# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ An example of a simple player widget animating an Image demonstrating how to connnect a simple HoloViews plot with custom widgets and combine them into a bokeh layout. The app can be served using: bokeh serve --show player.py """ import numpy as np import holoviews as hv from bokeh.io import curdoc from bokeh.layouts import layout from bokeh.models import Slider, Button renderer = hv.renderer('bokeh') # Declare the HoloViews object start = 0 end = 10 hmap = hv.HoloMap({i: hv.Image(np.random.rand(10,10)) for i in range(start, end+1)}) # Convert the HoloViews object into a plot plot = renderer.get_plot(hmap) def animate_update(): year = slider.value + 1 if year > end: year = start slider.value = year def slider_update(attrname, old, new): plot.update(slider.value) slider = Slider(start=start, end=end, value=0, step=1, title="Year") slider.on_change('value', slider_update) def animate(): if button.label == '► Play': button.label = '❚❚ Pause' curdoc().add_periodic_callback(animate_update, 200) else: button.label = '► Play' curdoc().remove_periodic_callback(animate_update) button = Button(label='► Play', width=60) button.on_click(animate) # Combine the bokeh plot on plot.state with the widgets layout = layout([ [plot.state], [slider, button], ], sizing_mode='fixed') curdoc().add_root(layout)