"""Tests for the notebook kernel and session manager.""" import asyncio import threading import uuid import multiprocessing as mp from subprocess import PIPE from unittest import TestCase from tornado.testing import AsyncTestCase, gen_test from traitlets.config.loader import Config from jupyter_client import KernelManager, AsyncKernelManager from jupyter_client.multikernelmanager import MultiKernelManager, AsyncMultiKernelManager from .utils import skip_win32 from ..localinterfaces import localhost TIMEOUT = 30 class TestKernelManager(TestCase): # static so picklable for multiprocessing on Windows @staticmethod def _get_tcp_km(): c = Config() km = MultiKernelManager(config=c) return km # static so picklable for multiprocessing on Windows @staticmethod def _get_ipc_km(): c = Config() c.KernelManager.transport = 'ipc' c.KernelManager.ip = 'test' km = MultiKernelManager(config=c) return km # static so picklable for multiprocessing on Windows @staticmethod def _run_lifecycle(km, test_kid=None): if test_kid: kid = km.start_kernel(stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, kernel_id=test_kid) assert kid == test_kid else: kid = km.start_kernel(stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) assert km.is_alive(kid) assert kid in km assert kid in km.list_kernel_ids() assert len(km) == 1, f'{len(km)} != {1}' km.restart_kernel(kid, now=True) assert km.is_alive(kid) assert kid in km.list_kernel_ids() km.interrupt_kernel(kid) k = km.get_kernel(kid) assert isinstance(k, KernelManager) km.shutdown_kernel(kid, now=True) assert kid not in km, f'{kid} not in {km}' def _run_cinfo(self, km, transport, ip): kid = km.start_kernel(stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) k = km.get_kernel(kid) cinfo = km.get_connection_info(kid) self.assertEqual(transport, cinfo['transport']) self.assertEqual(ip, cinfo['ip']) self.assertTrue('stdin_port' in cinfo) self.assertTrue('iopub_port' in cinfo) stream = km.connect_iopub(kid) stream.close() self.assertTrue('shell_port' in cinfo) stream = km.connect_shell(kid) stream.close() self.assertTrue('hb_port' in cinfo) stream = km.connect_hb(kid) stream.close() km.shutdown_kernel(kid, now=True) # static so picklable for multiprocessing on Windows @classmethod def test_tcp_lifecycle(cls): km = cls._get_tcp_km() cls._run_lifecycle(km) def test_tcp_lifecycle_with_kernel_id(self): km = self._get_tcp_km() self._run_lifecycle(km, test_kid=str(uuid.uuid4())) def test_shutdown_all(self): km = self._get_tcp_km() kid = km.start_kernel(stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) self.assertIn(kid, km) km.shutdown_all() self.assertNotIn(kid, km) # shutdown again is okay, because we have no kernels km.shutdown_all() def test_tcp_cinfo(self): km = self._get_tcp_km() self._run_cinfo(km, 'tcp', localhost()) @skip_win32 def test_ipc_lifecycle(self): km = self._get_ipc_km() self._run_lifecycle(km) @skip_win32 def test_ipc_cinfo(self): km = self._get_ipc_km() self._run_cinfo(km, 'ipc', 'test') def test_start_sequence_tcp_kernels(self): """Ensure that a sequence of kernel startups doesn't break anything.""" self._run_lifecycle(self._get_tcp_km()) self._run_lifecycle(self._get_tcp_km()) self._run_lifecycle(self._get_tcp_km()) @skip_win32 def test_start_sequence_ipc_kernels(self): """Ensure that a sequence of kernel startups doesn't break anything.""" self._run_lifecycle(self._get_ipc_km()) self._run_lifecycle(self._get_ipc_km()) self._run_lifecycle(self._get_ipc_km()) def tcp_lifecycle_with_loop(self): # Ensure each thread has an event loop asyncio.set_event_loop(asyncio.new_event_loop()) self.test_tcp_lifecycle() def test_start_parallel_thread_kernels(self): self.test_tcp_lifecycle() thread = threading.Thread(target=self.tcp_lifecycle_with_loop) thread2 = threading.Thread(target=self.tcp_lifecycle_with_loop) try: thread.start() thread2.start() finally: thread.join() thread2.join() def test_start_parallel_process_kernels(self): self.test_tcp_lifecycle() thread = threading.Thread(target=self.tcp_lifecycle_with_loop) # Windows tests needs this target to be picklable: proc = mp.Process(target=self.test_tcp_lifecycle) try: thread.start() proc.start() finally: thread.join() proc.join() assert proc.exitcode == 0 class TestAsyncKernelManager(AsyncTestCase): # static so picklable for multiprocessing on Windows @staticmethod def _get_tcp_km(): c = Config() km = AsyncMultiKernelManager(config=c) return km # static so picklable for multiprocessing on Windows @staticmethod def _get_ipc_km(): c = Config() c.KernelManager.transport = 'ipc' c.KernelManager.ip = 'test' km = AsyncMultiKernelManager(config=c) return km # static so picklable for multiprocessing on Windows @staticmethod async def _run_lifecycle(km, test_kid=None): if test_kid: kid = await km.start_kernel(stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, kernel_id=test_kid) assert kid == test_kid else: kid = await km.start_kernel(stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) assert await km.is_alive(kid) assert kid in km assert kid