from __future__ import absolute_import # standard library imports import uuid import copy from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple import pickle import base64 # Holoviews imports import holoviews as hv from dash.exceptions import PreventUpdate from holoviews.plotting.plotly import PlotlyRenderer, DynamicMap from holoviews.plotting.plotly.util import clean_internal_figure_properties from holoviews.core.decollate import ( initialize_dynamic, to_expr_extract_streams, expr_to_fn_of_stream_contents ) from holoviews.streams import Derived, History from holoviews.plotting.plotly.callbacks import ( Selection1DCallback, RangeXYCallback, RangeXCallback, RangeYCallback, BoundsXYCallback, BoundsXCallback, BoundsYCallback ) # Dash imports try: import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_html_components as html except ImportError: import dash.dcc as dcc import dash.html as html from dash import callback_context from dash.dependencies import Output, Input, State # imports import plotly.graph_objects as go # Activate plotly as current HoloViews extension hv.extension("plotly") # Named tuples definitions StreamCallback = namedtuple("StreamCallback", ["input_ids", "fn", "output_id"]) DashComponents = namedtuple( "DashComponents", ["graphs", "kdims", "store", "resets", "children"] ) HoloViewsFunctionSpec = namedtuple("HoloViewsFunctionSpec", ["fn", "kdims", "streams"]) def get_layout_ranges(plot): layout_ranges = {} fig_dict = plot.state for k in fig_dict['layout']: if k.startswith('xaxis') or k.startswith('yaxis'): if "range" in fig_dict['layout'][k]: layout_ranges[k] = {"range": fig_dict['layout'][k]["range"]} if k.startswith('mapbox'): mapbox_ranges = {} if "center" in fig_dict['layout'][k]: mapbox_ranges["center"] = fig_dict['layout'][k]["center"] if "zoom" in fig_dict['layout'][k]: mapbox_ranges["zoom"] = fig_dict['layout'][k]["zoom"] if mapbox_ranges: layout_ranges[k] = mapbox_ranges return layout_ranges def plot_to_figure( plot, reset_nclicks=0, layout_ranges=None, responsive=True, use_ranges=True ): """ Convert a HoloViews plotly plot to a Figure. Args: plot: A HoloViews plotly plot object reset_nclicks: Number of times a reset button associated with the plot has been clicked Returns: A Figure """ fig_dict = plot.state clean_internal_figure_properties(fig_dict) # Enable uirevision to preserve user-interaction state # Don't use reset_nclicks directly because 0 is treated as no revision fig_dict['layout']['uirevision'] = "reset-" + str(reset_nclicks) # Remove range specification so plotly.js autorange + uirevision is in control if layout_ranges and use_ranges: for k in fig_dict['layout']: if k.startswith('xaxis') or k.startswith('yaxis'): fig_dict['layout'][k].pop('range', None) if k.startswith('mapbox'): fig_dict['layout'][k].pop('zoom', None) fig_dict['layout'][k].pop('center', None) # Remove figure width height, let container decide if responsive: fig_dict['layout'].pop('autosize', None) if responsive is True or responsive == "width": fig_dict['layout'].pop('width', None) if responsive is True or responsive == "height": fig_dict['layout'].pop('height', None) # Pass to figure constructor to expand magic underscore notation fig = go.Figure(fig_dict) if layout_ranges and use_ranges: fig.update_layout(layout_ranges) return fig def to_function_spec(hvobj): """ Convert Dynamic HoloViews object into a pure function that accepts kdim values and stream contents as positional arguments. This borrows the low-level holoviews decollate logic, but instead of returning DynamicMap with cloned streams, returns a HoloViewsFunctionSpec. Args: hvobj: A potentially dynamic Holoviews object Returns: HoloViewsFunctionSpec """ kdims_list = [] original_streams = [] streams = [] stream_mapping = {} initialize_dynamic(hvobj) expr = to_expr_extract_streams( hvobj, kdims_list, streams, original_streams, stream_mapping ) expr_fn = expr_to_fn_of_stream_contents(expr, nkdims=len(kdims_list)) # Check for unbounded dimensions