import copy import itertools from functools import partial from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type from isort.format import format_simplified from . import parse, sorting, wrap from .comments import add_to_line as with_comments from .identify import STATEMENT_DECLARATIONS from .settings import DEFAULT_CONFIG, Config def sorted_imports( parsed: parse.ParsedContent, config: Config = DEFAULT_CONFIG, extension: str = "py", import_type: str = "import", ) -> str: """Adds the imports back to the file. (at the index of the first import) sorted alphabetically and split between groups """ if parsed.import_index == -1: return _output_as_string(parsed.lines_without_imports, parsed.line_separator) formatted_output: List[str] = parsed.lines_without_imports.copy() remove_imports = [format_simplified(removal) for removal in config.remove_imports] sections: Iterable[str] = itertools.chain(parsed.sections, config.forced_separate) if config.no_sections: parsed.imports["no_sections"] = {"straight": {}, "from": {}} base_sections: Tuple[str, ...] = () for section in sections: if section == "FUTURE": base_sections = ("FUTURE",) continue parsed.imports["no_sections"]["straight"].update( parsed.imports[section].get("straight", {}) ) parsed.imports["no_sections"]["from"].update(parsed.imports[section].get("from", {})) sections = base_sections + ("no_sections",) output: List[str] = [] seen_headings: Set[str] = set() pending_lines_before = False for section in sections: straight_modules = parsed.imports[section]["straight"] if not config.only_sections: straight_modules = sorting.sort( config, straight_modules, key=lambda key: sorting.module_key( key, config, section_name=section, straight_import=True ), reverse=config.reverse_sort, ) from_modules = parsed.imports[section]["from"] if not config.only_sections: from_modules = sorting.sort( config, from_modules, key=lambda key: sorting.module_key(key, config, section_name=section), reverse=config.reverse_sort, ) if config.star_first: star_modules = [] other_modules = [] for module in from_modules: if "*" in parsed.imports[section]["from"][module]: star_modules.append(module) else: other_modules.append(module) from_modules = star_modules + other_modules straight_imports = _with_straight_imports( parsed, config, straight_modules, section, remove_imports, import_type ) from_imports = _with_from_imports( parsed, config, from_modules, section, remove_imports, import_type ) lines_between = [""] * ( config.lines_between_types if from_modules and straight_modules else 0 ) if config.from_first: section_output = from_imports + lines_between + straight_imports else: section_output = straight_imports + lines_between + from_imports if config.force_sort_within_sections: # collapse comments comments_above = [] new_section_output: List[str] = [] for line in section_output: if not line: continue if line.startswith("#"): comments_above.append(line) elif comments_above: new_section_output.append(_LineWithComments(line, comments_above)) comments_above = [] else: new_section_output.append(line) # only_sections options is not imposed if force_sort_within_sections is True new_section_output = sorting.sort( config, new_section_output, key=partial(sorting.section_key, config=config), reverse=config.reverse_sort, ) # uncollapse comments section_output = [] for line in new_section_output: comments = getattr(line, "comments", ()) if comments: section_output.extend(comments) section_output.append(str(line)) section_name = section no_lines_before = section_name in config.no_lines_before if section_output: if section_name in parsed.place_imports: parsed.place_imports[section_name] = section_output continue section_title = config.import_headings.get(section_name.lower(), "") if section_title and section_title not in seen_headings: if config.dedup_headings: seen_headings.add(section_title) section_comment = f"# {section_title}" if section_comment not in parsed.lines_without_imports[0:1]: # pragma: no branch section_output.insert(0, section_comment) if pending_lines_before or not no_lines_before: output += [""] * config.lines_between_sections output += section_output pending_lines_before = False else: pending_lines_before = pending_lines_before or not no_lines_before if config.ensure_newline_before_comments: