from tiled.client import from_uri from tiled.client.node import Node from intake.catalog import Catalog from intake.source import DataSource class TiledCatalog(Catalog): """View Tiled server as a catalog See the documentation for setting up such a server at A tiled server may contain sources of dataframe, array or xarray type. This driver exposes the full tree as exposed by the server, but you can also specify the sub-path of that tree. """ name = "tiled_cat" def __init__(self, server, path=None): """ Parameters ---------- server: str or tiled.client.node.Node Location of tiles server. Usually of the form "http[s]://address:port/" May include a path. If the protocol is "tiled", we assume HTTP connection. Alternatively, can be a Node instance, already connected to a server. path: str (optional) If given, restrict the catalog to this part of the server's catalog tree. Equivalent to extending the server URL. """ self.path = path if isinstance(server, str): if server.startswith("tiled"): uri = server.replace("tiled", "http", 1) else: uri = server client = from_uri(uri, "dask") else: client = server uri = server.uri self.uri = uri if path is not None: client = client[path] super().__init__(entries=client, name="tiled:" + uri.split(":", 1)[1]) def search(self, query, type="text"): """Full text search Queries other than full text will be added later """ if type == "text": from tiled.queries import FullText q = FullText(query) else: raise NotImplementedError return TiledCatalog.from_dict(, uri=self.uri, path=self.path) def __getitem__(self, item): node = self._entries[item] if isinstance(node, Node): return TiledCatalog(node) else: return TiledSource(uri=self.uri, path=item, instance=node) types = { "DaskArrayClient": "ndarray", "DaskDataArrayClient": "xarray", "DaskDatasetClient": "xarray", "DaskVariableClient": "xarray", "DaskDataFrameClient": "dataframe" } class TiledSource(DataSource): """A source on a Tiled server The container type of this source is determined at runtime. The attribute ``.instance`` gives access to the underlying Tiled API, but most users will only call ``.to_dask()``. """ name = "tiled" def __init__(self, uri="", path="", instance=None, metadata=None): """ Parameters ---------- uri: str (optional) Location of the server. If ``instance`` is given, this is only used for the repr pathL str (optional) Path of the data source within the server tree. If ``instance`` is given, this is only used for the repr instance: tiled.client.node.None (optional) The tiled object pointing to the data source; normally created by a ``TiledCatalog`` metadata: dict Extra metadata for this source; metadata will also be provided by the server. """ if instance is None: instance = from_uri(uri, "dask")[path].read() self.instance = instance md = dict(instance.metadata) if metadata: md.update(metadata) super().__init__(metadata=md) = path self.container = types[type(self.instance).__name__] def discover(self): x = self.to_dask() dt = getattr(x, "dtype", None) or getattr(x, "dtypes", None) parts = getattr(x, "npartitions", None) or return dict(dtype=dt, shape=getattr(self.instance.structure().macro, "shape", x.shape), npartitions=parts, metadata=self.metadata) def to_dask(self): # cache this? return def read(self): return def _yaml(self): y = super()._yaml() v = list(y['sources'].values())[0] v['args'].pop('instance') return y