"""Tests for the flake8.style_guide.Violation class.""" import mock import pytest from flake8 import style_guide @pytest.mark.parametrize('error_code,physical_line,expected_result', [ ('E111', 'a = 1', False), ('E121', 'a = 1 # noqa: E111', False), ('E121', 'a = 1 # noqa: E111,W123,F821', False), ('E111', 'a = 1 # noqa: E111,W123,F821', True), ('W123', 'a = 1 # noqa: E111,W123,F821', True), ('W123', 'a = 1 # noqa: E111, W123,F821', True), ('E111', 'a = 1 # noqa: E11,W123,F821', True), ('E121', 'a = 1 # noqa:E111,W123,F821', False), ('E111', 'a = 1 # noqa:E111,W123,F821', True), ('W123', 'a = 1 # noqa:E111,W123,F821', True), ('W123', 'a = 1 # noqa:E111, W123,F821', True), ('E111', 'a = 1 # noqa:E11,W123,F821', True), ('E111', 'a = 1 # noqa, analysis:ignore', True), ('E111', 'a = 1 # noqa analysis:ignore', True), ('E111', 'a = 1 # noqa - We do not care', True), ('E111', 'a = 1 # noqa: We do not care', True), ('E111', 'a = 1 # noqa:We do not care', True), ('ABC123', 'a = 1 # noqa: ABC123', True), ('E111', 'a = 1 # noqa: ABC123', False), ('ABC123', 'a = 1 # noqa: ABC124', False), ]) def test_is_inline_ignored(error_code, physical_line, expected_result): """Verify that we detect inline usage of ``# noqa``.""" error = style_guide.Violation( error_code, 'filename.py', 1, 1, 'error text', None) # We want `None` to be passed as the physical line so we actually use our # monkey-patched linecache.getline value. with mock.patch('linecache.getline', return_value=physical_line): assert error.is_inline_ignored(False) is expected_result def test_disable_is_inline_ignored(): """Verify that is_inline_ignored exits immediately if disabling NoQA.""" error = style_guide.Violation( 'E121', 'filename.py', 1, 1, 'error text', 'line') with mock.patch('linecache.getline') as getline: assert error.is_inline_ignored(True) is False assert getline.called is False @pytest.mark.parametrize('violation_file,violation_line,diff,expected', [ ('file.py', 10, {}, True), ('file.py', 1, {'file.py': range(1, 2)}, True), ('file.py', 10, {'file.py': range(1, 2)}, False), ('file.py', 1, {'other.py': range(1, 2)}, False), ('file.py', 10, {'other.py': range(1, 2)}, False), ]) def test_violation_is_in_diff(violation_file, violation_line, diff, expected): """Verify that we find violations within a diff.""" violation = style_guide.Violation( 'E001', violation_file, violation_line, 1, 'warning', 'line', ) assert violation.is_in(diff) is expected