output = _ensure_newline_before_comment(output) while output and output[-1].strip() == "": output.pop() # pragma: no cover while output and output[0].strip() == "": output.pop(0) if config.formatting_function: output = config.formatting_function( parsed.line_separator.join(output), extension, config ).splitlines() output_at = 0 if parsed.import_index < parsed.original_line_count: output_at = parsed.import_index formatted_output[output_at:0] = output if output: imports_tail = output_at + len(output) while [ character.strip() for character in formatted_output[imports_tail : imports_tail + 1] ] == [""]: formatted_output.pop(imports_tail) if len(formatted_output) > imports_tail: next_construct = "" tail = formatted_output[imports_tail:] for index, line in enumerate(tail): # pragma: no branch should_skip, in_quote, *_ = parse.skip_line( line, in_quote="", index=len(formatted_output), section_comments=config.section_comments, needs_import=False, ) if not should_skip and line.strip(): if ( line.strip().startswith("#") and len(tail) > (index + 1) and tail[index + 1].strip() ): continue next_construct = line break if in_quote: # pragma: no branch next_construct = line break if config.lines_after_imports != -1: formatted_output[imports_tail:0] = [ "" for line in range(config.lines_after_imports) ] elif extension != "pyi" and next_construct.startswith(STATEMENT_DECLARATIONS): formatted_output[imports_tail:0] = ["", ""] else: formatted_output[imports_tail:0] = [""] if parsed.place_imports: new_out_lines = [] for index, line in enumerate(formatted_output): new_out_lines.append(line) if line in parsed.import_placements: new_out_lines.extend(parsed.place_imports[parsed.import_placements[line]]) if ( len(formatted_output) <= (index + 1) or formatted_output[index + 1].strip() != "" ): new_out_lines.append("") formatted_output = new_out_lines return _output_as_string(formatted_output, parsed.line_separator) def _with_from_imports( parsed: parse.ParsedContent, config: Config, from_modules: Iterable[str], section: str, remove_imports: List[str], import_type: str, ) -> List[str]: output: List[str] = [] for module in from_modules: if module in remove_imports: continue import_start = f"from {module} {import_type} " from_imports = list(parsed.imports[section]["from"][module]) if ( not config.no_inline_sort or (config.force_single_line and module not in config.single_line_exclusions) ) and not config.only_sections: from_imports = sorting.sort( config, from_imports, key=lambda key: sorting.module_key( key, config, True, config.force_alphabetical_sort_within_sections, section_name=section, ), reverse=config.reverse_sort, ) if remove_imports: from_imports = [ line for line in from_imports if f"{module}.{line}" not in remove_imports ] sub_modules = [f"{module}.{from_import}" for from_import in from_imports] as_imports = { from_import: [ f"{from_import} as {as_module}" for as_module in parsed.as_map["from"][sub_module] ] for from_import, sub_module in zip(from_imports, sub_modules) if sub_module in parsed.as_map["from"] } if config.combine_as_imports and not ("*" in from_imports and config.combine_star): if not config.no_inline_sort: for as_import in as_imports: if not config.only_sections: as_imports[as_import] = sorting.sort(config, as_imports[as_import]) for from_import in copy.copy(from_imports): if from_import in as_imports: idx = from_imports.index(from_import) if parsed.imports[section]["from"][module][from_import]: from_imports[(idx + 1) : (idx + 1)] = as_imports.pop(from_import) else: from_imports[idx : (idx + 1)] = as_imports.pop(from_import) only_show_as_imports = False comments = parsed.categorized_comments["from"].pop(module, ()) above_comments = parsed.categorized_comments["above"]["from"].pop(module, None) while from_imports: if above_comments: output.extend(above_comments) above_comments = None if "*" in from_imports and config.combine_star: import_statement = wrap.line( with_comments( _with_star_comments(parsed, module, list(comments or ())), f"{import_start}*", removed=config.ignore_comments, comment_prefix=config.comment_prefix, ), parsed.line_separator, config, ) from_imports = [ from_import for from_import in from_imports if from_import in as_imports ] only_show_as_imports = True elif