# tests for ipython-8.2.0-py39h06a4308_0 (this is a generated file); print('===== testing package: ipython-8.2.0-py39h06a4308_0 ====='); print('running run_test.py'); # --- run_test.py (begin) --- import subprocess import platform import os import sys WIN = platform.system() == "Windows" LINUX = platform.system() == "Linux" PYPY = "__pypy__" in sys.builtin_module_names PPC = "ppc" in platform.machine() COV_THRESHOLD = os.environ.get("COV_THRESHOLD") # Environment variable should be set in the meta.yaml MIGRATING = eval(os.environ.get("MIGRATING", "None")) PYTEST_SKIPS = [] PYTEST_ARGS = [sys.executable, "-m", "pytest", "--pyargs", "IPython", "-vv"] if WIN: pass else: pass if LINUX: PYTEST_SKIPS += ["system_interrupt"] if PPC: PYTEST_SKIPS += ["ipython_dir_8", "audio_data", "figure_to_svg", "figure_to_jpeg", "retina_figure", "select_figure_formats_kwargs"] if COV_THRESHOLD is not None: PYTEST_ARGS += [ "--cov", "IPython", "--no-cov-on-fail", "--cov-fail-under", COV_THRESHOLD, "--cov-report", "term-missing:skip-covered" ] if len(PYTEST_SKIPS) == 1: PYTEST_ARGS += ["-k", f"not {PYTEST_SKIPS[0]}"] elif PYTEST_SKIPS: PYTEST_ARGS += ["-k", f"""not ({" or ".join(PYTEST_SKIPS) })"""] if __name__ == "__main__": print("Building on Windows?", WIN) print("Building on Linux? ", LINUX) print("Building for PyPy? ", PYPY) if MIGRATING: print("This is a migration, skipping test suite! Put it back later!", flush=True) sys.exit(0) else: print("Running pytest with args") print(PYTEST_ARGS, flush=True) sys.exit(subprocess.call(PYTEST_ARGS)) # --- run_test.py (end) --- print('===== ipython-8.2.0-py39h06a4308_0 OK ====='); print("import: 'IPython'") import IPython print("import: 'IPython.core'") import IPython.core print("import: 'IPython.core.magics'") import IPython.core.magics print("import: 'IPython.core.tests'") import IPython.core.tests print("import: 'IPython.extensions'") import IPython.extensions print("import: 'IPython.extensions.tests'") import IPython.extensions.tests print("import: 'IPython.external'") import IPython.external print("import: 'IPython.lib'") import IPython.lib print("import: 'IPython.lib.tests'") import IPython.lib.tests print("import: 'IPython.sphinxext'") import IPython.sphinxext print("import: 'IPython.terminal'") import IPython.terminal print("import: 'IPython.terminal.pt_inputhooks'") import IPython.terminal.pt_inputhooks print("import: 'IPython.terminal.tests'") import IPython.terminal.tests print("import: 'IPython.testing'") import IPython.testing print("import: 'IPython.testing.plugin'") import IPython.testing.plugin print("import: 'IPython.testing.tests'") import IPython.testing.tests print("import: 'IPython.utils'") import IPython.utils print("import: 'IPython.utils.tests'") import IPython.utils.tests