""" Makes it possible to do the compiled analysis in a subprocess. This has two goals: 1. Making it safer - Segfaults and RuntimeErrors as well as stdout/stderr can be ignored and dealt with. 2. Make it possible to handle different Python versions as well as virtualenvs. """ import collections import os import sys import queue import subprocess import traceback import weakref from functools import partial from threading import Thread from jedi._compatibility import pickle_dump, pickle_load from jedi import debug from jedi.cache import memoize_method from jedi.inference.compiled.subprocess import functions from jedi.inference.compiled.access import DirectObjectAccess, AccessPath, \ SignatureParam from jedi.api.exceptions import InternalError _MAIN_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '__main__.py') PICKLE_PROTOCOL = 4 def _GeneralizedPopen(*args, **kwargs): if os.name == 'nt': try: # Was introduced in Python 3.7. CREATE_NO_WINDOW = subprocess.CREATE_NO_WINDOW except AttributeError: CREATE_NO_WINDOW = 0x08000000 kwargs['creationflags'] = CREATE_NO_WINDOW # The child process doesn't need file descriptors except 0, 1, 2. # This is unix only. kwargs['close_fds'] = 'posix' in sys.builtin_module_names return subprocess.Popen(*args, **kwargs) def _enqueue_output(out, queue_): for line in iter(out.readline, b''): queue_.put(line) def _add_stderr_to_debug(stderr_queue): while True: # Try to do some error reporting from the subprocess and print its # stderr contents. try: line = stderr_queue.get_nowait() line = line.decode('utf-8', 'replace') debug.warning('stderr output: %s' % line.rstrip('\n')) except queue.Empty: break def _get_function(name): return getattr(functions, name) def _cleanup_process(process, thread): try: process.kill() process.wait() except OSError: # Raised if the process is already killed. pass thread.join() for stream in [process.stdin, process.stdout, process.stderr]: try: stream.close() except OSError: # Raised if the stream is broken. pass class _InferenceStateProcess: def __init__(self, inference_state): self._inference_state_weakref = weakref.ref(inference_state) self._inference_state_id = id(inference_state) self._handles = {} def get_or_create_access_handle(self, obj): id_ = id(obj) try: return self.get_access_handle(id_) except KeyError: access = DirectObjectAccess(self._inference_state_weakref(), obj) handle = AccessHandle(self, access, id_) self.set_access_handle(handle) return handle def get_access_handle(self, id_): return self._handles[id_] def set_access_handle(self, handle): self._handles[handle.id] = handle class InferenceStateSameProcess(_InferenceStateProcess): """ Basically just an easy access to functions.py. It has the same API as InferenceStateSubprocess and does the same thing without using a subprocess. This is necessary for the Interpreter process. """ def __getattr__(self, name): return partial(_get_function(name), self._inference_state_weakref()) class InferenceStateSubprocess(_InferenceStateProcess): def __init__(self, inference_state, compiled_subprocess): super().__init__(inference_state) self._used = False self._compiled_subprocess = compiled_subprocess def __getattr__(self, name): func = _get_function(name) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): self._used = True result = self._compiled_subprocess.run( self._inference_state_weakref(), func, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, ) # IMO it should be possible to create a hook in pickle.load to # mess with the loaded objects. However it's extremely complicated # to work around this so just do it with this call. ~ dave return self._convert_access_handles(result) return wrapper def _convert_access_handles(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, SignatureParam): return SignatureParam(*self._convert_access_handles(tuple(obj))) elif isinstance(obj, tuple): return tuple(self._convert_access_handles(o) for o in obj) elif isinstance(obj, list): return [self._convert_access_handles(o) for o in obj] elif isinstance(obj, AccessHandle): try: # Rewrite the access handle to one we're already having. obj = self.get_access_handle(obj.id) except KeyError: obj.add_subprocess(self) self.set_access_handle(obj) elif isinstance(obj, AccessPath): return AccessPath(self._convert_access_handles(obj.accesses)) return obj def __del__(self): if self._used and not self._compiled_subprocess.is_crashed: self._compiled_subprocess.delete_inference_state(self._inference_state_id) class CompiledSubprocess: is_crashed = False def __init__(self, executable, env_vars=None): self._executable = executable self._env_vars = env_vars self._inference_state_deletion_queue = collections.deque() self._cleanup_callable = lambda: None def __repr__(self): pid = os.getpid() return '<%s _executable=%r, is_crashed=%r, pid=%r>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, self._executable, self.is_crashed, pid, ) @memoize_method def _get_process(self): debug.dbg('Start environment subprocess %s', self._executable) parso_path = sys.modules['parso'].__file__ args = ( self._executable, _MAIN_PATH, os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(parso_path)), '.'