# coding: utf-8 """Jupyter LabExtension Entry Points.""" # Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import os import sys from copy import copy from jupyter_core.application import JupyterApp, base_aliases, base_flags from traitlets import Bool, Instance, List, Unicode, default from jupyterlab.coreconfig import CoreConfig from jupyterlab.debuglog import DebugLogFileMixin from .commands import ( HERE, AppOptions, build, check_extension, disable_extension, enable_extension, get_app_version, install_extension, link_package, list_extensions, uninstall_extension, unlink_package, update_extension ) from .federated_labextensions import build_labextension, develop_labextension_py, watch_labextension from .labapp import LabApp flags = dict(base_flags) flags['no-build'] = ( {'BaseExtensionApp': {'should_build': False}}, "Defer building the app after the action." ) flags['dev-build'] = ( {'BaseExtensionApp': {'dev_build': True}}, "Build in development mode." ) flags['no-minimize'] = ( {'BaseExtensionApp': {'minimize': False}}, "Do not minimize a production build." ) flags['clean'] = ( {'BaseExtensionApp': {'should_clean': True}}, "Cleanup intermediate files after the action." ) flags['splice-source'] = ( {'BaseExtensionApp': {'splice_source': True}}, "Splice source packages into app directory." ) check_flags = copy(flags) check_flags['installed'] = ( {'CheckLabExtensionsApp': {'should_check_installed_only': True}}, "Check only if the extension is installed." ) develop_flags = copy(flags) develop_flags['overwrite'] = ( {'DevelopLabExtensionApp': {'overwrite': True}}, "Overwrite files" ) update_flags = copy(flags) update_flags['all'] = ( {'UpdateLabExtensionApp': {'all': True}}, "Update all extensions" ) uninstall_flags = copy(flags) uninstall_flags['all'] = ( {'UninstallLabExtensionApp': {'all': True}}, "Uninstall all extensions" ) aliases = dict(base_aliases) aliases['app-dir'] = 'BaseExtensionApp.app_dir' aliases['dev-build'] = 'BaseExtensionApp.dev_build' aliases['minimize'] = 'BaseExtensionApp.minimize' aliases['debug-log-path'] = 'DebugLogFileMixin.debug_log_path' install_aliases = copy(aliases) install_aliases['pin-version-as'] = 'InstallLabExtensionApp.pin' enable_aliases = copy(aliases) enable_aliases['level'] = 'EnableLabExtensionsApp.level' disable_aliases = copy(aliases) disable_aliases['level'] = 'DisableLabExtensionsApp.level' VERSION = get_app_version() HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) class BaseExtensionApp(JupyterApp, DebugLogFileMixin): version = VERSION flags = flags aliases = aliases name = "lab" # Not configurable! core_config = Instance(CoreConfig, allow_none=True) app_dir = Unicode('', config=True, help="The app directory to target") should_build = Bool(True, config=True, help="Whether to build the app after the action") dev_build = Bool(None, allow_none=True, config=True, help="Whether to build in dev mode. Defaults to True (dev mode) if there are any locally linked extensions, else defaults to False (production mode).") minimize = Bool(True, config=True, help="Whether to minimize a production build (defaults to True).") should_clean = Bool(False, config=True, help="Whether temporary files should be cleaned up after building jupyterlab") splice_source = Bool(False, config=True, help="Splice source packages into app directory.") labextensions_path = List(Unicode(), help='The standard paths to look in for prebuilt JupyterLab extensions') @default('labextensions_path') def _default_labextensions_path(self): lab = LabApp() lab.load_config_file() return lab.extra_labextensions_path + lab.labextensions_path @default('splice_source') def _default_splice_source(self): version = get_app_version(AppOptions(app_dir=self.app_dir)) return version.endswith('-spliced') def start(self): if self.app_dir and self.app_dir.startswith(HERE): raise ValueError('Cannot run lab extension commands in core app') with self.debug_logging(): ans = self.run_task() if ans and self.should_build: production = None if self.dev_build is None else not self.dev_build app_options = AppOptions(app_dir=self.app_dir, logger=self.log, core_config=self.core_config, splice_source=self.splice_source) build(clean_staging=self.should_clean, production = production, minimize = self.minimize, app_options=app_options) def run_task(self): pass def _log_format_default(self): """A default format for messages""" return "%(message)s" class InstallLabExtensionApp(BaseExtensionApp): description = """Install labextension(s) Usage jupyter labextension install [--pin-version-as ] This installs