from matplotlib import transforms from matplotlib.offsetbox import (AnchoredOffsetbox, AuxTransformBox, DrawingArea, TextArea, VPacker) from matplotlib.patches import (Rectangle, Ellipse, ArrowStyle, FancyArrowPatch, PathPatch) from matplotlib.text import TextPath __all__ = ['AnchoredDrawingArea', 'AnchoredAuxTransformBox', 'AnchoredEllipse', 'AnchoredSizeBar', 'AnchoredDirectionArrows'] class AnchoredDrawingArea(AnchoredOffsetbox): def __init__(self, width, height, xdescent, ydescent, loc, pad=0.4, borderpad=0.5, prop=None, frameon=True, **kwargs): """ An anchored container with a fixed size and fillable DrawingArea. Artists added to the *drawing_area* will have their coordinates interpreted as pixels. Any transformations set on the artists will be overridden. Parameters ---------- width, height : float width and height of the container, in pixels. xdescent, ydescent : float descent of the container in the x- and y- direction, in pixels. loc : str Location of this artist. Valid locations are 'upper left', 'upper center', 'upper right', 'center left', 'center', 'center right', 'lower left', 'lower center, 'lower right'. For backward compatibility, numeric values are accepted as well. See the parameter *loc* of `.Legend` for details. pad : float, default: 0.4 Padding around the child objects, in fraction of the font size. borderpad : float, default: 0.5 Border padding, in fraction of the font size. prop : `matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties`, optional Font property used as a reference for paddings. frameon : bool, default: True If True, draw a box around this artists. **kwargs Keyword arguments forwarded to `.AnchoredOffsetbox`. Attributes ---------- drawing_area : `matplotlib.offsetbox.DrawingArea` A container for artists to display. Examples -------- To display blue and red circles of different sizes in the upper right of an axes *ax*: >>> ada = AnchoredDrawingArea(20, 20, 0, 0, ... loc='upper right', frameon=False) >>> ada.drawing_area.add_artist(Circle((10, 10), 10, fc="b")) >>> ada.drawing_area.add_artist(Circle((30, 10), 5, fc="r")) >>> ax.add_artist(ada) """ self.da = DrawingArea(width, height, xdescent, ydescent) self.drawing_area = self.da super().__init__( loc, pad=pad, borderpad=borderpad, child=self.da, prop=None, frameon=frameon, **kwargs ) class AnchoredAuxTransformBox(AnchoredOffsetbox): def __init__(self, transform, loc, pad=0.4, borderpad=0.5, prop=None, frameon=True, **kwargs): """ An anchored container with transformed coordinates. Artists added to the *drawing_area* are scaled according to the coordinates of the transformation used. The dimensions of this artist will scale to contain the artists added. Parameters ---------- transform : `matplotlib.transforms.Transform` The transformation object for the coordinate system in use, i.e., :attr:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.transData`. loc : str Location of this artist. Valid locations are 'upper left', 'upper center', 'upper right', 'center left', 'center', 'center right', 'lower left', 'lower center, 'lower right'. For backward compatibility, numeric values are accepted as well. See the parameter *loc* of `.Legend` for details. pad : float, default: 0.4 Padding around the child objects, in fraction of the font size. borderpad : float, default: 0.5 Border padding, in fraction of the font size. prop : `matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties`, optional Font property used as a reference for paddings. frameon : bool, default: True If True, draw a box around this artists. **kwargs Keyword arguments forwarded to `.AnchoredOffsetbox`. Attributes ---------- drawing_area : `matplotlib.offsetbox.AuxTransformBox` A container for artists to display. Examples -------- To display an ellipse in the upper left, with a width of 0.1 and height of 0.4 in data coordinates: >>> box = AnchoredAuxTransformBox(ax.transData, loc='upper left') >>> el = Ellipse((0, 0), width=0.1, height=0.4, angle=30) >>> box.drawing_area.add_artist(el) >>> ax.add_artist(box) """ self.drawing_area = AuxTransformBox(transform) super().__init__(loc, pad=pad, borderpad=borderpad, child=self.drawing_area, prop=prop, frameon=frameon, **kwargs) class AnchoredEllipse(AnchoredOffsetbox): def __init__(self, transform, width, height, angle, loc, pad=0.1, borderpad=0.1, prop=None, frameon=True, **kwargs): """ Draw an anchored ellipse of a given size. Parameters ---------- transform : `matplotlib.transforms.Transform` The transformation object for the coordinate system in use, i.e., :attr:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.transData`. width, height : float Width and height of the ellipse, given in coordinates of *transform*. angle : float Rotation of the ellipse, in degrees, anti-clockwise. loc : str Location of this ellipse. Valid locations are 'upper left', 'upper center', 'upper right', 'center left', 'center', 'center right', 'lower left', 'lower center, 'lower