if isinstance(hvobj, DynamicMap) and hvobj.unbounded: dims = ', '.join('%r' % dim for dim in hvobj.unbounded) msg = ('DynamicMap cannot be displayed without explicit indexing ' 'as {dims} dimension(s) are unbounded. ' '\nSet dimensions bounds with the DynamicMap redim.range ' 'or redim.values methods.') raise ValueError(msg.format(dims=dims)) # Build mapping from kdims to values/range dimensions_dict = { d for d in hvobj.dimensions()} kdims = OrderedDict() for k in kdims_list: dim = dimensions_dict[] label = dim.label or kdims[] = label, dim.values or dim.range return HoloViewsFunctionSpec(fn=expr_fn, kdims=kdims, streams=original_streams) def populate_store_with_stream_contents( store_data, streams ): """ Add contents of streams to the store dictionary Args: store_data: The store dictionary streams: List of streams whose contents should be added to the store Returns: None """ for stream in streams: # Add stream store_data["streams"][id(stream)] = copy.deepcopy(stream.contents) if isinstance(stream, Derived): populate_store_with_stream_contents(store_data, stream.input_streams) elif isinstance(stream, History): populate_store_with_stream_contents(store_data, [stream.input_stream]) def build_derived_callback(derived_stream): """ Build StreamCallback for Derived stream Args: derived_stream: A Derived stream Returns: StreamCallback """ input_ids = [id(stream) for stream in derived_stream.input_streams] constants = copy.copy(derived_stream.constants) transform = derived_stream.transform_function def derived_callback(*stream_values): return transform(stream_values=stream_values, constants=constants) return StreamCallback( input_ids=input_ids, fn=derived_callback, output_id=id(derived_stream) ) def build_history_callback(history_stream): """ Build StreamCallback for History stream Args: history_stream: A History stream Returns: StreamCallback """ history_id = id(history_stream) input_stream_id = id(history_stream.input_stream) def history_callback(prior_value, input_value): new_value = copy.deepcopy(prior_value) new_value["values"].append(input_value) return new_value return StreamCallback( input_ids=[history_id, input_stream_id], fn=history_callback, output_id=history_id ) def populate_stream_callback_graph(stream_callbacks, streams): """ Populate the stream_callbacks OrderedDict with StreamCallback instances associated with all of the History and Derived streams in input stream list. Input streams to any History or Derived streams are processed recursively Args: stream_callbacks: OrderedDict from id(stream) to StreamCallbacks the should be populated. Order will be a breadth-first traversal of the provided streams list, and any input streams that these depend on. streams: List of streams to build StreamCallbacks from Returns: None """ for stream in streams: if isinstance(stream, Derived): cb = build_derived_callback(stream) if cb.output_id not in stream_callbacks: stream_callbacks[cb.output_id] = cb populate_stream_callback_graph(stream_callbacks, stream.input_streams) elif isinstance(stream, History): cb = build_history_callback(stream) if cb.output_id not in stream_callbacks: stream_callbacks[cb.output_id] = cb populate_stream_callback_graph(stream_callbacks, [stream.input_stream]) def encode_store_data(store_data): """ Encode store_data dict into a JSON serializable dict This is currently done by pickling store_data and converting to a base64 encoded string. If HoloViews supports JSON serialization in the future, this method could be updated to use this approach instead Args: store_data: dict potentially containing HoloViews objects Returns: dict that can be JSON serialized """ return {"pickled": base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(store_data)).decode("utf-8")} def decode_store_data(store_data): """ Decode a dict that was encoded by the encode_store_data function. Args: store_data: dict that was encoded by encode_store_data Returns: decoded dict """ return pickle.loads(base64.b64decode(store_data["pickled"])) def