flags=future_flags & matching_code.co_flags, dont_inherit=True, ) sentinel = 'io8urthglkjdghvljusketgIYRFYUVGHFRTBGVHKGF78678957647698' class NodeFinder(object): def __init__(self, frame, stmts, tree, lasti): assert_(stmts) self.frame = frame self.tree = tree self.code = code = frame.f_code self.is_pytest = any( 'pytest' in name.lower() for group in [code.co_names, code.co_varnames] for name in group ) if self.is_pytest: self.ignore_linenos = frozenset(assert_linenos(tree)) else: self.ignore_linenos = frozenset() self.decorator = None self.instruction = instruction = self.get_actual_current_instruction(lasti) op_name = instruction.opname extra_filter = lambda e: True if op_name.startswith('CALL_'): typ = ast.Call elif op_name.startswith(('BINARY_SUBSCR', 'SLICE+')): typ = ast.Subscript elif op_name.startswith('BINARY_'): typ = ast.BinOp op_type = dict( BINARY_POWER=ast.Pow, BINARY_MULTIPLY=ast.Mult, BINARY_MATRIX_MULTIPLY=getattr(ast, "MatMult", ()), BINARY_FLOOR_DIVIDE=ast.FloorDiv, BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE=ast.Div, BINARY_MODULO=ast.Mod, BINARY_ADD=ast.Add, BINARY_SUBTRACT=ast.Sub, BINARY_LSHIFT=ast.LShift, BINARY_RSHIFT=ast.RShift, BINARY_AND=ast.BitAnd, BINARY_XOR=ast.BitXor, BINARY_OR=ast.BitOr, )[op_name] extra_filter = lambda e: isinstance(e.op, op_type) elif op_name.startswith('UNARY_'): typ = ast.UnaryOp op_type = dict( UNARY_POSITIVE=ast.UAdd, UNARY_NEGATIVE=ast.USub, UNARY_NOT=ast.Not, UNARY_INVERT=ast.Invert, )[op_name] extra_filter = lambda e: isinstance(e.op, op_type) elif op_name in ('LOAD_ATTR', 'LOAD_METHOD', 'LOOKUP_METHOD'): typ = ast.Attribute # `in` to handle private mangled attributes extra_filter = lambda e: e.attr in instruction.argval elif op_name in ('LOAD_NAME', 'LOAD_GLOBAL', 'LOAD_FAST', 'LOAD_DEREF', 'LOAD_CLASSDEREF'): typ = ast.Name if PY3 or instruction.argval: extra_filter = lambda e: e.id == instruction.argval elif op_name in ('COMPARE_OP', 'IS_OP', 'CONTAINS_OP'): typ = ast.Compare extra_filter = lambda e: len(e.ops) == 1 else: raise RuntimeError(op_name) with lock: exprs = { node for stmt in stmts for node in ast.walk(stmt) if isinstance(node, typ) if not (hasattr(node, "ctx") and not isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load)) if extra_filter(node) if statement_containing_node(node) == stmt } matching = list(self.matching_nodes(exprs)) if not matching and typ == ast.Call: self.find_decorator(stmts) else: self.result = only(matching) def find_decorator(self, stmts): stmt = only(stmts) assert_(isinstance(stmt, (ast.ClassDef, function_node_types))) decorators = stmt.decorator_list assert_(decorators) line_instructions = [ inst for inst in self.clean_instructions(self.code) if inst.lineno == self.frame.f_lineno ] last_decorator_instruction_index = [ i for i, inst in enumerate(line_instructions) if inst.opname == "CALL_FUNCTION" ][-1] assert_( line_instructions[last_decorator_instruction_index + 1].opname.startswith( "STORE_" ) ) decorator_instructions = line_instructions[ last_decorator_instruction_index - len(decorators) + 1 : last_decorator_instruction_index + 1 ] assert_({inst.opname for inst in decorator_instructions} == {"CALL_FUNCTION"}) decorator_index = decorator_instructions.index(self.instruction) decorator = decorators[::-1][decorator_index] self.decorator = decorator self.result = stmt def clean_instructions(self, code): return [ inst for inst in get_instructions(code) if inst.opname not in ("EXTENDED_ARG", "NOP") if inst.lineno not in self.ignore_linenos ] def get_original_clean_instructions(self): result = self.clean_instructions(self.code) # pypy sometimes (when is not clear) # inserts JUMP_IF_NOT_DEBUG instructions in bytecode # If they're not present in our compiled instructions, # ignore them in the original bytecode if not any( inst.opname == "JUMP_IF_NOT_DEBUG" for inst in self.compile_instructions() ): result = [ inst for inst in result if inst.opname != "JUMP_IF_NOT_DEBUG" ] return result def matching_nodes(self, exprs): original_instructions = self.get_original_clean_instructions() original_index = only( i for i, inst in enumerate(original_instructions) if inst == self.instruction ) for expr_index, expr in enumerate(exprs): setter = get_setter(expr) # noinspection PyArgumentList replacement = ast.BinOp( left=expr, op=ast.Pow(), right=ast.Str(s=sentinel), ) ast.fix_missing_locations(replacement) setter(replacement) try: instructions = self.compile_instructions() finally: setter(expr) if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): try: handle_jumps(instructions, original_instructions) except Exception: # Give other candidates a chance if TESTING or expr_index < len(exprs) - 1: continue raise indices = [ i for i, instruction in enumerate(instructions) if instruction.argval == sentinel ] # There can be several indices when the bytecode is duplicated, # as happens in a finally block in 3.9+ # First we remove the opcodes caused by