right'. For backward compatibility, numeric values are accepted as well. See the parameter *loc* of `.Legend` for details. pad : float, default: 0.1 Padding around the ellipse, in fraction of the font size. borderpad : float, default: 0.1 Border padding, in fraction of the font size. frameon : bool, default: True If True, draw a box around the ellipse. prop : `matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties`, optional Font property used as a reference for paddings. **kwargs Keyword arguments forwarded to `.AnchoredOffsetbox`. Attributes ---------- ellipse : `matplotlib.patches.Ellipse` Ellipse patch drawn. """ self._box = AuxTransformBox(transform) self.ellipse = Ellipse((0, 0), width, height, angle) self._box.add_artist(self.ellipse) super().__init__(loc, pad=pad, borderpad=borderpad, child=self._box, prop=prop, frameon=frameon, **kwargs) class AnchoredSizeBar(AnchoredOffsetbox): def __init__(self, transform, size, label, loc, pad=0.1, borderpad=0.1, sep=2, frameon=True, size_vertical=0, color='black', label_top=False, fontproperties=None, fill_bar=None, **kwargs): """ Draw a horizontal scale bar with a center-aligned label underneath. Parameters ---------- transform : `matplotlib.transforms.Transform` The transformation object for the coordinate system in use, i.e., :attr:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.transData`. size : float Horizontal length of the size bar, given in coordinates of *transform*. label : str Label to display. loc : str Location of this ellipse. Valid locations are 'upper left', 'upper center', 'upper right', 'center left', 'center', 'center right', 'lower left', 'lower center, 'lower right'. For backward compatibility, numeric values are accepted as well. See the parameter *loc* of `.Legend` for details. pad : float, default: 0.1 Padding around the label and size bar, in fraction of the font size. borderpad : float, default: 0.1 Border padding, in fraction of the font size. sep : float, default: 2 Separation between the label and the size bar, in points. frameon : bool, default: True If True, draw a box around the horizontal bar and label. size_vertical : float, default: 0 Vertical length of the size bar, given in coordinates of *transform*. color : str, default: 'black' Color for the size bar and label. label_top : bool, default: False If True, the label will be over the size bar. fontproperties : `matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties`, optional Font properties for the label text. fill_bar : bool, optional If True and if size_vertical is nonzero, the size bar will be filled in with the color specified by the size bar. Defaults to True if *size_vertical* is greater than zero and False otherwise. **kwargs Keyword arguments forwarded to `.AnchoredOffsetbox`. Attributes ---------- size_bar : `matplotlib.offsetbox.AuxTransformBox` Container for the size bar. txt_label : `matplotlib.offsetbox.TextArea` Container for the label of the size bar. Notes ----- If *prop* is passed as a keyword argument, but *fontproperties* is not, then *prop* is be assumed to be the intended *fontproperties*. Using both *prop* and *fontproperties* is not supported. Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import numpy as np >>> from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.anchored_artists import ( ... AnchoredSizeBar) >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> ax.imshow(np.random.random((10, 10))) >>> bar = AnchoredSizeBar(ax.transData, 3, '3 data units', 4) >>> ax.add_artist(bar) >>> Using all the optional parameters >>> import matplotlib.font_manager as fm >>> fontprops = fm.FontProperties(size=14, family='monospace') >>> bar = AnchoredSizeBar(ax.transData, 3, '3 units', 4, pad=0.5, ... sep=5, borderpad=0.5, frameon=False, ... size_vertical=0.5, color='white', ... fontproperties=fontprops) """ if fill_bar is None: fill_bar = size_vertical > 0 self.size_bar = AuxTransformBox(transform) self.size_bar.add_artist(Rectangle((0, 0), size, size_vertical, fill=fill_bar, facecolor=color, edgecolor=color)) if fontproperties is None and 'prop' in kwargs: fontproperties = kwargs.pop('prop') if fontproperties is None: textprops = {'color': color} else: textprops = {'color': color, 'fontproperties': fontproperties} self.txt_label = TextArea(label, textprops=textprops) if label_top: _box_children = [self.txt_label, self.size_bar] else: _box_children = [self.size_bar, self.txt_label] self._box = VPacker(children=_box_children, align="center", pad=0, sep=sep) super().