config.force_single_line and module not in config.single_line_exclusions: import_statement = "" while from_imports: from_import = from_imports.pop(0) single_import_line = with_comments( comments, import_start + from_import, removed=config.ignore_comments, comment_prefix=config.comment_prefix, ) comment = ( parsed.categorized_comments["nested"].get(module, {}).pop(from_import, None) ) if comment: single_import_line += ( f"{comments and ';' or config.comment_prefix} " f"{comment}" ) if from_import in as_imports: if ( parsed.imports[section]["from"][module][from_import] and not only_show_as_imports ): output.append( wrap.line(single_import_line, parsed.line_separator, config) ) from_comments = parsed.categorized_comments["straight"].get( f"{module}.{from_import}" ) if not config.only_sections: output.extend( with_comments( from_comments, wrap.line( import_start + as_import, parsed.line_separator, config ), removed=config.ignore_comments, comment_prefix=config.comment_prefix, ) for as_import in sorting.sort(config, as_imports[from_import]) ) else: output.extend( with_comments( from_comments, wrap.line( import_start + as_import, parsed.line_separator, config ), removed=config.ignore_comments, comment_prefix=config.comment_prefix, ) for as_import in as_imports[from_import] ) else: output.append(wrap.line(single_import_line, parsed.line_separator, config)) comments = None else: while from_imports and from_imports[0] in as_imports: from_import = from_imports.pop(0) if not config.only_sections: as_imports[from_import] = sorting.sort(config, as_imports[from_import]) from_comments = ( parsed.categorized_comments["straight"].get(f"{module}.{from_import}") or [] ) if ( parsed.imports[section]["from"][module][from_import] and not only_show_as_imports ): specific_comment = ( parsed.categorized_comments["nested"] .get(module, {}) .pop(from_import, None) ) if specific_comment: from_comments.append(specific_comment) output.append( wrap.line( with_comments( from_comments, import_start + from_import, removed=config.ignore_comments, comment_prefix=config.comment_prefix, ), parsed.line_separator, config, ) ) from_comments = [] for as_import in as_imports[from_import]: specific_comment = ( parsed.categorized_comments["nested"] .get(module, {}) .pop(as_import, None) ) if specific_comment: from_comments.append(specific_comment) output.append( wrap.line( with_comments( from_comments, import_start + as_import, removed=config.ignore_comments, comment_prefix=config.comment_prefix, ), parsed.line_separator, config, ) ) from_comments = [] if "*" in from_imports: output.append( with_comments( _with_star_comments(parsed, module, []), f"{import_start}*", removed=config.ignore_comments, comment_prefix=config.comment_prefix, ) ) from_imports.remove("*") for from_import in copy.copy(from_imports): comment = ( parsed.categorized_comments["nested"].get(module, {}).pop(from_import, None) ) if comment: from_imports.remove(from_import) if from_imports: use_comments = [] else: use_comments = comments comments = None single_import_line = with_comments( use_comments, import_start + from_import, removed=config.ignore_comments, comment_prefix=config.comment_prefix, ) single_import_line += ( f"{use_comments and ';' or config.comment_prefix} " f"{comment}" ) output.append(wrap.line(single_import_line, parsed.line_separator, config)) from_import_section = [] while from_imports and ( from_imports[0] not in as_imports or ( config.combine_as_imports and parsed.imports[section]["from"][module][from_import] ) ): from_import_section.append(from_imports.pop(0)) if config.combine_as_imports: comments = (comments or []) + list( parsed.categorized_comments["from"].pop(f"{module}.