to_dash( app, hvobjs, reset_button=False, graph_class=dcc.Graph, button_class=html.Button, responsive="width", use_ranges=True, ): """ Build Dash components and callbacks from a collection of HoloViews objects Args: app: dash.Dash application instance hvobjs: List of HoloViews objects to build Dash components from reset_button: If True, construct a Button component that, which clicked, will reset the interactive stream values associated with the provided HoloViews objects to their initial values. Defaults to False. graph_class: Class to use when creating Graph components, one of dcc.Graph (default) or ddk.Graph. button_class: Class to use when creating reset button component. E.g. html.Button (default) or dbc.Button responsive: If True graphs will fill their containers width and height responsively. If False, graphs will have a fixed size matching their HoloViews size. If "width" (default), the width is responsive but height matches the HoloViews size. If "height", the height is responsive but the width matches the HoloViews size. use_ranges: If True, initialize graphs with the dimension ranges specified in the HoloViews objects. If False, allow Dash to perform its own auto-range calculations. Returns: DashComponents named tuple with properties: - graphs: List of graph components (with type matching the input graph_class argument) with order corresponding to the order of the input hvobjs list. - resets: List of reset buttons that can be used to reset figure state. List has length 1 if reset_button=True and is empty if reset_button=False. - kdims: Dict from kdim names to Dash Components that can be used to set the corresponding kdim value. - store: dcc.Store the must be included in the app layout - children: Single list of all components above. The order is graphs, kdims, resets, and then the store. """ # Number of figures num_figs = len(hvobjs) # Initialize component properties reset_components = [] graph_components = [] kdim_components = {} # Initialize inputs / outputs / states list outputs = [] inputs = [] states = [] # Initialize other plots = [] graph_ids = [] initial_fig_dicts = [] all_kdims = OrderedDict() kdims_per_fig = [] # Initialize stream mappings uid_to_stream_ids = {} fig_to_fn_stream = {} fig_to_fn_stream_ids = {} # Plotly stream types plotly_stream_types = [ RangeXYCallback, RangeXCallback, RangeYCallback, Selection1DCallback, BoundsXYCallback, BoundsXCallback, BoundsYCallback ] # Layout ranges layout_ranges = [] for i, hvobj in enumerate(hvobjs): fn_spec = to_function_spec(hvobj) fig_to_fn_stream[i] = fn_spec kdims_per_fig.append(list(fn_spec.kdims)) all_kdims.update(fn_spec.kdims) # Convert to figure once so that we can map streams to axes plot = PlotlyRenderer.get_plot(hvobj) plots.append(plot) layout_ranges.append(get_layout_ranges(plot)) fig = plot_to_figure( plot, reset_nclicks=0, layout_ranges=layout_ranges[-1], responsive=responsive, use_ranges=use_ranges, ).to_dict() initial_fig_dicts.append(fig) # Build graphs graph_id = 'graph-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) graph_ids.append(graph_id) graph = graph_class( id=graph_id, figure=fig, config={"scrollZoom": True}, ) graph_components.append(graph) # Build dict from trace uid to plotly callback object plotly_streams = {} for plotly_stream_type in plotly_stream_types: for t in fig["data"]: if t.get("uid", None) in plotly_stream_type.instances: plotly_streams.setdefault(plotly_stream_type, {})[t["uid"]] = \ plotly_stream_type.instances[t["uid"]] # Build dict from trace uid to list of connected HoloViews streams for plotly_stream_type, streams_for_type in plotly_streams.items(): for uid, cb in streams_for_type.items(): uid_to_stream_ids.setdefault( plotly_stream_type, {} ).setdefault(uid, []).extend( [id(stream) for stream in cb.streams] ) outputs.append(Output(component_id=graph_id, component_property='figure')) inputs.extend([ Input(component_id=graph_id, component_property='selectedData'), Input(component_id=graph_id, component_property='relayoutData') ]) # Build