"""Unit tests for the FileChecker class.""" import mock import pytest import flake8 from flake8 import checker @mock.patch('flake8.processor.FileProcessor') def test_run_ast_checks_handles_SyntaxErrors(FileProcessor): # noqa: N802,N803 """Stress our SyntaxError handling. Related to: https://gitlab.com/pycqa/flake8/issues/237 """ processor = mock.Mock(lines=[]) FileProcessor.return_value = processor processor.build_ast.side_effect = SyntaxError('Failed to build ast', ('', 1, 5, 'foo(\n')) file_checker = checker.FileChecker(__file__, checks={}, options=object()) with mock.patch.object(file_checker, 'report') as report: file_checker.run_ast_checks() report.assert_called_once_with( 'E999', 1, 3, 'SyntaxError: Failed to build ast', ) @mock.patch('flake8.checker.FileChecker._make_processor', return_value=None) def test_repr(*args): """Verify we generate a correct repr.""" file_checker = checker.FileChecker( 'example.py', checks={}, options=object(), ) assert repr(file_checker) == 'FileChecker for example.py' def test_nonexistent_file(): """Verify that checking non-existent file results in an error.""" c = checker.FileChecker("foobar.py", checks={}, options=object()) assert c.processor is None assert not c.should_process assert len(c.results) == 1 error = c.results[0] assert error[0] == "E902" def test_raises_exception_on_failed_plugin(tmp_path, default_options): """Checks that a failing plugin results in PluginExecutionFailed.""" foobar = tmp_path / 'foobar.py' foobar.write_text(u"I exist!") # Create temp file plugin = { "name": "failure", "plugin_name": "failure", # Both are necessary "parameters": dict(), "plugin": mock.MagicMock(side_effect=ValueError), } """Verify a failing plugin results in an plugin error""" fchecker = checker.FileChecker( str(foobar), checks=[], options=default_options) with pytest.raises(flake8.exceptions.PluginExecutionFailed): fchecker.run_check(plugin)