import importlib import importlib.util import inspect import json import os import platform import signal import subprocess import sys import time import urllib.request import pytest import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib import _c_internal_utils # Minimal smoke-testing of the backends for which the dependencies are # PyPI-installable on CI. They are not available for all tested Python # versions so we don't fail on missing backends. def _get_testable_interactive_backends(): envs = [] for deps, env in [ *[([qt_api], {"MPLBACKEND": "qtagg", "QT_API": qt_api}) for qt_api in ["PyQt6", "PySide6", "PyQt5", "PySide2"]], *[([qt_api, "cairocffi"], {"MPLBACKEND": "qtcairo", "QT_API": qt_api}) for qt_api in ["PyQt6", "PySide6", "PyQt5", "PySide2"]], *[(["cairo", "gi"], {"MPLBACKEND": f"gtk{version}{renderer}"}) for version in [3, 4] for renderer in ["agg", "cairo"]], (["tkinter"], {"MPLBACKEND": "tkagg"}), (["wx"], {"MPLBACKEND": "wx"}), (["wx"], {"MPLBACKEND": "wxagg"}), (["matplotlib.backends._macosx"], {"MPLBACKEND": "macosx"}), ]: reason = None missing = [dep for dep in deps if not importlib.util.find_spec(dep)] if (sys.platform == "linux" and not _c_internal_utils.display_is_valid()): reason = "$DISPLAY and $WAYLAND_DISPLAY are unset" elif missing: reason = "{} cannot be imported".format(", ".join(missing)) elif env["MPLBACKEND"] == 'macosx' and os.environ.get('TF_BUILD'): reason = "macosx backend fails on Azure" elif env["MPLBACKEND"].startswith('gtk'): import gi version = env["MPLBACKEND"][3] repo = gi.Repository.get_default() if f'{version}.0' not in repo.enumerate_versions('Gtk'): reason = "no usable GTK bindings" marks = [] if reason: marks.append(pytest.mark.skip( reason=f"Skipping {env} because {reason}")) elif env["MPLBACKEND"].startswith('wx') and sys.platform == 'darwin': # ignore on OSX because that's currently broken (github #16849) marks.append(pytest.mark.xfail(reason='github #16849')) envs.append(pytest.param(env, marks=marks, id=str(env))) return envs _test_timeout = 60 # A reasonably safe value for slower architectures. # The source of this function gets extracted and run in another process, so it # must be fully self-contained. # Using a timer not only allows testing of timers (on other backends), but is # also necessary on gtk3 and wx, where a direct call to key_press_event("q") # from draw_event causes breakage due to the canvas widget being deleted too # early. Also, gtk3 redefines key_press_event with a different signature, so # we directly invoke it from the superclass instead. def _test_interactive_impl(): import importlib.util import io import json import sys from unittest import TestCase import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, rcParams from matplotlib.backend_bases import FigureCanvasBase rcParams.update({ "webagg.open_in_browser": False, "webagg.port_retries": 1, }) if len(sys.argv) >= 2: # Second argument is json-encoded rcParams. rcParams.update(json.loads(sys.argv[1])) backend = plt.rcParams["backend"].lower() assert_equal = TestCase().assertEqual assert_raises = TestCase().assertRaises if backend.endswith("agg") and not backend.startswith(("gtk", "web")): # Force interactive framework setup. plt.figure() # Check that we cannot switch to a backend using another interactive # framework, but can switch to a backend using cairo instead of agg, # or a non-interactive backend. In the first case, we use tkagg as # the "other" interactive backend as it is (essentially) guaranteed # to be present. Moreover, don't test switching away from gtk3 (as # Gtk.main_level() is not set up at this point yet) and webagg (which # uses no interactive framework). if backend != "tkagg": with assert_raises(ImportError): mpl.use("tkagg", force=True) def check_alt_backend(alt_backend): mpl.use(alt_backend, force=True) fig = plt.figure() assert_equal( type(fig.canvas).__module__, "matplotlib.backends.backend_{}".format(alt_backend)) if importlib.util.find_spec("cairocffi"): check_alt_backend(backend[:-3] + "cairo") check_alt_backend("svg") mpl.use(backend, force=True) fig, ax = plt.subplots() assert_equal( type(fig.canvas).__module__, "matplotlib.backends.backend_{}".format(backend)) ax.plot([0, 1], [2, 3]) timer = fig.canvas.new_timer(1.) # Test floats casting to int as needed. timer.add_callback(FigureCanvasBase.key_press_event, fig.canvas, "q") # Trigger quitting upon draw. fig.canvas.mpl_connect("draw_event", lambda event: timer.start()) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("close_event", print) result = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(result, format='png') # Ensure that the window is really closed. plt.pause(0.5) # Test that saving works after interactive window is closed, but the figure # is not deleted. result_after = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(result_after, format='png') if not backend.startswith('qt5') and sys.platform == 'darwin': # FIXME: This should be enabled everywhere once Qt5 is fixed on macOS # to not resize incorrectly. assert_equal(result.getvalue(), result_after.getvalue()) @pytest.mark.parametrize("env", _get_testable_interactive_backends()) @pytest.mark.parametrize("toolbar", ["toolbar2", "toolmanager"]) @pytest.mark.flaky(reruns=3) def