Store and State list store_data = {"streams": {}} store_id = 'store-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) states.append(State(store_id, 'data')) # Store holds mapping from id(stream) -> stream.contents for: # - All extracted streams (including derived) # - All input streams for History and Derived streams. for fn_spec in fig_to_fn_stream.values(): populate_store_with_stream_contents(store_data, fn_spec.streams) # Initialize empty list of (input_ids, output_id, fn) triples. For each # Derived/History stream, prepend list with triple. Process in # breadth-first order so all inputs to a triple are guaranteed to be earlier # in the list. History streams will input and output their own id, which is # fine. stream_callbacks = OrderedDict() for fn_spec in fig_to_fn_stream.values(): populate_stream_callback_graph(stream_callbacks, fn_spec.streams) # For each Figure function, save off list of ids for the streams whose contents # should be passed to the function. for i, fn_spec in fig_to_fn_stream.items(): fig_to_fn_stream_ids[i] = fn_spec.fn, [id(stream) for stream in fn_spec.streams] # Add store output store = dcc.Store( id=store_id, data=encode_store_data(store_data), ) outputs.append(Output(store_id, 'data')) # Save copy of initial stream contents initial_stream_contents = copy.deepcopy(store_data["streams"]) # Add kdim sliders kdim_uuids = [] for kdim_name, (kdim_label, kdim_range) in all_kdims.items(): slider_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) slider_id = kdim_name + "-" + slider_uuid slider_label_id = kdim_name + "-label-" + slider_uuid kdim_uuids.append(slider_uuid) html_label = html.Label(id=slider_label_id, children=kdim_label) if isinstance(kdim_range, list): # list of slider values slider = html.Div(children=[ html_label, dcc.Slider( id=slider_id, min=kdim_range[0], max=kdim_range[-1], step=None, marks={ m: "" for m in kdim_range }, value=kdim_range[0] )]) else: # Range of slider values slider = html.Div(children=[ html_label, dcc.Slider( id=slider_id, min=kdim_range[0], max=kdim_range[-1], step=(kdim_range[-1] - kdim_range[0]) / 11.0, value=kdim_range[0] )]) kdim_components[kdim_name] = slider inputs.append(Input(component_id=slider_id, component_property="value")) # Add reset button if reset_button: reset_id = 'reset-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) reset_button = button_class(id=reset_id, children="Reset") inputs.append(Input( component_id=reset_id, component_property='n_clicks' )) reset_components.append(reset_button) # Register Graphs/Store callback @app.callback( outputs, inputs, states ) def update_figure(*args): triggered_prop_ids = {entry["prop_id"] for entry in callback_context.triggered} # Unpack args selected_dicts = [args[j] or {} for j in range(0, num_figs * 2, 2)] relayout_dicts = [args[j] or {} for j in range(1, num_figs * 2, 2)] # Get store any_change = False store_data = decode_store_data(args[-1]) reset_nclicks = 0 if reset_button: reset_nclicks = args[-2] or 0 prior_reset_nclicks = store_data.get("reset_nclicks", 0) if reset_nclicks != prior_reset_nclicks: store_data["reset_nclicks"] = reset_nclicks # clear stream values store_data["streams"] = copy.deepcopy(initial_stream_contents) selected_dicts = [None for _ in selected_dicts] relayout_dicts = [None for _ in relayout_dicts] any_change = True # Init store data if needed if store_data is None: store_data = {"streams": {}} # Get kdim values store_data.setdefault("kdims", {}) for i, kdim in zip( range(num_figs * 2, num_figs * 2 + len(all_kdims)), all_kdims ): if kdim not in store_data["kdims"] or store_data["kdims"][kdim] != args[i]: store_data["kdims"][kdim] = args[i] any_change = True # Update store_data with interactive stream values for fig_ind, fig_dict in enumerate(initial_fig_dicts): graph_id = graph_ids[fig_ind] # plotly_stream_types for plotly_stream_type, uid_to_streams_for_type in uid_to_stream_ids.items(): for panel_prop in