our modifications for index_num, sentinel_index in enumerate(indices): # Adjustment for removing sentinel instructions below # in past iterations sentinel_index -= index_num * 2 assert_(instructions.pop(sentinel_index).opname == 'LOAD_CONST') assert_(instructions.pop(sentinel_index).opname == 'BINARY_POWER') # Then we see if any of the instruction indices match for index_num, sentinel_index in enumerate(indices): sentinel_index -= index_num * 2 new_index = sentinel_index - 1 if new_index != original_index: continue original_inst = original_instructions[original_index] new_inst = instructions[new_index] # In Python 3.9+, changing 'not x in y' to 'not sentinel_transformation(x in y)' # changes a CONTAINS_OP(invert=1) to CONTAINS_OP(invert=0),,UNARY_NOT if ( original_inst.opname == new_inst.opname in ('CONTAINS_OP', 'IS_OP') and original_inst.arg != new_inst.arg and ( original_instructions[original_index + 1].opname != instructions[new_index + 1].opname == 'UNARY_NOT' )): # Remove the difference for the upcoming assert instructions.pop(new_index + 1) # Check that the modified instructions don't have anything unexpected # 3.10 is a bit too weird to assert this in all cases but things still work if sys.version_info < (3, 10): for inst1, inst2 in zip_longest( original_instructions, instructions ): assert_(inst1 and inst2 and opnames_match(inst1, inst2)) yield expr def compile_instructions(self): module_code = compile_similar_to(self.tree, self.code) code = only(self.find_codes(module_code)) return self.clean_instructions(code) def find_codes(self, root_code): checks = [ attrgetter('co_firstlineno'), attrgetter('co_freevars'), attrgetter('co_cellvars'), lambda c: is_ipython_cell_code_name(c.co_name) or c.co_name, ] if not self.is_pytest: checks += [ attrgetter('co_names'), attrgetter('co_varnames'), ] def matches(c): return all( f(c) == f(self.code) for f in checks ) code_options = [] if matches(root_code): code_options.append(root_code) def finder(code): for const in code.co_consts: if not inspect.iscode(const): continue if matches(const): code_options.append(const) finder(const) finder(root_code) return code_options def get_actual_current_instruction(self, lasti): """ Get the instruction corresponding to the current frame offset, skipping EXTENDED_ARG instructions """ # Don't use get_original_clean_instructions # because we need the actual instructions including # EXTENDED_ARG instructions = list(get_instructions(self.code)) index = only( i for i, inst in enumerate(instructions) if inst.offset == lasti ) while True: instruction = instructions[index] if instruction.opname != "EXTENDED_ARG": return instruction index += 1 def non_sentinel_instructions(instructions, start): """ Yields (index, instruction) pairs excluding the basic instructions introduced by the sentinel transformation """ skip_power = False for i, inst in islice(enumerate(instructions), start, None): if inst.argval == sentinel: assert_(inst.opname == "LOAD_CONST") skip_power = True continue elif skip_power: assert_(inst.opname == "BINARY_POWER") skip_power = False continue yield i, inst def walk_both_instructions(original_instructions, original_start, instructions, start): """ Yields matching indices and instructions from the new and original instructions, leaving out changes made by the sentinel transformation. """ original_iter = islice(enumerate(original_instructions), original_start, None) new_iter = non_sentinel_instructions(instructions, start) inverted_comparison = False while True: try: original_i, original_inst = next(original_iter) new_i, new_inst = next(new_iter) except StopIteration: return if ( inverted_comparison and original_inst.opname != new_inst.opname == "UNARY_NOT" ): new_i, new_inst = next(new_iter) inverted_comparison = ( original_inst.opname == new_inst.opname in ("CONTAINS_OP", "IS_OP") and original_inst.arg != new_inst.arg ) yield original_i, original_inst, new_i, new_inst def handle_jumps(instructions, original_instructions): """ Transforms instructions in place until it looks more like original_instructions. This is only needed in 3.10+ where optimisations lead to more drastic changes after the sentinel transformation. Replaces JUMP instructions that aren't also present in original_instructions with the sections that they jump to until a raise or return. In some other cases duplication found in `original_instructions` is replicated in `instructions`. """ while True: for original_i, original_inst, new_i, new_inst in walk_both_instructions( original_instructions, 0, instructions, 0 ): if opnames_match(original_inst, new_inst): continue if "JUMP" in new_inst.opname and "JUMP" not in original_inst.opname: # Find where the new instruction is jumping to, ignoring # instructions which have been copied in previous iterations start = only( i for i, inst in enumerate(instructions) if inst.offset == new_inst.argval and not getattr(inst, "_copied", False) ) # Replace