import numpy as np
from holoviews.core import (HoloMap, GridSpace, NdOverlay, Dataset,
DynamicMap, GridMatrix)
from holoviews.element import Curve, Image, Points
from holoviews.operation import gridmatrix
from holoviews.streams import Stream
from .testplot import TestBokehPlot, bokeh_renderer
from bokeh.layouts import Column
from bokeh.models import Div, ToolbarBox
from holoviews.plotting.bokeh.util import LooseVersion, bokeh_version
class TestGridPlot(TestBokehPlot):
def test_grid_title(self):
grid = GridSpace({(i, j): HoloMap({a: Image(np.random.rand(10,10))
for a in range(3)}, kdims=['X'])
for i in range(2) for j in range(3)})
plot = bokeh_renderer.get_plot(grid)
title = plot.handles['title']
self.assertIsInstance(title, Div)
text = ('X: 0')
self.assertEqual(title.text, text)
def test_grid_title_update(self):
grid = GridSpace({(i, j): HoloMap({a: Image(np.random.rand(10,10))
for a in range(3)}, kdims=['X'])
for i in range(2) for j in range(3)})
plot = bokeh_renderer.get_plot(grid)
title = plot.handles['title']
self.assertIsInstance(title, Div)
text = ('X: 1')
self.assertEqual(title.text, text)
def test_gridmatrix_overlaid_batched(self):
ds = Dataset((['A']*5+['B']*5, np.random.rand(10), np.random.rand(10)),
kdims=['a', 'b', 'c'])
gmatrix = gridmatrix(ds.groupby('a', container_type=NdOverlay))
plot = bokeh_renderer.get_plot(gmatrix)
sp1 = plot.subplots[('b', 'c')]
self.assertEqual(sp1.state.xaxis[0].visible, False)
self.assertEqual(sp1.state.yaxis[0].visible, True)
sp2 = plot.subplots[('b', 'b')]
self.assertEqual(sp2.state.xaxis[0].visible, True)
self.assertEqual(sp2.state.yaxis[0].visible, True)
sp3 = plot.subplots[('c', 'b')]
self.assertEqual(sp3.state.xaxis[0].visible, True)
self.assertEqual(sp3.state.yaxis[0].visible, False)
sp4 = plot.subplots[('c', 'c')]
self.assertEqual(sp4.state.xaxis[0].visible, False)
self.assertEqual(sp4.state.yaxis[0].visible, False)
def test_gridspace_sparse(self):
grid = GridSpace({(i, j): Curve(range(i+j)) for i in range(1, 3)
for j in range(2,4) if not (i==1 and j == 2)})
plot = bokeh_renderer.get_plot(grid)
size = bokeh_renderer.get_size(plot.state)
if bokeh_version < LooseVersion('2.0.2'):
self.assertEqual(size, (318, 310))
self.assertEqual(size, (320, 311))
def test_grid_shared_source_synced_update(self):
hmap = HoloMap({i: Dataset({chr(65+j): np.random.rand(i+2)
for j in range(4)}, kdims=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])
for i in range(3)})
# Create two holomaps of points sharing the same data source
hmap1= x: Points(x.clone(kdims=['A', 'B'])), Dataset)
hmap2 = x: Points(x.clone(kdims=['D', 'C'])), Dataset)
# Pop key (1,) for one of the HoloMaps and make GridSpace
grid = GridSpace({0: hmap1, 2: hmap2}, kdims=['X']).opts(plot=dict(shared_datasource=True))
# Get plot
plot = bokeh_renderer.get_plot(grid)
# Check plot created shared data source and recorded expected columns
sources = plot.handles.get('shared_sources', [])
source_cols = plot.handles.get('source_cols', {})
self.assertEqual(len(sources), 1)
source = sources[0]
data =
cols = source_cols[id(source)]
self.assertEqual(set(cols), {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'})
# Ensure the source contains the expected columns
self.assertEqual(set(data.keys()), {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'})
# Update to key (1,) and check the source contains data
# corresponding to hmap1 and filled in NaNs for hmap2,
# which was popped above
self.assertEqual(data['A'], hmap1[1].dimension_values(0))
self.assertEqual(data['B'], hmap1[1].dimension_values(1))
self.assertEqual(data['C'], np.full_like(hmap1[1].dimension_values(0), np.NaN))
self.assertEqual(data['D'], np.full_like(hmap1[1].dimension_values(0), np.NaN))
def test_grid_set_toolbar_location(self):
grid = GridSpace({0: Curve([]), 1: Points([])}, 'X').options(toolbar='left')
plot = bokeh_renderer.get_plot(grid)
self.assertIsInstance(plot.state, Column)
self.assertIsInstance(plot.state.children[0].children[0], ToolbarBox)
def test_grid_disable_toolbar(self):
grid = GridSpace({0: Curve([]), 1: Points([])}, 'X').options(toolbar=None)
plot = bokeh_renderer.get_plot(grid)
self.assertIsInstance(plot.state, Column)
self.assertEqual([p for p in plot.state.children if isinstance(p, ToolbarBox)], [])
def test_grid_dimensioned_stream_title_update(self):
stream = Stream.define('Test', test=0)()
dmap = DynamicMap(lambda test: Curve([]), kdims=['test'], streams=[stream])
grid = GridMatrix({0: dmap, 1: Curve([])}, 'X')
plot = bokeh_renderer.get_plot(grid)
self.assertIn('test: 0', plot.handles['title'].text)
self.assertIn('test: 1', plot.handles['title'].text)
self.assertEqual(stream._subscribers, [])