plotly_stream_type.callback_properties: if panel_prop == "selected_data": if graph_id + ".selectedData" in triggered_prop_ids: # Only update selectedData values that just changed. # This way we don't save values that may have been cleared # from the store above by the reset button. stream_event_data = plotly_stream_type.get_event_data_from_property_update( panel_prop, selected_dicts[fig_ind], initial_fig_dicts[fig_ind] ) any_change = update_stream_values_for_type( store_data, stream_event_data, uid_to_streams_for_type ) or any_change elif panel_prop == "viewport": if graph_id + ".relayoutData" in triggered_prop_ids: stream_event_data = plotly_stream_type.get_event_data_from_property_update( panel_prop, relayout_dicts[fig_ind], initial_fig_dicts[fig_ind] ) stream_event_data = { uid: event_data for uid, event_data in stream_event_data.items() if event_data["x_range"] is not None or event_data[ "y_range"] is not None } any_change = update_stream_values_for_type( store_data, stream_event_data, uid_to_streams_for_type ) or any_change elif panel_prop == "relayout_data": if graph_id + ".relayoutData" in triggered_prop_ids: stream_event_data = plotly_stream_type.get_event_data_from_property_update( panel_prop, relayout_dicts[fig_ind], initial_fig_dicts[fig_ind] ) any_change = update_stream_values_for_type( store_data, stream_event_data, uid_to_streams_for_type ) or any_change if not any_change: raise PreventUpdate # Update store with derived/history stream values for output_id in reversed(stream_callbacks): stream_callback = stream_callbacks[output_id] input_ids = stream_callback.input_ids fn = stream_callback.fn output_id = stream_callback.output_id input_values = [store_data["streams"][input_id] for input_id in input_ids] output_value = fn(*input_values) store_data["streams"][output_id] = output_value figs = [None] * num_figs for fig_ind, (fn, stream_ids) in fig_to_fn_stream_ids.items(): fig_kdim_values = [store_data["kdims"][kd] for kd in kdims_per_fig[fig_ind]] stream_values = [ store_data["streams"][stream_id] for stream_id in stream_ids ] hvobj = fn(*(fig_kdim_values + stream_values)) plot = PlotlyRenderer.get_plot(hvobj) fig = plot_to_figure( plot, reset_nclicks=reset_nclicks, layout_ranges=layout_ranges[fig_ind], responsive=responsive, use_ranges=use_ranges, ).to_dict() figs[fig_ind] = fig return figs + [encode_store_data(store_data)] # Register key dimension slider callbacks # Install callbacks to update kdim labels based on slider values for i, kdim_name in enumerate(all_kdims): kdim_label = all_kdims[kdim_name][0] kdim_slider_id = kdim_name + "-" + kdim_uuids[i] kdim_label_id = kdim_name + "-label-" + kdim_uuids[i] @app.callback( Output(component_id=kdim_label_id, component_property="children"), [Input(component_id=kdim_slider_id, component_property="value")] ) def update_kdim_label(value, kdim_label=kdim_label): return "{kdim_label}: {value:.2f}".format( kdim_label=kdim_label, value=value ) # Collect Dash components into DashComponents namedtuple components = DashComponents( graphs=graph_components, kdims=kdim_components, resets=reset_components, store=store, children=( graph_components + list(kdim_components.values()) + reset_components + [store] ) ) return components def update_stream_values_for_type(store_data, stream_event_data, uid_to_streams_for_type): """ Update the store with values of streams for a single type Args: store_data: Current store dictionary stream_event_data: Potential stream data for current plotly event and traces in figures uid_to_streams_for_type: Mapping from trace UIDs to HoloViews streams of a particular type Returns: any_change: Whether any stream value has been updated """ any_change = False for uid, event_data in stream_event_data.items(): if uid in uid_to_streams_for_type: for stream_id in uid_to_streams_for_type[uid]: if stream_id not in store_data["streams"] or \ store_data["streams"][stream_id] != event_data: store_data["streams"][stream_id] = event_data any_change = True return any_change