the jump instruction with the jumped to section of instructions # That section may also be deleted if it's not similarly duplicated # in original_instructions instructions[new_i : new_i + 1] = handle_jump( original_instructions, original_i, instructions, start ) else: # Extract a section of original_instructions from original_i to return/raise orig_section = [] for section_inst in original_instructions[original_i:]: orig_section.append(section_inst) if section_inst.opname in ("RETURN_VALUE", "RAISE_VARARGS"): break else: # No return/raise - this is just a mismatch we can't handle raise AssertionError instructions[new_i:new_i] = only(find_new_matching(orig_section, instructions)) # instructions has been modified, the for loop can't sensibly continue # Restart it from the beginning, checking for other issues break else: # No mismatched jumps found, we're done return def find_new_matching(orig_section, instructions): """ Yields sections of `instructions` which match `orig_section`. The yielded sections include sentinel instructions, but these are ignored when checking for matches. """ for start in range(len(instructions) - len(orig_section)): indices, dup_section = zip( *islice( non_sentinel_instructions(instructions, start), len(orig_section), ) ) if len(dup_section) < len(orig_section): return if sections_match(orig_section, dup_section): yield instructions[start:indices[-1] + 1] def handle_jump(original_instructions, original_start, instructions, start): """ Returns the section of instructions starting at `start` and ending with a RETURN_VALUE or RAISE_VARARGS instruction. There should be a matching section in original_instructions starting at original_start. If that section doesn't appear elsewhere in original_instructions, then also delete the returned section of instructions. """ for original_j, original_inst, new_j, new_inst in walk_both_instructions( original_instructions, original_start, instructions, start ): assert_(opnames_match(original_inst, new_inst)) if original_inst.opname in ("RETURN_VALUE", "RAISE_VARARGS"): inlined = deepcopy(instructions[start : new_j + 1]) for inl in inlined: inl._copied = True orig_section = original_instructions[original_start : original_j + 1] if not check_duplicates( original_start, orig_section, original_instructions ): instructions[start : new_j + 1] = [] return inlined def check_duplicates(original_i, orig_section, original_instructions): """ Returns True if a section of original_instructions starting somewhere other than original_i and matching orig_section is found, i.e. orig_section is duplicated. """ for dup_start in range(len(original_instructions)): if dup_start == original_i: continue dup_section = original_instructions[dup_start : dup_start + len(orig_section)] if len(dup_section) < len(orig_section): return False if sections_match(orig_section, dup_section): return True def sections_match(orig_section, dup_section): """ Returns True if the given lists of instructions have matching linenos and opnames. """ return all( ( orig_inst.lineno == dup_inst.lineno # POP_BLOCKs have been found to have differing linenos in innocent cases or "POP_BLOCK" == orig_inst.opname == dup_inst.opname ) and opnames_match(orig_inst, dup_inst) for orig_inst, dup_inst in zip(orig_section, dup_section) ) def opnames_match(inst1, inst2): return ( inst1.opname == inst2.opname or "JUMP" in inst1.opname and "JUMP" in inst2.opname or (inst1.opname == "PRINT_EXPR" and inst2.opname == "POP_TOP") or ( inst1.opname in ("LOAD_METHOD", "LOOKUP_METHOD") and inst2.opname == "LOAD_ATTR" ) or (inst1.opname == "CALL_METHOD" and inst2.opname == "CALL_FUNCTION") ) def get_setter(node): parent = node.parent for name, field in ast.iter_fields(parent): if field is node: return lambda new_node: setattr(parent, name, new_node) elif isinstance(field, list): for i, item in enumerate(field): if item is node: def setter(new_node): field[i] = new_node return setter lock = RLock() @cache def statement_containing_node(node): while not isinstance(node, ast.stmt): node = node.parent return node def assert_linenos(tree): for node in ast.walk(tree): if ( hasattr(node, 'parent') and hasattr(node, 'lineno') and isinstance(statement_containing_node(node), ast.Assert) ): yield node.lineno def _extract_ipython_statement(stmt): # IPython separates each statement in a cell to be executed separately # So NodeFinder should only compile one statement at a time or it # will find a code mismatch. while not isinstance(stmt.parent, ast.Module): stmt = stmt.parent # use `ast.parse` instead of `ast.Module` for better portability # python3.8 changes the signature of `ast.Module` # Inspired by https://github.com/pallets/werkzeug/pull/1552/files tree = ast.parse("") tree.body = [stmt] ast.copy_location(tree, stmt) return tree def is_ipython_cell_code_name(code_name): return bool(re.match(r"(|)$", code_name)) def is_ipython_cell_filename(filename): return re.search(r"