"""Tests for flake8.plugins.manager.Plugin.""" import argparse import mock import pytest from flake8 import exceptions from flake8.options import manager as options_manager from flake8.plugins import manager def test_load_plugin_fallsback_on_old_setuptools(): """Verify we fallback gracefully to on old versions of setuptools.""" entry_point = mock.Mock(spec=['load']) plugin = manager.Plugin('T000', entry_point) plugin.load_plugin() entry_point.load.assert_called_once_with() def test_load_plugin_is_idempotent(): """Verify we use the preferred methods on new versions of setuptools.""" entry_point = mock.Mock(spec=['load']) plugin = manager.Plugin('T000', entry_point) plugin.load_plugin() plugin.load_plugin() plugin.load_plugin() entry_point.load.assert_called_once_with() def test_load_plugin_catches_and_reraises_exceptions(): """Verify we raise our own FailedToLoadPlugin.""" entry_point = mock.Mock(spec=['load']) entry_point.load.side_effect = ValueError('Test failure') plugin = manager.Plugin('T000', entry_point) with pytest.raises(exceptions.FailedToLoadPlugin): plugin.load_plugin() def test_load_noncallable_plugin(): """Verify that we do not load a non-callable plugin.""" entry_point = mock.Mock(spec=['load']) entry_point.load.return_value = mock.NonCallableMock() plugin = manager.Plugin('T000', entry_point) with pytest.raises(exceptions.FailedToLoadPlugin): plugin.load_plugin() entry_point.load.assert_called_once_with() def test_plugin_property_loads_plugin_on_first_use(): """Verify that we load our plugin when we first try to use it.""" entry_point = mock.Mock(spec=['load']) plugin = manager.Plugin('T000', entry_point) assert plugin.plugin is not None entry_point.load.assert_called_once_with() def test_execute_calls_plugin_with_passed_arguments(): """Verify that we pass arguments directly to the plugin.""" entry_point = mock.Mock(spec=['load']) plugin_obj = mock.Mock() plugin = manager.Plugin('T000', entry_point) plugin._plugin = plugin_obj plugin.execute('arg1', 'arg2', kwarg1='value1', kwarg2='value2') plugin_obj.assert_called_once_with( 'arg1', 'arg2', kwarg1='value1', kwarg2='value2' ) # Extra assertions assert entry_point.load.called is False def test_version_proxies_to_the_plugin(): """Verify that we pass arguments directly to the plugin.""" entry_point = mock.Mock(spec=['load']) plugin_obj = mock.Mock(spec_set=['version']) plugin_obj.version = 'a.b.c' plugin = manager.Plugin('T000', entry_point) plugin._plugin = plugin_obj assert plugin.version == 'a.b.c' def test_register_options(): """Verify we call add_options on the plugin only if it exists.""" # Set up our mocks and Plugin object entry_point = mock.Mock(spec=['load']) plugin_obj = mock.Mock(spec_set=['name', 'version', 'add_options', 'parse_options']) option_manager = mock.MagicMock(spec=options_manager.OptionManager) plugin = manager.Plugin('T000', entry_point) plugin._plugin = plugin_obj # Call the method we're testing. plugin.register_options(option_manager) # Assert that we call add_options plugin_obj.add_options.assert_called_once_with(option_manager) def test_register_options_checks_plugin_for_method(): """Verify we call add_options on the plugin only if it exists.""" # Set up our mocks and Plugin object entry_point = mock.Mock(spec=['load']) plugin_obj = mock.Mock(spec_set=['name', 'version', 'parse_options']) option_manager = mock.Mock(spec=['register_plugin']) plugin = manager.Plugin('T000', entry_point) plugin._plugin = plugin_obj # Call the method we're testing. plugin.register_options(option_manager) # Assert that we register the plugin assert option_manager.register_plugin.called is False def test_provide_options(): """Verify we call add_options on the plugin only if it exists.""" # Set up our mocks and Plugin object entry_point = mock.Mock(spec=['load']) plugin_obj = mock.Mock(spec_set=['name', 'version', 'add_options', 'parse_options']) option_values = argparse.Namespace(enable_extensions=[]) option_manager = mock.Mock() plugin = manager.Plugin('T000', entry_point) plugin._plugin = plugin_obj # Call the method we're testing. plugin.provide_options(option_manager, option_values, None) # Assert that we call add_options plugin_obj.parse_options.assert_called_once_with( option_manager, option_values, None ) @pytest.mark.parametrize('ignore_list, code, expected_list', [ (['E', 'W', 'F', 'C9'], 'W', ['E', 'F', 'C9']), (['E', 'W', 'F'], 'C9', ['E', 'W', 'F']), ]) def test_enable(ignore_list, code, expected_list): """Verify that enabling a plugin removes it from the ignore list.""" options = mock.Mock(ignore=ignore_list) optmanager = mock.Mock() plugin = manager.Plugin(code, mock.Mock()) plugin.enable(optmanager, options) assert options.ignore == expected_list def test_enable_without_providing_parsed_options(): """Verify that enabling a plugin removes it from the ignore list.""" optmanager = mock.Mock() plugin = manager.Plugin('U4', mock.Mock()) plugin.enable(optmanager) optmanager.remove_from_default_ignore.assert_called_once_with(['U4'])