__combined_as__", ()) ) import_statement = with_comments( comments, import_start + (", ").join(from_import_section), removed=config.ignore_comments, comment_prefix=config.comment_prefix, ) if not from_import_section: import_statement = "" do_multiline_reformat = False force_grid_wrap = config.force_grid_wrap if force_grid_wrap and len(from_import_section) >= force_grid_wrap: do_multiline_reformat = True if len(import_statement) > config.line_length and len(from_import_section) > 1: do_multiline_reformat = True # If line too long AND have imports AND we are # NOT using GRID or VERTICAL wrap modes if ( len(import_statement) > config.line_length and len(from_import_section) > 0 and config.multi_line_output not in (wrap.Modes.GRID, wrap.Modes.VERTICAL) # type: ignore ): do_multiline_reformat = True if do_multiline_reformat: import_statement = wrap.import_statement( import_start=import_start, from_imports=from_import_section, comments=comments, line_separator=parsed.line_separator, config=config, ) if config.multi_line_output == wrap.Modes.GRID: # type: ignore other_import_statement = wrap.import_statement( import_start=import_start, from_imports=from_import_section, comments=comments, line_separator=parsed.line_separator, config=config, multi_line_output=wrap.Modes.VERTICAL_GRID, # type: ignore ) if ( max( len(import_line) for import_line in import_statement.split(parsed.line_separator) ) > config.line_length ): import_statement = other_import_statement if not do_multiline_reformat and len(import_statement) > config.line_length: import_statement = wrap.line(import_statement, parsed.line_separator, config) if import_statement: output.append(import_statement) return output def _with_straight_imports( parsed: parse.ParsedContent, config: Config, straight_modules: Iterable[str], section: str, remove_imports: List[str], import_type: str, ) -> List[str]: output: List[str] = [] as_imports = any((module in parsed.as_map["straight"] for module in straight_modules)) # combine_straight_imports only works for bare imports, 'as' imports not included if config.combine_straight_imports and not as_imports: if not straight_modules: return [] above_comments: List[str] = [] inline_comments: List[str] = [] for module in straight_modules: if module in parsed.categorized_comments["above"]["straight"]: above_comments.extend(parsed.categorized_comments["above"]["straight"].pop(module)) if module in parsed.categorized_comments["straight"]: inline_comments.extend(parsed.categorized_comments["straight"][module]) combined_straight_imports = ", ".join(straight_modules) if inline_comments: combined_inline_comments = " ".join(inline_comments) else: combined_inline_comments = "" output.extend(above_comments) if combined_inline_comments: output.append( f"{import_type} {combined_straight_imports} # {combined_inline_comments}" ) else: output.append(f"{import_type} {combined_straight_imports}") return output for module in straight_modules: if module in remove_imports: continue import_definition = [] if module in parsed.as_map["straight"]: if parsed.imports[section]["straight"][module]: import_definition.append((f"{import_type} {module}", module)) import_definition.extend( (f"{import_type} {module} as {as_import}", f"{module} as {as_import}") for as_import in parsed.as_map["straight"][module] ) else: import_definition.append((f"{import_type} {module}", module)) comments_above = parsed.categorized_comments["above"]["straight"].pop(module, None) if comments_above: output.extend(comments_above) output.extend( with_comments( parsed.categorized_comments["straight"].get(imodule), idef, removed=config.ignore_comments, comment_prefix=config.comment_prefix, ) for idef, imodule in import_definition ) return output def _output_as_string(lines: List[str], line_separator: str) -> str: return line_separator.join(_normalize_empty_lines(lines)) def _normalize_empty_lines(lines: List[str]) -> List[str]: while lines and lines[-1].strip() == "": lines.pop(-1) lines.append("") return lines class _LineWithComments(str): comments: List[str] def __new__( cls: Type["_LineWithComments"], value: Any, comments: List[str] ) -> "_LineWithComments": instance = super().__new__(cls, value) instance.comments = comments return instance def _ensure_newline_before_comment(output: List[str]) -> List[str]: new_output: List[str] = [] def is_comment(line: Optional[str]) -> bool: return line.startswith("#") if line else False for line, prev_line in zip(output, [None] + output): # type: ignore if is_comment(line) and prev_line != "" and not is_comment(prev_line): new_output.append("") new_output.append(line) return new_output def _with_star_comments(parsed: parse.ParsedContent, module: str, comments: List[str]) -> List[str]: star_comment = parsed.categorized_comments["nested"].get(module, {}).pop("*", None) if star_comment: return comments + [star_comment] return comments