import json import os import platform import sys import pkgutil import pytest import tempfile def go(): py_major = sys.version_info[0] py_impl = platform.python_implementation().lower() print("Python implementation:", py_impl) specfile = os.path.join( os.environ["PREFIX"], "share", "jupyter", "kernels", "python{}".format(py_major), "kernel.json", ) print("Checking Kernelspec at: ", specfile, "...\n") with open(specfile, "r") as fh: raw_spec = print(raw_spec) spec = json.loads(raw_spec) print("\nChecking python executable", spec["argv"][0], "...") if spec["argv"][0].replace("\\", "/") != sys.executable.replace("\\", "/"): print( "The kernelspec seems to have the wrong prefix. \n" "Specfile: {}\n" "Expected: {}" "".format(spec["argv"][0], sys.executable) ) sys.exit(1) loader = pkgutil.get_loader("ipykernel.tests") pytest_args = [os.path.dirname(loader.path), "-vv", "--timeout", "300"] # coverage options pytest_args += [ "--cov", "ipykernel", "--cov-report", "term-missing:skip-covered", "--no-cov-on-fail", ] skips = ["flaky"] if len(skips) == 1: pytest_args += ["-k", "not {}".format(*skips)] else: pytest_args += ["-k", "not ({})".format(" or ".join(skips))] print("Final pytest args:", pytest_args) # actually run the tests sys.exit(pytest.main(pytest_args)) if __name__ == "__main__": if platform.system() == "Windows": with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as appdata: # prevent concurrent tests runs from overlapping Jupyter configs os.environ["APPDATA"] = appdata go() else: go()