JupyterLab extensions similar to yarn add or npm install. Pass a list of comma separate names to the --pin-version-as flag to use as aliases for the packages providers. This is useful to install multiple versions of the same extension. These can be uninstalled with the alias you provided to the flag, similar to the "alias" feature of yarn add. """ aliases = install_aliases pin = Unicode('', config=True, help="Pin this version with a certain alias") def run_task(self): pinned_versions = self.pin.split(',') self.extra_args = self.extra_args or [os.getcwd()] return any([ install_extension( arg, # Pass in pinned alias if we have it pin=pinned_versions[i] if i < len(pinned_versions) else None, app_options=AppOptions( app_dir=self.app_dir, logger=self.log, core_config=self.core_config, labextensions_path=self.labextensions_path ) ) for i, arg in enumerate(self.extra_args) ]) class DevelopLabExtensionApp(BaseExtensionApp): description = "Develop labextension" flags = develop_flags user = Bool(False, config=True, help="Whether to do a user install") sys_prefix = Bool(True, config=True, help="Use the sys.prefix as the prefix") overwrite = Bool(False, config=True, help="Whether to overwrite files") symlink = Bool(True, config=False, help="Whether to use a symlink") labextensions_dir = Unicode('', config=True, help="Full path to labextensions dir (probably use prefix or user)") def run_task(self): "Add config for this labextension" self.extra_args = self.extra_args or [os.getcwd()] for arg in self.extra_args: develop_labextension_py(arg, user=self.user, sys_prefix=self.sys_prefix, labextensions_dir=self.labextensions_dir, logger=self.log, overwrite=self.overwrite, symlink=self.symlink) class BuildLabExtensionApp(BaseExtensionApp): description = "Build labextension" static_url = Unicode('', config=True, help="Sets the url for static assets when building") development = Bool(False, config=True, help="Build in development mode") source_map = Bool(False, config=True, help="Generate source maps") core_path = Unicode(os.path.join(HERE, 'staging'), config=True, help="Directory containing core application package.json file") aliases = { 'static-url': 'BuildLabExtensionApp.static_url', 'development': 'BuildLabExtensionApp.development', 'source-map': 'BuildLabExtensionApp.source_map', 'core-path': 'BuildLabExtensionApp.core_path' } def run_task(self): self.extra_args = self.extra_args or [os.getcwd()] build_labextension(self.extra_args[0], logger=self.log, development=self.development, static_url=self.static_url or None, source_map = self.source_map, core_path = self.core_path or None) class WatchLabExtensionApp(BaseExtensionApp): description = "Watch labextension" development = Bool(True, config=True, help="Build in development mode") source_map = Bool(False, config=True, help="Generate source maps") core_path = Unicode(os.path.join(HERE, 'staging'), config=True, help="Directory containing core application package.json file") aliases = { 'development': 'BuildLabExtensionApp.development', 'source-map': 'BuildLabExtensionApp.source_map', 'core-path': 'BuildLabExtensionApp.core_path' } def run_task(self): self.extra_args = self.extra_args or [os.getcwd()] labextensions_path = self.labextensions_path watch_labextension(self.extra_args[0], labextensions_path, logger=self.log, development=self.development, source_map=self.source_map, core_path = self.core_path or None) class UpdateLabExtensionApp(BaseExtensionApp): description = "Update labextension(s)" flags = update_flags all = Bool(False, config=True, help="Whether to update all extensions") def run_task(self): if not self.all and not self.extra_args: self.log.warn('Specify an extension to update, or use --all to update all extensions') return False app_options = AppOptions(app_dir=self.app_dir, logger=self.log, core_config=self.core_config, labextensions_path=self.labextensions_path) if self.all: return update_extension(all_=True, app_options=app_options) return any([ update_extension(name=arg, app_options=app_options) for arg in self.extra_args ]) class LinkLabExtensionApp(BaseExtensionApp): description = """ Link local npm packages that are not lab extensions. Links a package to the JupyterLab build process. A linked package is manually re-installed from its source location when `jupyter lab build` is run. """ should_build = Bool(True, config=True, help="Whether to build the app after the action") def run_task(self): self.extra_args = self.extra_args or [os.getcwd()] options = AppOptions( app_dir=self.app_dir, logger=self.log, labextensions_path=self.labextensions_path, core_config=self.core_config) return