__init__(loc, pad=pad, borderpad=borderpad, child=self._box, prop=fontproperties, frameon=frameon, **kwargs) class AnchoredDirectionArrows(AnchoredOffsetbox): def __init__(self, transform, label_x, label_y, length=0.15, fontsize=0.08, loc='upper left', angle=0, aspect_ratio=1, pad=0.4, borderpad=0.4, frameon=False, color='w', alpha=1, sep_x=0.01, sep_y=0, fontproperties=None, back_length=0.15, head_width=10, head_length=15, tail_width=2, text_props=None, arrow_props=None, **kwargs): """ Draw two perpendicular arrows to indicate directions. Parameters ---------- transform : `matplotlib.transforms.Transform` The transformation object for the coordinate system in use, i.e., :attr:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.transAxes`. label_x, label_y : str Label text for the x and y arrows length : float, default: 0.15 Length of the arrow, given in coordinates of *transform*. fontsize : float, default: 0.08 Size of label strings, given in coordinates of *transform*. loc : str, default: 'upper left' Location of this ellipse. Valid locations are 'upper left', 'upper center', 'upper right', 'center left', 'center', 'center right', 'lower left', 'lower center, 'lower right'. For backward compatibility, numeric values are accepted as well. See the parameter *loc* of `.Legend` for details. angle : float, default: 0 The angle of the arrows in degrees. aspect_ratio : float, default: 1 The ratio of the length of arrow_x and arrow_y. Negative numbers can be used to change the direction. pad : float, default: 0.4 Padding around the labels and arrows, in fraction of the font size. borderpad : float, default: 0.4 Border padding, in fraction of the font size. frameon : bool, default: False If True, draw a box around the arrows and labels. color : str, default: 'white' Color for the arrows and labels. alpha : float, default: 1 Alpha values of the arrows and labels sep_x, sep_y : float, default: 0.01 and 0 respectively Separation between the arrows and labels in coordinates of *transform*. fontproperties : `matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties`, optional Font properties for the label text. back_length : float, default: 0.15 Fraction of the arrow behind the arrow crossing. head_width : float, default: 10 Width of arrow head, sent to ArrowStyle. head_length : float, default: 15 Length of arrow head, sent to ArrowStyle. tail_width : float, default: 2 Width of arrow tail, sent to ArrowStyle. text_props, arrow_props : dict Properties of the text and arrows, passed to `.textpath.TextPath` and `.patches.FancyArrowPatch`. **kwargs Keyword arguments forwarded to `.AnchoredOffsetbox`. Attributes ---------- arrow_x, arrow_y : `matplotlib.patches.FancyArrowPatch` Arrow x and y text_path_x, text_path_y : `matplotlib.textpath.TextPath` Path for arrow labels p_x, p_y : `matplotlib.patches.PathPatch` Patch for arrow labels box : `matplotlib.offsetbox.AuxTransformBox` Container for the arrows and labels. Notes ----- If *prop* is passed as a keyword argument, but *fontproperties* is not, then *prop* is be assumed to be the intended *fontproperties*. Using both *prop* and *fontproperties* is not supported. Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import numpy as np >>> from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.anchored_artists import ( ... AnchoredDirectionArrows) >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots() >>> ax.imshow(np.random.random((10, 10))) >>> arrows = AnchoredDirectionArrows(ax.transAxes, '111', '110') >>> ax.add_artist(arrows) >>> Using several of the optional parameters, creating downward pointing arrow and high contrast text labels. >>> import matplotlib.font_manager as fm >>> fontprops = fm.FontProperties(family='monospace') >>> arrows = AnchoredDirectionArrows(ax.transAxes, 'East', 'South', ... loc='lower left', color='k', ... aspect_ratio=-1, sep_x=0.02, ... sep_y=-0.01, ... text_props={'ec':'w', 'fc':'k'}, ... fontproperties=fontprops) """ if arrow_props is None: arrow_props = {} if text_props is None: text_props = {} arrowstyle = ArrowStyle("Simple", head_width=head_width, head_length=head_length, tail_width=tail_width) if fontproperties is None and 'prop' in kwargs: fontproperties = kwargs.pop('prop') if 'color' not in arrow_props: arrow_props['color'] = color if 'alpha' not in arrow_props: arrow_props['alpha'] = alpha if 'color' not in text_props: text_props['color'] = color if 'alpha' not in text_props: text_props['alpha'] = alpha t_start = transform t_end = t_start + transforms.Affine2D().rotate_deg(angle) = AuxTransformBox(t_end) length_x = length length_y = length*aspect_ratio self.arrow_x = FancyArrowPatch( (0, back_length*length_y), (length_x, back_length*length_y), arrowstyle=arrowstyle, shrinkA=0.0, shrinkB=0.0, **arrow_props) self.arrow_y = FancyArrowPatch( (back_length*length_x, 0), (back_length*length_x, length_y), arrowstyle=arrowstyle, shrinkA=0.0, shrinkB=0.0, **arrow_props) text_path_x = TextPath(( length_x+sep_x, back_length*length_y+sep_y), label_x, size=fontsize, prop=fontproperties) self.p_x = PathPatch(text_path_x, transform=t_start, **text_props) text_path_y = TextPath(( length_x*back_length+sep_x, length_y*(1-back_length)+sep_y), label_y, size=fontsize, prop=fontproperties) self.p_y = PathPatch(text_path_y, **text_props) super().__init__(loc, pad=pad, borderpad=borderpad,, frameon=frameon, **kwargs)