in km.list_kernel_ids() assert len(km) == 1, f'{len(km)} != {1}' await km.restart_kernel(kid, now=True) assert await km.is_alive(kid) assert kid in km.list_kernel_ids() await km.interrupt_kernel(kid) k = km.get_kernel(kid) assert isinstance(k, KernelManager) await km.shutdown_kernel(kid, now=True) assert kid not in km, f'{kid} not in {km}' async def _run_cinfo(self, km, transport, ip): kid = await km.start_kernel(stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) k = km.get_kernel(kid) cinfo = km.get_connection_info(kid) self.assertEqual(transport, cinfo['transport']) self.assertEqual(ip, cinfo['ip']) self.assertTrue('stdin_port' in cinfo) self.assertTrue('iopub_port' in cinfo) stream = km.connect_iopub(kid) stream.close() self.assertTrue('shell_port' in cinfo) stream = km.connect_shell(kid) stream.close() self.assertTrue('hb_port' in cinfo) stream = km.connect_hb(kid) stream.close() await km.shutdown_kernel(kid, now=True) self.assertNotIn(kid, km) @gen_test async def test_tcp_lifecycle(self): await self.raw_tcp_lifecycle() @gen_test async def test_tcp_lifecycle_with_kernel_id(self): await self.raw_tcp_lifecycle(test_kid=str(uuid.uuid4())) @gen_test async def test_shutdown_all(self): km = self._get_tcp_km() kid = await km.start_kernel(stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) self.assertIn(kid, km) await km.shutdown_all() self.assertNotIn(kid, km) # shutdown again is okay, because we have no kernels await km.shutdown_all() @gen_test(timeout=20) async def test_use_after_shutdown_all(self): km = self._get_tcp_km() kid = await km.start_kernel(stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) self.assertIn(kid, km) await km.shutdown_all() self.assertNotIn(kid, km) # Start another kernel kid = await km.start_kernel(stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) self.assertIn(kid, km) await km.shutdown_all() self.assertNotIn(kid, km) # shutdown again is okay, because we have no kernels await km.shutdown_all() @gen_test(timeout=20) async def test_shutdown_all_while_starting(self): km = self._get_tcp_km() kid_future = asyncio.ensure_future(km.start_kernel(stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)) # This is relying on the ordering of the asyncio queue, not sure if guaranteed or not: kid, _ = await asyncio.gather(kid_future, km.shutdown_all()) self.assertNotIn(kid, km) # Start another kernel kid = await km.start_kernel(stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) self.assertIn(kid, km) self.assertEqual(len(km), 1) await km.shutdown_all() self.assertNotIn(kid, km) # shutdown again is okay, because we have no kernels await km.shutdown_all() @gen_test async def test_tcp_cinfo(self): km = self._get_tcp_km() await self._run_cinfo(km, 'tcp', localhost()) @skip_win32 @gen_test async def test_ipc_lifecycle(self): km = self._get_ipc_km() await self._run_lifecycle(km) @skip_win32 @gen_test async def test_ipc_cinfo(self): km = self._get_ipc_km() await self._run_cinfo(km, 'ipc', 'test') @gen_test async def test_start_sequence_tcp_kernels(self): """Ensure that a sequence of kernel startups doesn't break anything.""" await self._run_lifecycle(self._get_tcp_km()) await self._run_lifecycle(self._get_tcp_km()) await self._run_lifecycle(self._get_tcp_km()) @skip_win32 @gen_test async def test_start_sequence_ipc_kernels(self): """Ensure that a sequence of kernel startups doesn't break anything.""" await self._run_lifecycle(self._get_ipc_km()) await self._run_lifecycle(self._get_ipc_km()) await self._run_lifecycle(self._get_ipc_km()) def tcp_lifecycle_with_loop(self): # Ensure each thread has an event loop asyncio.set_event_loop(asyncio.new_event_loop()) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(self.raw_tcp_lifecycle()) # static so picklable for multiprocessing on Windows @classmethod async def raw_tcp_lifecycle(cls, test_kid=None): # Since @gen_test creates an event loop, we need a raw form of # test_tcp_lifecycle that assumes the loop already exists. km = cls._get_tcp_km() await cls._run_lifecycle(km, test_kid=test_kid) # static so picklable for multiprocessing on Windows @classmethod def raw_tcp_lifecycle_sync(cls, test_kid=None): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if loop.is_running(): # Forked MP, make new loop loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) loop.run_until_complete(cls.raw_tcp_lifecycle(test_kid=test_kid)) @gen_test async def test_start_parallel_thread_kernels(self): await self.raw_tcp_lifecycle() thread = threading.Thread(target=self.tcp_lifecycle_with_loop) thread2 = threading.Thread(target=self.tcp_lifecycle_with_loop) try: thread.start() thread2.start() finally: thread.join() thread2.join() @gen_test async def test_start_parallel_process_kernels(self): await self.raw_tcp_lifecycle() thread = threading.Thread(target=self.tcp_lifecycle_with_loop) # Windows tests needs this target to be picklable: proc = mp.Process(target=self.raw_tcp_lifecycle_sync) try: thread.start() proc.start() finally: proc.join() thread.join() assert proc.exitcode == 0