any([ link_package( arg, app_options=options) for arg in self.extra_args ]) class UnlinkLabExtensionApp(BaseExtensionApp): description = "Unlink packages by name or path" def run_task(self): self.extra_args = self.extra_args or [os.getcwd()] options = AppOptions( app_dir=self.app_dir, logger=self.log, labextensions_path=self.labextensions_path, core_config=self.core_config) return any([ unlink_package( arg, app_options=options) for arg in self.extra_args ]) class UninstallLabExtensionApp(BaseExtensionApp): description = "Uninstall labextension(s) by name" flags = uninstall_flags all = Bool(False, config=True, help="Whether to uninstall all extensions") def run_task(self): self.extra_args = self.extra_args or [os.getcwd()] options = AppOptions( app_dir=self.app_dir, logger=self.log, labextensions_path=self.labextensions_path, core_config=self.core_config) return any([ uninstall_extension( arg, all_=self.all, app_options=options) for arg in self.extra_args ]) class ListLabExtensionsApp(BaseExtensionApp): description = "List the installed labextensions" def run_task(self): list_extensions(app_options=AppOptions( app_dir=self.app_dir, logger=self.log, core_config=self.core_config, labextensions_path=self.labextensions_path)) class EnableLabExtensionsApp(BaseExtensionApp): description = "Enable labextension(s) by name" aliases = enable_aliases level = Unicode('sys_prefix', help="Level at which to enable: sys_prefix, user, system").tag(config=True) def run_task(self): app_options = AppOptions( app_dir=self.app_dir, logger=self.log, core_config=self.core_config, labextensions_path=self.labextensions_path) [enable_extension(arg, app_options=app_options, level=self.level) for arg in self.extra_args] class DisableLabExtensionsApp(BaseExtensionApp): description = "Disable labextension(s) by name" aliases = disable_aliases level = Unicode('sys_prefix', help="Level at which to enable: sys_prefix, user, system").tag(config=True) def run_task(self): app_options = AppOptions( app_dir=self.app_dir, logger=self.log, core_config=self.core_config, labextensions_path=self.labextensions_path) [disable_extension(arg, app_options=app_options, level=self.level) for arg in self.extra_args] class CheckLabExtensionsApp(BaseExtensionApp): description = "Check labextension(s) by name" flags = check_flags should_check_installed_only = Bool(False, config=True, help="Whether it should check only if the extensions is installed") def run_task(self): app_options = AppOptions( app_dir=self.app_dir, logger=self.log, core_config=self.core_config, labextensions_path=self.labextensions_path) all_enabled = all( check_extension( arg, installed=self.should_check_installed_only, app_options=app_options) for arg in self.extra_args) if not all_enabled: self.exit(1) _examples = """ jupyter labextension list # list all configured labextensions jupyter labextension develop # develop a prebuilt labextension jupyter labextension build # build a prebuilt labextension jupyter labextension watch # watch a prebuilt labextension jupyter labextension install # install a labextension jupyter labextension uninstall # uninstall a labextension """ class LabExtensionApp(JupyterApp): """Base jupyter labextension command entry point""" name = "jupyter labextension" version = VERSION description = "Work with JupyterLab extensions" examples = _examples subcommands = dict( install=(InstallLabExtensionApp, "Install labextension(s)"), develop=(DevelopLabExtensionApp, "Develop labextension(s)"), build=(BuildLabExtensionApp, "Build labextension"), watch=(WatchLabExtensionApp, "Watch labextension"), update=(UpdateLabExtensionApp, "Update labextension(s)"), uninstall=(UninstallLabExtensionApp, "Uninstall labextension(s)"), list=(ListLabExtensionsApp, "List labextensions"), link=(LinkLabExtensionApp, "Link labextension(s)"), unlink=(UnlinkLabExtensionApp, "Unlink labextension(s)"), enable=(EnableLabExtensionsApp, "Enable labextension(s)"), disable=(DisableLabExtensionsApp, "Disable labextension(s)"), check=(CheckLabExtensionsApp, "Check labextension(s)"), ) def start(self): """Perform the App's functions as configured""" super(LabExtensionApp, self).start() # The above should have called a subcommand and raised NoStart; if we # get here, it didn't, so we should self.log.info a message. subcmds = ", ".join(sorted(self.subcommands)) self.exit("Please supply at least one subcommand: %s" % subcmds) main = LabExtensionApp.launch_instance if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())