.join(str(x) for x in sys.version_info[:3]), ) process = _GeneralizedPopen( args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=self._env_vars ) self._stderr_queue = queue.Queue() self._stderr_thread = t = Thread( target=_enqueue_output, args=(process.stderr, self._stderr_queue) ) t.daemon = True t.start() # Ensure the subprocess is properly cleaned up when the object # is garbage collected. self._cleanup_callable = weakref.finalize(self, _cleanup_process, process, t) return process def run(self, inference_state, function, args=(), kwargs={}): # Delete old inference_states. while True: try: inference_state_id = self._inference_state_deletion_queue.pop() except IndexError: break else: self._send(inference_state_id, None) assert callable(function) return self._send(id(inference_state), function, args, kwargs) def get_sys_path(self): return self._send(None, functions.get_sys_path, (), {}) def _kill(self): self.is_crashed = True self._cleanup_callable() def _send(self, inference_state_id, function, args=(), kwargs={}): if self.is_crashed: raise InternalError("The subprocess %s has crashed." % self._executable) data = inference_state_id, function, args, kwargs try: pickle_dump(data, self._get_process().stdin, PICKLE_PROTOCOL) except BrokenPipeError: self._kill() raise InternalError("The subprocess %s was killed. Maybe out of memory?" % self._executable) try: is_exception, traceback, result = pickle_load(self._get_process().stdout) except EOFError as eof_error: try: stderr = self._get_process().stderr.read().decode('utf-8', 'replace') except Exception as exc: stderr = '' % exc self._kill() _add_stderr_to_debug(self._stderr_queue) raise InternalError( "The subprocess %s has crashed (%r, stderr=%s)." % ( self._executable, eof_error, stderr, )) _add_stderr_to_debug(self._stderr_queue) if is_exception: # Replace the attribute error message with a the traceback. It's # way more informative. result.args = (traceback,) raise result return result def delete_inference_state(self, inference_state_id): """ Currently we are not deleting inference_state instantly. They only get deleted once the subprocess is used again. It would probably a better solution to move all of this into a thread. However, the memory usage of a single inference_state shouldn't be that high. """ # With an argument - the inference_state gets deleted. self._inference_state_deletion_queue.append(inference_state_id) class Listener: def __init__(self): self._inference_states = {} # TODO refactor so we don't need to process anymore just handle # controlling. self._process = _InferenceStateProcess(Listener) def _get_inference_state(self, function, inference_state_id): from jedi.inference import InferenceState try: inference_state = self._inference_states[inference_state_id] except KeyError: from jedi import InterpreterEnvironment inference_state = InferenceState( # The project is not actually needed. Nothing should need to # access it. project=None, environment=InterpreterEnvironment() ) self._inference_states[inference_state_id] = inference_state return inference_state def _run(self, inference_state_id, function, args, kwargs): if inference_state_id is None: return function(*args, **kwargs) elif function is None: del self._inference_states[inference_state_id] else: inference_state = self._get_inference_state(function, inference_state_id) # Exchange all handles args = list(args) for i, arg in enumerate(args): if isinstance(arg, AccessHandle): args[i] = inference_state.compiled_subprocess.get_access_handle(arg.id) for key, value in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(value, AccessHandle): kwargs[key] = inference_state.compiled_subprocess.get_access_handle(value.id) return function(inference_state, *args, **kwargs) def listen(self): stdout = sys.stdout # Mute stdout. Nobody should actually be able to write to it, # because stdout is used for IPC. sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w') stdin = sys.stdin stdout = stdout.buffer stdin = stdin.buffer while True: try: payload = pickle_load(stdin) except EOFError: # It looks like the parent process closed. # Don't make a big fuss here and just exit. exit(0) try: result = False, None, self._run(*payload) except Exception as e: result = True, traceback.format_exc(), e pickle_dump(result, stdout, PICKLE_PROTOCOL) class AccessHandle: def __init__(self, subprocess, access, id_): self.access = access self._subprocess = subprocess self.id = id_ def add_subprocess(self, subprocess): self._subprocess = subprocess def __repr__(self): try: detail = self.access except AttributeError: detail = '#' + str(self.id) return '<%s of %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, detail) def __getstate__(self): return self.id def __setstate__(self, state): self.id = state def __getattr__(self, name): if name in ('id', 'access') or name.startswith('_'): raise AttributeError("Something went wrong with unpickling") # print('getattr', name, file=sys.stderr) return partial(self._workaround, name) def _workaround(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ TODO Currently we're passing slice objects around. This should not happen. They are also the only unhashable objects that we're passing around. """ if args and isinstance(args[0], slice): return self._subprocess.get_compiled_method_return(self.id, name, *args, **kwargs) return self._cached_results(name, *args, **kwargs) @memoize_method def _cached_results(self, name, *args, **kwargs): return self._subprocess.get_compiled_method_return(self.id, name, *args, **kwargs)