test_interactive_backend(env, toolbar): if env["MPLBACKEND"] == "macosx": if toolbar == "toolmanager": pytest.skip("toolmanager is not implemented for macosx.") proc = [sys.executable, "-c", inspect.getsource(_test_interactive_impl) + "\n_test_interactive_impl()", json.dumps({"toolbar": toolbar})], env={**os.environ, "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH": "0", **env}, timeout=_test_timeout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) if proc.returncode:"The subprocess returned with non-zero exit status " f"{proc.returncode}.") assert proc.stdout.count("CloseEvent") == 1 # The source of this function gets extracted and run in another process, so it # must be fully self-contained. def _test_thread_impl(): from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor import json import sys from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, rcParams rcParams.update({ "webagg.open_in_browser": False, "webagg.port_retries": 1, }) if len(sys.argv) >= 2: # Second argument is json-encoded rcParams. rcParams.update(json.loads(sys.argv[1])) # Test artist creation and drawing does not crash from thread # No other guarantees! fig, ax = plt.subplots() # plt.pause needed vs at least on toolbar2-tkagg plt.pause(0.5) future = ThreadPoolExecutor().submit(ax.plot, [1, 3, 6]) future.result() # Joins the thread; rethrows any exception. fig.canvas.mpl_connect("close_event", print) future = ThreadPoolExecutor().submit(fig.canvas.draw) plt.pause(0.5) # flush_events fails here on at least Tkagg (bpo-41176) future.result() # Joins the thread; rethrows any exception. plt.close() fig.canvas.flush_events() # pause doesn't process events after close _thread_safe_backends = _get_testable_interactive_backends() # Known unsafe backends. Remove the xfails if they start to pass! for param in _thread_safe_backends: backend = param.values[0]["MPLBACKEND"] if "cairo" in backend: # Cairo backends save a cairo_t on the graphics context, and sharing # these is not threadsafe. param.marks.append( pytest.mark.xfail(raises=subprocess.CalledProcessError)) elif backend == "wx": param.marks.append( pytest.mark.xfail(raises=subprocess.CalledProcessError)) elif backend == "macosx": from packaging.version import parse mac_ver = platform.mac_ver()[0] # Note, macOS Big Sur is both 11 and 10.16, depending on SDK that # Python was compiled against. if mac_ver and parse(mac_ver) < parse('10.16'): param.marks.append( pytest.mark.xfail(raises=subprocess.TimeoutExpired, strict=True)) elif param.values[0].get("QT_API") == "PySide2": param.marks.append( pytest.mark.xfail(raises=subprocess.CalledProcessError)) elif backend == "tkagg" and platform.python_implementation() != 'CPython': param.marks.append( pytest.mark.xfail( reason='PyPy does not support Tkinter threading: ' '', strict=True)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("env", _thread_safe_backends) @pytest.mark.flaky(reruns=3) def test_interactive_thread_safety(env): proc = [sys.executable, "-c", inspect.getsource(_test_thread_impl) + "\n_test_thread_impl()"], env={**os.environ, "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH": "0", **env}, timeout=_test_timeout, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) assert proc.stdout.count("CloseEvent") == 1 @pytest.mark.skipif('TF_BUILD' in os.environ, reason="this test fails an azure for unknown reasons") @pytest.mark.skipif( == "nt", reason="Cannot send SIGINT on Windows.") def test_webagg(): pytest.importorskip("tornado") proc = subprocess.Popen( [sys.executable, "-c", inspect.getsource(_test_interactive_impl) + "\n_test_interactive_impl()"], env={**os.environ, "MPLBACKEND": "webagg", "SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH": "0"}) url = "http://{}:{}".format( mpl.rcParams["webagg.address"], mpl.rcParams["webagg.port"]) timeout = time.perf_counter() + _test_timeout while True: try: retcode = proc.poll() # check that the subprocess for the server is not dead assert retcode is None conn = urllib.request.urlopen(url) break except urllib.error.URLError: if time.perf_counter() > timeout:"Failed to connect to the webagg server.") else: continue conn.close() proc.send_signal(signal.SIGINT) assert proc.wait(timeout=_test_timeout) == 0 @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform != "linux", reason="this a linux-only test") @pytest.mark.backend('QtAgg', skip_on_importerror=True) def test_lazy_linux_headless(): test_script = """ import os import sys # make it look headless os.environ.pop('DISPLAY', None) os.environ.pop('WAYLAND_DISPLAY', None) # we should fast-track to Agg import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.get_backend() == 'agg' assert 'PyQt5' not in sys.modules # make sure we really have pyqt installed import PyQt5 assert 'PyQt5' in sys.modules # try to switch and make sure we fail with ImportError try: plt.switch_backend('qt5agg') except ImportError: ... else: sys.exit(1) """ proc =[sys.executable, "-c", test_script], env={**os.environ, "MPLBACKEND": ""}) if proc.returncode:"The subprocess returned with non-zero exit status " f"{proc.returncode}.")